997 resultados para roma community


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[spa] Se ha propuesto una guía didáctica para realizar en sesiones de euskera que profundice en el conocimiento mutuo entre los alumnos para que se fomente así la creación de vinculos interpersonales basados en el diálogo, la negociación y la comprensión. Todo ello supone la generación de un ambiente de aula cálido en el que todos los alumnos (gitanos y no gitanos) se sientan respetados, reconocidos y valorados, lo que garantiza el desarrollo óptimo y el acercamiento de los alumnos a la segunda lengua


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar


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A partir de un exhaustivo análisis de los estudios disponibles sobre la discriminación sufrida por la comunidad gitana, se realiza una revisión en cuanto a su incidencia y evolución, para establecer una comparación respecto a la sufrida por otros grupos sociales, definir los ámbitos en los que más se produce y analizar el perfil de la población potencialmente discriminadora. A partir de las conclusiones de las diferentes áreas analizadas, se avanzan algunas propuestas sobre las líneas prioritarias de intervención en la promoción de la igualdad y la lucha contra la discriminación.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar


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A inclusão da comunidade cigana requer uma postura diferente por parte desta comunidade que passa pela assunção das normas por que todos os cidadãos portugueses se devem reger, em termos de direitos e deveres, exercendo a sua cidadania plena, de forma ativa e participada. Objetivo: Promover a inclusão das crianças ciganas nas escolas do Concelho do Seixal. Metodologia: utilizou-se a metodologia de planeamento em saúde, recorrendo à entrevista e grelha de observação, como instrumentos de recolha de dados. Resultados: Deficit de conhecimentos sobre cuidados de higiene nas crianças ciganas; Deficit de conhecimentos sobre cultura cigana pelos professores; Desvalorização da preservação dos espaços comuns do bairro pelas famílias ciganas. Conclusões: Importância da promoção de hábitos de higiene pessoal junto das crianças ciganas, necessidade de formação para professores sobre multiculturalidade e cultura cigana e de intervenção articulada e em parceria, no bairro, promovendo a mudança de comportamentos para preservação dos espaços comuns; ABSTRACT: The inclusion of the Roma community requires a different attitude on the part of this community that goes by the assumption of standards that all Portuguese citizens should be governed in terms of rights and duties, exercising their full citizenship, active and participatory way. Objective: To promote the inclusion of Roma children in the Municipality of Seixal schools. Methodology used the health planning methodology, using interview and observation grid, such as data collection tools. Results: Deficit of knowledge about hygiene in the Roma children; Deficit of knowledge about Roma culture by teachers; Devaluation of preservation of the common areas of the neighborhood by Roma families. Conclusions: The importance of promoting personal hygiene habits with Roma children, the need for training for teachers on multiculturalism and gypsy culture and coordinated intervention and partnership, in the neighborhood, promoting behavior change to preserving public spaces.


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A investigação desenvolvida é sobre a empregabilidade e inserção no mercado de trabalho da comunidade cigana portuguesa. Deste ponto de vista, a investigação recai sobre o processo desenvolvido de integração social nas últimas décadas onde se questiona, os Planos de Ação para a Inclusão das Comunidades Ciganas e o seu impacto na vida socioprofissional das mesmas. Para o efeito, será realizado um estudo comparado entre Portugal e Espanha no que concerne ao processo de integração social das comunidades ciganas. Estudos recentes do Instituto Português de Administração e Marketing (IPAM) referem que o emprego é mais difícil de conseguir para pessoas deficientes e pessoas ciganas (os cegos lideram a tabela com 71,6 por cento, seguindo-se a etnia cigana com 47,3).1 Um dos principais obstáculos que se tem verificado em relação à inserção no mercado de trabalho é consequência do problema da discriminação institucional (direta ou indireta)2, relutância por parte das próprias entidades responsáveis pela implementação do desenvolvimento dos programas de emprego. Devido à importância do exercício da cidadania no processo de integração social, realizar-se à uma parte empírica dedicada ao movimento associativo em Portugal e Espanha, de modo a perceber qual o seu envolvimento na definição da política social e respetivas prioridades em relação ao emprego e defesa dos direitos humanos. No quadro da compreensão, será desenvolvido uma investigação qualitativa e quantitativa, com recurso à aplicação de inquérito junto de dirigentes/representantes de ONG´S Ciganas nos dois países, no que concerne à participação/representação das mesmas, na definição de estratégias de intervenção social tendo em conta a politica social nacional e as orientações da União Europeia como é exemplo, a Estratégia Nacional Para a Integração da Comunidade Cigana; EMPLOYABILITY AND INTEGRATION IN THE LABOUR MARKET OF THE GYPSY IN PORTUGAL AND SPAIN Abstract: The research carried out is on employability and inclusion in the Community Portuguese Gypsy labor market. From this point of view, the investigation lies with the developed process of social integration in recent decades where it questions the Action Plans for Inclusion of Roma communities and their impact on the socio-professional life of the community Gypsy. For this purpose, a comparative study between Portugal and Spain regarding the process of social integration of Roma will be held. Recent studies of the Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing (IPAM), indicate that employment is more difficult to achieve for disable people and Roma people (the blind lead the table with 71.6 percent, followed by 47%). One of the main obstacles that has been seen in relation to the insertion in the labor market is a result of the problem of institutional discrimination (direct or indirect), reluctance by the very entities responsible for implementing the development of employment programs. Because of the importance of citizenship in the social integration process, carried out the empirical part dedicated to the associative movement in Portugal and Spain, in order to understand what their involvement in the definition of social policy and respective priorities in relation to employment and defense of human rights. In the context of understanding, a qualitative research will be developed, using the application survey of leaders / representatives of NGOs Roma in both countries, with respect to participation / representation of the same in the definition of social intervention strategies taking into account national social policy and the guidelines of the European Union as example, the national Strategy for the Integration of Roma Community.


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El presente trabajo de investigación busca responder cuestiones relativas a la construcción social de las percepciones sobre las amenazas existenciales que le permiten a un Estado tomar medidas extraordinarias para resolver un asunto que se ha convertido en prioridad para su política exterior, llevando a cabo un discurso y acto de securitización. Más específicamente, esta monografía está centrada en explicar de qué manera la migración y presencia de la comunidad roma/gitana en el territorio francés e italiano se ha convertido en un asunto que atenta contra la seguridad societal de ambas sociedades desde el año 2003 hasta el 2010, ocasionando por parte de estos gobiernos la toma de decisiones extraordinarias en materia migratoria.


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This research aimed for an extended knowledge and understanding of young people in stigmatized areas and their construction of group identity. With a focus on Roma youths in Konik, Montenegro, and their involvement in hip-hop we wanted to explore what this culture meant to them in relation to their context. An ethnographic approach was used in collecting the empirical data through observations, interpreting music lyrics and conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews. Five young Roma boys from Konik, all involved in hip-hop, were interviewed. Theoretical perspectives on identity, youth culture and stigmatization were central. In addition, Bourdieu’s theory regarding cultural capital was emphasized and connected to youths and hip-hop. The empirical material showed that involvement in hip-hop provided the Roma youths with a group identity that they referred to in positive terms. Contextual factors of stigmatization excluded the Roma group from the majority population and the engagement in hip-hop created a possibility for the youths to be someone. The cultural capital gained through hip-hop was not used to verify and legitimate an authentic Roma identity. It was rather a way for them to create boundaries towards the negative elements in their community.


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My research tells about the origins of Rome. I think that Rome became a civil community under king Tullus Hostilius who transformed a federation of villages in a city. Perhaps he retook a project of his grandfather, Hostus Hostilius. I think also that the tradition on the early Rome was elaborated by Servius Tullius’ court and his motivations must be researched in the relations between this king and Tarquin’s dynasty. Finally I formulated some particular theories on the comitia centuriata and their evolution and on the international politic of Servius Tullius.


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Plaza Navona representa una de las visitas obligadas de Roma, pero solo algunos advertirán en ella la presencia española en la sala de exposiciones del Instituto Cervantes o en la inmediata Libreria Española. Todavía serán menos los que se percatarán de la huella española dejada en aquella iglesia de fachada anónima situada, en el extremo sur de la plaza: la antigua iglesia de Santiago de los Españoles. La presente tesis pretende, utilizando el dibujo como guía, herramienta y fin del proceso de análisis y estudio, reconstruir el proceso de conformación y construcción de la que fue iglesia española principal, cuya fundación hace patente el destacado papel jugado por la “nación” castellana en Roma durante la Edad Media; y en torno a la que se aglutinaron las actividades religiosas, diplomáticas y financieras de los castellanos que vivieron en la actual capital italiana. Se intentará recrear en el tiempo la que es hoy la iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón, sometiéndola a una restitución gráfica disciplinada, homogénea y objetiva en la medida de lo posible de las varias etapas que la han caracterizadas, desde su fundación hasta cuando en 1878 España se deshizo de ella, ya en ruina, vendiéndola. Como nos comenta Gaetano Moroni, de todas las comunidades nacionales que se encontraban en Roma la española parece ser efectivamente una de las más rica y prestigiosa. Aunque lo que no cuenta Moroni no haya sido todavía demostrado, dicho enunciado resulta de todas formas interesante puesto que pone el acento sobre el hecho de que ya desde el siglo X parece ser habitual de ocupar y reutilizar antiguas ruinas, usándolas como base para la construcción de hospitales para los peregrinos. Esta operación se hizo particularmente frecuente sobre todo antes del Gran Jubileo de 1450: de hecho desde la primera mitad del Quattrocento se fundan distintas iglesias y hospitales nacionales para acoger y prestar una adecuada asistencia y socorro a los innumerables peregrinos que llegaban a la ciudad, edificios que se van construyendo sobre los restos de antiguos edificios de época romana. Prueba de ello es en efecto la fundación originaria de la iglesia y hospital de los Españoles que, parte del conjunto de edificios que compone la Plaza Navona, situada en el corazón de Campo Marzio y cuya posición y forma corresponden a la del antiguo Estadio de Domiciano, y que ahora es en sus dimensiones, en su imagen arquitectónica y en su consistencia material, el resultado de la definición proyectual y de las transformaciones que se llevaron a cabo sobre lo que quedaba del antiguo templo español del siglo XV, entre finales del ‘800 y los años 30 del siglo XX . Transformaciones devastadoras, huellas grabadas o canceladas que encuentran una justificación en los acontecimientos históricos reflejados en el patrimonio urbano. El análisis de todas las fuentes permite trazar, si no la totalidad, buena parte de las modificaciones que la antigua iglesia de Santiago ha sufrido. La construcción del templo se puede dividir en tres momentos decisivos: una primera etapa de fundación en 1450-1478 en la que la iglesia tenía fachada y entrada en via de la Sapienza, hoy Corso Rinascimento; una segunda de significativa ampliación hacia Plaza Navona con una nueva fachada monumental hacia ese espacio público en 1496-1500; y una última importante ampliación entre 1525-1526, llevada a cabo por el arquitecto Antonio da Sangallo el Joven. Tras la intensa vida del templo, en el siglo XVIII, éste cae en ruina y finalmente es vendido en 1878 a la orden de los misioneros franceses de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón que la reconvierten en iglesia reformando totalmente el conjunto en 1881, según proyecto de Luca Carimini. En 1936, en plena fase de rectificación de trazados urbanos por obra del régimen fascista, según proyecto de Arnaldo Foschini, se mutila su extremidad hacia vía de la Sapienza dejando su estado tal y como se contempla en la actualidad. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the reconstruction of the design and edification process -using drawings and sketches as a guide, tool and the end of the analytical process- of a church which was once the preeminent Spanish church in medieval Rome, known today as Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart). The founding of this church illustrates the important role held by the Castillian “nation” in Rome during the Middle Ages. It was the focal point of all the religious, diplomatic and economic activities of the Castillian community residing in today’s Italian capital. The aim of this proyect is a recreation the church in time by submitting it to a disciplined, homogenous and objective graphic restitution of the various stages most characteristic the temple, starting from its foundation until 1878 when, in a state of ruins, the church was finally sold off by Spain. Gaetano Moroni once commented that of all the international communities found in Rome, the Spanish community seemed to be one of the wealthiest and most prestigious. Such a statement proves interesting as it emphasizes that starting in the 10th century we see there was a widespread custom of occupying and reusing old ruins for use as the bases of new constructions of hospitals for pilgrims. This custom became especially frequent just before the Jubilee Year of 1450: in fact, in the first half of the Quattrocento we see the founding of many different national churches and hospitals which provided shelter and care to the countless pilgrims arriving in the city, buildings which were constructed on top of the ruins of ancient buildings left over from Roman times. Proof of this is the original foundation of the Spanish church and hospital forming part of the Piazza Navona, built upon and following the outline of the Stadium of Domitian, in the heart of Campo Marzio. Now, in its dimensions, its architectural image and its material substance, it represents the predominant result of the planning definitions and the transformations which affected the old 15th-century Spanish temple. Ocurring between the end of the 19th century and the 1930s, the transformations were devastating, erasing original peculiarities and engraving new ones, transformations made justifiable by the historical events reflected in its urban environs. Analyzing all sources allows us to trace, even if not in entirety, still a sizeable portion of the modifications undergone by the old Church of Saint James. The construction of the temple can be divided into three decisive moments: its foundation, from 1450 to 1478, when the church’s façade and main door looked out on to the Via della Sapienza, today’s central avenue of Corso del Rinascimento; the second stage being a major expansion towards the Piazza Navona (1496-1500) with a new, monumental façade facing the public space; and the third was the last significant expansion, carried out from 1525 to 1526 by the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. Despite an intense and bustling life during the Modern Age, in the 18th century the church began to fall into ruin and was finally sold in 1878 to the order of French missionaries of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who reconverted it into a church and completely renovated the structure in 1881 in a project supervised by Luca Carimini. In 1936, the corrective urban redesign of Rome carried out by the fascist regime and implemented by Arnaldo Foschini mutilated the part bordering Via della Sapienza, leaving it as we see it today.


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Summary. The fourth edition of Roma Pride has brought Roma civic activism back in the spotlight. This Roma-rights mobilization, taking place every October in several European cities, has emphasized the centrality of an active civil society in pursuing a successful integration of the Roma in Europe. The ‘Award for Roma Integration’ and the ‘Civil Society Prize 2014’ conferred last October by the European Union (EU) to Roma and pro-Roma Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have confirmed this approach. Nonetheless, a general discontent towards the EU Roma Integration Policies exists within the Roma Civil Society, who calls for stronger support to and the promotion of “Romaled change”. This Policy Brief investigates the reasons behind such discontent and identifies the ‘distance’ from Roma communities as the Achilles heel of EU policies. It argues for further efforts by the EU to empower Roma organisations operating at the grassroots through community capacity building, structured dialogue and simplification of the funding mechanisms.


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This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and its impact on hospital length of stay and in-hospital mortality.


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A I Carta de Clemente de Roma aos Coríntios faz parte de uma coleção de escritos cristãos antigos intitulados Pais Apostólicos. Esse texto é uma autêntica correspondência enviada da comunidade cristã de Roma para a comunidade cristã de Corinto, escrita pelo seu secretário Clemente. Esta pesquisa, em contraposição às desenvolvidas pela disciplina teológica chamada patrologia , analisa a carta a partir das teorias de Mikhail M. Bakhtin e seu círculo e da micro-história assumidamente relacionada com as teorias do mesmo autor delimitando o trecho 37.5-38.1, onde se encontra a metáfora do corpo.