154 resultados para lotic


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Freshwater ecosystems vary in size and composition and contain a wide range of organisms which interact with each other and with the environment. These interactions are between organisms and the environment as nutrient cycling, biomass formation and transfer, maintenance of internal environment and interactions with the external environment. The range of organisms present in aquatic communities decides the generation and transfer function of biomass, which defines and characterises the system. These organisms have distinct roles as they occupy particular trophic levels, forming an interconnected system in a food chain. Availability of resources and competition would primarily determine the balance of individual species within the food web, which in turn influences the variety and proportions of the different organisms, with important implications for the overall functioning of the system. This dynamic and diverse relationship decides the physical, chemical and biological elements across spatial and temporal scales in the aquatic ecosystem, which can be recorded by regular inventorying and monitoring to maintain the integrity and conserve the ecosystem. Regular environmental monitoring, particularly water quality monitoring allows us to detect, assess and manage the overall impacts on the rivers. The appreciation of water quality is in constant flux. Water quality assessments derived through the biotic indices, i.e. assessments based on observations of the resident floral and faunal communities has gained importance in recent years. Biological evaluations provide a description of the water quality that is often not achievable from elemental analyses alone. A biological indicator (or bioindicator) is a taxon or taxa selected based on its sensitivity to a particular attribute, and then assessed to make inferences about that attribute. In other words, they are a substitute for directly measuring abiotic features or other biota. Bioindicators are evaluated through presence or absence, condition, relative abundance, reproductive success, community structure (i.e. composition and diversity), community function (i.e. trophic structure), or any combination thereof.Biological communities reflect the overall ecological integrity by integrating various stresses, thus providing a broad measure of their synergistic impacts. Aquatic communities, both plants and animals, integrate and reflect the effects of chemical and physical disturbances that occur over extended periods of time. Monitoring procedures based on the biota measure the health of a river and the ability of aquatic ecosystems to support life as opposed to simply characterising the chemical and physical components of a particular system. This is the central purpose of assessing the biological condition of aquatic communities of a river.Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), blue green algae (Cyanophyceae), green algae (Chlorophyceae), and red algae (Rhodphyceae) are the main groups of algae in flowing water. These organisms are widely used as biological indicators of environmental health in the aquatic ecosystem because algae occupy the most basic level in the transfer of energy through natural aquatic systems. The distribution of algae in an aquatic ecosystem is directly related to the fundamental factors such as physical, chemical and biological constituents. Soft algae (all the algal groups except diatoms) have also been used as indicators of biological integrity, but they may have less efficiency than diatoms in this respect due to their highly variable morphology. The diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) comprise a ubiquitous, highly successful and distinctive group of unicellular algae with the most obvious distinguishing characteristic feature being siliceous cell walls (frustules). The photosynthetic organisms living within its photic zone are responsible for about one-half of global primary productivity. The most successful organisms are thought to be photosynthetic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria and prochlorophytes) and a class of eukaryotic unicellular algae known as diatoms. Diatoms are likely to have arisen around 240 million years ago following an endosymbiotic event between a red eukaryotic alga and a heterotrophic flagellate related to the Oomycetes.The importance of algae to riverine ecology is easily appreciated when one considers that they are primary producers that convert inorganic nutrients into biologically active organic compounds while providing physical habitat for other organisms. As primary producers, algae transform solar energy into food from which many invertebrates obtain their energy. Algae also transform inorganic nutrients, such as atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms such as ammonia and amino acids that can be used by other organisms. Algae stabilises the substrate and creates mats that form structural habitats for fish and invertebrates. Algae are a source of organic matter and provide habitat for other organisms such as non-photosynthetic bacteria, protists, invertebrates, and fish. Algae's crucial role in stream ecosystems and their excellent indicator properties make them an important component of environmental studies to assess the effects of human activities on stream health. Diatoms are used as biological indicators for a number of reasons: 1. They occur in all types of aquatic ecosystems. 2. They collectively show a broad range of tolerance along a gradient of aquatic productivity, individual species have specific water chemistry requirements. 3. They have one of the shortest generation times of all biological indicators (~2 weeks). They reproduce and respond rapidly to environmental change and provide early measures of both pollution impacts and habitat restoration. 4. It takes two to three weeks before changes are reflected to a measurable extent in the assemblage composition.


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Very little research has been carried out on detrital energetics and pathways in lotic ecosystems. Most investigations have concentrated on the degradation of allochthonous plant litter by fungi, with a glance at heterotrophic bacteria associated with decaying litter. In this short review, the author describes what is known of the detrition of plant litter in lotic waters, which results from the degradative activities of colonising saprophytic fungi and bacteria, and goes on to relate this process to those invertebrates that consume coarse and/or fine particulate detritus, or dissolved organic matter that aggregates into colloidal exopolymer particles. It is clear that many of the key processes involved in the relationships between the physical, chemical, biotic and biochemical elements present in running waters are very complex and poorly understood. Those few aspects for which there are reliable models with predictive power have resulted from data collections made over periods of 20 years or more. Comprehensive research of single catchments would provide a fine opportunity to collect data over a long period.


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Three new species of Lumbriculidae were collected from floodplain seeps and small streams in southeastern North America. Some of these habitats are naturally acidic. Sylphella puccoon gen. n., sp. n. has prosoporous male ducts in X-XI, and spermathecae in XII-XIII. Muscular, spherical atrial ampullae and acuminate penial sheaths distinguish this monotypic new genus from other lumbriculid genera having similar arrangements of reproductive organs. Cookidrilus pocosinus sp. n. resembles its two subterranean, Palearctic congeners in the arrangement of reproductive organs, but is easily distinguished by the position of the spermathecal pores in front of the chaetae in X-XIII. Stylodrilus coreyi sp. n. differs from congeners having simple-pointed chaetae and elongate atria primarily by the structure of the male duct and the large clusters of prostate cells. Streams and wetlands of Southeastern USA have a remarkably high diversity of endemic lumbriculids, and these poorly-known invertebrates should be considered in conservation efforts.


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Many views of stream invertebrate populations centre on drift as the major route of larval dispersal, but few studies have presented unambiguous information about the role of drift. We present the results from an experiment designed to determine whether the major route of colonisation of substrata by hydropsychid larvae (commonly found in the drift) is by drifting directly onto substrata or by walking along the stream bottom. The experimental design contained four treatments: substrata open to drifters and walkers; fenced substrata open to drifters only; and two treatments open to drifters and walkers that provided forms of fence controls. Fifteen replicates of each treatment were set out at random locations within a riffle at each of three sites, with each site on a different river (the Little River, the Steavenson River and the Acheron River) in the Acheron River catchment. The experiment was run twice, once during autumn (April 1999) and once during early summer (January 2000). Both experiments were colonised by three species of hydropsychids, Asmicridea sp. AV1, and Smicrophylax sp. AV1 and AV2. We found that 2nd/3rd instars of Asmicridea sp. AV1 walked as well as drifted, whereas all others primarily drifted. No relation between numbers of recruits and water speed was found when substrata were open only to drifters, whereas substrata open also to walkers gained more recruits in faster flows. Additionally, larvae more frequently abandoned nets in slow than fast flows, indicating that drifting into unfavourable flow environments may result in mortality or redispersal of larvae. These findings demonstrate that, although drift is important, it is not necessarily the only method used by hydropsychids to colonise substrata. Larvae may have more capacity to choose substrata in fast flows when they colonise substrata by walking. Spot measures of hydropsychid distribution cannot distinguish between these explanations. The finding that walkers can sometimes comprise significant numbers of recruits raises the prospect that hydropsychids can be sourced locally and have not inevitably drifted in from upstream locations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Foi investigada a correlação entre nível hidrológico, pluviosidade e temperatura e reprodução de peixes num trecho lótico do rio Grande, abaixo da barragem de Volta Grande. Para a captura, realizada com redes de espera, foram feitas seis amostragens bimestrais de abril de 1998 a fevereiro de 1999. As gônadas foram classificadas de acordo com o estádio de maturação e aquelas maduras ou esgotadas foram correlacionadas com as variáveis ambientais. A maioria das espécies apresentou reprodução sazonal, entre outubro e fevereiro. A freqüência relativa bimestral de gônadas maduras ou esgotadas de todos os exemplares agrupados foi correlacionada significativamente com pluviosidade (Spearman r = 0,94, p = 0,005) e temperatura do ar (r = 0,84, p = 0,036), mostrando a importância destes fatores no controle do ciclo reprodutivo dos peixes. Devido à barragem, o nível hidrológico pouco variou e não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre reprodução e nível hidrológico (r = -0,43, p = 0,396).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste trabalho, foi estudada a dinâmica populacional e estimada a produção primária líquida da macrófita aquática Nymphaea rudgeana em um braço do rio Itanhaém (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil). Esta espécie apresenta uma ampla variação anual de biomassa, em função da estação do ano, no local estudado. A partir do mês de novembro (13,1 g PS/m²), pode ser observado um aumento gradual da biomassa, atingindo o máximo em fevereiro (163,1 g PS/m²). Posteriormente, a biomassa diminui, mantendo-se em níveis baixos até um novo período de crescimento. A diminuição de biomassa está associada ao desenvolvimento de macrófitas flutuantes (Pistia stratiotes e Salvinia molesta) e, subseqüentemente, às condições ambientais desfavoráveis (valores de salinidade elevados) ao seu desenvolvimento. A produção primária líquida de N. rudgeana foi obtida a partir dos dados de biomassa e seu valor é estimado entre 3,02 e 3,82 t/ha/ano.


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Macroalgal species richness and diversity were analysed along a longitudinal profile in small and large scales during Spring, Fall and Winter, respectively in a small stream and a mid size river in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (20 degrees 23'-20 degrees 49'S, 49 degrees 26'-51 degrees 19'W). Longitudinal variation in species richness and diversity in small scale was strongly associated with incident light. Microhabitat distribution (from data taken by quadrat technique) revealed no significant correlations. Principal coordinates analysis (PCO) indicated no consistent groupings among sampling sites in distinct seasons (Spring, Fall and Winter). Longitudinal analysis in large scale revealed different patterns in the two seasons sampled (Spring and Winter), whereas species diversity presented a consistent tl end: high upstream, low in mid reaches and higher downstream. It was associated with type of substratum in Spring, rocky substrata presenting the highest values for species richness and diversity. Weak correlations were observed in Winter. Microhabitat distribution showed significant correlations between species abundance and the following variables: positive for rocky substrata and current velocity and negative for sandyclayish substratum and macrophyte-dominated substratum. PCO delineated only one consistent grouping formed by the two headwater sites. Small scale macroalgal distribution corroborated the longitudinal pattern predicted by the River Continuum Concept, whereas the large scale approach showed a distribution more associated with substratum type than to light availability. These results showed an opposite trend in relation to the expected distributional pattern. Longitudinal distribution in macroalgal community structure has yet to be better documented, particularly for tropical streams and no generalization is possible at this stage.


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Photosynthetic characteristics in response to irradiance were analysed in 42 populations of 33 macroalgal species by two distinct techniques (chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen evolution). Photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) curves based on the two techniques indicated adaptations to low irradiance reflected by low saturation values, high to moderate values of photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) and photoinhibition (beta), for Bacillariophyta and Rhodophyta, which suggests they are typically shade-adapted algae. In contrast, most species of Chlorophyta were reported as sun adapted algae, characterized by high values of I-k and low of alpha, and lack of or low photoinhibition. Cyanophyta and Xanthophyta were intermediate groups in terms of light adaptations. Photoinhibition was observed in variable degrees in all algal groups, under field and laboratory conditions, which confirms that it is not artificially induced by experimental conditions, but is rather a common and natural phenomenon of the lotic macroalgae. Low values of compensation irradiance (I-c) were found, which indicate that these algae can keep an autotrophic metabolism even under very low irradiances. High ratios (>2) of photosynthesis/respiration were found in most algae, which indicates a considerable net gain. These two physiological characteristics suggest that macroalgae may be important primary producers in lotic ecosystems. Saturation parameters (I-k and I-s) occurred in a relatively narrow range of irradiances (100-400 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1)), with some exceptions (higher in some filamentous green algae or lower in red algae). These parameters were way below the irradiances measured at collecting sites for most algae, which means that most of the available light energy was not photochemically converted via photosynthesis. Acclimation to ambient PAR was observed, as revealed by lower values of I-k and I-c and higher values of alpha and quantum yield in algae from shaded streams, and vice versa. Forms living within the boundary layer (crusts) showed responses of shade-adapted species and had the highest values of P-max, alpha and quantum yield, whereas the opposite trend was observed in gelatinous forms (colonies and. laments). These results suggests adaptation to the light regime rather than functional attributes related to the growth form.


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To contribute to the knowledge of lotic zooplankton from dammed and free stretches, we tested the hypothesis that the ecological attributes are different between these environments, which are subjected to several effects caused by different hydrological conditions. The study was carried out in the low Iguacu river, a large hydrographic basin in the south of Brasil. Two samplings were performed, one in the dry period (April/04) and the other in the atypical rainy period (July/04), in five stations downstream a large reservoir, and other 12 stations in four tributaries representing the upper, intermediate and low regions of each river. The observations suggest a clear spatial distribution of zooplankton in lotic stretches subjected or not to damming, mainly due to the effects of physical, chemical and biological variables. Furthermore, the atypical rainfall promoted alterations in community structure when compared to the dry period.


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A comparative analysis of the photosynthetic responses to temperature (10-30°C) was carried out under short-term laboratory conditions by chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen (O2) evolution. Ten lotic macroalgal species from southeastern Brazil (20°11-20°48′S, 49°18-49°41′W) were tested, including Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Rhodophyta and Xanthophyta. Temperature had significant effects on electron transport rate (ETR) only for three species (Terpsinoe musica, Bacillariophyta; Cladophora glomerata, Chlorophyta; and C. coeruleus, Rhodophyta), with highest values at 25-30°C, whereas the remaining species had no significant responses. It also had similar effects on non-photochemical quenching and ETR. Differences in net photosynthesis/dark respiration ratios at distinct temperatures were found, with an increasing trend of respiration with higher temperatures. This implies in a decreasing balance between net primary production and temperature, representing more critical conditions toward higher temperatures for most species. In contrast, high net photosynthesis and photosynthesis/dark respiration ratios at high and wide ranges of temperature were found in three species of green algae, suggesting that these algae can be important primary producers in lotic ecosystems, particularly in tropical regions. Optimal photosynthetic rates were observed under similar environmental temperatures for five species (two rhodophytes, two chlorophytes and one diatom) considering both techniques, suggesting acclimation to their respective ambient temperatures. C. coeruleus was the only species with peaks of ETR and O 2 evolution under similar field-measured temperatures. All species kept values of ETR and net photosynthesis close to the optimum under a broad range of temperatures. Increased non-photochemical quenching, as a measure of thermal dissipation of excess energy, toward higher temperatures was observed in some species, as well as positive correlation of non-photochemical quenching with ETR, and were interpreted as two mechanisms of adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to temperature changes. Different optimal temperatures were found for individual species by each technique, generally under lower temperatures by O2 evolution, indicating dependence on distinct factors: increases in temperature generally induced higher ETR due to increased enzymatic activity, whereas increments of enzymatic activity were compensated by increased respiration and photorespiration leading to decreases in net photosynthesis.