996 resultados para employee experiences


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Background: Little is known about the types of 'sit less, move more' strategies that appeal to office employees, or what factors influence their use. This study assessed the uptake of strategies in Spanish university office employees engaged in an intervention, and those factors that enabled or limited strategy uptake. Methods: The study used a mixed method design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with academics and administrators (n = 12; 44 +/- 12 mean SD age; 6 women) at three points across the five-month intervention, and data used to identify factors that influenced the uptake of strategies. Employees who finished the intervention then completed a survey rating (n = 88; 42 +/- 8 mean SD age; 51 women) the extent to which strategies were used [never (1) to usually (4)]; additional survey items (generated from interviewee data) rated the impact of factors that enabled or limited strategy uptake [no influence (1) to very strong influence (4)]. Survey score distributions and averages were calculated and findings triangulated with interview data. Results: Relative to baseline, 67% of the sample increased step counts post intervention (n = 59); 60% decreased occupational sitting (n = 53). 'Active work tasks' and 'increases in walking intensity' were the strategies most frequently used by employees (89% and 94% sometimes or usually utilised these strategies); 'walk-talk meetings' and ` lunchtime walking groups' were the least used (80% and 96% hardly ever or never utilised these strategies). 'Sitting time and step count logging' was the most important enabler of behaviour change (mean survey score of 3.1 +/- 0.8); interviewees highlighted the motivational value of being able to view logged data through visual graphics in a dedicated website, and gain feedback on progress against set goals. 'Screen based work' (mean survey score of 3.2 +/- 0.8) was the most significant barrier limiting the uptake of strategies. Inherent time pressures and cultural norms that dictated sedentary work practices limited the adoption of 'walk-talk meetings' and ` lunch time walking groups'. Conclusions: The findings provide practical insights into which strategies and influences practitioners need to target to maximise the impact of 'sit less, move more' occupational intervention strategies.


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Les transformations économiques visant la création d’un marché mondial unique, le progrès technologique et la disponibilité d’une main-d’œuvre qualifiée dans les pays à bas salaire amènent les dirigeants des entreprises à réexaminer l’organisation et la localisation de leurs capacités productives de façon à en accroître la flexibilité qui est, selon plusieurs, seule garante de la pérennité de l’organisation (Atkinson, 1987; Patry, 1994; Purcell et Purcell, 1998; Kennedy 2002; Kallaberg, Reynolds, Marsden, 2003; Berger, 2006). Une stratégie déployée par les entreprises pour parvenir à cette fin est la délocalisation (Kennedy, 2002; Amiti et Wei, 2004; Barthélemy, 2004; Trudeau et Martin, 2006; Olsen, 2006). La technologie, l’ouverture des marchés et l’accès à des bassins nouveaux de main-d’œuvre qualifiée rendent possible une fragmentation de la chaîne de production bien plus grande qu’auparavant, et chaque maillon de cette chaîne fait l’objet d’un choix de localisation optimale (Hertveldt et al., 2005). Dans ces conditions, toutes les activités qui ne requièrent aucune interaction complexe ou physique entre collègues ou entre un employé et un client, sont sujettes à être transférées chez un sous-traitant, ici ou à l’étranger (Farrell, 2005). La plupart des recherches traitant de l’impartition et des délocalisations se concentrent essentiellement sur les motivations patronales d’y recourir (Lauzon-Duguay, 2005) ou encore sur les cas de réussites ou d’échecs des entreprises ayant implanté une stratégie de cette nature (Logan, Faught et Ganster, 2004). Toutefois, les impacts sur les employés de telles pratiques ont rarement été considérés systématiquement dans les recherches (Benson, 1998; Kessler, Coyle-Shapiro et Purcell, 1999; Logan et al., 2004). Les aspects humains doivent pourtant être considérés sérieusement, car ils sont à même d’être une cause d’échec ou de réussite de ces processus. La gestion des facteurs humains entourant le processus de délocalisation semble jouer un rôle dans l’impact de l’impartition sur les employés. Ainsi, selon Kessler et al. (1999), la façon dont les employés perçoivent la délocalisation serait influencée par trois facteurs : la manière dont ils étaient gérés par leur ancien employeur (context), ce que leur offre leur nouvel employeur (pull factor) et la façon dont ils sont traités suite au transfert (landing). La recherche vise à comprendre l’impact de la délocalisation d’activités d’une entreprise sur les employés ayant été transférés au fournisseur. De façon plus précise, nous souhaitons comprendre les effets que peut entraîner la délocalisation d’une entreprise « source » (celle qui cède les activités et les employés) à une entreprise « destination » (celle qui reprend les activités cédées et la main-d’œuvre) sur les employés transférés lors de ce processus au niveau de leur qualité de vie au travail et de leurs conditions de travail. Plusieurs questions se posent. Qu’est-ce qu’un transfert réussi du point de vue des employés? Les conditions de travail ou la qualité de vie au travail sont-elles affectées? À quel point les aspects humains influencent-t-ils les effets de la délocalisation sur les employés? Comment gérer un tel transfert de façon optimale du point de vue du nouvel employeur? Le modèle d’analyse est composé de quatre variables. La première variable dépendante (VD1) de notre modèle correspond à la qualité de vie au travail des employés transférés. La seconde variable dépendante (VD2) correspond aux conditions de travail des employés transférés. La troisième variable, la variable indépendante (VI) renvoie à la délocalisation d’activités qui comporte deux dimensions soit (1) la décision de délocalisation et (2) le processus d’implantation. La quatrième variable, la variable modératrice (VM) est les aspects humains qui sont examinés selon trois dimensions soit (1) le contexte dans l’entreprise « source » (Context), (2) l’attrait du nouvel employeur (pull factor) et (3) la réalité chez le nouvel employeur (landing). Trois hypothèses de recherche découlent de notre modèle d’analyse. Les deux premières sont à l’effet que la délocalisation entraîne une détérioration de la qualité de vie au travail (H1) et des conditions de travail (H2). La troisième hypothèse énonce que les aspects humains ont un effet modérateur sur l’impact de la délocalisation sur les employés transférés (H3). La recherche consiste en une étude de cas auprès d’une institution financière (entreprise « source ») qui a délocalisé ses activités technologiques à une firme experte en technologies de l’information (entreprise « destination »). Onze entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec des acteurs-clés (employés transférés et gestionnaires des deux entreprises). Les résultats de la recherche indiquent que la délocalisation a de façon générale un impact négatif sur les employés transférés. Par contre, cette affirmation n’est pas généralisable à tous les indicateurs étudiés de la qualité de vie au travail et des conditions de travail. Les résultats mettent en évidence des conséquences négatives en ce qui a trait à la motivation intrinsèque au travail, à l’engagement organisationnel ainsi qu’à la satisfaction en lien avec l’aspect relationnel du travail. La délocalisation a également entraîné une détérioration des conditions de travail des employés transférés soit au niveau de la sécurité d’emploi, du contenu et de l’évaluation des tâches, de la santé et sécurité au travail et de la durée du travail. Mais, d’après les propos des personnes interviewées, les conséquences les plus importantes sont sans aucun doute au niveau du salaire et des avantages sociaux. Les conséquences de la délocalisation s’avèrent par contre positives lorsqu’il est question de l’accomplissement professionnel et de la satisfaction de l’aspect technique du travail. Au niveau de la confiance interpersonnelle au travail, l’organisation du travail, la formation professionnelle ainsi que les conditions physiques de l’emploi, les effets ne semblent pas significatifs d’après les propos recueillis lors des entrevues. Enfin, les résultats mettent en évidence l’effet modérateur significatif des aspects humains sur les conséquences de la délocalisation pour les employés transférés. L’entreprise « source » a tenté d’amoindrir l’impact de la délocalisation, mais ce ne fut pas suffisant. Comme les employés étaient fortement attachés à l’entreprise « source » et qu’ils ne désiraient pas la quitter pour une entreprise avec une culture d’entreprise différente qui leur paraissait peu attrayante, ces dimensions des aspects humains ont en fait contribué à amplifier les impacts négatifs de la délocalisation, particulièrement sur la qualité de vie au travail des employés transférés. Mots clés : (1) délocalisation, (2) impartition, (3) transfert d’employés, (4) qualité de vie au travail, (5) conditions de travail, (6) technologies de l’information, (7) entreprise, (8) gestion des ressources humaines.


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“The challenge today is not just retaining talented people, but fully engaging them, capturing their minds and hearts at each stage of their work lives” (Kaye & Jordan-Evans, 2003, p. 11). Engaged employees produce positive work outcomes such as increased productivity satisfaction, and reduced turnover (Kahn, 1990, 1992; Saks, 2006). Engaged employees also impact on customers and co-workers’ positive experiences such as increased customer satisfaction (Wagner & Harter, 2006). Further, engaged employees demonstrate higher levels of trust in management and share more positive experiences with co-workers than disengage employees (Payne, Cangemi, Fuqua, & Muhleakamp, 1998). Past studies show that having a high proportion of engaged employees increases organizational performance, such as profitability and reputation (Wagner & Harter, 2006; Fleming & Asplund, 2007; Ketter, 2008). Having experienced the benefits of having engaged employees, organizations have become more aware of this issue and have been focusing on facilitating engagement climate within workplaces. Recently, an interest in positive psychology, instead of negative aspects of human behaviours, has become a focus for both scholars and practitioners. The trend towards positive psychology has led to the emergence of the concept of work engagement(Chughtai & Buckley, 2008). This article reviews literatures in the area of positive psychology and psychological stress, and discusses how organizations can increase work engagement among their organizational members. The remainder of this article is organised in four sections. First, we define work engagement as used in this article and psychological outcomes of work engagement. Second, we identify ways to increase work engagement among employees. Following this, we further discuss how gender roles influence individuals’ engagement at work. The final sections conclude the paper with a discussion of the practical implications.


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Karasek's Job Demand-Control model proposes that control mitigates the positive effects of work stressors on employee strain. Evidence to date remains mixed and, although a number of individual-level moderators have been examined, the role of broader, contextual, group factors has been largely overlooked. In this study, the extent to which control buffered or exacerbated the effects of demands on strain at the individual level was hypothesized to be influenced by perceptions of collective efficacy at the group level. Data from 544 employees in Australian organizations, nested within 23 workgroups, revealed significant three-way cross-level interactions among demands, control and collective efficacy on anxiety and job satisfaction. When the group perceived high levels of collective efficacy, high control buffered the negative consequences of high demands on anxiety and satisfaction. Conversely, when the group perceived low levels of collective efficacy, high control exacerbated the negative consequences of high demands on anxiety, but not satisfaction. In addition, a stress-exacerbating effect for high demands on anxiety and satisfaction was found when there was a mismatch between collective efficacy and control (i.e. combined high collective efficacy and low control). These results provide support for the notion that the stressor-strain relationship is moderated by both individual- and group-level factors.


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In the current economic climate, employees are expected to upgrade their skills in order to remain productive and competitive in the workplace, and many women with learning disabilities! may feel doubly challenged when dealing with such expectations. Although the number of people with reported learning disabilities who enter the workforce is expected to increase, a dearth of research focuses on work-related experiences of women with learning disabilities; consequently, employers and educators often are unaware ofthe obstacles and demands facing such individuals. This qualitative narrative study sheds light on the work experiences of women with diagnosed or suspected learning disabilities. The study used semistructured interviews to explore their perspectives and reflections on learnlng in order to: (a) raise awareness of the needs of women with learning disabilities, (b) enhance their opportunities to learn in the workplace, and (c) draw attention to the need for improvement of inclusiveness in the workplace, especially for hidden disabilities. Study findings reveal that participants' learning was influenced by work relationships, the learning environments, self-determination, and taking personal responsibility. Moreover, the main accommodation requested was to have supportive and understanding work relationships and environments. Recommendations are made for future research and workplace improvements, most notably that no employees should be left behind through an employee-centered approach.


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We explore the role of deeply held beliefs, known as social axioms, in the context of employee–organization relationships. Specifically, we examine how the beliefs identified as social cynicism and reward for application moderate the relationship between employees’ work-related experiences, perceptions of CSR, attitudes, and behavioral intentions toward their firm. Utilizing a sample of 130 retail employees, we find that CSR affects more positively employees low on social cynicism and reduces distrust more so than with cynical employees. Employees exhibiting strong reward for application are less positively affected by CSR, whereas their experiences of other work-related factors are more likely to reduce distrust. Our findings suggest the need for a differentiated view of CSR in the context of employee studies and offer suggestions for future research and management practice.


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The Australian government is currently committed to the goal of increasing organisational participation in employee share ownership plans (ESOP) from 4% of all companies to 11% by 2009. The Nelson Report into ESOPs commissioned by the Honourable Brendan Nelson highlighted the lack of comprehensive information on the nature and extent of ESO plans in Australia. ” (Nelson 2000). This paper places the program in context by reviewing overseas experiences and considers the viewpoints of both employers and employees. The preliminary investigation concludes by highlighting the need for further thorough research before success for all types of businesses can be confidently predicted. ”


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The Australian government is currently committed to the goal of increasing organisational participation in employee share ownership plans (ESOP) from 4% of all companies to 11% by 2009. The Nelson Report into ESOPs commissioned by the Honourable Brendan Nelson highlighted the lack of comprehensive information on the nature and extent of ESO plans in Australia. This paper places the program in context by reviewing overseas experiences and considers the viewpoints of both employers and employees. The preliminary investigation concludes by highlighting the need for further thorough research before success for all types of businesses can be confidently predicted.


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Informed by social exchange theory (SET) this study examines the role of trust in strategic alliances. Interviews were conducted with 17 participants who were strategic alliance managers in their organization. The study finds that trust is important to strategic alliance managers, and without it alliance managers would find it difficult to keep their alliance going. Trust is built over time, and based on the past experiences that the alliance manager has with their partner. The study found that prior networks, timely and appropriate communication and information exchange, fairness preservation and inter-firm adaptation were important in developing trust in the strategic alliance.


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This research project investigates how the experiences of full-time employees undertaking part-time tertiary study influence perceptions of the value of undertaking part-time study whilst working full-time.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to argue in support of a model that shows how four key HRM practices focused on engagement influence organizational climate, job demands and job resources, the psychological experiences of safety, meaningfulness and availability at work, employee engagement, and individual, group and organizational performance and competitive advantage.
Design/methodology/approach - This conceptual review focuses on the research evidence showing interrelationships between organizational context factors, job factors, individual employee psychological and motivational factors, employee outcomes, organizational outcomes and competitive advantage. The proposed model integrates frameworks that have previously run independently in the HR and engagement literatures.
Findings - The authors conclude that HRM practitioners need to move beyond the routine administration of annual engagement surveys and need to embed engagement in HRM policies and practices such personnel selection, socialization, performance management, and training and development.
Practical implications - The authors offer organizations clear guidelines for how HR practices (i.e. selection, socialization, performance management, training) can be used to facilitate and improve employee engagement and result in positive outcomes that will help organizations achieve a competitive advantage.
Originality/value - The authors provide useful new insights for researchers and management professionals wishing to embed engagement within the fabric of HRM policies and practices and employee behaviour, and organizational outcomes.


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This book informs debates about worker participation in the workplace or worker voice by analysing comparative historical data relating to these ideas during the inter-war period in Australia, Canada, Germany, the UK and the US. The issue is topical because of the contemporary shift to a workplace focus in many countries without a corresponding development of infrastructure at the workplace level, and because of the growing ‘representation gap’ as union membership declines. Some commentators have called for the introduction of works councils to address these issues. Other scholars have gone back and examined the experiences with the non-union Employee Representation Plans (ERPs) in Canada and the US. This book will test these claims through examining and comparing the historical record of previous efforts of five countries during a rich period of experimentation between the Wars. In addition to ERPs, the book expands the debate will by examining union-management co-operation, Whitley works committees and German works councils.


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Empathic engagement by the trauma therapist with another person's traumatic experiences is believed to create risks for the helping professional. Much attention has been focused upon the mental health professional experiencing symptoms of distress as a result of their exposure to the material of clients who survive traumatic incidents. This thesis contains the findings of a qualitative study that centres on a group of male mental health professionals and their experiences of exposure to the trauma material of survivor clients. The participants of the study practise within an internal Employee Assistance Program that provides, among other duties, a 24 hour, 7 day response to critical incidents to a heavy transport industry. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviews, the effects on the trauma therapists are explored by analysing their reactions to their survivor clients' accounts, the impact of these experiences upon their psychological schema, the organisational culture in which they practise and its influence upon their experiences and the methods participants use to cope with the psychological effects of exposure to trauma material. Participants' experiences are closely examined for critical comparisons with vicarious traumatization. Therapists' responses reveal their continued ability and motivation to empathically engage with the trauma material of survivor clients despite the potential risks.