959 resultados para measurement error model


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In this paper we present an empirical analysis of the residential demand for electricity using annual aggregate data at the state level for 48 US states from 1995 to 2007. Earlier literature has examined residential energy consumption at the state level using annual or monthly data, focusing on the variation in price elasticities of demand across states or regions, but has failed to recognize or address two major issues. The first is that, when fitting dynamic panel models, the lagged consumption term in the right-hand side of the demand equation is endogenous. This has resulted in potentially inconsistent estimates of the long-run price elasticity of demand. The second is that energy price is likely mismeasured.


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A growing literature considers the impact of uncertainty using SVAR models that include proxies for uncertainty shocks as endogenous variables. In this paper we consider the impact of measurement error in these proxies on the estimated impulse responses. We show via a Monte-Carlo experiment that measurement error can result in attenuation bias in impulse responses. In contrast, the proxy SVAR that uses the uncertainty shock proxy as an instrument does not su¤er from this bias. Applying this latter method to the Bloom (2009) data-set results in impulse responses to uncertainty shocks that are larger in magnitude and more persistent than those obtained from a recursive SVAR.


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In the accounting literature, interaction or moderating effects are usually assessed by means of OLS regression and summated rating scales are constructed to reduce measurement error bias. Structural equation models and two-stage least squares regression could be used to completely eliminate this bias, but large samples are needed. Partial Least Squares are appropriate for small samples but do not correct measurement error bias. In this article, disattenuated regression is discussed as a small sample alternative and is illustrated on data of Bisbe and Otley (in press) that examine the interaction effect of innovation and style of use of budgets on performance. Sizeable differences emerge between OLS and disattenuated regression


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En les últimes dècades, l'increment dels nivells de radiació solar ultraviolada (UVR) que arriba a la Terra (principalment degut a la disminució d'ozó estratosfèric) juntament amb l'augment detectat en malalties relacionades amb l'exposició a la UVR, ha portat a un gran volum d'investigacions sobre la radiació solar en aquesta banda i els seus efectes en els humans. L'índex ultraviolat (UVI), que ha estat adoptat internacionalment, va ser definit amb el propòsit d'informar al públic general sobre els riscos d'exposar el cos nu a la UVR i per tal d'enviar missatges preventius. L'UVI es va definir inicialment com el valor màxim diari. No obstant, el seu ús actual s'ha ampliat i té sentit referir-se a un valor instantani o a una evolució diària del valor d'UVI mesurat, modelitzat o predit. El valor concret d'UVI està afectat per la geometria Sol-Terra, els núvols, l'ozó, els aerosols, l'altitud i l'albedo superficial. Les mesures d'UVI d'alta qualitat són essencials com a referència i per estudiar tendències a llarg termini; es necessiten també tècniques acurades de modelització per tal d'entendre els factors que afecten la UVR, per predir l'UVI i com a control de qualitat de les mesures. És d'esperar que les mesures més acurades d'UVI s'obtinguin amb espectroradiòmetres. No obstant, com que els costs d'aquests dispositius són elevats, és més habitual trobar dades d'UVI de radiòmetres eritemàtics (de fet, la majoria de les xarxes d'UVI estan equipades amb aquest tipus de sensors). Els millors resultats en modelització s'obtenen amb models de transferència radiativa de dispersió múltiple quan es coneix bé la informació d'entrada. No obstant, habitualment no es coneix informació d'entrada, com per exemple les propietats òptiques dels aerosols, la qual cosa pot portar a importants incerteses en la modelització. Sovint, s'utilitzen models més simples per aplicacions com ara la predicció d'UVI o l'elaboració de mapes d'UVI, ja que aquests són més ràpids i requereixen menys paràmetres d'entrada. Tenint en compte aquest marc de treball, l'objectiu general d'aquest estudi és analitzar l'acord al qual es pot arribar entre la mesura i la modelització d'UVI per condicions de cel sense núvols. D'aquesta manera, en aquest estudi es presenten comparacions model-mesura per diferents tècniques de modelització, diferents opcions d'entrada i per mesures d'UVI tant de radiòmetres eritemàtics com d'espectroradiòmeters. Com a conclusió general, es pot afirmar que la comparació model-mesura és molt útil per detectar limitacions i estimar incerteses tant en les modelitzacions com en les mesures. Pel que fa a la modelització, les principals limitacions que s'han trobat és la falta de coneixement de la informació d'aerosols considerada com a entrada dels models. També, s'han trobat importants diferències entre l'ozó mesurat des de satèl·lit i des de la superfície terrestre, la qual cosa pot portar a diferències importants en l'UVI modelitzat. PTUV, una nova i simple parametrització pel càlcul ràpid d'UVI per condicions de cel serens, ha estat desenvolupada en base a càlculs de transferència radiativa. La parametrització mostra una bona execució tant respecte el model base com en comparació amb diverses mesures d'UVI. PTUV ha demostrat la seva utilitat per aplicacions particulars com ara l'estudi de l'evolució anual de l'UVI per un cert lloc (Girona) i la composició de mapes d'alta resolució de valors d'UVI típics per un territori concret (Catalunya). En relació a les mesures, es constata que és molt important saber la resposta espectral dels radiòmetres eritemàtics per tal d'evitar grans incerteses a la mesura d'UVI. Aquest instruments, si estan ben caracteritzats, mostren una bona comparació amb els espectroradiòmetres d'alta qualitat en la mesura d'UVI. Les qüestions més importants respecte les mesures són la calibració i estabilitat a llarg termini. També, s'ha observat un efecte de temperatura en el PTFE, un material utilitzat en els difusors en alguns instruments, cosa que potencialment podria tenir implicacions importants en el camp experimental. Finalment, i pel que fa a les comparacions model-mesura, el millor acord s'ha trobat quan es consideren mesures d'UVI d'espectroradiòmetres d'alta qualitat i s'usen models de transferència radiativa que consideren les millors dades disponibles pel que fa als paràmetres òptics d'ozó i aerosols i els seus canvis en el temps. D'aquesta manera, l'acord pot ser tan alt dins un 0.1º% en UVI, i típicament entre menys d'un 3%. Aquest acord es veu altament deteriorat si s'ignora la informació d'aerosols i depèn de manera important del valor d'albedo de dispersió simple dels aerosols. Altres dades d'entrada del model, com ara l'albedo superficial i els perfils d'ozó i temperatura introdueixen una incertesa menor en els resultats de modelització.


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The potential for spatial dependence in models of voter turnout, although plausible from a theoretical perspective, has not been adequately addressed in the literature. Using recent advances in Bayesian computation, we formulate and estimate the previously unutilized spatial Durbin error model and apply this model to the question of whether spillovers and unobserved spatial dependence in voter turnout matters from an empirical perspective. Formal Bayesian model comparison techniques are employed to compare the normal linear model, the spatially lagged X model (SLX), the spatial Durbin model, and the spatial Durbin error model. The results overwhelmingly support the spatial Durbin error model as the appropriate empirical model.


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Iatrogenic errors and patient safety in clinical processes are an increasing concern. The quality of process information in hardcopy or electronic form can heavily influence clinical behaviour and decision making errors. Little work has been undertaken to assess the safety impact of clinical process planning documents guiding the clinical actions and decisions. This paper investigates the clinical process documents used in elective surgery and their impact on latent and active clinical errors. Eight clinicians from a large health trust underwent extensive semi- structured interviews to understand their use of clinical documents, and their perceived impact on errors and patient safety. Samples of the key types of document used were analysed. Theories of latent organisational and active errors from the literature were combined with the EDA semiotics model of behaviour and decision making to propose the EDA Error Model. This model enabled us to identify perceptual, evaluation, knowledge and action error types and approaches to reducing their causes. The EDA error model was then used to analyse sample documents and identify error sources and controls. Types of knowledge artefact structures used in the documents were identified and assessed in terms of safety impact. This approach was combined with analysis of the questionnaire findings using existing error knowledge from the literature. The results identified a number of document and knowledge artefact issues that give rise to latent and active errors and also issues concerning medical culture and teamwork together with recommendations for further work.


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In chemical analyses performed by laboratories, one faces the problem of determining the concentration of a chemical element in a sample. In practice, one deals with the problem using the so-called linear calibration model, which considers that the errors associated with the independent variables are negligible compared with the former variable. In this work, a new linear calibration model is proposed assuming that the independent variables are subject to heteroscedastic measurement errors. A simulation study is carried out in order to verify some properties of the estimators derived for the new model and it is also considered the usual calibration model to compare it with the new approach. Three applications are considered to verify the performance of the new approach. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Recent advances in telemetry technology have created a wealth of tracking data available for many animal species moving over spatial scales from tens of meters to tens of thousands of kilometers. Increasingly, such data sets are being used for quantitative movement analyses aimed at extracting fundamental biological signals such as optimal searching behavior and scale-dependent foraging decisions. We show here that the location error inherent in various tracking technologies reduces the ability to detect patterns of behavior within movements. Our analyses endeavored to set out a series of initial ground rules for ecologists to help ensure that sampling noise is not misinterpreted as a real biological signal. We simulated animal movement tracks using specialized random walks known as Lévy flights at three spatial scales of investigation: 100-km, 10-km, and 1-km maximum daily step lengths. The locations generated in the simulations were then blurred using known error distributions associated with commonly applied tracking methods: the Global Positioning System (GPS), Argos polar-orbiting satellites, and light-level geolocation. Deviations from the idealized Lévy flight pattern were assessed for each track after incrementing levels of location error were applied at each spatial scale, with additional assessments of the effect of error on scale-dependent movement patterns measured using fractal mean dimension and first-passage time (FPT) analyses. The accuracy of parameter estimation (Lévy μ, fractal mean D, and variance in FPT) declined precipitously at threshold errors relative to each spatial scale. At 100-km maximum daily step lengths, error standard deviations of ≥10 km seriously eroded the biological patterns evident in the simulated tracks, with analogous thresholds at the 10-km and 1-km scales (error SD ≥ 1.3 km and 0.07 km, respectively). Temporal subsampling of the simulated tracks maintained some elements of the biological signals depending on error level and spatial scale. Failure to account for large errors relative to the scale of movement can produce substantial biases in the interpretation of movement patterns. This study provides researchers with a framework for understanding the limitations of their data and identifies how temporal subsampling can help to reduce the influence of spatial error on their conclusions.


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The serological detection of antibodies against human papillomavirus (HPV) antigens is a useful tool to determine exposure to genital HPV infection and in predicting the risk of infection persistence and associated lesions. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are commonly used for seroepidemiological studies of HPV infection but are not standardized. Intra-and interassay performance variation is difficult to control, especially in cohort studies that require the testing of specimens over extended periods. We propose the use of normalized absorbance ratios (NARs) as a standardization procedure to control for such variations and minimize measurement error. We compared NAR and ELISA optical density (OD) values for the strength of the correlation between serological results for paired visits 4 months apart and HPV-16 DNA positivity in cervical specimens from a cohort investigation of 2,048 women tested with an ELISA using HPV-16 virus-like particles. NARs were calculated by dividing the mean blank-subtracted (net) ODs by the equivalent values of a control serum pool included in the same plate in triplicate, using different dilutions. Stronger correlations were observed with NAR values than with net ODs at every dilution, with an overall reduction in nonexplained regression variability of 39%. Using logistic regression, the ranges of odds ratios of HPV-16 DNA positivity contrasting upper and lower quintiles at different dilutions and their averages were 4.73 to 5.47 for NARs and 2.78 to 3.28 for net ODs, with corresponding significant improvements in seroreactivity-risk trends across quintiles when NARs were used. The NAR standardization is a simple procedure to reduce measurement error in seroepidemiological studies of HPV infection.


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The scope of this study was to estimate calibrated values for dietary data obtained by the Food Frequency Questionnaire for Adolescents (FFQA) and illustrate the effect of this approach on food consumption data. The adolescents were assessed on two occasions, with an average interval of twelve months. In 2004, 393 adolescents participated, and 289 were then reassessed in 2005. Dietary data obtained by the FFQA were calibrated using the regression coefficients estimated from the average of two 24-hour recalls (24HR) of the subsample. The calibrated values were similar to the the 24HR reference measurement in the subsample. In 2004 and 2005 a significant difference was observed between the average consumption levels of the FFQA before and after calibration for all nutrients. With the use of calibrated data the proportion of schoolchildren who had fiber intake below the recommended level increased. Therefore, it is seen that calibrated data can be used to obtain adjusted associations due to reclassification of subjects within the predetermined categories.


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Temperature dependent transient curves of excited levels of a model Eu3+ complex have been measured for the first time. A coincidence between the temperature dependent rise time of the 5D0 emitting level and decay time of the 5D1 excited level in the [Eu(tta)3(H2O)2] complex has been found, which unambiguously proves the T1→5D1→5D0 sensitization pathway. A theoretical approach for the temperature dependent energy transfer rates has been successfully applied to the rationalization of the experimental data.