996 resultados para liver abscess


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"References": pages 145-147.


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Entamoeba histolytica-specific serum IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE antibodies were assayed in cases of amoebiasis in an endemic area. Patient groups consisted of amoebic liver abscess (n=18), pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis (n=22) and amoebic colitis (n=30). Control subjects comprised 26 asymptomatic cyst passers, 13 giardiasis cases, 20 typhoid patients and 24 non-amoebic individuals. Serum IgG was assayed by ELISA, using a monoclonal anti IgG β- galactosidase (IgG β-gal) conjugate, a polyclonal avidin biotin horse radish peroxidase (AB-HRP), and a polyclonal anti IgG horse radish peroxidase (IgG HRP) conjugate. IgA and IgM were assayed by the β-gal ELISA and IgE by AB-HRP. Diagnostically significant IgG and IgA while lower IgM and IgE antibody levels were seen in extraintestinal cases. About 40% of suspected pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis cases were confirmed by antibody estimation. All isotype levels in most dysentery cases were in the range of the controls.


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L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’effet du remplacement total ou partiel du maïs d’une ration alimentaire standard (MS) sur les performances de croissance, le pH ruminal et les paramètres biochimiques sanguins chez les veaux de grain de race Holstein. Quatre groupes de 80 veaux ont été répartisen32 parcs (10 veaux/parc) et ont été assignés au hasard à quatre rations alimentaires. Les rations alimentaires ont été: la ration standard qui est constituée de maïs et un supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute (MS);une ration réduite de maïs, avec tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MCD); une ration réduite de maïs, avec supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MSD); et finalement une ration d’orge roulé, de tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (OCD). Les rations alimentaires ont été formulées selon une phase de démarrage P1 (j0 à j54), une de croissance P2 (j55 à j85) et une de finition P3 (j86 à j96). Un groupe additionnel de 5 veaux contrôle (CT), a reçu une ration alimentaire non acidogène à base de fourrage et de concentré. Notons qu’avant le début des traitements alimentaires au j0, sauf CT, les veaux ont reçu une ration d’adaptation contenant du maïs et de l’orge (50-50) et un supplément protéique pendant 20j. Les gains moyens quotidiens (GMQ) ont été similaires aux périodes P1 (0j-j27, j28-j54) et P2 (j55-j85), mais à la période P3 (j86-j96), le GMQ de la ration OCD a été plus grand que ceux dans les autres rations (p<0.001). Le rendement carcasse des veaux abattus au poids vifs d’environ 267 kg, de la ration OCD a été plus petit que ceux des rations MS et MSD (p<0.002). La matière sèche ingérée (MSI) a diminué pour le groupe MSD au j96, comparée à celles des groupes MS et BCD (p<0.001). Cependant, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le poids vif des veaux. Les durées moyennes en dessous du pH ruminal de 5.6 (DpH5.6 en h.j.-1) du j68 au j85 (P2) ont été similaires pour les groupes CT et OCD (p=0.09) et plus petites (p<0.001) que celles des groupes du MS, MCD et MSD. Pendant la phase P3, les DpH5.6 des groupes de MS, MCD et MSD, ont été similaires (p>0.83), mais plus grandes que celle du groupe de OCD (p<0.0001). Les DpH5.6 n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les GMQ. Aux j68 et j96, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur la L-lactate (p > 0.05), le pH sanguin (p > 0.001; non significatif après l’ajustement de Bonferroni :NSAB) et le trou anionique (p > 0.009; NSAB). La PCO2 des animaux du groupe MS a été plus grande que celle du groupe CT (p = 0.0003). Au j68, HCO3 - du groupe CT a été plus grande que celle du groupe MCD (p = 0.0008). Les traitements alimentaires n’ont pas d’effets sur la lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) aux j0 et j68. Au j96, la LBP du groupe CT a été plus petite que celle du groupe MS et MCD (p=0.001). Les diètes n’ont pas d’effets significatifs sur les épithéliums et les lamina propria du rumen (p0>0.37), ainsi que sur les abcès du foie (p=0.80). Le remplacement total du maïs par l’orge roulé, la drêche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble et le tourteau de canola amélioré le GMQ en phase de finition, a amélioré le pH du rumen, le rapprochant du pH ruminal physiologique, n’a pas modifié les paramètres biochimiques sanguins qui ont été mesurés et a diminué le rendement carcasse moyen de 1,1%.


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Pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae represents an ever increasing entity which has mainly been described as occurring in Asia, even though, on a smaller scale, cases are being more frequently described from the USA and Europe, 13% overall mortality being reached worldwide. Affected patients are severely sick, suffering from fever, sweating, having increased acute phase reactants and risk factors such as Diabetes Mellitus, alcoholism and the inherent characteristics of the bacteria causing the disease. Objective: in this work we used a Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST), a nucleotide sequence-based method in order to characterize the genetic relationships among bacterial isolates. Materials and methods: the report is focused on three cases involving patients suffering from pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in two hospitals in Bogota, Colombia, where phenotyping and hypermucoviscosity studies were carried out, as well as the genotyping of cultured Klebsiella isolates. Reults: it was found that the isolated microorganism in cases I and II corresponded to the same K. pneumoniae strain, having 100% sequence identity for the 5 genes being studied while the strain in Case III was genotypically different. Conclusion: it is important to carry out multidisciplinary studies allowing all pyogenic liver abscess cases reported in Colombia to be complied to ascertain the frequency of microorganisms causing this pathology in our country, as well as a genotyping study of different K. pneumoniae strains to compare them and confirm clonal and pathogenicity relationships through housekeeping gene analysis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Descrever uma apresentação atípica de abscesso hepático em paciente pediátrico e realizar uma revisão da literatura no que diz respeito às diferenças observadas na etiopatogenia do quadro, quando considerados os países desenvolvidos e aqueles em desenvolvimento. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente de 13 anos, do sexo masculino, foi trazido ao pronto-socorro pediátrico devido à febre diária e à perda de peso, sem alterações ao exame físico. Na investigação realizada, o ultrassom abdominal evidenciou área heterogênea nodulariforme relativamente definida, compatível com abscesso hepático. Foi realizada drenagem cirúrgica e antibioticoterapia. No material da drenagem houve crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus sensível à oxacilina. COMENTÁRIOS: O caso demonstra a importância de o pediatra conhecer as principais causas da febre de origem indeterminada, saber desenvolver a abordagem investigativa e, frente ao diagnóstico de abscesso hepático, aferir a possibilidade de o agente etiológico ser o Staphylococcus aureus, principalmente quando houver relato de rotura da pele.


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The pathogenic protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebic dysentery and amebic liver abscess, is an obligate anaerobe, and derives energy from the fermentation of glucose to ethanol with pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A as intermediates. We have isolated EhADH2, a key enzyme in this pathway, that is a NAD+- and Fe2+-dependent bifunctional enzyme with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities. EhADH2 is the only known eukaryotic member of a newly defined family of prokaryotic multifunctional enzymes, which includes the Escherichia coli AdhE enzyme, an enzyme required for anaerobic growth of E. coli. Because of the critical role of EhADH2 in the amebic fermentation pathway and the lack of known eukaryotic homologues of the EhADH2 enzyme, EhADH2 represents a potential target for antiamebic chemotherapy. However, screening of compounds for antiamebic activity is hampered by the cost of large scale growth of Ent. histolytica, and difficulties in quantitating drug efficacy in vitro. To approach this problem, we expressed the EhADH2 gene in a mutant strain of E. coli carrying a deletion of the adhE gene. Expression of EhADH2 restored the ability of the mutant E. coli strain to grow under anaerobic conditions. By screening compounds for the ability to inhibit the anaerobic growth of the E. coli/EhADH2 strain, we have developed a rapid assay for identifying compounds with anti-EhADH2 activity. Using bacteria to bypass the need for parasite culture in the initial screening process for anti-parasitic agents could greatly simplify and reduce the cost of identifying new therapeutic agents effective against parasitic diseases.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a condition that is frequently seen but seldom investigated. Until recently, NAFLD was considered benign, self-limiting and unworthy of further investigation. This opinion is based on retrospective studies with relatively small numbers and scant follow-up of histology data. (1) The prevalence for adults, in the USA is, 30%, and NAFLD is recognized as a common and increasing form of liver disease in the paediatric population (1). Australian data, from New South Wales, suggests the prevalence of NAFLD in “healthy” 15 year olds as being 10%.(2) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition where fat progressively invades the liver parenchyma. The degree of infiltration ranges from simple steatosis (fat only) to steatohepatitis (fat and inflammation) steatohepatitis plus fibrosis (fat, inflammation and fibrosis) to cirrhosis (replacement of liver texture by scarred, fibrotic and non functioning tissue).Non-alcoholic fatty liver is diagnosed by exclusion rather than inclusion. None of the currently available diagnostic techniques -liver biopsy, liver function tests (LFT) or Imaging; ultrasound, Computerised tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are specific for non-alcoholic fatty liver. An association exists between NAFLD, Non Alcoholic Steatosis Hepatitis (NASH) and irreversible liver damage, cirrhosis and hepatoma. However, a more pervasive aspect of NAFLD is the association with Metabolic Syndrome. This Syndrome is categorised by increased insulin resistance (IR) and NAFLD is thought to be the hepatic representation. Those with NAFLD have an increased risk of death (3) and it is an independent predictor of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (1). Liver biopsy is considered the gold standard for diagnosis, (4), and grading and staging, of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fatty-liver is diagnosed when there is macrovesicular steatosis with displacement of the nucleus to the edge of the cell and at least 5% of the hepatocytes are seen to contain fat (4).Steatosis represents fat accumulation in liver tissue without inflammation. However, it is only called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease when alcohol - >20gms-30gms per day (5), has been excluded from the diet. Both non-alcoholic and alcoholic fatty liver are identical on histology. (4).LFT’s are indicative, not diagnostic. They indicate that a condition may be present but they are unable to diagnosis what the condition is. When a patient presents with raised fasting blood glucose, low HDL (high density lipoprotein), and elevated fasting triacylglycerols they are likely to have NAFLD. (6) Of the imaging techniques MRI is the least variable and the most reproducible. With CT scanning liver fat content can be semi quantitatively estimated. With increasing hepatic steatosis, liver attenuation values decrease by 1.6 Hounsfield units for every milligram of triglyceride deposited per gram of liver tissue (7). Ultrasound permits early detection of fatty liver, often in the preclinical stages before symptoms are present and serum alterations occur. Earlier, accurate reporting of this condition will allow appropriate intervention resulting in better patient health outcomes. References 1. Chalasami N. Does fat alone cause significant liver disease: It remains unclear whether simple steatosis is truly benign. American Gastroenterological Association Perspectives, February/March 2008 www.gastro.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=5097 Viewed 20th October, 2008 2. Booth, M. George, J.Denney-Wilson, E: The population prevalence of adverse concentrations with adiposity of liver tests among Australian adolescents. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.2008 November 3. Catalano, D, Trovato, GM, Martines, GF, Randazzo, M, Tonzuso, A. Bright liver, body composition and insulin resistance changes with nutritional intervention: a follow-up study .Liver Int.2008; February 1280-9 4. Choudhury, J, Sanysl, A. Clinical aspects of Fatty Liver Disease. Semin in Liver Dis. 2004:24 (4):349-62 5. Dionysus Study Group. Drinking factors as cofactors of risk for alcohol induced liver change. Gut. 1997; 41 845-50 6. Preiss, D, Sattar, N. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an overview of prevalence, diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment considerations. Clin Sci.2008; 115 141-50 7. American Gastroenterological Association. Technical review on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology.2002; 123: 1705-25


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Sixteen formalin-fixed foetal livers were scanned in vitro using a new system for estimating volume from a sequence of multiplanar 2D ultrasound images. Three different scan techniques were used (radial, parallel and slanted) and four volume estimation algorithms (ellipsoid, planimetry, tetrahedral and ray tracing). Actual liver volumes were measured by water displacement. Twelve of the sixteen livers also received x-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) scans and the volumes were calculated using voxel counting and planimetry. The percentage accuracy (mean ± SD) was 5.3 ± 4.7%, −3.1 ± 9.6% and −0.03 ± 9.7% for ultrasound (radial scans, ray volumes), MR and CT (voxel counting) respectively. The new system may be useful for accurately estimating foetal liver volume in utero.