993 resultados para gene overexpression


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze cytokine gene expression in keratinocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). INTRODUCTION: Keratinocytes represent 95% of epidermal cells and can secrete several cytokines. METHODS: Keratinocytes were obtained by laser microdissection from 21 patients with SLE (10 discoid and 11 acute lesions) at involved and uninvolved sites. All patients were receiving a low/moderate prednisone dose and 18 were receiving chloroquine diphosphate. IL-2, IL-5, TNF-α and IFN-γ gene expression was evaluated by real-time PCR and expressed as the ratio (R) to a pool of skin samples from 12 healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Heterogeneity in cytokine gene expression was found among patients with SLE. Eighteen of 38 valid SLE samples (47%) presented overexpression (R>1) of at least one cytokine. Lesional skin samples tended to show higher cytokine expression than samples from uninvolved skin (p = 0.06). IL-5 and IFN-γ were the most commonly overexpressed cytokines. Samples with cytokine overexpression corresponded to more extensive and severe lesions. Prednisone dose did not differ between samples without cytokine overexpression (15.71±3.45 mg/day) and those with overexpressed cytokines (12.68±5.41 mg/day) (p = 0.216). Samples from all patients not receiving diphosphate chloroquine had at least one overexpressed cytokine. CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneous keratinocyte cytokine gene expression reflects the complex immunological and inflammatory background in SLE. Patients with severe/extensive skin lesions showed a higher frequency of cytokine gene overexpression. Increased IFN-γ and IL-5 expression suggests that Th1 and Th2 cells are involved in SLE skin inflammation. The possibility that prednisone and antimalarial drugs may have contributed to low cytokine gene expression in some samples cannot be ruled out.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cervical cancer remains persistently the second most common malignancies among women worldwide, responsible for 500,000 new cases annually. Only in Brazil, the estimate is for 18,430 new cases in 2011. Several types of molecular markers have been studied in carcinogenesis including proteins associated with apoptosis such as BAG-1 and PARP-1. This study aims to demonstrate the expression of BAG-1 and PARP-1 in patients with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSILs), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) and invasive squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the uterine cervix and to verify a possible association with HPV infection. Fifty samples of LSILs, 50 samples of HSILs and 50 samples of invasive SCCs of the uterine cervix were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for BAG-1 and PARP-1 expression. PCR was performed to detect and type HPV DNA. BAG-1 expression levels were significantly different between LSILs and HSILs (p = 0,014) and between LSILs and SCCs (p = 0,014). In regards to PARP-1 expression, we found significant differences between the expression levels in HSILs and SCCs (p = 0,022). No association was found between BAG-1 expression and the presence of HPV. However, a significant association was found between PARP-1 expression and HPV positivity in the HSILs group (p = 0,021). In conclusion our research suggests that BAG-1 expression could contribute to the differentiation between LSIL and HSIL/SCC whereas PARP-1 could be useful to the differentiation between HSIL HPV-related and SCC. Further studies are needed to clarify the molecular aspects of the relationship between PARP-1 expression and HPV infection, with potential applications for cervical cancer prediction.


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Die endogene Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) - wie beispielsweise Hydroxyl-Radikale, Superoxid-Radikalanionen, Wasserstoffperoxid und Singulett-Sauerstoff - bei essentiellen Stoffwechselreaktionen in allen aeroben Lebewesen stellt eine potentielle Gefahr für die Integrität der DNA in jeder Zelle dar. ROS generieren in der DNA unter anderem oxidative DNA-Modifikationen (zum größten Teil wahrscheinlich 8-Hydroxyguanin (8-oxoG)), welche wiederum zu einem Teil zu Mutationen führen.In dieser Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen vorgenommen, in welchem Ausmaß zum einen die Steady-State-Level oxidativer DNA-Schäden in Säugerzellen zum anderen die Reparaturgeschwindig-keiten solcher DNA-Modifikationen durch verschiedene endogene Faktoren beeinflußt werden.Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stand dabei die Charakterisierung der 8-Hydroxyguaninglykosylase der Säugerzellen. Sie ist das Produkt des OGG1-Gens, das erst 1997 kloniert wurde. In transfizierten Zellinien konnte durch eine konstitutive Überexpression des menschlichen OGG1-Gens demonstriert werden, daß die Reparatur von induzierten oxidativen Basenmodifikationen bis zu dreifach beschleunigt wird und daß eine Korrelation zwischen dem Grad der Überexpression und der Reparaturrate besteht. Dagegen waren die Steady-State-Level der oxidativen DNA-Schäden durch die Überexpression unbeeinflußt. Sowohl bei den spontanen Mutationsraten als auch bei den durch oxidative Schädigungen induzierten Mutationsfrequenzen konnte keine Erniedrigung bedingt durch die hOGG1-Überexpression beobachtet werden.Weitere Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von Ogg1-Protein konnten in Mäusezellen durchgeführt werden, in denen das OGG1-homologe Mäusegen, mOGG1, homozygot inaktiviert (mOGG1(-/-)) worden war. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, daß in den mOGG1-defizienten Zellen im Vergleich zu den entsprechenden Wildtyp-Zellen (mOGG1(+/+)) eine Reparatur induzierter oxidativer Basenmodifikationen erst nach 8 h einsetzt, während in den Kontrollzellen schon nach 3-4 h 50 % der Modifikationen repariert waren. Die Steady-State-Level oxidativer Modifikationen in mOGG1(-/-)-Zellen waren in immortalisierten, schnell proliferierenden Mäusefibroblasten nur um den Faktor 1.4, in primären Mäusehepatocyten jedoch um den Faktor 2.5 gegenüber den Wildtyp-Zellen erhöht.Inwieweit das menschliche Reparaturprotein Xrcc1 (X-ray repair cross complementing group 1) auch an der Prozessierung oxidativer DNA-Modifikationen beteiligt ist, und ob dabei möglicherweise eine Interaktion mit Ogg1 vorliegt, wurde in der XRCC1-defizienten CHO-Zellinie EM9 untersucht. Dabei wurde ermittelt, daß weder die Steady-State-Level noch die Reparaturkinetiken der oxidativen Basenmodifikationen durch die XRCC1-Defizienz beeinflußt werden. Aufgrund weiterer Ergebnisse kann jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen werden, daß das Xrcc1-Protein zumindest am Ligationsschritt während der Reparatur oxidativer DNA-Schäden beteiligt ist.In einem weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob Unterschiede im Steady-State-Level in Abhängigkeit von Organ-, Gewebe- und Zelltyp auftreten. Dazu wurden Untersuchungen in Bronchialkarzinom-Zellinien verschiedener Subtypen durchgeführt. Des weiteren wurde zur Frage der Zelltyp-Abhängigkeit in der menschlichen Zellinie HL60 der Einfluß des Zelldifferenzierungsstadiums auf die Steady-State-Level untersucht.


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L’overespressione dei geni EVI1(3q26) e PRDM16(1p36), è descritta sia in presenza che in assenza di riarrangiamenti 3q26 e 1p36 in specifici sottogruppi citogenetici di LAM, ed è associata ad una prognosi sfavorevole. Lo scopo principale del nostro studio è stato identificare e caratterizzare tramite FISH e RQ-PCR, alterazioni di EVI1 e PRDM16 in pazienti con alterazioni cromosomiche 3q e 1p.Riarrangiamenti di EVI1 si associavano ad alterazioni cromosomiche 3q26, ma, in 6 casi (6/35;17,1%) erano presenti in assenza di coinvolgimenti, in citogenetica convenzionale, della regione 3q26, a causa di meccanismi complessi e/o alterazioni ‘criptiche’. Inoltre, abbiamo identificato quattro nuovi riarrangiamenti di EVI1, tra cui due nuove traslocazioni simili presenti in due fratelli. Riarrangiamenti e/o amplificazioni di PRDM16 erano spesso associate ad alterazioni 1p36 (7/14;50%). L’analisi di EVI1 e PRDM16 è stata estesa ad altri casi con alterazioni -7/7q-, con cariotipo normale, con alterazioni 3q per PRDM16 e con alterazioni 1p per EVI1. L’overespressione di EVI1 era presente solo nel gruppo -7/7q- (10/58;17.2%) ed in un caso si associava ad amplificazione genica, mentre PRDM16 era overespresso in casi di tutti i gruppi analizzati,sia con cariotipi complessi, dove si associava in alcuni casi ad amplificazione genica, sia con cariotipi normali o con singole alterazioni. Il nostro studio dimostra come la FISH permetta di identificare alterazioni dei geni EVI1 e PRDM16, anche in assenza di coinvolgimenti delle regioni 3q26 e 1p36. Riarrangiamenti complessi e/o una scarsa qualità dei preparati citogenetici sono le cause principali per la mancata identificazione di queste alterazioni. La RQ-PCR permette di identificare l’overespressione anche nei casi in cui non sia dovuta ad alterazioni citogenetiche. È importante confermare con FISH e/o RQ-PCR il coinvolgimento di questi due geni, per individuare alla diagnosi pazienti con prognosi sfavorevole e che potranno beneficiare di terapie maggiormente aggressive e/o di trapianto allogenico di cellule staminali.


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The emergence of tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor resistance is a major problem in the treatment of breast cancer. The molecular signaling mechanism of antiestrogen resistance is not clear. Understanding the mechanisms by which resistance to these agents arise could have major clinical implications for preventing or circumventing it. Therefore, in this dissertation we have investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying antiestrogen resistance by studying the contributions of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced redox signaling pathways in antiestrogen resistant breast cancer cells. Our hypothesis is that the conversion of breast tumors to a tamoxifen-resistant phenotype is associated with a progressive shift towards a pro-oxidant environment of cells as a result of oxidative stress. The hypothesis of this dissertation was tested in an in vitro 2-D cell culture model employing state of the art biochemical and molecular techniques, including gene overexpression, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, confocal imaging, ChIP, Real-Time RT-PCR, and anchorage-independent cell growth assays. We observed that tamoxifen (TAM) acts like both an oxidant and an antioxidant. Exposure of tamoxifen resistant LCC2 cell to TAM or 17 beta-estradiol (E2) induced the formation of reactive oxidant species (ROS). The formation of E2-induced ROS was inhibited by co-treatment with TAM, similar to cells pretreated with antioxidants. In LCC2 cells, treatments with either E2 or TAM were capable of inducing cell proliferation which was then inhibited by biological and chemical antioxidants. Exposure of LCC2 cells to tamoxifen resulted in a decrease in p27 expression. The LCC2 cells exposed to TAM showed an increase in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187. Conversely, antioxidant treatment showed an increase in p27 expression and a decrease in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187 in TAM exposed cells which were similar to the effects of Fulvestrant. In line with previous studies, we showed an increase in the binding of cyclin E-Cdk2 and in the level of p27 in TAM exposed cells that overexpressed biological antioxidants. Together these findings highly suggest that lowering the oxidant state of antiestrogen resistant LCC2 cells, increases LCC2 susceptibility to tamoxifen via the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27.


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SVP-like MADS domain transcription factors have been shown to regulate flowering time and both inflorescence and flower development in annual plants, while having effects on growth cessation and terminal bud formation in perennial species. Previously, four SVP genes were described in woody perennial vine kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.), with possible distinct roles in bud dormancy and flowering. Kiwifruit SVP3 transcript was confined to vegetative tissues and acted as a repressor of flowering as it was able to rescue the Arabidopsis svp41 mutant. To characterize kiwifruit SVP3 further, ectopic expression in kiwifruit species was performed. Ectopic expression of SVP3 in A. deliciosa did not affect general plant growth or the duration of endodormancy. Ectopic expression of SVP3 in A. eriantha also resulted in plants with normal vegetative growth, bud break, and flowering time. However, significantly prolonged and abnormal flower, fruit, and seed development were observed, arising from SVP3 interactions with kiwifruit floral homeotic MADS-domain proteins. Petal pigmentation was reduced as a result of SVP3-mediated interference with transcription of the kiwifruit flower tissue-specific R2R3 MYB regulator, MYB110a, and the gene encoding the key anthocyanin biosynthetic step, F3GT1. Constitutive expression of SVP3 had a similar impact on reproductive development in transgenic tobacco. The flowering time was not affected in day-neutral and photoperiod-responsive Nicotiana tabacum cultivars, but anthesis and seed germination were significantly delayed. The accumulation of anthocyanin in petals was reduced and the same underlying mechanism of R2R3 MYB NtAN2 transcript reduction was demonstrated.


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Salinity is a major threat to sustainable agriculture worldwide. Plant NHX exchangers play an important role in conferring salt tolerance under salinity stress. In this study, a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene VrNHX1 (Genbank Accession No. JN656211.1) from mungbean (Vigna radiata) was introduced into cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) by the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot hybridization confirmed the stable integration of VrNHX1 into the cowpea genome. Comparative expression analysis by semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed higher expression of VrNHX1 in transgenic cowpea plants than wild-type. Under salt stress conditions, T2 transgenic 35S:VrNHX1 cowpea lines exhibited higher tolerance to 200 mM NaCl treatment than wild-type. Furthermore, T2 transgenic 35S:VrNHX1 lines maintained a higher K+/Na+ ratio in the aerial parts under salt stress and accumulated higher [Na+] in roots than wild-type. Physiological analysis revealed lower levels of lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen radical production but higher levels of relative water content and proline, ascorbate and chlorophyll contents in T2 transgenic 35S:VrNHX1 lines.