66 resultados para refeeding


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Hepatic lipid synthesis is known to be regulated by food consumption. In rodents fasting decreases the synthesis of cholesterol as well as fatty acids. Refeeding a high carbohydrate/low fat diet enhances fatty acid synthesis by 5- to 20-fold above the fed state, whereas cholesterol synthesis returns only to the prefasted level. Sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs) are transcription factors that regulate genes involved in cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis. Here, we show that fasting markedly reduces the amounts of SREBP-1 and -2 in mouse liver nuclei, with corresponding decreases in the mRNAs for SREBP-activated target genes. Refeeding a high carbohydrate/low fat diet resulted in a 4- to 5-fold increase of nuclear SREBP-1 above nonfasted levels, whereas nuclear SREBP-2 protein returned only to the nonfasted level. The hepatic mRNAs for fatty acid biosynthetic enzymes increased 5- to 10-fold above nonfasted levels, a pattern that paralleled the changes in nuclear SREBP-1. The hepatic mRNAs for enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis returned to the nonfasted level, closely following the pattern of nuclear SREBP-2 regulation. Transgenic mice that overproduce nuclear SREBP-1c failed to show the normal decrease in hepatic mRNA levels for cholesterol and fatty acid synthetic enzymes upon fasting. We conclude that SREBPs are regulated by food consumption in the mouse liver and that the decline in nuclear SREBP-1c upon fasting may explain in part the decrease in mRNAs encoding enzymes of the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway.


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The metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was investigated in 14-d-old Arabidopsis plants grown in liquid culture. After ruling out metabolites formed as an effect of nonsterile conditions, high-level feeding, and spontaneous interconversions, a simple metabolic pattern emerged. Oxindole-3-acetic acid (OxIAA), OxIAA conjugated to a hexose moiety via the carboxyl group, and the conjugates indole-3-acetyl aspartic acid (IAAsp) and indole-3-acetyl glutamate (IAGlu) were identified by mass spectrometry as primary products of IAA fed to the plants. Refeeding experiments demonstrated that none of these conjugates could be hydrolyzed back to IAA to any measurable extent at this developmental stage. IAAsp was further oxidized, especially when high levels of IAA were fed into the system, yielding OxIAAsp and OH-IAAsp. This contrasted with the metabolic fate of IAGlu, since that conjugate was not further metabolized. At IAA concentrations below 0.5 μm, most of the supplied IAA was metabolized via the OxIAA pathway, whereas only a minor portion was conjugated. However, increasing the IAA concentrations to 5 μm drastically altered the metabolic pattern, with marked induction of conjugation to IAAsp and IAGlu. This investigation used concentrations for feeding experiments that were near endogenous levels, showing that the metabolic pathways controlling the IAA pool size in Arabidopsis are limited and, therefore, make good targets for mutant screens provided that precautions are taken to avoid inducing artificial metabolism.


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A mutation within the obese gene was recently identified as the genetic basis for obesity in the ob/ob mouse. The obese gene product, leptin, is a 16-kDa protein expressed predominantly in adipose tissue. Consistent with leptin's postulated role as an extracellular signaling protein, human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with the obese gene secreted leptin with minimal intracellular accumulation. Upon differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes into adipocytes, the leptin mRNA was expressed concomitant with mRNAs encoding adipocyte marker proteins. A factor(s) present in calf serum markedly activated expression of leptin by fully differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A 16-hr fast decreased (by approximately 85%) the leptin mRNA level of adipose tissue of lean (ob/+ or +/+) mice but had no effect on the approximately 4-fold higher level in obese (ob/ob) littermates. Since the mutation at the ob locus fails to produce the functional protein, yet its cognate mRNA is overproduced, it appears that leptin is necessary for its own downregulation. Leptin mRNA was also suppressed in adipose tissue of rats during a 16-hr fast and was rapidly induced during a 4-hr refeeding period. Insulin deficiency provoked by streptozotocin also markedly down-regulated leptin mRNA and this suppression was rapidly reversed by insulin. These results suggest that insulin may regulate the expression of leptin.


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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is the most prevalent of eating disorders in children and adolescents, and its treatment is long and complex, involving a multidisciplinary team. Nutritional rehabilitation and restoration of a healthy body weight is one of the central goals in the initial stages of inpatient treatment. However, current recommendations on initial energy requirements for these patients are inconsistent, with a clear lack of controlled studies, available scientific evidence and global consensus on the most effective and safe refeeding practices in hospitalized adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Conservative refeeding recommendations have been classically established in order to prevent the refeeding syndrome. Nevertheless, various works have recently appeared advocating a higher initial caloric intake, without observing more complications or refeeding syndrome, and allowing a shorter average stay. We present our experience in the treatment of restricting AN with a conservative progressive treatment. We have obtained good results with this approach, which was well tolerated by patients, with no observing complications. As a consequence, the medical team could establish a pact about the therapeutic goals with the patients in an easier way.


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Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da restrição de ração alternada com realimentação no crescimento, desenvolvimento gonadal e composição muscular de matrinxãs (Brycon cephalus) adultos, de ambos os sexos, durante um ano (janeiro de 1998 a janeiro de 1999). Foram utilizados 135 peixes, separados em dois grupos: controle, alimentado diariamente até aparente saciação, e experimental, submetido ininterruptamente a ciclos de três dias de alimentação/2 dias de restrição de ração (40% de restrição ao mês). Foram realizadas 7 amostragens, nas quais foram utilizados 8 a 10 peixes por grupo. Após anestesia, os peixes foram pesados e as gônadas foram retiradas para determinação do IGS, sexo e fase do ciclo reprodutivo. Porções dos músculos branco e vermelho foram retiradas para determinação da porcentagem de lipídio total, proteína bruta, matéria seca e umidade. Os resultados mostraram que a estratégia alimentar utilizada não afetou o crescimento, o desenvolvimento gonadal e a composição muscular do matrinxã. A restrição de ração seguida por realimentação parece ter desencadeado mecanismos de ajuste metabólico para melhor utilização do alimento e aporte suficiente de energia para o crescimento, processo de maturação gonadal e composição corporal. É possível estabelecer formas de manejo alimentar mais econômicas para o matrinxã sem que processos fisiológicos importantes sejam afetados.


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Este estudo avaliou o efeito da restrição alimentar e realimentação na reprodução de fêmeas e no crescimento inicial e sobrevivência de larvas de matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus. Matrizes distribuídas em 8 viveiros (15 peixes/tanque) foram alimentadas diariamente (em 4 tanques - G1) e alimentados em ciclos de 3 dias de alimentação seguidos de 2 dias de restrição (em 4 tanques - G2) por 6 meses antes da desova. Na indução à desova, 57% das fêmeas no G1 e 45% no G2 desovaram. Os pesos médios dos oócitos foram 208,1 g (G1) e 131,6 g (G2), sendo os oócitos G2 menores (1,017 ± 0,003 mm) que os oócitos de G1 (1,048 ± 0,002 mm). As taxas de fertilização (71,9 ± 12,6% e 61,2 ± 13,7%) e de eclosão (61,3 ± 33,9% e 67,5 ± 23,4%) entre os G1 e G2 não diferiram. Larvas foram coletadas na eclosão e às 24, 48 e 72 horas de incubação para medida do crescimento e as restantes transferidas para aquários e amostradas 1, 5, 9 e 15 dias depois. Na transferência, as larvas G1 e G2 tinham pesos similares (1,5 ± 0,15 e 1,46 ± 0,07 mg), mas o comprimento das larvas G2 era maior (6,2 ± 0,13 e 6,7 ± 0,14 mm). Ao 9° dia, quando é recomendada a transferência dos juvenis para tanques externos, os juvenis G2 tinham peso (13,6 ± 0,26 e 18,9 ± 0,07 mg) e comprimento (11,8 ± 0,09 e 14,5 ± 0,04 mm) maiores, mas no 15º dia os juvenis G1 eram maiores em peso (90,2 ± 1,19 e 68,6 ± 0,77 mg) e comprimento (18,8 ± 0,16 e 18,5 ± 0,04 mm). Aos 15 dias, a prole das fêmeas submetidas à restrição alimentar apresentou sobrevivência mais alta que a prole das fêmeas alimentadas diariamente (24,7 ± 2,07% e 19,2 ± 1,91%). A restrição alimentar imposta às fêmeas de matrinxã, apesar de reduzir o número de fêmeas que desovaram e a quantidade de oócitos extrusados, não afetou a fertilização e eclosão das larvas e melhorou a sobrevivência final das larvas.