1000 resultados para polygonal cells


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A new general cell-centered solution procedure based upon the conventional control or finite volume (CV or FV) approach has been developed for numerical heat transfer and fluid flow which encompasses both structured and unstructured meshes for any kind of mixed polygon cell. Unlike conventional FV methods for structured and block structured meshes and both FV and FE methods for unstructured meshes, the irregular control volume (ICV) method does not require the shape of the element or cell to be predefined because it simply exploits the concept of fluxes across cell faces. That is, the ICV method enables meshes employing mixtures of triangular, quadrilateral, and any other higher order polygonal cells to be exploited using a single solution procedure. The ICV approach otherwise preserves all the desirable features of conventional FV procedures for a structured mesh; in the current implementation, collocation of variables at cell centers is used with a Rhie and Chow interpolation (to suppress pressure oscillation in the flow field) in the context of the SIMPLE pressure correction solution procedure. In fact all other FV structured mesh-based methods may be perceived as a subset of the ICV formulation. The new ICV formulation is benchmarked using two standard computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems i.e., the moving lid cavity and the natural convection driven cavity. Both cases were solved with a variety of structured and unstructured meshes, the latter exploiting mixed polygonal cell meshes. The polygonal mesh experiments show a higher degree of accuracy for equivalent meshes (in nodal density terms) using triangular or quadrilateral cells; these results may be interpreted in a manner similar to the CUPID scheme used in structured meshes for reducing numerical diffusion for flows with changing direction.


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The perivascular epithelioid cell has been proposed to be the unifying proliferating cell type in a number of lesions such as angiomyolipoma, lymphangiomyomatosis, clear cell sugar tumor and renal capsuloma. With the exception of rare examples of angiomyolipoma, they are non-metastasizing. We report four examples of a new member of this family of perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasms that occur in abdominopelvic location and show metastatic properties. The patients, all women, were aged 19 to 41 years (mean, 32), and presented with a tumor mass involving the serosa of the ileum, uterus or pelvic cavity. Morphologically, the tumors were composed of sheets of large polygonal cells with glycogen-rich clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic nuclei, traversed by a delicate vasculature, mimicking clear cell carcinoma. There were areas of coagulative necrosis and occasional mitotic figures. Intracytoplasmic brown pigment was present in two cases. Spindly cells, smooth muscle and fat were absent. Lymphovascular invasion was present in all, lymph node metastasis was documented in two and metastasis to the ovary was present in one case. Two patients developed widespread metastatic disease after 10 and 28 months from diagnosis. One patient showed the clinical signs of tuberous sclerosis. In spite of the epithelial-like appearance, the tumor cells were negative for epithelial markers but were strongly positive with the melanogenesis-related marker HMB45. Another melanogenesis marker (MART-1) was positive in two cases. Other markers including S-100 protein, vimentin, muscle-specific actin, desmin and chromogranin A were negative. Thus, these tumors are not readily classifiable in the existing schema of known entities, and show over-lapping morpho-phenotypic features of clear cell sugar tumor of the lung and epithelioid angiomyolipoma. We consider them as sarcomas composed of a pure population of uncommitted perivascular epithelioid cell, that lack modulation toward smooth muscle or adipose cells.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) can be induced to express retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell markers in vitro and can home to the site of RPE damage after mobilization and express markers of RPE lineage in vivo. METHODS: Adult RPE cells were cocultured with green fluorescence protein (GFP)-labeled stem cell antigen-1 positive (Sca-1(+)) BMCs for 1, 2, and 3 weeks. Cell morphology and expression of RPE-specific markers and markers for other retinal cell types were studied. Using an animal model of sodium iodate (NaIO(3))-induced RPE degeneration, BMCs were mobilized into the peripheral circulation by granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, flt3 ligand, or both. Immunocytochemistry was used to identify and characterize BMCs in the subretinal space in C57BL/6 wild-type (wt) mice and GFP chimeric mice. RESULTS: In vitro, BMCs changed from round to flattened, polygonal cells and expressed cytokeratin, RPE65, and microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF) when cocultured in direct cell-cell contact with RPE. In vivo, BMCs were identified in the subretinal space as Sca-1(+) or c-kit(+) cells. They were also double labeled for GFP and RPE65 or MITF. These cells formed a monolayer on the Bruch membrane in focal areas of RPE damage. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, it appears that BMCs, when mobilized into the peripheral circulation, can home to focal areas of RPE damage and express cell markers of RPE lineage. The use of endogenous BMCs to replace damaged retinal tissue opens new possibilities for cell replacement therapy in ophthalmology.


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La dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD, pour l’abréviation du terme anglais « Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy ») est une maladie de l'endothélium cornéen. Sa pathogenèse est mal connue. Aucun traitement médical n’est efficace. Le seul traitement existant est chirurgical et consiste dans le remplacement de l’endothélium pathologique par un endothélium sain provenant de cornées de la Banque des yeux. Le traitement chirurgical, en revanche, comporte 10% de rejet immunologique. Des modèles expérimentaux sont donc nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre cette maladie ainsi que pour le développement de traitements alternatifs. Le but général de cette thèse est de développer un modèle expérimental de la FECD en utilisant le génie tissulaire. Ceci a été réalisé en trois étapes. 1) Tout d'abord, l'endothélium cornéen a été reconstruit par génie tissulaire en utilisant des cellules endothéliales en culture, provenant de patients atteints de FECD. Ce modèle a ensuite été caractérisé in vitro. Brièvement, les cellules endothéliales cornéennes FECD ont été isolées à partir de membranes de Descemet prélevées lors de greffes de cornée. Les cellules au deuxième ou troisième passages ont ensuite été ensemencées sur une cornée humaine préalablement décellularisée. Suivant 2 semaines de culture, les endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD (n = 6) ont été évalués à l'aide d'histologie, de microscopie électronique à transmission et d’immunomarquages de différentes protéines. Les endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD ont formé une monocouche de cellules polygonales bien adhérées à la membrane de Descemet. Les immunomarquages ont démontré la présence des protéines importantes pour la fonctionnalité de l’endothélium cornéen telles que Na+-K+/ATPase α1 et Na+/HCO3-, ainsi qu’une expression faible et uniforme de la protéine clusterine. 2) Deux techniques chirurgicales (DSAEK ; pour « Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty » et la kératoplastie pénétrante) ont été comparées pour la transplantation cornéenne dans le modèle animal félin. Les paramètres comparés incluaient les défis chirurgicaux et les résultats cliniques. La technique « DSAEK » a été difficile à effectuer dans le modèle félin. Une formation rapide de fibrine a été observée dans tous les cas DSAEK (n = 5). 3) Finalement, la fonctionnalité in vivo des endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD a été évaluée (n = 7). Les évaluations in vivo comprenaient la transparence, la pachymétrie et la tomographie par cohérence optique. Les évaluations post-mortem incluaient la morphométrie des cellules endothéliales, la microscopie électronique à transmission et des immunomarquage de protéines liées à la fonctionnalité. Après la transplantation, la pachymétrie a progressivement diminué et la transparence a progressivement augmenté. Sept jours après la transplantation, 6 des 7 greffes étaient claires. La microscopie électronique à transmission a montré la présence de matériel fibrillaire sous-endothélial dans toutes les greffes d’endothelia reconstruits FECD. Les endothélia reconstruits exprimaient aussi des protéines Na+-K+/ATPase et Na+/HCO3-. En résumé, cette thèse démontre que les cellules endothéliales de la cornée à un stade avancé FECD peuvent être utilisées pour reconstruire un endothélium cornéen par génie tissulaire. La kératoplastie pénétrante a été démontrée comme étant la procédure la plus appropriée pour transplanter ces tissus reconstruits dans l’œil du modèle animal félin. La restauration de l'épaisseur cornéenne et de la transparence démontrent que les greffons reconstruits FECD sont fonctionnels in vivo. Ces nouveaux modèles FECD démontrent une réhabilitation des cellules FECD, permettant d’utiliser le génie tissulaire pour reconstruire des endothelia fonctionnels à partir de cellules dystrophiques. Les applications potentielles sont nombreuses, y compris des études physiopathologiques et pharmacologiques.


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O endotélio corneal é uma monocamada de células poligonais. A integridade e saúde dessa camada são essenciais para a manutenção da transparência corneal normal. Este estudo reportou pela primeira vez, de forma detalhada, a morfologia ultra-estrutural e a morfometria do endotélio corneal de suínos adultos mestiços à microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A superfície endothelial corneal apresentou um padrão regular de células poligonais, com predomínio da forma hexagonal e de bordas celulares nítidas. O núcleo foi observado como protuberância arredondada no centro da célula. Também foram observados os cílios (2-4) em apenas algumas células da região periférica da córnea, as aberturas das vesículas pinocitóticas na proximidade dos cílios, as microvilosidades, as varas da borda e as bordas celulares em formato de zigzag. A área celular média foi significativamente maior (P<0,05) no centro da córnea do que na periferia, com um coeficiente de variação menor no centro da córnea. A densidade celular média foi significativamente maior na periferia (P<0,05) e 43,9% maior que os dados reportados por outros autores na microscopia especular, o que demonstra o efeito da retração celular durante o processamento das amostras. O valor médio do número de lados das células (pleomorfismo) foi de 5,9, o que evidencia um predomínio do formato hexagonal. A percentagem de células hexagonais foi significativamente maior no centro (P<0,001). Os parâmetros obtidos nesta pesquisa servirão de base para estudos futuros sobre o efeito de medicamentos, cirurgias intracamerulares ou soluções para armazenamento de córneas para transplantes no endotélio corneal do suíno.


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The external morphology of eggs of the species Belminus corredori Galvao & Angulo, 2006, Belminus herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 and Belminus ferroae Sandoval, Pabon, Jurberg & Galvao, 2007 is described for the first time using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Females lay one egg at a time; the shape of the egg is oval with lateral flattening, a rounded caudal area and a true and simple convex operculum. The average size of the egg among these species is 0.51-0.58 mm in length and 0.36-0.4 mm in width. As a generic character we highlight the discovery of a chorion rim with one to four grooves always joined to the micropyles. All species present a clear polygonal pattern only in the operculum and in the egg's cephalic region, while the median and caudal regions show a smooth appearance, features that are shared only with the eggs of the genus Alberprosenia. A discriminant analysis of the polygonal design of the operculum proved to be useful for the identification of the species.


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Foram estudados 20 olhos de 10 cães sem raça definida, machos e fêmeas com 6 anos de idade. A morfologia das células do endotélio da córnea foi analisada utilizando-se microscópio especular de contato. Foram estudadas as regiões central e periférica da córnea. de cada região da córnea foram realizadas três micrografias. de cada micrografia foram analisadas no mínimo 100 células endoteliais. Foram obtidos os valores do polimegatismo e pleomorfismo. O endotélio corneano de cães caracterizou-se por uma monocamada de células poligonais uniformes em tamanho e forma. A forma predominante das células endoteliais foi hexagonal. O índice de polimegatismo foi 0.22. Este estudo demonstrou que a morfologia das células do endotélio da córnea de cães é semelhante à observada em humanos.


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Objetivou-se examinar a superfície posterior do endotélio corneano e realizar análise morfométrica das células endoteliais da córnea de avestruz (Struthio camelus) valendo-se da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Avaliaram-se o número de lados, a área celular média, a densidade celular e o coeficiente de variação da área celular. O endotélio corneano de avestruz constitui-se de células poligonais uniformes em tamanho e forma, e com poucas interdigitações das bordas celulares. Visibilizaram-se microvilosidades na superfície celular. A área celular média foi de 269±18µm² e a densidade celular foi de 3717±240 células mm-2. O coeficiente de variação foi de 0,06 e o percentual de células hexagonais de 75%. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os parâmetros avaliados entre os olhos esquerdo e direito. Este estudo demonstrou que o endotélio corneano de avestruz é semelhante ao descrito em outros vertebrados.


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The objective of this study was to examine the endothelial surface morphology and to perform morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells of Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) using scanning electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis with regard to polygonality, mean cell area, cell density and coefficient of variation of mean cell area was performed. Cell areas were measured using image analysis software. The normal corneal endothelium of Yacare caiman consisted of polygonal cells of uniform size and shape with interdigitations of the cell borders. Microvilli appeared as protrusions on the cellular surface. The average cell area was 270 +/- 24 mum(2) and the endothelial cell density was 3704 +/- 324 cells/mm(2). The coefficient of variation of cell area was 0.22. This study demonstrates that the Yacare caiman corneal endothelium is similar to those described in other vertebrates.


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A 7-year-old boy was presented with a long-standing slowly growing mass of the left supraorbital area. A biopsy specimen revealed a bland spindle cell proliferation with scattered polygonal cells with acidophilic cytoplasm and cross-striations. Our differential diagnosis included rhabdomyoma of fetal type, leiomyoma with trapping of regenerating skeletal muscle elements, and rhabdomyomatous mesenchymal hamartoma of the skin. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated strong positivity of myoglobin and desmin as well as negativity of caldesmon, suggesting skeletal muscle lineage. The excisional specimen confirmed our diagnosis of cutaneous fetal rhabdomyoma of intermediate type. Additional immunostaining performed on the excisional specimen showed strong Wilms Tumor 1 but only a very faint and focal p63 expression.


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A new topology of asymmetric cascaded H-Bridge inverter is presented in this paper It consists of two cascaded H-bridge cells per phase. They are fed from isolated dc sources having a dc bus ratio of 1:0.366. Out of many space vectors possible from this circuit, only those are chosen that lie on 12-sided polygons. Thus, the overall space vector diagram produced by this circuit consists of multiple numbers of 12-sided polygons. With a proper PWM timing calculations based on these selected space vectors, it is possible to eliminate all the 6n +/- 1, (n = odd) harmonics from the phase voltage under all operating conditions. The switching frequency of individual H-Bridge cells is also substantially low. Extensive experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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To assess the role of altered alpha 2 beta 1 integrin expression in breast cancer, we expressed the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin de novo in a poorly differentiated mammary carcinoma that expressed no detectable alpha 2-integrin subunit. Expression of the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin resulted in a dramatic phenotypic alteration from a fibroblastoid, spindle-shaped, non-contact-inhibited, motile, and invasive cell to an epithelioid, polygonal-shaped, contact-inhibited, less motile, and less invasive cell. Although expression of the alpha 2 subunit did not alter adhesion to collagen, it profoundly altered cell spreading. Re-expression of the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin restored the ability to differentiate into gland-like structures in three-dimensional matrices and markedly reduced the in vivo tumorigenicity of the cells. These results indicate that the consequences of diminished alpha 2 beta 1-integrin expression in the development of breast cancer and, presumably, of other epithelial malignancies are increased tumorigenicity and loss of the differentiated epithelial phenotype.