111 resultados para sarcopenia


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Os pacientes idosos em hemodiálise (HD) são altamente suscetíveis ao desenvolvimento de sarcopenia, devido ao processo natural de envelhecimento e ao catabolismo induzido pelo procedimento de HD. O objetivo deste estudo foi primeiro, avaliar a prevalência de sarcopenia, dinapenia e atrofia muscular em um grupo de pacientes idosos em HD; o segundo, avaliar se os critérios aplicados para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, propostos por sociedades internacionais, são capazes de distinguir os pacientes com pior condição clínica, estado nutricional e qualidade de vida. Este estudo multicêntrico e transversal incluiu 94 pacientes idosos em HD (> 60 anos) de cinco centros de diálise. Todos os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, de composição corporal, força de preensão manual (FPM), laboratorial e avaliação da condição nutricional através da avaliação subjetiva global de 7 pontos (AGS-7p). Adicionalmente, os participantes responderam um questionário de qualidade de vida. Para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, foram adotados os critérios propostos por sociedades internacionais, que englobam os parâmetros indicativos de baixa massa muscular e baixa função muscular. Para a massa muscular adotou-se o índice de massa magra (IMM) < percentil 20 para o gênero e faixa etária de uma população de referência, avaliado a partir da massa magra obtida pelo somatório de dobras cutâneas. Para o critério de baixa função muscular, adotou-se a FPM < percentil 10 para o gênero, faixa etária e o braço utilizado de uma população de referência. Os pacientes foram classificados como Sarcopênicos (baixo IMM associado à baixa FPM); Dinapênicos (baixa FPM) e Atrofia muscular (baixo IMM). A sarcopenia estava presente em 13.8% dos pacientes, enquanto a dinapenia foi observada em 37.2% e a atrofia muscular em 35.1%. A sarcopenia foi capaz de distinguir os pacientes que possuíam maior comprometimento do estado nutricional e da composição corporal. O critério de função muscular (isoladamente ou em combinação com a massa muscular) também identificou os pacientes com pior qualidade de vida. Em conclusão, a prevalência de sarcopenia foi observada em 13,8% do grupo. Entretanto, ao usar apenas critérios que indicam redução da força ou massa muscular, esta prevalência aumentou para 30%. A condição de sarcopenia distinguiu pacientes com pior estado nutricional e qualidade de vida.


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Malnutrition, sarcopenia and cancer cachexia (CC) are prevalent among cancer patients and can have detrimental effects on clinical outcomes such as quality of life (QoL) and overall survival. Cachexia is associated with lower tolerance for chemotherapy, which limits the total dose that can be delivered, the number of symptomatic responses and any survival advantage that might be accrued. Moreover, for the majority who do not respond, cachexia may be exacerbated by systemic chemotherapy, thus increasing the net symptom burden experienced by patients. The multitude of interactions between cancer location, treatments, nutritional status and QoL has never been thoroughly explored in an Irish cancer cohort. The objectives of this thesis were to further understand nutritional status, especially body composition in ambulatory cancer patients and determine the relationship between nutritional status using different assessment criteria and QoL, chemotherapy toxicity and survival among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Results aimed to identify baseline factors that may be predictive of poor outcome, toxicities to chemotherapy and disease-free and overall survival. This thesis broadly divides into two sections. The first section (Chapters 3 & 4) focuses on improving our knowledge of the nutritional status of Irish cancer outpatients using a cross sectional study design. A study of 517 patients referred for chemotherapy was conducted using computed tomography (CT) imaging (body composition) and a survey that documented oncologic data, weight loss (WL) data and QoL data. We revealed that a significant proportion of Irish cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy experience unintentional WL over the previous 6 months (62%), sarcopenia (45%) and CC (43%), and the distribution of WL and nutritional risk were associated with site of primary tumour and treatment intent. Patients that had sarcopenia, nutritional risk, or CC had significantly reduced functional abilities, more symptoms and adverse global QoL. In the second section of this thesis (Chapters 5 & 6) the potential link between developing toxicity to antineoplastic regimens in patients with sarcopenia was conducted by way of retrospective studies. A retrospective serial CT analysis defined the prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) and metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), which was then correlated with dose limiting toxicities of sunitinib and docetaxel respectively. Sarcopenia was prevalent in patients with mRCC and mCRPC, was an occult condition in patients with normal/high BMI, was associated with less treatment days, was a significant predictor of DLT in patients receiving sunitinib and a significant predictor of neutropenia and neurosensory toxicities in patients receiving docetaxel. This thesis attempted to address the underlying research deficiencies in Irish oncology nutritional data at national level. The findings from this thesis have implications for the planning of cancer care interventions and indicate that further research is required to improve nutritional screening, in particular for CC and sarcopenia, in the hope that timely intervention can improve both patient-centered and oncologic outcomes.


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Age-related skeletal muscle sarcopenia is linked with increases in falls, fractures, and death and therefore has important socioeconomic consequences. The molecular mechanisms controlling age-related muscle loss in humans are not well understood, but are likely to involve multiple signaling pathways. This study investigated the regulation of several genes and proteins involved in the activation of key signaling pathways promoting muscle hypertrophy, including GH/STAT5, IGF-1/Akt/GSK-3β/4E-BP1, and muscle atrophy, including TNFα/SOCS-3 and Akt/FKHR/atrogene, in muscle biopsies from 13 young (20 ± 0.2 years) and 16 older (70 ± 0.3 years) males. In the older males compared to the young subjects, muscle fiber cross-sectional area was reduced by 40–45% in the type II muscle fibers. TNFα and SOCS-3 were increased by 2.8 and 1.5 fold, respectively. Growth hormone receptor protein (GHR) and IGF-1 mRNA were decreased by 45%. Total Akt, but not phosphorylated Akt, was increased by 2.5 fold, which corresponded to a 30% reduction in the efficiency of Akt phosphorylation in the older subjects. Phosphorylated and total GSK-3β were increased by 1.5 and 1.8 fold, respectively, while 4E-BP1 levels were not changed. Nuclear FKHR and FKHRL1 were decreased by 73 and 50%, respectively, with no changes in their atrophy target genes, atrogin-1 and MuRF1. Myostatin mRNA and protein levels were significantly elevated by 2 and 1.4 fold. Human sarcopenia may be linked to a reduction in the activity or sensitivity of anabolic signaling proteins such as GHR, IGF-1, and Akt. TNFα, SOCS-3, and myostatin are potential candidates influencing this anabolic perturbation.


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Summary: While previous studies have reported detrimental associations of sedentary behaviours with cardiometabolic disorders and mortality, in this study, we report that higher levels of sitting time were associated with a greater risk of sarcopenia, with increased television (TV) viewing negatively associated with lean mass, independent of physical activity.


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Due to their differing etiologies and consequences, it has been proposed that the term "sarcopenia" should revert to its original definition of age-related muscle mass declines, with a separate term, "dynapenia", describing muscle strength and function declines. There is increasing interest in the interactions of sarcopenia and dynapenia with obesity. Despite an apparent protective effect of obesity on fracture, increased adiposity may compromise bone health, and the presence of sarcopenia and/or dynapenia ("sarcopenic obesity" and "dynapenic obesity") may exacerbate the risk of falls and fracture in obese older adults. Weight loss interventions are likely to be beneficial for older adults with sarcopenic and dynapenic obesity but may result in further reductions in muscle and bone health. The addition of exercise including progressive resistance training and nutritional strategies, including protein and vitamin D supplementation, may optimise body composition and muscle function outcomes thereby reducing falls and fracture risk in this population.


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While it is understood that body composition impacts on physical conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it is only now apparent that body composition might play a role in the genesis of common mental disorders, depression and anxiety. Sarcopenia occurs in ageing and comprises a progressive decline in muscle mass, strength and function, leading to frailty, decreased independence and poorer quality of life. This review presents an emerging body of evidence to support the hypothesis that shared pathophysiological pathways for sarcopenia and the common mental disorders constitute links between skeletal muscle and brain function. Contracting skeletal muscle secretes neurotrophic factors that are known to play a role in mood and anxiety, and have the dual role of nourishing neuronal growth and differentiation, while protecting the size and number of motor units in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, skeletal muscle activity has important immune and redox effects that impact behaviour and reduce muscle catabolism.


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A caquexia relacionada à artrite reumatoide é conceituada como perda involuntária de massa magra, predominantemente de músculo esquelético, que também ocorre em vísceras e sistema imune, com massa gorda estável ou um pouco elevada e com pequena ou nenhuma perda de peso. A causa é multifatorial, incluindo a produção acentuada de citocinas, principalmente TNF± e IL-1², diminuição da ação periférica da insulina e pouca atividade física. A caquexia se faz presente em doentes com AR ativa ou mesmo inativa. Neste artigo discutem-se aspectos relacionados à patogenia, implicações clínicas e possíveis opções terapêuticas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)