The validity of simulators in studying driving behaviours

Autoria(s): Rouzikhah, Hossein; King, Mark; Rakotonirainy, Andry



Driver simulators provide safe conditions to assess driver behaviour and provide controlled and repeatable environments for study. They are a promising research tool in terms of both providing safety and experimentally well controlled environments. There are wide ranges of driver simulators, from laptops to advanced technologies which are controlled by several computers in a real car mounted on platforms with six degrees of freedom of movement. The applicability of simulator-based research in a particular study needs to be considered before starting the study, to determine whether the use of a simulator is actually appropriate for the research. Given the wide range of driver simulators and their uses, it is important to know beforehand how closely the results from a driver simulator match results found in the real word. Comparison between drivers’ performance under real road conditions and in particular simulators is a fundamental part of validation. The important question is whether the results obtained in a simulator mirror real world results. In this paper, the results of the most recently conducted research into validity of simulators is presented.



Rouzikhah, Hossein, King, Mark, & Rakotonirainy, Andry (2010) The validity of simulators in studying driving behaviours. In 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, 31 August - 3 September 2010, Canberra.


Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Qld (CARRS-Q); Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation

Palavras-Chave #150703 Road Transportation and Freight Services

Conference Item