AITPM Email Newsletter Volume 0909, September 2009: Presidents Message

Autoria(s): Bunker, Jonathan M.



President’s Message Hello fellow AITPM members, A few weeks have now passed since our 2009 AITPM National Conference, Traffic Beyond Tomorrow, which was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 5 to 7 August. I personally had a most enjoyable and enriching time at the Conference and felt these same “vibes” all around me. Top marks go to the South Australia organising committee, convened by Andrew Leedham, for their dedication to this our flagship event for the year. I could go on to cite my highlights but there were too many to give due diligence here. I had a number of official functions to perform at the Conference, but one in particular worth mentioning was being interviewed by radio stations 5AA, the main news/talk commercial broadcaster in Adelaide, and 891 ABC Adelaide. All interviewers were focussed on the issue of congestion charging, which is interesting in its emergence as a public conversation piece. My main responses focussed on the importance of providing alternatives for travel to the motorist otherwise being charged by a scheme, if and when decisions were made to implement congestion charging. I found that these opportunities to present AITPM as a professional peak body were very fruitful. The Queensland organising committee is now in full swing organising the 2010 AITPM National Conference, What’s New?, so please keep a lookout for related content. You’ll also find within this edition a transcript of my President’s Report to the 2009 AITPM National Annual General Meeting, which was held during the Adelaide Conference. Best regards to all, Jon Bunker





Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management Incorporated


Bunker, Jonathan M. (2009) AITPM Email Newsletter Volume 0909, September 2009: Presidents Message. Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management Incorporated Newsletter : Volume 0909, September 2009.


Copyright 2009 [please consult the author]


Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Urban Development

Palavras-Chave #090507 Transport Engineering #Traffic Engineering #Transport Planning #Transport Management #Traffic Management #Traffic Planning
