696 resultados para infestans hemiptera


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The host range of two newly imported biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus and their potential as biological control agents of Cylindropuntia spp. were investigated. A third biotype (imbricata) of D. tomentosus previously released in Australia to control C. imbricata was also screened to determine if it will feed on other species of Cylindropuntia occurring in Australia. Efficacy trials were conducted to evaluate the ability of the biotypes to retard the growth or kill those plant species supporting development of four or more individuals in the host test trials. The host range of the three biotypes of D. tomentosus was restricted to the genus Cylindropuntia. However, the biotypes showed varying degrees of specificity within this genus. The imbricata biotype was the only biotype to develop on Australian C. rosea provenances, albeit with a range of developmental success on all C. rosea provenances tested. The Spanish provenance supported the highest development success followed by Grawin (NSW), Lorne Station (NSW) while the least preferred was the Mexican provenance. The rosea and cholla biotypes were unsuitable candidates to control C. rosea in Australia. However, the efficacy trials showed that the cholla biotype had a high impact on four of the eight naturalised Cylindropuntia species in Australia. This biotype established rapidly and the sustained feeding of one fecund female and her progeny killed potted plants of C. imbricata and C. fulgida at week 18. This biotype has the potential to be an effective agent against C. fulgida, C. imbricata, C. kleiniae and C. tunicata and, as a consequence, an application seeking its release in Australia has been lodged.


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The minute two-spotted ladybeetle, Diomus notescens Blackburn is a common predator of aphids and other pests in Australian agricultural crops, however little is known about the biology of D. notescens. The aim of this study was to provide information on the life cycle of this predator and improve our understanding of its biological control potential, particularly against one of the major pests of cotton, Aphis gossypii Glover. In laboratory experiments, juvenile development, prey consumption, as well as adult lifespan and fecundity were studied. Results from this study revealed that D. notescens could successfully complete development on A. gossypii, which at 25 °C required 21 days and during this period they each consume 129 ± 5.2 aphids. At 25 °C adult lifespan was 77 ± 9.6 days, with a mean daily prey consumption of 28 ± 1.8 aphids and a mean daily fecundity of 8 ± 0.5 eggs. Net reproductive rate was estimated as 187 ± 25.1 females and the intrinsic rate of increase was estimated as 0.14. Juvenile development was recorded at four constant temperatures (15, 21, 26 and 27 °C) and using a linear model, the lower threshold for D. notescens development was estimated to be 10 ± 0.6 °C with 285 ± 4.7 degree days required to complete development. A prey choice experiment studying predation rates revealed a strong preference for A. gossypii nymphs compared to Bemisia tabaci Gennadius eggs.


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Eight Cylindropuntia species have naturalised in Australia and pose serious economic, environmental and social impacts. Two biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus have been used as bio-control agents to control different Cylindropuntia species. The host range of four additional biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus from southern USA was investigated. Feeding and development were restricted to the genus Cylindropuntia. However, they showed differences in specificity within this genus and some biotypes discriminated between the provenances of C. rosea and C. tunicata. Efficacy trials were conducted to determine whether populations of each biotype could be sustained on the naturalised Cylindropuntia species and if these populations could retard the growth or kill these plants. The acanthocarpa biotype offers potential control of C. rosea (Lorne Station), while the cylindropuntia sp. biotype shows great potential to control C. rosea (Grawin). The cylindropuntia sp. biotype also had a high impact on C. kleiniae and C. imbricata, and a moderate impact on C. leptocaulis and C. prolifera. The acanthocarpa X echinocarpa biotype had its greatest impact on C. tunicata (Grawin), killing this plant in 18 weeks. A fourth biotype, leptocaulis, was damaging to some species, but was less effective than the other biotypes. Cylindropuntia spinosior is the only naturalised species in Australia where no effective biocontrol agent has been found.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en la evaluación de la adaptabilidad de 12 variedad es de papa (Solanum tuberosum L) y su tolerancia a Tizón Tardío (Phytophthora infestans Mont. De Bary). El ensayo se estableció el 8 de Febrero en la comunidad Santa Rosa Departamento de Jinotega, utilizándose un diseño de bloques completo al azar (BCA),con cuatro repeticiones a las que se les dio un seguimiento continuo para la recopilación de los datos a evaluar posteriormente. Los datos obtenidos en campo fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SAS. Las variedades evaluados fueron: Picasso, Amorosa, Sante, Fontane, Kuroda, Provento, Kónsul, Arnova, Arinda, Sinora, Roko y Papanica como testigo. Las variables evaluadas fueron: Incidencia a Tizón tardío en donde las variedades Papanica presento 67.5, Provento 75, Konsul 77.5, Roko 82, y Sante 82.5 porciento a los 55 DDS con respecto a las demás variedades; porcentaje de incidencia con respecto a las demás variedades; Porcentaje de severidad del área foliar infestada las variedades anteriormente mencionadas mostraron a los 82DDS 90.5, 79.5, 66.5, 94, 96 porciento. Lesión al tallo las variedades Provento, Sinora y Papanica tuvieron a los 80 DDS el grado 1 con respecto a la escala utilizada. Dentro de las plagas foliares las variedades Fontane, y kuroda obtuvieron como promedio 14 afidos por planta a los 37 DDS y las variedades Amorosa, Sante y Fontane obtuvieron como promedio 2 moscas por plantas a los 63 y 78 DDS. En cuanto a la Incidencia de virus no se encontró significancia estadística en los tratamientos evaluados en las diferentes fechas. Una vez realizado el análisis de varianza se encontró que la variedad Provento ocupa el mayor rendimiento en la categoría rendimiento de primera y segunda con 5.75 y 2.04 t ha-1. En la tercera categoría las variedades Papanica y Arinda mostraron alto rendimiento con 1.04 y 0.96 t ha-1. El análisis económico refleja que las variedades Provento, Sante y Papanica obtuvieron un beneficio neto de 4,069; 12,429 y 8201 C$/ha.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la evaluación del efecto de alternativas químicas y biológicas para el manejo del tizón tardío [Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary]. El ensayo se estableció en Aranjuez, Matagalpa en los meses de Octubre 2006 a Enero 2007, utilizando el diseño de bloques completo al azar (BCA) con ocho tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones donde se evaluaron fungicidas de contacto y sistémicos, incluyendo también un fungicida biológico como preventivo. Las aplicaciones se hicieron antes que aparecieran los primeros síntomas con fungicidas de contacto, después de los primeros síntomas las aplicaciones con sistémicos, no más de tres aplicaciones, excepto en el tratamiento 3 que fue a criterio del productor. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron: un testigo al cual no se le aplico ningún fungicida, T1 (Mancozeb + Alliete), T2 (Bravonil + Equation), T3 (Hachero + Curzate), T4 (Mancozeb + Amistar), T5 (Serenade + Flint), T6 (Mancozeb + Curzate) y T7 (Serenade + Curzate). La variedad utilizada fue Calwhite variedad susceptible a esta enfermedad, posteriormente los datos registrados durante el ensayo fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SAS v ersión 9.1.3. Las variable evaluadas fueron: severidad, área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad (ABCPE) y de acuerdo a esto se diagramó la curva de progreso de la enfermedad (CPE), donde los resultados muestran que el tratamiento 5 no tuvo ningún efecto en el control de la enfermedad, al igual que el testigo mostrando siempre una fase exponencial a partir de la segunda semana después de haber emergido el total de las plantas, hasta alcanzar su máximo porcentaje de severidad. El tratamiento 3 mantuvo su fase logarítmica hasta los 43 días después de la emergencia (dde) con un porcentaje de severidad menor al 25% y los tratamientos 1, 2, 4 y 7 mostraron su fase exponencial después de los 43 dde, en cambio el tratamiento 6 mostró una sola fase logarítmica, siendo este el mas efectivo para el manejo de la enfermedad.


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Con el objetivo de estudiar el ciclo de vida de la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) en siete especies de plantas se realizó el presente estudio a nivel de invernadero en la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en el km 12 ½ carretera norte. Se utilizaron adultos de la mosca blanca los cuales fueron criados en plantas de frijol rojo variedad INTA Masatepe. El experimento se realizó en el período comprendido entre los meses de Marzo-Mayo 2009 a una temperatura y humedad relativa diurna promedio 28.83 °C y 53.81%, respectivamente. De cada planta en estudio se seleccionó una hoja, se le puso una jaula de hoja (tipo leaf cage) y se introdujeron 20 moscas blancas con la relación 1:1, las que se dejaron 24 horas para oviposición, pasado este tiempo se retiraron las moscas y se procedió al conteo de huevos, una vez contados los huevos se realizaron conteos periódicos del número de ninfas y finalmente del número de adultos que emergieron de cada hoja inoculada. El análisis de los datos reflejó que no existió diferencia significativa en el número de huevos depositados en los distintos hospederos, tampoco existió diferencia significativa entre el número de huevos eclosionados, existió diferencia significativa en la variable ninfas que alcanzaron en estadio ninfal 4, con el mayor número de ninfas para el caso de la planta hospedera calabacín (C. moschata), también existió diferencia significativa para la variable emergencia de adultos siendo las plantas de melón (C. melo), pipian ( C. argyrosperma), calabacín (C. moschata), y pepino (C. sativus), son los tratamientos en los cuales existe mayor emergencia de adultos; en la variable duración de ciclo biológico los tratamientos presentaron diferencias significativas con gradiente de tiempo comprendido entre los 17 días para Calabacín y 25 días de duración en Paste, indicando que Calabacín ( C. moschata), es el hospedero que más favorece el tiempo del ciclo de vida y el paste es el hospedero que limita la duración de la mosca.


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Sigara dorsalis belongs to a very closely related group of six species forming the sub-genus Sigara sensu strictu. Each of the six species has a distinct allopatric geographical distribution in Europe. Studies were started on a series of populations in the north west Midlands of England. All the populations examined, except one, contained only males with the typical diagnostic features of S. dorsalis, albeit with considerable variation. One pond near Congleton, Cheshire situated in a permanent-ley pasture and apparently free from pollution contained typical S. dorsalis males but, in addition, many atypical individuals. From one sample of forty-six males, all possessed left parameres with the slight point on the dorsal surface characteristic of S. dorsalis. However, almost half possessed additional morphological features intermediate between S. dorsalis and S. striata.


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The aim of this communication is to briefly review nomenclature in the genus Callicorixa, describe the variation in the dark markings on the posterior legs of all four species, describe alternative diagnostic features, and provide a key to identification based on these alternative features. Attention is also drawn to a small error in FBA Scientific Publication 50 (Adults of the British aquatic Hemiptera Heteroptera: a key with ecological notes).


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Data on the distribution of aquatic bugs in Scotland was compiled with a widely-used biological recording software called RECORDER supplemented by a mapping program (DMAP) and a program that linked the two. Status lists are given with a brief account of the distribution of each species. Common and widespread species are listed in group one, including Velia caprai and Gerris lacustris, with less common species in group two such as Hydrometra stagnorum and Microvelia reticulata. Rare, uncommon or under-recorded species are also listed. These include Hebrus ruficeps, Gerris najas and Cymatia coleoptrata.


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Aquatic insects are relatively common at artificial lights and are often taken in light traps operated for catching other insects. They are however seldom recorded. These records are however of importance in understanding their distribution and abundance. Aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera are of importance in fisheries because some of them are predators on small fish whilst others serve as food for fishes of all sizes. Some like the Corixidae are of special interest because they can utilize the bottom ooze which is abundant especially in small habitats. Fernando (1961a) gave a comprehensive bibliography of records at light. In the present paper a number of records are given from various parts of Asia, where in the past records were very few. They are based on collections made by the author and also on material in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Amongst specimens sent for study by the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, were a few specimens which had been recorded at light.


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In the present paper a short account is given of the biology of Anisops in Ceylon, their distribution and descriptions of Anisops ali and A. occipitalis. All the other Ceylonese species are described by Leong and Fernando (1962 . Brooks (1951) has given detailed descriptions of all the Ceylonese species except Anisops ali. A revised key to the Ceylonese Anisops is given and includes for the first time A. ali whose male has so far not been described and therefore omitted from the keys of Brooks (1951) and Leong and Fernando (1962).


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This report concerns the aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera collected in Sri Lanka by Prof. Starmühlner and Prof. Costa during November and December 1970. A surprising number of new species have been found in the Starmühlner-Costa material, even in groups for which comprehensive revisions exist. Seven new species are described here.


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瓦氏阿猎蝽Agyrius watanabeorum 为日本半翅目学者石川忠2002 年根据采自泰国北部的标本所命 名,其描记较为详细,配有正模的整体黑白照片和部分特征图,但对该种的阳茎结构没有提及。在研 究中国和越南的猎蝽时,我们发现了该种。本文中我们重新描述了瓦氏阿猎蝽,绘制了较详细的整体 图和局部特征图。阿猎蝽属Agyrius Stål, 1863 为中国和越南的新记录属,瓦氏阿猎蝽Agyrius watanabeorum Ishikawa, 2002 为中国和越南的新记录种;其在中国和越南的分布也是该属种最北的分布 记录。