Fusing shrinking and expanding active contour models for robust IRIS segmentation

Autoria(s): Nguyen Thanh, Kien; Fookes, Clinton B.; Sridharan, Sridha

Boashash, Boualem

Hamila, Ridha

Salleh, Sheikh Hussain Shaikh

Bakar, Syed Abd Rahman Abu




The performance of iris recognition systems is significantly affected by the segmentation accuracy, especially in non- ideal iris images. This paper proposes an improved method to localise non-circular iris images quickly and accurately. Shrinking and expanding active contour methods are consolidated when localising inner and outer iris boundaries. First, the pupil region is roughly estimated based on histogram thresholding and morphological operations. There- after, a shrinking active contour model is used to precisely locate the inner iris boundary. Finally, the estimated inner iris boundary is used as an initial contour for an expanding active contour scheme to find the outer iris boundary. The proposed scheme is robust in finding exact the iris boundaries of non-circular and off-angle irises. In addition, occlusions of the iris images from eyelids and eyelashes are automatically excluded from the detected iris region. Experimental results on CASIA v3.0 iris databases indicate the accuracy of proposed technique.










Nguyen Thanh, Kien, Fookes, Clinton B., & Sridharan, Sridha (2010) Fusing shrinking and expanding active contour models for robust IRIS segmentation. In Boashash, Boualem, Hamila, Ridha, Salleh, Sheikh Hussain Shaikh, & Bakar, Syed Abd Rahman Abu (Eds.) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications, IEEE, Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 185-188.


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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

Palavras-Chave #080600 INFORMATION SYSTEMS #Iris Segmentation #Iris Recognition #Active Contour Model #Snake #Shrinking and Expanding Active Contour Model

Conference Paper