36 resultados para macroecology


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he composition and relative abundance of airborne pollen in urban areas of Australia and New Zealand are strongly influenced by geographical location, climate and land use. There is mounting evidence that the diversity and quality of airborne pollen is substantially modified by climate change and land-use yet there are insufficient data to project the future nature of these changes. Our study highlights the need for long-term aerobiological monitoring in Australian and New Zealand urban areas in a systematic, standardised, and sustained way, and provides a framework for targeting the most clinically significant taxa in terms of abundance, allergenic effects and public health burden.


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Ecosystem-based management is one of many indispensable components of objective, holistic management of human impacts on nonhuman systems. By itself, however, ecosystem-based management carries the same risks we face with other forms of current management; holism requires more. Combining single-species and ecosystem approaches represents progress. However, it is now recognized that management also needs to be evosystem-based. In other words, management needs to account for all coevolutionary and evolutionary interactions among all species; otherwise we fall far short of holism. Fully holistic practices are quite distinct from the approaches to the management of fisheries that are applied today. In this paper, we show how macroecological patterns can guide management consistently, objectively, and holistically. We present one particular macroecological pattern with two applications. The first application is a case study of fisheries from the Baltic Sea involving historical data for two species; the second involves a sample of 44 species of primarily marine fish worldwide. In both cases we evaluate historical fishing rates and determine holistic/systemic sustainable single-species fishing rates to illustrate that conventional fisheries management leads to much more extensive and pervasive overfishing than currently realized; harvests are, on average, over twenty-fold too large to be fully sustainable. In general, our approach involves not only the sustainability of fisheries and related resources but also the sustainability of the ecosystems and evosystems in which they occur. Using macroecological patterns accomplishes four important goals: 1) Macroecology becomes one of the interdisciplinary components of management. 2) Sustainability becomes an option for harvests from populations of individual species, species groups, ecosystems, and the entire marine environment. 3) Policies and goals are reality-based, holistic, or fully systemic; they account for ecological as well as evolutionary factors and dynamics (including management itself). 4) Numerous management questions can be addressed.


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Global climate change is expected to modify the spatial distribution of marine organisms. However, projections of future changes should be based on robust information on the ecological niche of species. This paper presents a macroecological study of the environmental tolerance and ecological niche (sensu Hutchinson 1957, i.e. the field of tolerance of a species to the principal factors of its environment) of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Biological data were collected by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, which samples plankton in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas at a standard depth of 7 m. Eleven parameters were chosen including bathymetry, temperature, salinity, nutrients, mixed-layer depth and an index of turbulence compiled from wind data and chlorophyll a concentrations (used herein as an index of available food). The environmental window and the optimum level were determined for both species and for each abiotic factor and chlorophyll concentration. The most important parameters that influenced abundance and spatial distribution were temperature and its correlates such as oxygen and nutrients. Bathymetry and other water-column-related parameters also played an important role. The ecological niche of C. finmarchicus was larger than that of C. helgolandicus and both niches were significantly separated. Our results have important implications in the context of global climate change. As temperature (and to some extent stratification) is predicted to continue to rise in the North Atlantic sector, changes in the spatial distribution of these 2 Calanus species can be expected. Application of this approach to the 1980s North Sea regime shift provides evidence that changes in sea temperature alone could have triggered the substantial and rapid changes identified in the dynamic regimes of these ecosystems. C. finmarchicus appears to be a good indicator of the Atlantic Polar Biome (mainly the Atlantic Subarctic and Arctic provinces) while C. helgolandicus is an indicator of more temperate waters (Atlantic Westerly Winds Biome) in regions characterised by more pronounced spatial changes in bathymetry.


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1. In addition to abiotic determinants, biotic factors, including competitive, interspecific interactions, limit species’ distributions. Environmental changes in human disturbance, land use and climate are predicted to have widespread impacts on interactions between species, especially in the order Lagomorpha due to the higher latitudes and more extreme environmental conditions they occupy.
2. We reviewed the published literature on interspecific interactions in the order Lagomorpha, and compared the biogeography, macroecology, phylogeny and traits of species known to interact with those of species with no reported interactions, to investigate how projected future environmental change may affect interactions and potentially alter species’ distributions.
3. Thirty-three lagomorph species have competitive interactions reported in the literature; the majority involve hares (Lepus sp.) or the eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus). Key regions for interactions are located between 30-50°N of the Equator, and include eastern Asia (southern Russia on the border of Mongolia) and North America (north western USA).
4. Closely related, large-bodied, similarly sized species occurring in regions of human-modified, typically agricultural landscapes, or at high elevations are significantly more likely to have reported competitive interactions than other lagomorph species.
5. We identify species’ traits associated with competitive interactions, and highlight some potential impacts that future environmental change may have on interspecific interactions. Our approach using bibliometric and biological data is widely applicable, and with relatively straightforward methodologies, can provide insights into interactions between species.
6. Our results have implications for predicting species’ responses to global change, and we advise that capturing, parameterizing and incorporating interspecific interactions into analyses (for example, species distribution modelling) may be more important than suggested by the literature.


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Aim Earth observation (EO) products are a valuable alternative to spectral vegetation indices. We discuss the availability of EO products for analysing patterns in macroecology, particularly related to vegetation, on a range of spatial and temporal scales. Location Global. Methods We discuss four groups of EO products: land cover/cover change, vegetation structure and ecosystem productivity, fire detection, and digital elevation models. We address important practical issues arising from their use, such as assumptions underlying product generation, product accuracy and product transferability between spatial scales. We investigate the potential of EO products for analysing terrestrial ecosystems. Results Land cover, productivity and fire products are generated from long-term data using standardized algorithms to improve reliability in detecting change of land surfaces. Their global coverage renders them useful for macroecology. Their spatial resolution (e.g. GLOBCOVER vegetation, 300 m; MODIS vegetation and fire, ≥ 500 m; ASTER digital elevation, 30 m) can be a limiting factor. Canopy structure and productivity products are based on physical approaches and thus are independent of biome-specific calibrations. Active fire locations are provided in near-real time, while burnt area products show actual area burnt by fire. EO products can be assimilated into ecosystem models, and their validation information can be employed to calculate uncertainties during subsequent modelling. Main conclusions Owing to their global coverage and long-term continuity, EO end products can significantly advance the field of macroecology. EO products allow analyses of spatial biodiversity, seasonal dynamics of biomass and productivity, and consequences of disturbances on regional to global scales. Remaining drawbacks include inter-operability between products from different sensors and accuracy issues due to differences between assumptions and models underlying the generation of different EO products. Our review explains the nature of EO products and how they relate to particular ecological variables across scales to encourage their wider use in ecological applications.


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Macroecology evaluates the partitioning of physical space and resources among organisms through correlation among ecological variables, such as geographical range size and shape, body size, and population density, measured at large geographical and taxonomic scales. In this article, we analyzed the spatial patterns in worker body size and geographic range size for the 27 described species of honey ants, genus Myrmecocystus Wesmael, in the United States and Mexico, and especially the relationship between these 2 variables after statistically removing their spatial patterns. The 2 variables are correlated, but also displayed significant spatial patterns, as detected by trend surface and spatial autocorrelation analyses. After removing these spatial effects, worker body size and geographic range size were still positively correlated. The relationship, therefore, is not a consequence of spatial effects and it does follow Brown's model, which predicts that the geographic range size will have a positive slope on body size. In this model, the lower population densities caused by foraging activities and local territorial competition are associated with a large geographic range, avoiding stochastic extinction. Although this constraint in local population density does not necessarily hold for small organisms such as insects that could achieve high densities even in very small areas and patchy habitats, it may hold for social insects, especially ants, because of the local competition among colonies.


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Understanding the geographic and environmental characteristics of islands that affect aspects of biodiversity is a major theme in ecology (Begon et al. 2006; Krebs 2001) and biogeography (Cox and Moore 2000; Drakare et al. 2006; Lomolino et al. 2006). Such understanding has become particularly relevant over the past century because human activities on continents have fragmented natural landscapes, often creating islands of isolated habitat dispersed within a sea of land uses that include agriculture, forestry, and various degrees of urban and suburban development. The increasingly fragmented or islandlike structure of mainland habitats has critical ramifications to conservation biology, as it provides insights regarding the mechanisms leading to species persistence and loss. Consequently, the study of patterns and mechanisms associated with island biodiversity is of interest in its own right (Whittaker 1998; Williamson 1981), and may provide critical insights into mainland phenomena that otherwise could not be studied because of ethical, financial, or logistical considerations involved with the execution of large-scale manipulative experiments.


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Die Verbreitung von Vögeln kann von sehr unterschiedlichen Faktoren (z.B. Habitatstruktur, Klima, Nahrungsverfügbarkeit, Evolutionsgeschichte) beeinflusst werden, die zudem auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen (lokal bis global) unterschiedlich wirken. In dieser Dissertation wurde die Artenvielfalt früchtefressender Vogelarten auf regionalem, kontinentalem und globalem Maßstab untersucht und getestet ob sie von Habitatstruktur (Landnutzung, Topographie, Vegetationsstruktur), Klima (Temperatur, Niederschlag, Evapotranspiration), Nahrungsressourcen (früchtetragende Baumarten), oder historischen Faktoren (biogeographische Region) bestimmt wird. Dazu wurden umfangreiche geographische Datenbanken auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen, d.h. auf regionalem (Kenia), kontinentalem (Afrika), und globalem (Welt) Maßstab, ausgewertet, die die Verbreitung aller Vogelarten und wichtiger Umweltfaktoren enthalten. Statistische Analysen auf globalem Maßstab zeigten, dass die Verbreitung von Früchtefressern sehr gut mit klimatischen Variablen, insbesondere aktueller Evapotranspiration und Produktivität, beschrieben werden kann. Unterschiede zwischen biogeographischen Regionen bleiben jedoch bestehen auch wenn für klimatische Unterschiede zwischen den Regionen korrigiert wird. Weiter zeigen unterschiedliche Ordnungen mit früchtefressenden Vogelarten unterschiedliche Diversifizierungsmuster. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass auch historische Faktoren, wie die Klima- und Evolutionsgeschichte, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Analysen auf regionalem und kontinentalem Maßstab legen nahe, dass klimatische Faktoren im Wesentlichen indirekt auf die Artenvielfalt von Früchtefressern wirken, und zwar durch funktionelle Beziehungen zwischen Früchtefressern und Bäumen (z.B. trophische Interaktionen mit wichtigen Nahrungspflanzen, Vegetationsstruktur). Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation zeigen, dass biotische Interaktionen, direkte und indirekte klimatische Effekte, und das Zusammenwirken von Evolutionsgeschichte und heutigen Umweltbedingungen untersucht werden müssen um den Artenreichtum von Vögeln auf großem räumlichem Maßstab zu verstehen.


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Aim Determining how ecological processes vary across space is a major focus in ecology. Current methods that investigate such effects remain constrained by important limiting assumptions. Here we provide an extension to geographically weighted regression in which local regression and spatial weighting are used in combination. This method can be used to investigate non-stationarity and spatial-scale effects using any regression technique that can accommodate uneven weighting of observations, including machine learning. Innovation We extend the use of spatial weights to generalized linear models and boosted regression trees by using simulated data for which the results are known, and compare these local approaches with existing alternatives such as geographically weighted regression (GWR). The spatial weighting procedure (1) explained up to 80% deviance in simulated species richness, (2) optimized the normal distribution of model residuals when applied to generalized linear models versus GWR, and (3) detected nonlinear relationships and interactions between response variables and their predictors when applied to boosted regression trees. Predictor ranking changed with spatial scale, highlighting the scales at which different species–environment relationships need to be considered. Main conclusions GWR is useful for investigating spatially varying species–environment relationships. However, the use of local weights implemented in alternative modelling techniques can help detect nonlinear relationships and high-order interactions that were previously unassessed. Therefore, this method not only informs us how location and scale influence our perception of patterns and processes, it also offers a way to deal with different ecological interpretations that can emerge as different areas of spatial influence are considered during model fitting.


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前人对横断山区特有植物的宏生态学研究已有一定的资料积累,对横断山区在全球生物多样性保护中的关键地位和特有现象已有基本共识:(1)横断山区是全球生物多样性关键地区和生物多样性优先重点保护的热点地区之一;(2)横断山区不仅是中国的三大特有植物分布中心之一,而且是新特有中心和物种分化中心,特有现象的生态成因大于历史成因。横断山区种子植物种类丰富,且具有较高的特有现象,其中既有古特有成分也有新特有成分但更多的是新特有成分。但目前,关于横断山区特有现象与生态特征、特有种分布与物种丰富度、特有种丰富度与海拔梯度以及植被的关系等仍缺乏深入的研究。针对上述问题,本论文初步研究了横断山区(1)特有种的生活型、种子散布方式、传粉方式和繁育系统等生态特征,各生态特征之间的相关关系,以及它们的进化地位;(2)特有种的水平分布格局及环境成因;和(3)特有种和生态特征沿海拔梯度的变化规律。主要结论如下: 1.横断山区含特有植物2396个分类群(包括种、亚种和变种),隶属于372属90科。特有类群在372个属中的分布非常不均匀,约一半的特有类群(50.2%)集中分布在较少的属中(占总属数的6%),含特有类群的属大小差异很大,重要的大属是:马先蒿属、乌头属、杜鹃花属、翠雀属、紫堇属、虎耳草属、报春花属、小檗属、黄芪属、凤毛菊属、蚤缀属、橐吾属、龙胆属、景天属、柳属、苔草属、香茶菜属、凤仙花属、紫菀属、鼠尾草属和蝇子草属等,这些属多以横断山为分布和分化中心,为新特有成分。另外,地面芽植物和隐芽植物等占有绝对优势,而矮高位芽植物、高位芽植物、地面芽植物等占有较低的比例,反映了该特有区系的高山、亚高山植物区系特点,但又不乏与热带植物区系的渊源。与世界其它高山地区相比,该特有区系中的地面芽植物、隐芽植物和一年生植物有较高的比例。 2.草本、风力散布种子、昆虫传粉和两性花等为该特有植物区系的优势生态特征。除传粉方式和生活型间无明显的相互作用外,其它生态特征间都存在明显的正相关关系。定量化研究结果表明该特有区系特有种的传粉方式进化可塑性很小,处于保守(或原始)的进化地位。相反,种子散布方式和繁育系统的进化可塑性较大,处于衍生(或进化)的进化地位,是不同种系在历史发育过程中不同阶段的产物。生活型的进化地位在种间有较大的分异,具较小或较大可塑性的各占有一定的比例,因此生活型中既保留处于保守(或原始)的进化地位也有处于衍生(或进化)的进化地位,两种进化状态的生活型在该特有区系中并存,该特征不但是种系在进化早期决定的,同时也是不同种系在进化过程中获得的。 3. 特有种的分布不均匀,较高比例的特有种局限分布在较少的几个地区,北纬28-29°线是特有种丰富度重要的南北分界线。聚类分析结果表明其分布可以划分为3个物种聚集群:(1)北纬28-29°以北、北纬34°以南的藏东川西北物种聚集群;(2)北纬28-29°以南、北纬26°以北的藏东南—滇西北—川西南物种聚集群;和(3)北纬26°以南、北纬25°以北的滇西北物种聚集群。其中,藏东南—滇西北—川西南物种聚集群特有种丰富度最高,是横断山区特有种分布的核心区;滇西北物种聚集群特有种丰富度最低,藏东川西北物种聚集群特有种丰富度居中。藏东南—滇西北—川西南物种聚集群之所以特有种类丰富很有可能与该小区具有高的物种丰富度和落叶阔叶林、常绿/落叶针叶林的分布有密切的联系。在区域尺度上,横断山区总物种的分布中心与特有中心存在分异。尽管两者都处于北纬28-29°以南、北纬26°以北的藏东南—滇西北—川西南小区,但特有中心具有较小的分布范围,而总物种的丰富度中心分布范围较大。因此,我们推测特有分布中心不但与落叶阔叶林和常绿/落叶针叶林有密切的联系,而且也与物种丰富度有关。特有种与植被类型尤其是与常绿阔叶林和落叶阔叶林的关系研究对揭示特有现象的发生、性质和特点有一定的意义,有关研究尚需进一步开展。此外,海拔高差、区系物种丰富度、地理位置和单元面积为特有种丰富度地理分布的总体变异提供了74.7%的解释。 4.研究地区的南缘和东南缘有高比例的木本特有植物,而草本特有植物的比例相对最低,反映出该横断山区南缘的特有植物与热带植物区系的渊源关系,其成分多为一些古老的特有成分;而高比例和较高比例的草本特有植物在研究地区普遍存在,包括研究区域南、北的大部分地区,显然草本特有植物是横断山的优势特有成分。这种以草本特有植物为特征的高山、亚高山特有植物区系有别于我国其它两大特有植物分布中心。该特有中心的成因的最终解释还需要从物种形成(speciation)、灭绝(extinction)和扩散(biogeographic dispersal)——这三个直接影响一个地区物种数量变化的过程来考虑。 5.特有种丰富度沿海拔梯度呈“单峰” 变化曲线,在中海拔段达到峰值。与中国特有种、世界广布种相比,特有种的峰值最高,最适海拔分布范围最窄。特有率随海拔上升而逐渐增高,但在海拔5000-5500 m左右突然上升,在海拔6000 m左右达到最高值。说明(1)物种分布区和丰富度存在着正相关,即特有种具有小的分布区,而广布种的分布区较大;(2)特有率的线性变化规律反映了物种丰富度和特有现象之间的关系,即物种丰富度最大峰值以上海拔段物种数量减少,但特有率增加,说明了该特有区系的高海拔性质。 6.特有种沿海拔梯度表现出大小明显不同的物种聚集群,可能与横断山区的山地垂直气候及相应的植被类型有关。在2600-4600 m海拔段特有种数量最多,这可能与该海拔段分布着落叶阔叶林和常绿/落叶针叶林有密切的联系。特有植物沿海拔梯度可分为四个不同海拔段的物种聚集群:(1)200-1000 m;(2)1000-2600 m; (3)2600-4600 m;和(4)4600-6400 m。在对应海拔段依次分布着干热河谷稀树灌草丛、常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林和常绿/落叶针叶林、高山流石滩稀疏植丛。其中,分布在2600-4600 m海拔段的物种丰富度最高,1000-2600 m海拔段的物种丰富度次之,200-1000 m、4600-6400 m两个海拔段物种丰富度较低。 7.特有区系中占优势的生态特征包括草本、风力散布种子、虫媒传粉、两性花和克隆性等对海拔梯度的适应也呈“单峰” 变化曲线,但该主要特征与次要的生态特征(木本、动物散布种子、风媒传粉、单性花和非克隆性)相比,均具有较高的海拔峰值和较窄的最适分布范围,反映了主要生态特征对中、高海拔的适应特点。主要的生态特征与次要的生态特征并存构成了横断山区特有区系的基本生态特征。


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Centropages typicus is a temperate neritic-coastal species of the North Atlantic Oceans, generally found between the latitudes of the Mediterranean and the Norwegian Sea. Therefore, the species experiences a large number of environments and adjusts its life cycle in response to changes in key abiotic parameters such as temperature. Using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, we review the macroecology of C. typicus and factors that influence its spatial distribution, phenology and year-to-year to decadal variability. The ecological preferences are identified and quantified. Mechanisms that allow the species to occur in such different environments are discussed and hypotheses are proposed as to how the species adapts to its environment. We show that temperature and both quantity and quality of phytoplankton are important factors explaining the space and time variability of C. typicus. These results show that C. typicus will not respond only to temperature increase in the region but also to changes in phytoplankton abundance, structure and composition and timing of occurrence. Methods such as a decision tree can help to forecast expected changes in the distribution of this species with hydro-climatic forcing. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.