Psychometric analysis of the Brisbane Practice Environment Measure (B-PEM)

Autoria(s): Flint, Anndrea; Farrugia, Charles; Courtney, Mary; Webster, Joan



Purpose: To undertake rigorous psychometric testing of the newly developed contemporary work environment measure (the Brisbane Practice Environment Measure [B-PEM]) using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Methods: Content validity of the 33-item measure was established by a panel of experts. Initial testing involved 195 nursing staff using principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation (orthogonal) and Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using data from a further 983 nursing staff. Results: Principal component factor analysis yielded a four-factor solution with eigenvalues greater than 1 that explained 52.53% of the variance. These factors were then verified using confirmatory factor analysis. Goodness-of-fit indices showed an acceptable fit overall with the full model, explaining 21% to 73% of the variance. Deletion of items took place throughout the evolution of the instrument, resulting in a 26-item, four-factor measure called the Brisbane Practice Environment Measure-Tested. Conclusions: The B-PEM has undergone rigorous psychometric testing, providing evidence of internal consistency and goodness-of-fit indices within acceptable ranges. The measure can be utilised as a subscale or total score reflective of a contemporary nursing work environment. Clinical Relevance: An up-to-date instrument to measure practice environment may be useful for nursing leaders to monitor the workplace and to assist in identifying areas for improvement, facilitating greater job satisfaction and retention.





Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc



Flint, Anndrea, Farrugia, Charles, Courtney, Mary, & Webster, Joan (2010) Psychometric analysis of the Brisbane Practice Environment Measure (B-PEM). Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(1), pp. 76-82.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Nursing

Palavras-Chave #111000 NURSING #Practice environment #instrument development #nursing #retention #job satisfaction #measure

Journal Article