47 resultados para gynogenesis


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Studies were undertaken to produce genetic clones derived from all homozygous mitotic gynogenetic individuals in rohu, Labeo rohita Ham. ln view of this, attempts were made to interfere with the normal functioning of the spindle apparatus during the first mitotic cell division of developing eggs using heat shocks, there by leading to the induction of mitotic gynogenetic diploids in the F1 generation. Afterwards, viable mitotic gynogenetic alevins were reared and a selected mature female fish was used to obtain ovulated eggs which were fertilized later with UV-irradiated milt. Milt was diluted with Cortland’s solution and the sperm concentration was maintained at 10⁸/ml. The UV-irradiation was carried out for 2 minutes at the intensity of 200 to 250 µW/cm² at 28± 1°C. The optimal heat shock of 40°C for 2 minutes applied at 25 to 30 minutes a.f. was used to induce mitotic gynogenesis in first (F1) generation and at 3 to 5 minutes a.f. to induce meiotic gynogenesis in the second (F2) generation. The results obtained are presented and the light they shed on the timing of the mitotic and meiotic cell division in this species is discussed.


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An experiment was conducted to optimize the procedure of gynogenesis in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus by suppressing meiotic and mitotic cell divisions in fertilized eggs. Gynogensis was conducted by fertilizing normal eggs with UV-irradiated sperm followed by either heat or cold shocking Irradiation of spermatozoa was given for a duration of 1 min and the eggs were fertilized in vitro. Cold shock at a temperature of 3± 1°C for a duration of 30 and 60 min and heat shock at a temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 and 2 min was applied to induce diploidy. Higher percentage of hatching (68.66) was observed for meiotic gynogens at a shock temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 5 min after fertilization (af). Higher percentage of mitotic gynogenetic induction (15.33) was observed at a temperature shock of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 30 min af.


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Gynogenesis was induced using heterologous sperms in large-scale loach, Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Sauvage), in which a ZW/ZZ sex determination was previously proposed. Three microsatellite loci were used to monitor exclusive maternal inheritance of gynogenetic progenies. The results showed that high percentages of meiogynogens were produced at 4 min post-fertilization and mitogynogens were produced at 18 min post-fertilization by heat shocks, while meiotic gynogenesis was induced by cold shocks within a wide period and high heterozygosity was even observed in gynogens produced at 24 min post-fertilization. The sex ratios of the F, progenies in three gynogenetic families were significantly deviated from 1: 1 expectation with a female bias in two families and a male bias in one family (P < 0.05), and the other four gynogenetic families showed approximate 1:1 sex ratios. Moreover, the self-mating between gynogenetic F, progenies and mating between gynogenetic F, progenies and normal individuals produced all-female progenies or identical proportions of females and males. The data of sex ratios generally confirmed that the sex determination in large-scale loach was determined by the putative ZW/ZZ system, and the possible reasons causing the biased sex ratios are discussed.


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Large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea, exhibit sexually dimorphic growth, with females growing faster and reaching larger adult sizes than males. Thus, development of techniques for preferentially producing females is necessary to optimize production of these species. We have established a protocol to produce all-female croaker P. crocea through induction of meiotic gynogenesis with homologous sperm. The first set of experiments investigated the ultra-violet (UV) irradiation on sperm motility and duration of sperm activity to determine the optimal UV dosage for genetic inactivation of sperm, yet retaining adequate motility for activation of eggs. Milt from several males was diluted 1: 100 with Ringer's solution and UV irradiated with doses ranging from 0-150 J cm (-2). The results indicated that motility and duration of activity generally decreased with increased UV doses. At UV doses greater than 105 J cm(-2), after fertilization, motility was < 10% and fertilization rates were significantly lower. Highest hatching rate was obtained at 75 J cm -2. A second set of experiments was carried out to determine appropriate conditions of cold shock for retention of the 2nd polar body in P. crocea eggs after fertilization with UV-inactivated sperm by altering the timing, temperature and duration of shock. At 208 degrees C, shock applied at 3 min after fertilization resulted in higher survival rate of larvae at 6 h after hatching. Results of different combinations of three shock temperatures ( 28 degrees C, 38 degrees C or 48 degrees C) and five shock durations ( 4 min, 8 min, 12 min, 16 min or 20 min) at 3 min after fertilization demonstrated that shocks of 12 min gave highest production of diploid gynogens. Statistical analysis revealed that maximum production of diploid gynogens (44.55 +/- 2.99%) were obtained at 38 degrees C. The results of this study indicate that the use of UV-irradiated homologous sperm for activation of P. crocea eggs and cold shock for polar body retention is an effective method for producing gynogenetic offspring.


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Turbot Scophthalmus maximus exhibits sexually dimorphic growth, with females growing faster and reaching larger adult sizes than males. Thus, development of techniques for preferentially producing females is necessary to optimize production of these species. In this paper, gynogenetic diploids of turbot were induced by activating egg development with ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated left-eyed flounder Paralichthys olivaceus sperm combined with cold shock to prevent extrusion of the second polar body. The results of UV irradiation experiments showed that survival, motility, and duration of activity of P. olivaceus sperm generally decreased with increase in UV dose. The typical Hertwig's effect was observed after fertilized turbot eggs with UV-irradiated P. olivaceus sperm and the optimal UV dose for gynogenetic haploid production was 36,000 erg mm(-2). At 15 degrees C, appropriate timing of cold shock for retention of the second polar body in turbot eggs was at 6 min after fertilization. Results of different combinations of two shock temperatures (1 or 3 degrees C) and four shock durations (15, 25, 35 or 45 min) at 6 min after fertilization demonstrated that shock of 25 min at 1 degrees C gave the highest production of diploid gynogens (39.58% relative to its diploid control). The results of this study reveal that the use of UV-irradiated P. olivaceus sperm for activation of turbot eggs and cold shock for polar body retention is an effective method to produce gynogenetic offspring.


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Common carp is one of the most important cultured freshwater fish species in the world. Its production in freshwater areas is the second largest in Europe after rainbow trout. Common carp production in Europe was 146,845 t in 2004 (FAO Fishstat Plus 2006). Common carp production is concentrated mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. In Hungary, common carp has been traditionally cultured in earthen ponds since the late 19th century, following the sharp drop in catches from natural waters, due to the regulation of main river systems. Different production technologies and unintentional selection methods resulted in a wide variety of this species. Just before the intensification of rearing technology and the exchange of stocking materials among fish farms (early sixties), “landraces” of carp were collected from practically all Hungarian fish farms into a live gene bank at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) at Szarvas (Bakos and Gorda 1995; Bakos and Gorda 2001). In order to provide highly productive hybrids for production purposes starting from 1964, different strains and crosses between Hungarian landraces were created and tested. During the last 40 years, approximately 150 two-, three-, and four-line hybrids were produced. While developing parental lines, methods of individual selection, inbreeding, backcrossing of lines, gynogenesis and sex reversal were used. This breeding program resulted in three outstanding hybrids: “Szarvas 215 mirror” and “Szarvas P31 scaly” for pond production, and “Szarvas P34 scaly” for angling waters. Besides satisfying the needs of industry, the live gene bank helped to conserve the biological diversity of Hungarian carp landraces. Fifteen Hungarian carp landraces are still maintained today in the gene bank. Through exchange programs fifteen foreign carp strains were added to the collection from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Southeast Asia (Bakos and Gorda 2001). Besides developing the methodology to maintain live specimens in the gene bank, the National Carp Breeding Program has been initiated in cooperation with all the key stakeholders in Hungary, namely the National Association of Fish Producers (HOSZ), the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control (OMMI), and the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI). In addition, methodologies or technologies for broodstock management and carp performance testing have been developed. This National Carp Breeding Program is being implemented successfully since the mid-1990s.


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The need to develop techniques that can make the male grow faster in many species of fish as well as the female in some other species cannot be over-emphasized. Monosex culture of the faster growing sex can increase production if the method is reliable. The use of such techniques as manual sexing, sterilisation, hybridization, gynogenesis, androgenesis polyploidy and sex-reversal can provide solutions or partial solutions to the problems associated with sexual difference, sexual maturation and unwanted reproduction


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Diploid meiotic gynogenesis was induced in African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis by injection of 0.5ml/kg ovaprim on the breeders, followed by application of UV light irradiation on the spermatozoa and temperature shocking of activated eggs. Diploidy was restored by shocking haploid activated eggs at 5 degree C for 40 minutes. The normal control spermatozoa did not receive any UV irradiation nor temperature shock, while the haploid control spermatozoa were irradiated, but did not receive cold shock. The percentage hatchability in the treated group was 25%, while in the control it was 53%. Less than 15 fingerlings had morphological aberrations. After two weeks of indoor rearing, the survival percentage of the treated group was 45% in the control experiment. Cytogenetic analysis of chromosomes revealed 25 chromosomes in the haploid embryo and 50 chromosomes each in diploid gynogenesis and normal diploid control


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Great advances have been, and are being made in our knowledge of the genetics and molecular biology (including genomics, proteomics and structural biology). Global molecular profiling technologies such as microassays using DNA or oligonucleotide chip, and protein and lipid chips are being developed. The application of such biotechnological advances are inevitable in aquaculture in the areas of improvement of aquaculture stocks where many molecular markers such as RFLPs, AFLDs and RAPD are now available for genome analysis, finger printing and genetic linkage mapping. Transgenic technology has been developed in a number of fish species and research is being pursed to produce transgenic fish carrying genes that encode antimicrobial peptides such as lysozyme thereby achieving disease resistance in fish. Also it is a short cut to achieving genetic change for fast growth and other desirable traits like early sexual maturity, temperature tolerance and feed conversion efficiency. KEYWORDS: Fish genetics, transgenesis, monoploidy, diploidy, polyploidy,gynogenesis, androgenesis, cryopreservation.


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玉米的单倍体育种,是利用花药培养或孤雌生殖产生单倍体后,进行人工或自然加倍,迅速获得稳定的新品种的育种方法。单倍体育种可以缩短育种时间,单倍体培养体系如果作为转基因的受体,可保证外源基因在后代中稳定遗传,而不发生分离。因此,玉米单倍体育种无论在实践中还是在理论研究方面都具有重大的意义。 本文针对玉米花药培养中长期以来未能解决的诱导频率低、基因型之间差异大、小苗移栽不容易成活等问题,重点探讨了各种因素对玉米花药培养的影响。结果表明:不同基因型之间的诱导频率差异明显,杂交种的诱导频率比纯系高,并选择出诱导频率高达20%的材料“中0198”;接种时花药中的花粉处于单核中期时,其诱导频率最高;采用液体培养基比采用固体培养基诱导频率提高一倍;培养基中加入0.5%的活性炭,可使诱导频率由5.25%提高到9.35%;15%的蔗糖浓度对玉米的花药培养是最适宜的,培养2周后,将培养基的蔗糖浓度从15%调整为10%,将明显提高诱导频率;培养基中高浓度的KT和低浓度的BA有利于诱导体细胞胚的发生,而低浓度的KT和高浓度的BA有利于诱导芽的发生;接种前将花药在4℃条件下进行低温预处理,可将诱导频率从3.13%提高到11.71%;培养基中添加2 mg/l的多效唑,可有效地促进小苗的生根;再生植株于冬季拿到海南种植,可明显提高移栽的成活率。 在玉米孤雌生殖的实验中,将未受粉的玉米雌穗接种在成份为N6 + 2,4-D 1mg/L + NAA 1mg/L + BA 1mg/L + CH 200mg/L + colchicine 2 mg/L + sucrose 5% + agar 0.7% 的培养基上。第一轮实验共接种了三个材料的26个雌穗(约3900个未受精的子房)。每种材料均有单性结实,诱导频率由高到低分别3.06%,2.29%,1.90%。直接获得了5株再生植株,通过染色体检查,发现其中3株为单倍体(n=10),另外2株为二倍体。移栽到土壤中后,有4株成活,其中一株二倍体植株能够正常开花、结实。得到的种子播种于实验田中,表现整齐一致,有纯系的特征,而且出现了2株白化苗。通过石蜡切片初步观察了孤雌生殖的胚胎发生过程,发现胚胎发生是从胚囊里的单倍体细胞起源的。第二、三轮实验又接种了10个基因型的玉米材料,证实了上述结果。 外源基因转导是利用生物技术进行玉米育种的一个有效途径。本文首次尝试了用离体子房注射法对玉米进行基因转化。首先构建了含有开花促进因子基因FPF1及植物选择标记抗除草剂基因pat的植物表达载体pFBR,采用离体注射培养法,取授粉24小时后的玉米雌穗,剥去苞叶,在超净工作台进行微量注射,然后切成小块接种在培养基上,在光照培养箱内培养,3-4周可直接获得种子或小植株。种子萌发后进行植株抗性筛选和分子检测,共注射了3个品种的47个雌穗(约16450个子房)得到再生植株109株,其中经PPT筛选有抗性的植株为23株,占再生植株的21.1%。经PCR检测,13株植株有阳性反应。但Southern杂交检测有杂带出现。出现杂带的原因、RNA水平的分子检测、转基因后代T1代的分子检测和早开花农艺性状的观察,由于时间关系没有完成,还需要进一步的实验。实验初步证明了离体子房注射法对玉米进行基因转化的可行性,而且与田间注射法相比,此方法具有省力省时,容易控制污染,转化效率提高的优点, 克服了玉米培养再生植株受基因型限制的困境, 将为玉米分子育种的基因工程提供更易行的手段。 同时,也为子房较大的其它植物的基因转化提供了方法。


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Human ingenuity has made it possible to advent the chromosome manipulation techniques to produce individuals with differing genomic status in a number of fish using various causal agents such as physical shocks (temperature or hydrostatic pressure), chemical (endomitotics) and anesthetic treatments either to suppress the second meiotic division shortly after fertilization of eggs or to prevent the first mitotic division shortly prior to mitotic cleavage formation. This results in the induction of polyploidy (triploidy and tetraploidy), gynogenesis (both meiotic and mitotic leading to clonal lines) and androgenesis in fish population. The rationale for the induction of such ploidy in fish has been its potential for generating sterile individuals, rapidly inbred lines and masculinized fish, which could be of benefit to fish farming and aquaculture. In this paper, these are critically reviewed and the implication of recently developed chromosome manipulation techniques to various fin fishes is discussed.


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<正> 1.孤雌生殖,雌核发育和杂合发育单性型种群在脊椎动物中是罕见的。尽管如此,到目前为止几乎已在各类脊椎动物中发现了单性型种群。该种群通常涉及3种繁殖方式,即孤雌生殖(parthenogenesis)、雌核发育(gynogenesis)和杂合发育(hybridogenesis)。


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<正> 雌核生殖(gynogenesis)是单性生殖(parthenogenesis)的一种,指卵子依靠自己的细胞核直接发育成个体的生殖行为。自然界实行雌核生殖的动物有:蜜蜂、蚂蚁、蚜虫,水蚤、轮虫、丰年虫、银鲫、食蚊鱼(Poecilliopsis)的一些种类(如花鳉Poecilia formosa)等等。


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Gibel carp ( Carassius auratus gibelio) is a uniquely gynogenetic species with a minor ratio of males in natural habitats, but its male origin and sex determination mechanisms have been unknown. In this study, a male-biased mutant family was discovered from the gynogenetic gibel carp, and a male-specific SCAR marker was identified from the mutant family. Normal spermatogenesis was observed in the male testes by immuno. fluorescence histochemistry. Nearly identical AFLP profiles were observed between males and females, but a male-specific 86 bp AFLP fragment was screened by sex-pool bulked segregant analysis and individual screening. Based on the male-specific AFLP fragment, a total of 579 bp sequences were cloned by genome walking. Subsequently, a male-specific SCAR marker was designed, and the male-specific DNA fragment was confirmed to be steadily transmitted to the next generation and consistently detected only in males. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.