Mutual protection in a cloud computing environment

Autoria(s): Albeshri, Aiiad Ahmad; Caelli, William



The term “cloud computing” has emerged as a major ICT trend and has been acknowledged by respected industry survey organizations as a key technology and market development theme for the industry and ICT users in 2010. However, one of the major challenges that faces the cloud computing concept and its global acceptance is how to secure and protect the data and processes that are the property of the user. The security of the cloud computing environment is a new research area requiring further development by both the academic and industrial research communities. Today, there are many diverse and uncoordinated efforts underway to address security issues in cloud computing and, especially, the identity management issues. This paper introduces an architecture for a new approach to necessary “mutual protection” in the cloud computing environment, based upon a concept of mutual trust and the specification of definable profiles in vector matrix form. The architecture aims to achieve better, more generic and flexible authentication, authorization and control, based on a concept of mutuality, within that cloud computing environment.





IEEE Computer Society



Albeshri, Aiiad Ahmad & Caelli, William (2010) Mutual protection in a cloud computing environment. In IEEE 12th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2010), IEEE Computer Society, Melbourne, 641-646 .


Copyright 2010 IEEE

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Faculty of Science and Technology; Information Security Institute

Palavras-Chave #109900 OTHER TECHNOLOGY #Cloud Computing

Conference Paper