989 resultados para lifestyle modification


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In the UK stroke is the third most common cause of death for women and the incidence in African Caribbean women is higher than the general population. Stroke burden has major consequences for the physical, mental and social health of African Caribbean women. In order to adjust to life after stroke individuals affected employ a range of strategies which may include personal, religious (church) or spiritual support (i.e. prayer), individual motivation, or resignation to life with a disability. This study explored these areas through the coping mechanisms that African Caribbean women utilised post stroke in the context of stroke recovery and lifestyle modification efforts needed to promote healthy living post stroke. A qualitative approach using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was adopted. Eight women were recruited into the study. Semi structured in-depth interviews were audio recorded and were transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using a four-stage framework: familiarisation, sense making, developing themes and data refinement and analysis. Three main themes on coping emerged: the need to follow medical rules to manage stroke, strength and determination, and the use of religion and faith to cope with life after stroke. These findings illustrate both a tension between religious beliefs and the medical approach to stroke and highlight the potential benefits that religion and the church can play in stroke recovery. Implications for practice include acknowledgement and inclusion of religion and church based health promotion in post stroke recovery.


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La présente thèse, organisée en trois volets, poursuivait trois objectifs : i) Estimer les coûts médicaux directs du traitement du DT2 dans 4 pays d’Afrique subsaharienne et dans le cas du Mali, rapprocher ces coûts médicaux directs estimés aux dépenses effectives des patients diabétiques ; ii) Examiner le coût-efficacité des interventions de prévention basées sur la modification du mode de vie chez les sujets à haut risque du DT2; iii) Cerner la perception et les attitudes des acteurs de la santé sur les outils de plaidoyer développés dans le cadre du projet DFN et leur potentiel d’impact sur les décideurs. Dans le premier volet, il s’est agi d’estimer les coûts du DT2 et de ses complications au moyen d’un calculateur et de le mettre à l’épreuve au Bénin, au Burkina- Faso, en Guinée et au Mali. Les composantes de soins pour le DT2 et ses complications avaient été définies au préalable par une équipe de spécialistes, sur la base de leur expérience clinique et des lignes directrices existantes. Les prix ont été relevés dans deux structures hospitalières du secteur public et deux du privé. Les coûts ont été estimés sur une base annuelle pour le DT2 avec ou sans complications chroniques puis par épisode pour les complications aiguës. Dans le cas du Mali, ces coûts ont été rapprochés des dépenses de patients diabétiques d’après une précédente enquête transversale dans ce pays. Cette enquête portait sur 500 sujets diabétiques sélectionnés au hasard dans les registres. Les dépenses pour les soins des trois derniers mois avaient été relevées. Les déterminants des dépenses ont été explorés. Il ressort des différences de coûts dans le même secteur puis entre le secteur privé et le secteur public. Le coût minimum du traitement du DT2 sans complications dans le secteur public représentait entre 21% et 34% de PIB par habitant, puis entre 26% - 47% en présence de la rétinopathie et au-delà de 70% pour la néphropathie, la complication chronique la plus coûteuse. Les dépenses des sujets diabétiques enquêtés au Mali, étaient en deçà des coûts minima estimatifs des différentes complications excepté la rétinopathie et le DT2 sans complication. Les facteurs comme l’insulinothérapie, le nombre de complications et la résidence dans la capitale étaient significativement associés aux dépenses plus élevées des patients. Dans le second volet, la revue systématique a consisté à recenser les études d’évaluation économique des interventions de prévention du DT2 dans des groupes à haut risque par l’alimentation et/ou l’activité physique. Les interventions de contrôle de l’obésité comme facteur de risque majeur de DT2 ont également été considérées. Les études ont été sélectionnées dans les bases de données scientifiques en utilisant les mots clés et des critères prédéfinis. Les études originales publiées entre janvier 2009 et décembre 2014 et conduites en français, anglais ou espagnol étaient potentiellement éligibles. La liste de contrôle de « British Medical Journal » a servi à évaluer la qualité des études. Des 21 études retenues, 15 rapportaient que les interventions étaient coût-efficaces suivant les limites d’acceptabilité considérées. Six études étaient non concluantes, dont quatre destinées à la prévention du DT2 et deux, au contrôle de l’obésité. Dans le troisième volet, les perceptions d’utilisateurs potentiels de ce calculateur et d’un autre outil de plaidoyer, à savoir, l’argumentaire narratif expliquant la nécessité de se pencher sur la lutte contre le DT2 en Afrique, ont été évaluées dans une étude qualitative exploratoire. Les données ont été collectées au cours d’entretiens individuels avec 16 acteurs de la santé de quatre pays d’Afrique subsaharienne et un groupe de discussion avec 10 étudiants de master de nutrition à l’issue d’un atelier de formation sur le plaidoyer faisant appel à ces outils, au Bénin. Les entretiens ont été enregistrés, transcrits et codés à l’aide du logiciel QDA Miner. Les participants ont souligné la pertinence des outils pour le plaidoyer et la convivialité du calculateur de coûts. Il demeure cependant que le contexte politique marqué par la compétition des priorités, l’absence de cohésion entre les décideurs et un défaut de données notamment sur le coût-efficacité des interventions sont des freins à la priorisation du DT2 dans les politiques de santé en Afrique subsaharienne que les répondants ont relevés. L’étude confirme que le traitement du DT2 est financièrement inabordable pour un grand nombre de patients. Elle souligne que les dépenses des patients sont en deçà des coûts estimés pour un traitement approprié avec quelques exceptions. La prévention du DT2 basée le mode de vie est coût-efficace mais devrait être étudiée en Afrique. On peut espérer que la pertinence des outils de ce travail telle que relevée par les acteurs de santé se traduise par leur utilisation. Ceci pour susciter des interventions de prévention afin d’infléchir l’évolution du DT2 et son impact économique en Afrique subsaharienne.


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Very little is known about cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women and their specific needs throughout their recovery process. This study aimed to explore the experiences and adjustments of women following their first AMI. Naturalistic inquiry was used and six women were interviewed post their first AMI. Two major themes were identified: (1) 'the initial experience/event' which identifies events and emotions leading up to, and during, the hospital admission; and (2) 'support: for who and how' exploring the importance of support throughout the recovery process.

The women in this study did not see themselves at risk of an AMI regardless of their lifestyles and when it did occur they adopted a variety of coping mechanisms in order to adjust to their trauma. The findings highlight the need for an increase in community awareness and education surrounding the risk factors of heart disease and its signs and symptoms, to minimize delayed hospital presentations.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for 18% of disease burden in Australia, and 35% of deaths. Evidence- based management of CVD risk requires systematic consideration of individual risk factors and overall CVD risk, and a balanced approach to lifestyle modification, the optimal use of medicines, and medicines adherence.

This project examines a pHot model for primary prevention of CVD in community pharmacy aimed at improving quality of care. Pharmacists from ten pharmacies received training in CVD risk factor management and facilitating patient lifestyle modification.

They recruited 70 participants aged 50-74 years, taking medicines for blood pressure (BP) or cholesterol, and without diabetes or CVD, At baseline, research assistants conducted a clinical assessment of anthropometric and biomedical risk factors, and conducted interviews to examine health behaviours, medicines use and related issues. Data was analysed by a consultant pharmacist and summary reports produced, with recommendations and targets for risk reduction. These were addressed by patients and their community pharmacists over five monthly sessions. At follow up, the relative risk reduction for CVD onset over the next five years was 24%, contributed to by reductions in mean systolic BP (-7mmHg), diastolic PP (-5 mmHg), total:HDL cholesterol ratio (—0.2), waist circumference (—2cm in males, —0.7cm in females) and other risk factors.

Several key health behaviours improved, including diet quality and physical activity levels. Prevalence of non-adherence to cardiovascular medicines dropped by 1 6% to 22%.

The potential health benefits from this intervention need to be confirmed via larger, controlled clinical trials. Overall, this appears to be a feasible and potentially effective public health measure.


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An evaluation of the sustainability of lifestyle changes was undertaken for participants completing a 12 month diabetes prevention program. This second part of the study also tested whether regular structured telephone calls could be effective in maintaining lifestyle changes.

Originally, 237 participants completed a 12 month group-based lifestyle intervention study. They were aged 40–75 years, with a moderate to high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Participants were then randomised to telephone support (n = 107) or self-care only (n = 98) for 18 months, and re-assessed using anthropometric, clinical, psychological and general health measures.

A total of 164 participants (85 telephone support and 79 self-care only) completed the follow-up. Changes between 12 and 30 months for the telephone support group were not significantly different from those found in the self-care only group. Beneficial lifestyle changes achieved by participants were generally sustained after the diabetes prevention program, with the exception of fasting plasma glucose and some psychological measures.

Positive outcomes achieved at 12 months were generally maintained after a further 18 months. Telephone support did not appear to produce additional benefits.


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Type 2 diabetes is a major public health issue in most countries around the world. Efficacy trials have demonstrated that lifestyle modification programs can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Two key challenges are: [1] to develop programs that are more feasible for “real world” implementation and [2] to extend the global reach of such programs, particularly to resource-poor countries where the burden of diabetes is substantial. This paper describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of such “real world” programs in Finland and Australia, the exchange between the two countries, and the wider uptake of such programs. Drawing on the lessons from these linked case studies, we discuss the implications for improving the “spread” of diabetes prevention programs by more effective uptake of lifestyle change programs and related strategies for more resource-poor countries and settings.


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Background: Anthropometric measures such as the body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are widely used as convenient indices of adiposity, yet there are limitations in their estimates of body fat. We aimed to determine the prevalence of obesity using criteria based on the BMI and waist circumference, and to examine the relationship between the BMI and body fat.

Methodology/Principal Findings: This population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted as part of the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. A random sample of 1,467 men and 1,076 women aged 20–96 years was assessed 2001–2008. Overweight and obesity were identified according to BMI (overweight 25.0–29.9 kg/m2; obesity $30.0 kg/m2) and waist circumference (overweight men 94.0–101.9 cm; women 80.0–87.9 cm; obesity men $102.0 cm, women $88.0 cm); body fat mass was assessed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry; height and weight were measured and lifestyle factors documented by self-report. According to the BMI, 45.1% (95%CI 42.4–47.9) of men and 30.2% (95%CI 27.4–33.0) of women were overweight and a further 20.2% (95%CI 18.0–22.4) of men and 28.6% (95%CI 25.8–31.3) of women were obese. Using waist circumference, 27.5% (95%CI 25.1–30.0) of men and 23.3% (95%CI 20.8–25.9) of women were overweight, and 29.3% (95%CI 26.9–31.7) of men and 44.1% (95%CI 41.2–47.1) of women, obese. Both criteria indicate that approximately 60% of the population exceeded recommended thresholds for healthy body habitus. There was no consistent pattern apparent between BMI and energy intake. Compared with women, BMI overestimated adiposity in men, whose excess weight was largely attributable to muscular body builds and greater bone mass. BMI also underestimated adiposity in the elderly. Regression models including gender, age and BMI explained 0.825 of the variance in percent body fat.

Conclusions/Significance: As the BMI does not account for differences in body composition, we suggest that gender- and age-specific thresholds should be considered when the BMI is used to indicate adiposity.


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Background. The cost effectiveness of a general practice-based program for managing coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Australia remains uncertain. We have explored this through an economic model.

Methods. A secondary prevention program based on initial clinical assessment and 3 monthly review, optimising of pharmacotherapies and lifestyle modification, supported by a disease registry and financial incentives for quality of care and outcomes achieved was assessed in terms of incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER), in Australian dollars per disability adjusted life year (DALY) prevented.

Results. Based on 2006 estimates, 263 487 DALYs were attributable to CHD in Australia. The proposed program would add $115 650 000 to the annual national heath expenditure. Using an estimated 15% reduction in death and disability and a 40% estimated program uptake, the program’s ICER is $8081 per DALY prevented. With more conservative estimates of effectiveness and uptake, estimates of up to $38 316 per DALY are observed in sensitivity analysis.

Conclusions. Although innovation in CHD management promises improved future patient outcomes, many therapies and strategies proven to reduce morbidity and mortality are available today. A general practice-based program for the optimal application of current therapies is likely to be cost-effective and provide substantial and sustainable benefits to the Australian community.

What is known about this topic? Chronic disease management programs are known to provide gains with respect to reductions in death and disability among patients with coronary heart disease. The cost effectiveness of such programs in the Australian context is not known.

What does this paper add? This paper suggests that implementing a coronary heart disease program in Australia is highly cost-effective across a broad range of assumptions of uptake and effectiveness.

What are the implications for practitioners? These data provide the economic rationale for the implementation of a chronic disease management program with a disease registry and regular review in Australia.


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Error in self-reported measures of obesity has been frequently described, but the effect of self-reported error on recruitment into diabetes prevention programs is not well established. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of using self-reported obesity data from the Finnish diabetes risk score (FINDRISC) on recruitment into the Greater Green Triangle Diabetes Prevention Project (GGT DPP).

The GGT DPP was a structured group-based lifestyle modification program delivered in primary health care settings in South-Eastern Australia. Between 2004–05, 850 FINDRISC forms were collected during recruitment for the GGT DPP. Eligible individuals, at moderate to high risk of developing diabetes, were invited to undertake baseline tests, including anthropometric measurements performed by specially trained nurses. In addition to errors in calculating total risk scores, accuracy of self-reported data (height, weight, waist circumference (WC) and Body Mass Index (BMI)) from FINDRISCs was compared with baseline data, with impact on participation eligibility presented.

Overall, calculation errors impacted on eligibility in 18 cases (2.1%). Of n = 279 GGT DPP participants with measured data, errors (total score calculation, BMI or WC) in self-report were found in n = 90 (32.3%). These errors were equally likely to result in under- or over-reported risk. Under-reporting was more common in those reporting lower risk scores (Spearman-rho = −0.226, p-value < 0.001). However, underestimation resulted in only 6% of individuals at high risk of diabetes being incorrectly categorised as moderate or low risk of diabetes.

Overall FINDRISC was found to be an effective tool to screen and recruit participants at moderate to high risk of diabetes, accurately categorising levels of overweight and obesity using self-report data. The results could be generalisable to other diabetes prevention programs using screening tools which include self-reported levels of obesity.


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Background: The effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in reducing diabetes incidence has been well established. Little is known, however, about factors influencing the reach of diabetes prevention programs. This study examines the predictors of enrolment in the Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program (SDPP), a community-based diabetes prevention program conducted in general practice, New South Wales, Australia from 2008–2011.

SDPP was an effectiveness trial. Participating general practitioners (GPs) from three Divisions of General Practice invited individuals aged 50–65 years without known diabetes to complete the Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment tool. Individuals at high risk of diabetes were invited to participate in a lifestyle modification program. A multivariate model using generalized estimating equations to control for clustering of enrolment outcomes by GPs was used to examine independent predictors of enrolment in the program. Predictors included age, gender, indigenous status, region of birth, socio-economic status, family history of diabetes, history of high glucose, use of anti-hypertensive medication, smoking status, fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity level and waist measurement.

Of the 1821 eligible people identified as high risk, one third chose not to enrol in the lifestyle program. In multivariant analysis, physically inactive individuals (OR: 1.48, P = 0.004) and those with a family history of diabetes (OR: 1.67, P = 0.000) and history of high blood glucose levels (OR: 1.48, P = 0.001) were significantly more likely to enrol in the program. However, high risk individuals who smoked (OR: 0.52, P = 0.000), were born in a country with high diabetes risk (OR: 0.52, P = 0.000), were taking blood pressure lowering medications (OR: 0.80, P = 0.040) and consumed little fruit and vegetables (OR: 0.76, P = 0.047) were significantly less likely to take up the program.

Conclusions: Targeted strategies are likely to be needed to engage groups such as smokers and high risk ethnic groups. Further research is required to better understand factors influencing enrolment in diabetes prevention programs in the primary health care setting, both at the GP and individual level.


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Worldwide, type 2 diabetes (T2DM) prevalence has more than doubled over two decades. In Australia, diabetes is the second highest contributor to the burden of disease. Lifestyle modification programs comprising diet changes, weight loss and moderate physical activity, have been proven to reduce the incidence of T2DM in high risk individuals.

As part of the Council of Australia Governments, the State of Victoria committed to develop and support the diabetes prevention program ‘Life! Taking action on diabetes’ (Life!) which has direct lineage from effective clinical and implementation trials from Finland and Australia. The Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study (MDPS) has been set up to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a specific version of the Life! program.

We intend to recruit 796 participants for this open randomized clinical trial; 398 will be allocated to the intervention arm and 398 to the usual care arm. Several methods of recruitment will be used in order to maximize the number of participants. Individuals aged 50 to 75 years will be screened with a risk tool (AUSDRISK) to detect those at high risk of developing T2DM. Those with existing diabetes will be excluded. Intervention participants will undergo anthropometric and laboratory tests, and comprehensive surveys at baseline, following the fourth group session (approximately three months after the commencement of the intervention) and 12 months after commencement of the intervention, while control participants will undergo testing at baseline and 12 months only.

The intervention consists of an initial individual session followed by a series of five structured-group sessions. The first four group sessions will be carried out at two week intervals and the fifth session will occur eight months after the first group session. The intervention is based on the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) model and sessions will empower and enable the participants to follow the five goals of the Life! program.


This study will determine whether the effect of this intervention is larger than the effect of usual care in reducing central obesity and cardiovascular risk factors and thus the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Also it will evaluate how these two options compare economically.


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Aim.  The aim of this study is to describe the experience of caregivers of individuals who have had a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Background.  Decreased lengths of hospital stay and an increased emphasis on chronic disease self-management increase the importance of carers in assisting in recovery and lifestyle modification. Design.  Cross-sectional dual-moderated focus group design. Method.  Three focus groups using a dual facilitation approach were held in the cardiac rehabilitation setting of a tertiary referral hospital in metropolitan Sydney. All sessions were audio recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed. Results.  Four themes emerged from the data: (1) a gendered approach to health, illness and caring; (2) shock, disbelief and the process of adjustment following PCI; (3) challenges and changes of the carer–patient relationship and (4) the needs of the carer for support and information. Issues emerging from this study parallel other findings describing the experience, yet provide new insights into the issues surrounding PCI. Conclusion.  These findings highlight the need for including carers in care planning and decision-making and providing them with support and resources. Relevance to clinical practice.  • Emphasises the importance of preparing carers of the likely experience following a PCI.• Demonstrates the degree to which vigilance, deferment of carer-health needs and role conflict impact on the carer’s personal relationship.• Demonstrates the need for formal support interventions for carers of patients who have had PCI.


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Background. Several effective methods to facilitate patient self-management of hypertension are available in primary care. These include direct support from community pharmacists and general practice, and the use of home blood pressure (BP) monitoring. The aim of this study is to establish the prevalence of use of key strategies and to determine their independent relationship with patient self-management attributes.

A survey of patients with treated hypertension was undertaken in 27 community pharmacies. This established recent use of BP monitoring and advice from health professionals. Patient awareness of BP and targets, appropriateness of BP targets and adherence to anti-hypertensive medications were assessed as indicative self-management outcomes. Predictors of outcomes were determined using binary logistic regression.

Results. Overall, 215 surveys were returned. Two-thirds of patients were aged >65 years, and 45% had conditions warranting tighter BP control (<130/80 mmHg). Almost all patients reported monitoring of their BP in the previous year and 63% could report their most recent BP reading. Just 36% reported knowing a target BP, and 78% of reported targets were within guidelines recommendations. One-fifth (22%) monitored their own BP, and 15% reported non-adherence to medication. Doctors provided the large majority of professional advice. Self-monitoring or documentation of BP readings was independently associated with increased likelihood of BP and target BP being known.

Conclusions. Regular monitoring of BP does not automatically translate to professional advice. Increased uptake of patient self-monitoring should be promoted as a means of enabling self-management.


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Background: Emerging evidence supports a relationship between risk factors for obesity and the genesis of the common mental disorders, depression and anxiety. This suggests common mental disorders should be considered as a form of non-communicable disease, preventable through the modification of lifestyle behaviours, particularly diet and physical activity.Discussion: Obesity prevention research since the 1970's represents a considerable body of knowledge regarding strategies to modify diet and physical activity and so there may be clear lessons from obesity prevention that apply to the prevention of mental disorders. For obesity, as for common mental disorders, adolescence represents a key period of vulnerability. In this paper we briefly discuss relationships between modifiable lifestyle risk factors and mental health, lifestyle risk factor interventions in obesity prevention research, the current state of mental health prevention, and the implications of current applications of systems thinking in obesity prevention research for lifestyle interventions.Summary: We propose a potential focus for future mental health promotion interventions and emphasise the importance of lessons available from other lifestyle modification intervention programmes.


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INTRODUCTION: Although there is a documented social gradient for osteoporosis, the underlying mechanism(s) for that gradient remain unknown. We propose a conceptual model based upon the allostatic load theory, to suggest how DNA methylation (DNAm) might underpin the social gradient in osteoporosis and fracture. We hypothesise that social disadvantage is associated with priming of inflammatory pathways mediated by epigenetic modification that leads to an enhanced state of inflammatory reactivity and oxidative stress, and thus places socially disadvantaged individuals at greater risk of osteoporotic fracture. METHODS/RESULTS: Based on a review of the literature, we present a conceptual model in which social disadvantage increases stress throughout the lifespan, and engenders a proinflammatory epigenetic signature, leading to a heightened inflammatory state that increases risk for osteoporotic fracture in disadvantaged groups that are chronically stressed. CONCLUSIONS: Our model proposes that, in addition to the direct biological effects exerted on bone by factors such as physical activity and nutrition, the recognised socially patterned risk factors for osteoporosis also act via epigenetic-mediated dysregulation of inflammation. DNAm is a dynamic modulator of gene expression with considerable relevance to the field of osteoporosis. Elucidating the extent to which this epigenetic mechanism transduces the psycho-social environment to increase the risk of osteoporotic fracture may yield novel entry points for intervention that can be used to reduce individual and population-wide risks for osteoporotic fracture. Specifically, an epigenetic evidence-base may strengthen the importance of lifestyle modification and stress reduction programs, and help to reduce health inequities across social groups. MINI ABSTRACT: Our conceptual model proposes how DNA methylation might underpin the social gradient in osteoporotic fracture. We suggest that social disadvantage is associated with priming of inflammatory signalling pathways, which is mediated by epigenetic modifications, leading to a chronically heightened inflammatory state that places disadvantaged individuals at greater risk of osteoporosis.