118 resultados para trainings


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The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) sponsored by the G20 nations has helped fund the development of training programs for HIV/AIDS counselors in India. To date no study has examined the effectiveness of these training programs. This study, therefore, aimed to examine the impact of a 12 training program in improving the knowledge of new HIV/AIDS counselors in West Bengal and compare benefits of three training programs. Pre and post measures were taken from 87 counsellors attending three training programs organized by the GFATM-7 team of the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. Overall pre and post training scores of three training programs together show significant improvements in knowledge. The findings from this study provide confidence that the 12 day training program can be effectively implemented among West Bengal HIV/AIDS counsellors.


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The activity dependent brain repair mechanism has been widely adopted in many types of neurorehabilitation. The activity leads to target specific and non-specific beneficial effects in different brain regions, such as the releasing of neurotrophic factors, modulation of the cytokines and generation of new neurons in adult hood. However physical exercise program clinically are limited to some of the patients with preserved motor functions; while many patients suffered from paralysis cannot make such efforts. Here the authors proposed the employment of mirror neurons system in promoting brain rehabilitation by "observation based stimulation". Mirror neuron system has been considered as an important basis for action understanding and learning by mimicking others. During the action observation, mirror neuron system mediated the direct activation of the same group of motor neurons that are responsible for the observed action. The effect is clear, direct, specific and evolutionarily conserved. Moreover, recent evidences hinted for the beneficial effects on stroke patients after mirror neuron system activation therapy. Finally some music-relevant therapies were proposed to be related with mirror neuron system.


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Schon seit einigen Jahrzehnten wird die Sportwissenschaft durch computergestützte Methoden in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt. Mit der stetigen Weiterentwicklung der Technik kann seit einigen Jahren auch zunehmend die Sportpraxis von deren Einsatz profitieren. Mathematische und informatische Modelle sowie Algorithmen werden zur Leistungsoptimierung sowohl im Mannschafts- als auch im Individualsport genutzt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das von Prof. Perl im Jahr 2000 entwickelte Metamodell PerPot an den ausdauerorientierten Laufsport angepasst. Die Änderungen betreffen sowohl die interne Modellstruktur als auch die Art der Ermittlung der Modellparameter. Damit das Modell in der Sportpraxis eingesetzt werden kann, wurde ein Kalibrierungs-Test entwickelt, mit dem die spezifischen Modellparameter an den jeweiligen Sportler individuell angepasst werden. Mit dem angepassten Modell ist es möglich, aus gegebenen Geschwindigkeitsprofilen die korrespondierenden Herzfrequenzverläufe abzubilden. Mit dem auf den Athleten eingestellten Modell können anschliessend Simulationen von Läufen durch die Eingabe von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen durchgeführt werden. Die Simulationen können in der Praxis zur Optimierung des Trainings und der Wettkämpfe verwendet werden. Das Training kann durch die Ermittlung einer simulativ bestimmten individuellen anaeroben Schwellenherzfrequenz optimal gesteuert werden. Die statistische Auswertung der PerPot-Schwelle zeigt signifikante Übereinstimmungen mit den in der Sportpraxis üblichen invasiv bestimmten Laktatschwellen. Die Wettkämpfe können durch die Ermittlung eines optimalen Geschwindigkeitsprofils durch verschiedene simulationsbasierte Optimierungsverfahren unterstützt werden. Bei der neuesten Methode erhält der Athlet sogar im Laufe des Wettkampfs aktuelle Prognosen, die auf den Geschwindigkeits- und Herzfrequenzdaten basieren, die während des Wettkampfs gemessen werden. Die mit PerPot optimierten Wettkampfzielzeiten für die Athleten zeigen eine hohe Prognosegüte im Vergleich zu den tatsächlich erreichten Zielzeiten.


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Telefonkommunikationsfertigkeiten sind in der modernen Medizin von zunehmender Bedeutung. Entsprechend wurde vom Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin ein Telefonkommunikationskurs eingeführt. Mit zwei technischen Lösungen unterstützen wir in unserem Skills Lab diesen Kurs. Mit drei im Internet abrufbaren Tonbeispielen können sich die Studierenden auf das Training vorbereiten. Unsere Befragung ergab, dass mehr als drei Viertel der Studierenden diese Tonbeispiele nutzen. Um den Problemen und Kosten von am Netz angeschlossenen Telefongeräten auszuweichen, haben wir Schleusentelefone der Schweizer Armee angeschafft. Diese lassen sich direkt verbinden, benötigen nur Typ C Batterien und haben Kurbel betrieben Klingeln. Sowohl Aufbau wie Einsatz waren problemlos. Mittels QR Codes auf dem Poster können die Leser mit ihren Smartphones die Tonbeispiele und ein Video über den Telefonkommunikationskurs ansteuern.


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Neurokognitive Spätfolgen nach pädiatrischem Hirntumor spielen bei der immer grösser werdenden Anzahl von Überlebenden eine wichtige Rolle. Im Bereich der schulischen Fertigkeiten zeigen sich vor allem Defizite in der Lesekompetenz. Die Hauptziele der vorliegenden Studien bestanden darin, Hirnfunktionsstörungen bei einer ausgewählten Gruppe von Kindern und Jugendlichen (Hirntumorpatienten) zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose zu erfassen, sowie Wissen über alters- und intelligenzunabhängige Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die kognitive Leistung am Beispiel des Lesens bereitzustellen. Insgesamt flossen Daten von rund 180 Kindern und Jugendlichen in die jeweiligen Analysen ein, wobei sowohl ein klinisches Sample (Kinder und Jugendliche mit Krebserkrankungen) als auch Kinder aus unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen und in zwei verschiedenen Schulmodellen (Primarschule und Heilpädagogische Schule) berücksichtigt wurden. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass Krebserkrankungen, welche das zentrale Nervensystem betreffen, schon zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose Auswirkungen auf basale neurokognitive Fähigkeiten haben. Diese Defizite können zu einer Verzögerung der neurokognitiven Entwicklung beitragen. Daher müssen möglichst früh pädagogische und/oder therapeutische Massnahmen eingeleitet werden, welche in den Patienten- und Schulalltag implementiert werden können. Das hier vorgestellte neu entwickelte Wort-Bild-Training, das in einem ersten Schritt bei normalbegabten und geistig behinderten Kindern verschiedener Altersstufen positive Effekte auf die Verbesserung der Lesefertigkeit und des Leseverständnisses gezeigt hat, könnte ebenfalls eine wertvolle Fördermöglichkeit für Kinder mit Hirnfunktionsstörungen aufgrund onkologischer Erkrankungen darstellen. Obwohl die erreichte Verbesserung der Lesekompetenz eher klein ausfiel, wiesen die Effekte zumindest über kurze Zeit eine gewisse Stabilität auf. Dieser Befund spricht für die Möglichkeit der Einflussnahme auf die Leseprozesse durch das (auf implizitem statistischen Lernen basierende) Training, widerspiegelt gleichzeitig aber auch deren Grenzen. Das gewonnene Wissen wird in Bezug auf die Relevanz für die klinische und pädagogische Praxis diskutiert. Ausgehend von den eigenen Studienergebnissen wird schliesslich angeregt, impliziten Lernstrategien in den Lehrplänen einen höheren Stellenwert einzuräumen und mit der Förderung von einfachen Lesestrategien bei pädiatrischen Hirntumorpatienten möglichst frühzeitig zu beginnen.


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This paper shows the preliminary results of the development and application of a procedure to filter the Acoustic Emission (AE) signals to distinguish between AE signals coming from friction and AE signals coming from concrete cracking. These signals were recorded during the trainings of an experiment carried out on a reinforced concrete frame subjected to dynamic loadings with the shaking table of the University of Granada (Spain). Discrimination between friction and cracking AE signals is the base to develop a successful procedure and damage index based on AE testing for health monitoring of RC structures subjected to earthquakes.


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The aim of this study is to analyse the physical and physiological factors in soccer training at different categories of training. The participants were 30 soccer players of 8-aside soccer in the under 10’s age group (9.93±0.25 years) who participated in the under 10 Provincial Tournament in Alicante. During training, the variables of covered distance, heart rate, speed (average and maximum values) as well as the methodology used and position were registered. After the statistical analysis and its related discussion, it was concluded that the players do not show differences in the covered total distance in relation to the category. Notwithstanding, there are differences with regards to speed and heart rate, which are caused by the greater physical development of the players in comparison to the under10’s age group category. Regarding the methodology employed, it is worth stressing that the coaches used, to a greater extend, the global method, followed by the mixed method.


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Wie kann in Seminaren zu Genderkompetenz Offenheit erzeugt werden, wenn die Teilnehmenden sich nicht freiwillig für den Besuch entschieden haben und daher mit Desinteresse oder Widerwillen reagieren? Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt ein didaktisches Vorgehen, das den persönlichen Widerstand von Teilnehmenden aufzulösen vermag und letztlich ein Problembewusstsein für soziale Ungleichheit initiiert. Zentral sind hierfür die Reflexion persönlicher Erfahrungen und ideologischer Diskussionen, die Ungleichheitsthemen meist mit sich bringen. Das vorgestellte didaktische Vorgehen im Gender Training, das u.a. Kompetenzerwartungen an Führungskräfte im Bildungsbereich entlang Geschlechterstereotypien aufdeckt, ist auch für andere Themen der politischen Bildung einsetzbar. Um also ein politisches Bewusstsein über Hierarchisierungs- und Diskriminierungsprozesse zu befördern, ist es wichtig, Ausschließungsprozesse im Alltag erlebbar zu machen und zu erkennen, wer vom Ausschluss anderer profitiert, wer die Ausschlusskriterien festlegt und dass unterschiedliche Kriterien dafür geeignet sind. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Business Process Management (BPM) is a top priority in organisations and is rapidly proliferating as an emerging discipline in practice. However, the current studies show lack of appropriate BPM skilled professionals in the field and a dearth of opportunities to develop BPM expertise. This paper analyses the gap between available BPM-related education in Australia and required BPM capabilities. BPM courses offered by Australian universities and training institutions have been critically analysed and mapped against leading BPM capability frameworks to determine how well current BPM education and training offerings in Australia actually address the core capabilities required for BPM professionals. The outcomes reported here can be used by Australian universities and training institutions to better align and position their training materials to the BPM required capabilities. It could also be beneficial to individuals looking for a systematic and in-depth understanding of BPM capabilities and trainings.


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Baseline findings from the Healthy Home Child Care Project include data from Family Child Care Providers (FCCPs) in Oregon (n=53) who completed assessments of nutrition and physical activity policies and practices and BMI data for children in the care of FCCPs (n=205). Results show that a significant percentage of FCCPs failed to meet child care standards in several areas and that 26.8% of children under the care of FCCPs were overweight or obese. These data supported the development of an Extension-delivered intervention specific to FCCPs in Oregon and highlight areas of concern that should be addressed through targeted trainings of FCCPs.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a case study of two organisations working in evacuation centres which overcame challenges to develop a constructive relationship, resulting in improved outcomes for disaster-affected people. A wide range of services for disaster-affected communities are provided as part of emergency sheltering. Collaboration between agencies providing services is essential, but sometimes challenging. Design/methodology/approach A wide range of services for disaster-affected communities are provided as part of emergency sheltering. Collaboration between agencies providing services is essential, but sometimes challenging. The purpose of this paper is to provide a case study of two organisations working in evacuation centres which overcame challenges to develop a constructive relationship, resulting in improved outcomes for disaster-affected people. Findings The Preferred Sheltering Practices provides an ongoing anchor for Australian Red Cross and Environmental Health Australia (EHA) (Queensland) Inc.’s relationship and has led to other tangible benefits such as involvement in each other’s events and trainings. The relationship has become embedded in each organisation’s day-to-day business ensuring the relationship’s sustainability beyond individual staff movements. Originality/value This case study provides an example of how collaboration can be achieved between two organisations with seemingly different mandates to improve the response for disaster-affected communities.


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The purpose of this research is to examine whether short-term communication training can have an impact on the improvement of communication capacity of working communities, and what are prerequisites for the creation of such capacity. Subjects of this research were short-term communication trainings aimed at the managerial and expert levels of enterprises and communities. The research endeavors to find out how communication trainings with an impact should be devised and implemented, and what this requires from the client and provider of the training service. The research data is mostly comprised of quantitative feed-back collected at the end of a training day, as well as delayed interviews. The evaluations have been based on a stakeholder approach, and those concerned were participants to the trainings, clients having commissioned the trainings and communication trainers. The principal method of the qualitative analysis is that of a data-driven content analysis. Two research instruments have been constructed for the analysis and for the presentation of the results: an evaluation circle for the purposes of a holistic evaluation and a development matrix for the structuring of an effective training. The core concept of the matrix is a carrier wave effect, which is needed to carry the abstractions from the training into concrete functions in the everyday life. The relevance of the results has been tested in a pilot organization. The immediate assessment and delayed evaluations gave a very differing picture of the trainings. The immediate feedback was of nearly commendable level, but the effects carried forward into the everyday situations of the working community were small and that the learning rarely was applied into practice. A training session that receives good feedback does not automatically result in the development of individual competence, let alone that of the community. The results show that even short-term communication training can promote communication competence that eventually changes the working culture on an organizational level, provided that the training is designed into a process and that the connections into the participants’ work are ensured. It is essential that all eight elements of the carrier wave effect are taken into account. The entire purchaser-provider -process must function while not omitting the contribution of the participants themselves. The research illustrates the so called bow tie -model of an effective communication training based on the carrier wave effect. Testing the results in pilot trainings showed that a rather small change in the training approach may have a signi¬ficant effect on the outcome of the training as well as those effects that are carried on into the working community. The evaluation circle proved to be a useful tool, which can be used while planning, executing and evaluating training in practice. The development matrix works as a tool for those producing the training service, those using the service as well as those deciding on the purchase of the service in planning and evaluating training that sustainably improves communication capacity. Thus the evaluation circle also works to support and ensure the long-term effects of short-term trainings. In addition to communication trainings, the tools developed for this research are useable for many such needs, where an organization is looking to improve its operations and profitability through training.


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O desenvolvimento de habilidades de comunicação em médicos tem sido apontado como uma necessidade e uma competência fundamental para o exercício da medicina. A empatia é uma habilidade interpessoal que pode ser descrita como a capacidade de compreender o ponto de vista e os sentimentos de uma outra pessoa sem julgá-los e de comunicar esse entendimento de modo que a pessoa que fala se sinta verdadeiramente compreendida pela pessoa que ouve. Essa habilidade promove um senso de validação na pessoa que fala, especialmente em situações de conflito, reduzindo a probabilidade de rompimento e fortalecendo os vínculos interpessoais. A empatia dos médicos é atribuída à sua educação pessoal, sendo raro o desenvolvimento dessa competência social durante o curso de formação médica. O desconhecimento sobre essa habilidade e sua função no exercício profissional motivou a realização deste estudo sobre a empatia em médicos que atuam em diferentes contextos de atenção à saúde no município do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram desta pesquisa 75 profissionais, dos quais 25 atuavam no nível da Atenção Primária, composto por equipes de saúde da família e por centros municipais de saúde; 12 pertenciam a unidades mais especializadas que correspondem ao nível de Atenção Secundária e 38 trabalhavam nos ambulatórios de hospitais universitários da Atenção Terciária. Foi aplicado o Inventário de Empatia (I.E.), que avalia os quatro fatores que compõem a habilidade empática: 1) Tomada de Perspectiva: capacidade de compreender o ponto de vista e os sentimentos da outra pessoa; 2) Flexibilidade Interpessoal: capacidade de aceitar perspectivas muito diferentes das próprias; 3) Altruísmo: capacidade de suspender temporariamente as próprias necessidades em função do outro; 4) Sensibilidade Afetiva: sentimento de compaixão e de preocupação com o outro. Os resultados mostraram que o grupo avaliado obteve médias semelhantes às apresentadas nos dados normativos do I.E. nos fatores Tomada de Perspectiva e Flexibilidade Interpessoal, enquanto superou a média no fator Altruísmo e ficou abaixo da média no fator Sensibilidade Afetiva. Esses dados indicam que a amostra de médicos avaliada possui uma capacidade mais acentuada de sacrificar suas próprias necessidades para atender ao outro, ainda que não associada necessariamente a um sentimento de compaixão equivalente. Isto pode estar relacionado com a reduzida importância dada ao aspecto emocional na formação médica. Em relação à avaliação da empatia por contexto de atenção em saúde, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os grupos com exceção do fator Tomada de Perspectiva. Neste componente, os médicos do Programa Saúde da Família destacaram-se significativamente do grupo de Atenção Secundária, o que parece estar relacionado com a proximidade do profissional com o contexto de vida do paciente e com a educação continuada que recebem através de treinamentos e capacitações onde são valorizadas as habilidades de comunicação desses profissionais. A partir desses resultados propõe-se que o desenvolvimento da empatia seja incluído nos cursos de formação médica e no planejamento das condições de trabalho nos diversos níveis de atenção à saúde.