982 resultados para Índice de superficie foliar


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Questo lavoro di tesi verte sulla progettazione architettonica di un grattacielo ad uso misto nel cuore di Dubai. E’ stato scelto come sito di collocazione proprio Dubai in quanto fiorente cittadina in grande e continua espansione. In uno skyline così eterogeneo, caratterizzato da grattacieli imponenti, è stato possibile progettare un edificio dall’importante volumetria e dalla particolare conformazione. Partendo da un modello di riferimento in campo biologico, il Saguaro Cactus, si è tratto spunto al fine di creare un ambiente che, seppure nella sua imponenza, potesse, dal suo interno, trasmettere un senso di spazio fluido e continuo ai suoi fruitori. A raggiungimento di tal scopo si è pensato ad una superficie fluida, continua, scanalata che avvolgesse tutta la struttura, creando rientranze, aggetti ed aperture trattandone


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È ben noto che non è possibile definire un embedding dello spazio proiettivo P^2(R) in R^3. Werner Boy nel 1901 provò per via teorica l’esistenza di un’immersione di P^2 in R^3: l’immagine di tale immersione è nota come superficie di Boy. Successivamente tale immersione venne fornita esplicitamente e si dimostrò che la superficie di Boy poteva essere ottenuta deformando la superficie romana di Steiner. Quest’ultima è una rappresentazione di P^2(R) in R^3 che non è tuttavia un’immersione, per la presenza di punti singolari detti pinch points.


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In questo progetto di tesi ci si addentrerà nel campo della scansione corporea, e più in generale di qualunque oggetto. In questo ambito le soluzioni proposte sono numerose e questo settore ha vissuto negli ultimi anni un’incredibile crescita, favorita anche dalla nascita delle stampanti 3D. Si può ragionevolmente supporre che tale crescita non sia destinata ad esaurirsi nei prossimi anni; ci sono i presupposti per cui questo settore occupi fette sempre più importanti del mercato. In questa tesi ci si è occupati prevalentemente di tecniche di scansione del corpo umano, in quanto una descrizione geometricamente accurata della superficie corporea riveste una notevole importanza sia nelle applicazioni industriali che nello studio della biomeccanica del movimento. Per quanto riguarda le applicazioni industriali si pensi ad esempio all’utilizzo di scanner 3D in accoppiata alle moderne stampanti 3D per la realizzazione di protesi custom o al comparto sartoriale per il confezionamento di abiti su misura. Nell’ambito della biomeccanica essa può risultare utile sia per quanto riguarda gli aspetti cinematici e dinamici nei campi riabilitativo, ergonomico e sportivo, sia per quanto riguarda la stima delle grandezze antropometriche. Attualmente esistono sistemi di scansione corporea low-cost che si stanno sempre più diffondendo e si può pensare ad un futuro neanche tanto lontano nel quale essi siano presenti in maniera diffusa nelle abitazioni. In tale contesto gli obiettivi di questa tesi sono: 1) Documentare quanto prodotto finora a livello scientifico, brevettuale ed industriale, evidenziando meriti e limiti di ciascuna soluzione. 2) Individuare e valutare la realizzabilità di soluzioni innovative low-cost.


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By attacking plants, herbivorous mammals, insects, and belowground pathogens are known to play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in grasslands. Foliar fungal pathogens are ubiquitous in grassland ecosystems, but little is known about their role as drivers of community composition and diversity. Here we excluded foliar fungal pathogens from perennial grassland by using fungicide to determine the effect of natural levels of disease on an otherwise undisturbed plant community. Importantly, we excluded foliar fungal pathogens along with rabbits, insects, and mollusks in a full factorial design, which allowed a comparison of pathogen effects along with those of better studied plant enemies. This revealed that fungal pathogens substantially reduced aboveground plant biomass and promoted plant diversity and that this especially benefited legumes. The scale of pathogen effects on productivity and biodiversity was similar to that of rabbits and insects, but different plant species responded to the exclusion of the three plant enemies. These results suggest that theories of plant coexistence and management of biodiversity in grasslands should consider foliar fungal pathogens as potentially important drivers of community composition.


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years, some farmers have included fungicides in their common crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There also have been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases on soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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Fungicide use on hybrid corn has increased considerably in the past four growing seasons primarily due to reports of increased yields, even in the absence of disease and higher corn prices. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to 1) assess the effect of timing of application of fungicides on standability, 2) evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application, and 3) to discern differences, if any, between fungicide products.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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Fungicide use on hybrid corn has increased considerably in the past three growing seasons primarily due to reports of increased yields, even in the absence of disease and higher corn prices. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to 1) evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application, 2) compare the yield response of various products and timing of application, and 3) to assess the effect of fungicide application on stalk rot development.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years some farmers have made fungicides a regular input in their crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There have also been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la Evapotranspiración real (ETR) a nivel regional utilizando la información del satélite meteorológico NOAA-AVHRR y comparar los resultados obtenidos con los calculados a partir de un modelo de simulación de balance hídrico. Para la estimación de la ETR se analizaron 30 imágenes que abarcan el oasis Norte de Mendoza. Con la información de los canales C1 (Visible) y C2 (IRC) se obtuvo el índice verde normalizado (NDVI), a través del cual se siguió la evolución anual de la vegetación y con la correspondiente al Infrarrojo térmico (C4 y C5) se calculó la Temperatura de superficie (Ts) por el método Split - Windows Luego se vinculó la Ts calculada por teledetección con la temperatura del aire (Ta), para finalmente calcular la suma acumulada de las diferencias entre Ts y Ta, conocida como SDD (stress degree day) que permite estimar globalmente las características de stress hídrico a nivel regional. Conociendo (Ts-Ta) se estimó la ETR a partir de la radiación neta y de los coeficientes A y B que se estimaron según las características de la cobertura vegetal, aplicando una relación simplificada a partir del balance de energía, desarrollado por Jackson (1977) y Seguin (1983) según la ecuación: ETR = Rn + A -B ( Ts - Ta ) Posteriormente, se incluyó en los cálculos los valores de Emisividad y se hizo variar el coeficiente B de acuerdo a la ocupación del suelo en cada uno de los polígonos en que fue dividida el área de estudio. En la etapa final se compararon estadísticamente los datos de ETR estimados por los distintos métodos con los simulados por el modelo y se obtuvo como conclusión final que: la estimación de la ETR a nivel regional mediante datos satelitales, se adapta muy bien a la mayoría de los casos y es sencilla de calcular, por lo que la metodología desarrollada es fácilmente extrapolable a otros oasis de la región.


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Los espacios verdes y, en general, la vegetación que cumple funciones estéticas y de protección ambiental son valorados, medidos y calculados por el área destinada al cultivo, en lugar de basar los cálculos en los elementos vegetales constitutivos. Esto significa una simplificación excesiva de la valoración de la vegetación (actual o proyectada) que no aporta criterios de cuantificación valorativa necesarios, actualmente, tanto para preservar vegetación existente como para políticas de desarrollo urbano y proyectos de ingeniería del mejoramiento ambiental. En el presente trabajo se propone aplicar a la valoración de los jardines frontales urbanos de la ciudad de Mendoza una metodología cuantitativa desarrollada por R. Codina et al., que se apoya en un concepto nuevo que es su influencia como mejoradores ambientales. La ecuación de cálculo se integra con índices de valoración como el Índice de Vegetación Ambientalmente Activa y el Índice Ambiental Urbanístico, que permiten cuantificar la importancia urbanística y ambiental de la vegetación. También se propone una base para implementar una política de incentivo de los jardines frontales mediante la disminución del avalúo valor terreno del impuesto inmobiliario, en una escala progresiva según el Índice Ambiental Urbanístico de cada propiedad, tendiente a la transformación de la ciudad en una ciudad-jardín, mejorando la calidad de vida y el atractivo turístico urbano.