999 resultados para internet law


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Traz atualizado o texto do Marco Civil Brasileiro da Internet, a Lei nº 12.965, de 23 de abril de 2014.


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"Herbert Burket trace l’évolution des concepts reliés au ""droit de l’Internet"" dans le cadre du droit de l’Union Européenne. Initialement, ce domaine du droit était perçu comme une nouvelle discipline normative. Or, l’auteur soutient que le ""droit de l’Internet"" n’est pas un domaine normatif distinct, mais correspond aux domaines traditionnels auxquels il a été progressivement intégré. Le ""droit de l’Internet"" a amélioré notre compréhension du processus général d’évolution du droit. L’auteur souligne, entre autres, comment le législateur européen a réagi par diverses législations aux nouveaux impératifs technologiques. De plus, ce domaine offre une nouvelle perspective pour l’analyse de l’évolution des normes face aux innovations technologiques. Les tribunaux, les législateurs et les parties privées sont autant d’acteurs qui interviennent à différents moments et sur différents aspects du processus d’évolution du droit. Enfin, on s’attendait à ce que le droit de l’Internet conduise à la mondialisation des normes, à l’autorégulation des acteurs et à une architecture structurelle normative ouverte. L’auteur constate que la mondialisation des normes ne semble pas s’être réalisée. L’autorégulation, dans le domaine de l’Internet, fait référence aux normes de comportement établies par des acteurs privés et mixtes. Enfin, le concept d’architecture structurelle normative réfère au fait que les créateurs d’un système technologique imposent involontairement certaines règles aux utilisateurs, en dépit de l’affirmation qu’un tel système technologique est normativement neutre. L’auteur soutient que ces attentes, bien qu’elles soient toujours présentes au sein de l’activité normative, n’ont plus la même signification qu’au moment de leur formulation originale. Les concepts traditionnels de période normative, de juridiction, d’acteurs et de procédure ont aussi évolué parallèlement au développement du ""droit de l’Internet"", autant dans le cadre de l’environnement normatif de l’Union Européenne que dans celui du droit international en général. L’évolution de ces concepts modifie le processus de création du droit, ainsi que le rôle et les fonctions des intervenants impliqués dans ce processus.L’auteur conclut en soulignant que le concept même de droit a évolué en perdant ses représentations symboliques traditionnelles grâce au développement de l’accès généralisé à l’information, à l’évolution des technologies de l’information et à leur impact culturel."


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Los cajeros electrónicos y la implementación de servicios por medio telefónico fueron los primeros instrumentos que hicieron que fuera viable para el usuario beneficiarse de atención sin tener que acudir a las instalaciones de la institución financiera


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Legal practices should measure aspects of their corporate reputation including image, reputation attributes and outcomes to be able to implement a successful marketing communication campaign - audience measurement allows information to be gathered about reach and frequency - building corporate websites which reach your target audience will increase revenue and earnings.


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Exploration of landmark court cases and decisions in the copyright debate in the US, from Edison's attempts to extend to the fledgling film industry copyright law designed to protect photographs, to the Hollywood studios' responses to copyright breaches, and fair use exemptions granted to media educators and others since 2006.


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Since Licklider in the 1960s [27] influential proponents of networked computing have envisioned electronic information in terms of a relatively small (even singular) number of 'sources', distributed through technologies such as the Internet. Most recently, Levy writes, in Becoming Virtual, that "in cyberspace, since any point is directly accessible from any other point, there is an increasing tendency to replace copies of documents with hypertext links. Ultimately, there will only need to be a single physical exemplar of the text" [13 p.61]. Hypertext implies, in theory, the end of 'the copy', and the multiplication of access points to the original. But, in practice, the Internet abounds with copying, both large and small scale, both as conscious human practice, and also as autonomous computer function. Effective and cheap data storage that encourages computer users to keep anything of use they have downloaded, lest the links they have found, 'break'; while browsers don't 'browse' the Internet - they download copies of everything to client machines. Not surprisingly, there is significant regulation against 'copying' - regulation that constrains our understanding of 'copying' to maintain a legal fiction of the 'original' for the purposes of intellectual property protection. In this paper, I will firstly demonstrate, by a series of examples, how 'copying' is more than just copyright infringement of music and software, but is a defining, multi-faceted feature of Internet behaviour. I will then argue that the Internet produces an interaction between dematerialised, digital data and human subjectivity and desire that fundamentally challenges notions of originality and copy. Walter Benjamin noted about photography: "one can make any number of prints [from a negative]; to ask for the 'authentic' print makes no sense" [4 p.224]. In cyberspace, I conclude, it makes no sense to ask which one is the copy.


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O presente trabalho pretende descrever e analisar a evolução institucional da Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), organização responsável pela gestão dos nomes de domínio e protocolos de comunicação entre computadores em rede ao redor do mundo. Iniciando sua trajetória como instituição privada estadunidense e vinculada ao departamento de comércio do mesmo país, a ICANN passa por diversas modificações estruturais ao longo da última década, de forma a englobar representantes de diversos setores sociais em suas atividades. Algumas peculiaridades em sua estrutura que ainda a vinculam aos Estados Unidos, no entanto, são objeto de controvérsia entre aqueles que buscam uma democratização da internet em nível global.


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Este trabalho tem como objeto de pesquisa o processo de consulta pública online para elaboração do Marco Civil da Internet, nova lei que dispõe sobre os direitos dos usuários de Internet no Brasil. Ele busca responder às seguintes perguntas: (i) como foi idealizado processo de consulta pública online do Marco Civil da Internet? (ii) Como a consulta foi gerenciada e executada? (iii) Quais foram os resultados da consulta em termos de soluções jurídicas aos conflitos políticos do setor da Internet? A proposta é realizar uma descrição desta experiência de participação social pela Internet a partir de um mapeamento das contribuições dos cidadãos e instituições, de informações em fontes variadas (imprensa especializada ou não e outros trabalhos acadêmicos) e do confronto deste levantamento com entrevistas dadas pelos gestores do projeto sobre seu planejamento e execução. A pesquisa trabalhou com a hipótese de que a consulta pública online que elaborou o Marco Civil da Internet se colocou como alternativa a um debate instaurado dentro do Congresso Nacional e bloqueado por propostas de lei de enfoque penal. O resultado da pesquisa sugere a confirmação dessa hipótese, bem como a relevância da experiência analisada para o sucesso uma estratégia política de reversão dessa agenda legislativa anterior.


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Signed: Cecil.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Since its launch in 2001, the Creative Commons open content licensing initiative has received both praise and censure. While some have touted it as a major step towards removing the burdens copyright law imposes on creativity and innovation in the digital age, others have argued that it robs artists of their rightful income. This paper aims to provide a brief overview and analysis of the practical application of the Creative Commons licences five years after their launch. It looks at how the Creative Commons licences are being used and who is using them, and attempts to identify likely motivations for doing so. By identifying trends in how this licence use has changed over time, it also attempts to rebut arguments that Creative Commons is a movement of academics and hobbyists, and has no value for traditional organisations or working artists.


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This Report, prepared for Smart Service Queensland (“SSQ”), addresses legal issues, areas of risk and other factors associated with activities conducted on three popular online platforms—YouTube, MySpace and Second Life (which are referred to throughout this Report as the “Platforms”). The Platforms exemplify online participatory spaces and behaviours, including blogging and networking, multimedia sharing, and immersive virtual environments.


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A collection of case studies of individuals and organisations utilising open models in the Asia Pacific and associated regions. The case studies represent activities in nine countries, broader regions such as the Arab nations, and global efforts towards sustainability and social justice, revealing creative ways of participating in the commons. Featured are remix artists, performers, open source software programmers, film makers, collecting institutions and publishing houses focused on democracy and change, who demonstrate a diverse set of motivations to engage with the shared ideals of openness and community collaboration.