Defining reference service life : an open innovation approach

Autoria(s): Cole, I; Trinidad, G; Corrigan, P; Maher, M.L; Liew, P; Gilbert , D; Ball, M; Carsed, A



The endeavour to obtain estimates of durability of components for use in lifecycle assessment or costing and infrastructure and maintenance planning systems is large. The factor method and the reference service life concept provide a very valuable structure, but do not resolve the central dilemma of the need to derive an extensive database of service life. Traditional methods of estimating service life, such as dose functions or degradation models, can play a role in developing this database, however the scale of the problem clearly indicates that individual dose functions cannot be derived for each component in each different local and geographic setting. Thus, a wider range of techniques is required in order to devise reference service life. This paper outlines the approaches being taken in the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation project to predict reference service life. Approaches include the development of fundamental degradation and microclimate models, the development of a situation-based reasoning ‘engine’ to vary the ‘estimator’ of service life, and the development of a database on expert performance (Delphi study). These methods should be viewed as complementary rather than as discrete alternatives. As discussed in the paper, the situation-based reasoning approach in fact has the possibility of encompassing all other methods.





CRC for Construction Innovation


Cole, I , Trinidad, G, Corrigan, P, Maher, M.L, Liew, P, Gilbert , D, Ball, M, & Carsed, A (2005) Defining reference service life : an open innovation approach. In 10DBMC International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, 17–20 April 2005., Lyons, France..


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Palavras-Chave #CRC for Construction Innovation #Program B : Sustainable Built Assets #Project 2002-024-B : Team Collaboration in High Bandwidth Virtual Environments

Conference Paper