944 resultados para conjugate meningococcal vaccines


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OBJETIVOS: Analisar a epidemiologia da doença meningocócica no Brasil e o impacto que as recentes evidências acumuladas com a incorporação das vacinas meningocócicas C conjugadas nos programas de imunização podem ter nas diferentes estratégias de uso dessas vacinas. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO e LILACS no período de 2000 a 2011. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: No Brasil, a doença meningocócica é endêmica, com ocorrência periódica de surtos. Os maiores coeficientes de incidência ocorrem em lactentes, sendo o sorogrupo C responsável pela maioria dos casos, motivando a introdução da vacina meningocócica C conjugada no Programa Nacional de Imunizações, em 2010, para crianças menores de 2 anos. A introdução das vacinas meningocócicas C conjugadas nos programas de imunização na Europa, Canadá e Austrália mostrou-se efetiva, com dramática redução na incidência de doença causada pelo sorogrupo C, não apenas nos vacinados, mas também em não vacinados. A efetividade em longo prazo dessas vacinas mostrou-se dependente de uma combinação de persistência de anticorpos, memória imunológica e proteção indireta. Recentes evidências indicando que a persistência de anticorpos não é duradoura em crianças pequenas imunizadas e que a memória imunológica não é rápida o suficiente para protegê-las contra a doença enfatizam a importância da proteção indireta para manutenção da população protegida. CONCLUSÕES: A rápida queda de títulos de anticorpos em crianças vacinadas nos primeiros anos de vida sugere a necessidade de incorporarmos doses de reforço antes da adolescência, especialmente em locais como o Brasil, onde ainda não contamos com o efeito da proteção indireta da população.


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A doença meningocócica (DM) é, ainda hoje, um sério problema de saúde pública, estando associada a elevadas taxas de morbidade e letalidade no mundo. A DM evoca proteção imunológica persistente contra a doença em pessoas com sistema imunológico normal. Em contraste, a proteção induzida por vacinas meningocócicas sempre requer a administração de doses reforço (booster) da vacina. No Brasil, Neisseria meningitidis dos sorogrupos C (MenC) e B (MenB) são as principais causas de DM durante os últimos anos. Atualmente, não existe uma vacina universal contra o meningococo B (MenB). A infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) tem sido apontada como um fator de risco para a mortalidade da DM. Um dos pilares do tratamento do HIV é a utilização de vacinas para doenças imuno-preveníveis. A vacina conjugada anti-MenC é frequentemente recomendada para crianças e adolescentes infectados pelo HIV no Brasil e em muitos outros países. Poucos estudos têm abordado os mecanismos pelos quais as vacinas meningocócicas geram e sustentam a memória imunológica. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) avaliar a resposta de anticorpos bactericidas e de linfócito T (LT) CD4 de memória contra o meningococo após a infecção; 2) avaliar a resposta de anticorpos bactericidas e de LT CD4 de memória e linfócito B de memória (LBm) contra o meningococo após o booster da vacina cubana VA-MENGOC-BC em voluntários imunizados há aproximadamente 17 anos; 3) investigar a resposta de anticorpos funcionais (bactericidas e opsonizantes) após imunização com a vacina conjugada anti-MenC (CRM197) em indivíduos infectados pelo vírus HIV. Após a infecção, 83% dos pacientes diagnosticados como tendo DM pelo teste de látex e/ou cultura tiveram títulos de anticorpos bactericidas protetores, mas não houve uma associação entre os títulos de anticorpos bactericidas e a concentração de imunoglobulina total específica. Houve aumento na frequência de linfócitos T de memória central (TCM) (mediana de 15%) ativados, principalmente após estímulo com a cepa MenC. Nos voluntários pré-vacinados, 3 de 5 indivíduos soroconverteram 7 ou 14 dias após a administração da dose booster. Houve um aumento importante da população TCM 14 dias após o booster, mas sem ativação celular diferenciada dos grupos controles. Observamos resposta positiva de LBm na maioria dos voluntários, mas sem correlação com os anticorpos bactericidas. Em relação aos pacientes HIV positivos, os resultados mostraram a necessidade de uma segunda dose da vacina, já que apenas 15% soroconverteram a uma única dose e a segunda dose resultou em soroconversão de cerca de 55% dos indivíduos. Observamos correlação positiva (r= 0,43) e significativa (P= 0,0007) entre os anticorpos opsonizantes e bactericidas após a vacinação. Não observamos diferenças significativas quando relacionamos os títulos de anticorpos bactericidas com o número absoluto de LT CD4 P= 0,051) e LT CD4 nadir (P= 0,09) entre os pacientes que soroconverteram (n= 43) ou não soroconverteram (n= 106) após a primeira dose. Desta forma, os resultados desta tese indicaram que: 1) os pacientes convalescentes da DM adquirem anticorpos bactericidas após infecção por N. meningitidis; 2) nos voluntários vacinados, a dose booster da vacina anti-MenB não foi plenamente eficaz em ativar a memória imunológica através da produção de anticorpos bactericidas ou ativação de LTm; 3) os pacientes HIV positivos necessitam de uma dose booster da vacina conjugada anti-MenC.


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Probiotics are defined as live micro-organisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Among their pleiotropic effects, inhibition of pathogen colonization at the mucosal surface as well as modulation of immune responses are widely recognized as the principal biological activities of probiotic bacteria. In recent times, the immune effects of probiotics have led to their application as vaccine adjuvants, offering a novel strategy for enhancing the efficacy of current vaccines. Such an approach is particularly relevant in regions where infectious disease burden is greatest and where access to complete vaccination programs is limited. In this study, we report the effects of the probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) on immune responses to tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and pneumococcal conjugate (PCV7) vaccines in infants. This study was conducted as part of a larger clinical trial assessing the impact of maternal LGG supplementation in preventing the development of atopic eczema in infants at high-risk for developing allergic disease. Maternal LGG supplementation was associated with reduced antibody responses against tetanus, Hib, and pneumococcal serotypes contained in PCV7 (N = 31) compared to placebo treatment (N = 30) but not total IgG levels. Maternal LGG supplementation was also associated with a trend to increased number of tetanus toxoid-specific T regulatory in the peripheral blood compared to placebo-treated infants. These findings suggest that maternal LGG supplementation may not be beneficial in terms of improving vaccine-specific immunity in infants. Further clinical studies are needed to confirm these findings. As probiotic immune effects can be species/strain specific, our findings do not exclude the potential use of other probiotic bacteria to modulate infant immune responses to vaccines.


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Moraxella catarrhalis (M. catarrhalis) is a human-restricted commensal of the normal bacterial flora in the upper respiratory tract of children, and - during the previous two decades - has been recognised as a true human pathogen. M. catarrhalis is the third most common pathogen causing acute otitis media in children, which is the most common reason to visit a paediatrician during childhood. Acute otitis media thus causes a high clinical and economical burden. With the introduction of the conjugate pneumococcal vaccines the microbiomic pattern in the nasopharyngeal flora of children has changed, and the frequency of isolation of M. catarrhalis has increased. Compared to adults, children are more often colonised with M. catarrhalis. Over the last three decades there has been a dramatic increase in the acquisition of β-lactam resistance in M. catarrhalis. Today 95-100% of clinically isolated M. catarrhalis produce β-lactamase. It is thus desirable to reduce the burden of M. catarrhalis disease by developing a vaccine. There are several potential vaccine antigen candidates in different stages of development, but none of them has entered clinical trials at the present time.


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Personen mit einer HIV-Infektion, nach einer Organ- oder einer hämatologischen Stammzelltransplantation oder mit einer funktionalen oder anatomischen Asplenie sind gegenüber Infektionen anfälliger. Sie haben eine grössere Komplikationsrate und ein höheres Risiko für einen chronifizierten Verlauf. Impfungen wären eine ideale primäre Präventionsmassnahme, sind aber – durch dieselben Mechanismen des Immundefektes der zu schwereren Krankheitsverläufen führt – in ihrer Wirksamkeit vermindert. Die Impfungen sollen daher, wenn immer möglich, vor Beginn der Immunsuppression oder später zum Zeitpunkt der minimalsten Immunsuppression, durchgeführt werden. Trotzdem bleibt der Benefit von Impfungen bei immunsupprimierten Personen unbestritten, sofern die Indikationsstellung bezüglich Zeitpunkt und Dosierung (Dosismenge und -anzahl), die zu einem maximalen Ansprechen führt, beachtet wird. Lebendimpfungen sind wegen der Gefahr der unkontrollierten Vermehrung der Impfviren bei schwerer Immunsuppression kontraindiziert. Die Serologie soll unspezifischer gemessen werden, da schwer immunsupprimierte Personen im Falle einer relevanten Exposition durch passive Immunisierung mittels spezifischer oder unspezifischer intravenöser Immunglobuline geschützt werden können.


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Children and adolescents infected with HIV typically have a lower response to immunization than do those in the general population. In most developed countries, meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine is one of the recommended vaccines for such individuals. However, there have been no studies evaluating the antibody response to this vaccine in HIV-infected children, adolescents or young adults. In this study, we evaluated that response using serum bactericidal antibody (SBA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, comparing HIV-infected with non-HIV-infected patients, as well as analysing the occurrence of side effects. In non-responders, we assessed the antibody response to revaccination. This clinical trial involved 92 patients between 10 and 20 years of age: 43 HIV-infected patients (HIV+ group) and 49 non-HIV-infected patients (HIV- group). After one dose of the vaccine, 72.1% of the HIV+ group patients and 100% of the HIV- group patients were considered protected. Of the HIV+ group patients who received a second dose of the vaccine, only 40% acquired protection. Overall, 81.4% of the HIV+ group patients acquired protection (after one or two doses of the vaccine). Side effects occurred in 16.3% and 44% of the HIV+ group and HIV- group patients, respectively. Therefore, the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine proved to be safe and effective for use in HIV-infected children, adolescents, and young adults, although their antibody response was weaker than that shown by non-HIV-infected patients. This indicates the need to discuss changes to the immunization schedule for children, adolescents, and young adults infected with HIV, in order to ensure more effective protection against meningococcal disease. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Recurrent protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB), chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) and bronchiectasis are characterised by a chronic wet cough and are important causes of childhood respiratory morbidity globally. Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae are the most commonly associated pathogens. As respiratory exacerbations impair quality of life and may be associated with disease progression, we will determine if the novel 10-valent pneumococcal-Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV) reduces exacerbations in these children. Methods A multi-centre, parallel group, double-blind, randomised controlled trial in tertiary paediatric centres from three Australian cities is planned. Two hundred six children aged 18 months to 14 years with recurrent PBB, CSLD or bronchiectasis will be randomised to receive either two doses of PHiD-CV or control meningococcal (ACYW(135)) conjugate vaccine 2 months apart and followed for 12 months after the second vaccine dose. Randomisation will be stratified by site, age (<6 years and >= 6 years) and aetiology (recurrent PBB or CSLD/bronchiectasis). Clinical histories, respiratory status (including spirometry in children aged >= 6 years), nasopharyngeal and saliva swabs, and serum will be collected at baseline and at 2, 3, 8 and 14 months post-enrolment. Local and systemic reactions will be recorded on daily diaries for 7 and 30 days, respectively, following each vaccine dose and serious adverse events monitored throughout the trial. Fortnightly, parental contact will help record respiratory exacerbations. The primary outcome is the incidence of respiratory exacerbations in the 12 months following the second vaccine dose. Secondary outcomes include: nasopharyngeal carriage of H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae vaccine and vaccine-related serotypes; systemic and mucosal immune responses to H. influenzae proteins and S. pneumoniae vaccine and vaccine-related serotypes; impact upon lung function in children aged >= 6 years; and vaccine safety. Discussion As H. influenzae is the most common bacterial pathogen associated with these chronic respiratory diseases in children, a novel pneumococcal conjugate vaccine that also impacts upon H. influenzae and helps prevent respiratory exacerbations would assist clinical management with potential short- and long-term health benefits. Our study will be the first to assess vaccine efficacy targeting H. influenzae in children with recurrent PBB, CSLD and bronchiectasis.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis and bacteremia worldwide. The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) is recommended for adults less than 65 years old with certain chronic medical conditions and for all elderly persons because of high rates of invasive pneumococcal infections (IPI) and increased risk of death. This study provides a comprehensive picture of the epidemiology of pneumococcal infections in Finland before the introduction of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, focusing on disease rates, risk factors, clinical outcome, and healthcare associated infections. This study was based on national, population-based laboratory surveillance for IPI. Information on all episodes of IPI was collected from the primary diagnostic laboratory. A case with IPI was defined as the isolation of S. pneumoniae from blood or cerebrospinal fluid during 1995-2002. Information on comorbidities and underlying conditions for IPI patients was obtained by linking the IPI surveillance database to other national, population-based health registries using each patient’s unique national identity code. In total, 4357 cases of IPI were identified. The overall annualized IPI incidence increased by 35% during the study period and was 10.6 per 100 000 population. The temporal increase in disease rates was associated with higher blood culturing rates over time. In working age adults, two-thirds of severe infections and one half of fatal cases occurred in persons with no recognized PPV23 indication. Persons with asthma were at increased risk for IPI and this new risk factor accounted for 5% of the overall disease burden. One tenth of pneumococcal bacteremias were healthcare-associated, and mortality among these patients was over twice as high as among patients with community-associated bacteremia. Most patients with nosocomial infections had underlying conditions for which PPV23 is recommended. The incidence of IPI in Finland has increased and the overall disease burden is higher than previously reported. The findings of this study underscore the urgent need for improved prevention efforts against pneumococcal infections in Finland through increased use of PPV23 in adult risk groups and introduction of childhood immunization with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.


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This paper describes meningococcal disease and the vaccines used to treat it. Topics include: Why get vaccinated?, Meningococcal ACWY vaccines, some people should not get this vaccine, risks of a vaccine reaction, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and how to learn more.


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Vaccines against Neisseria meningitidis group C are based on its alpha-2,9-linked polysialic acid capsular polysaccharide. This polysialic acid expressed on the surface of N. meningitidis and in the absence of specific antibody serves to evade host defense mechanisms. The polysialyltransferase (PST) that forms the group C polysialic acid (NmC PST) is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. Until recently, detailed characterization of bacterial polysialyltransferases has been hampered by a lack of availability of soluble enzyme preparations. We have constructed chimeras of the group C polysialyltransferase that catalyzes the formation alpha-2,9-polysialic acid as a soluble enzyme. We used site-directed mutagenesis to determine the region of the enzyme necessary for synthesis of the alpha-2,9 linkage. A chimera of NmB and NmC PSTs containing only amino acids 1 to 107 of the NmB polysialyltransferase catalyzed the synthesis of alpha-2,8-polysialic acid. The NmC polysialyltransferase requires an exogenous acceptor for catalytic activity. While it requires a minimum of a disialylated oligosaccharide to catalyze transfer, it can form high-molecular-weight alpha-2,9-polysialic acid in a nonprocessive fashion when initiated with an alpha-2,8-polysialic acid acceptor. De novo synthesis in vivo requires an endogenous acceptor. We attempted to reconstitute de novo activity of the soluble group C polysialyltransferase with membrane components. We found that an acapsular mutant with a defect in the polysialyltransferase produces outer membrane vesicles containing an acceptor for the alpha-2,9-polysialyltransferase. This acceptor is an amphipathic molecule and can be elongated to produce polysialic acid that is reactive with group C-specific antibody.


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BACKGROUND: Neisseria meningitidis can cause severe infection in humans. Polymorphism of Complement Factor H (CFH) is associated with altered risk of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD). We aimed to find whether polymorphism of other complement genes altered risk and whether variation of N. meningitidis factor H binding protein (fHBP) affected the risk association.

METHODS: We undertook a case-control study with 309 European cases and 5,200 1958 Birth Cohort and National Blood Service cohort controls. We used additive model logistic regression, accepting P<0.05 as significant after correction for multiple testing. The effects of fHBP subfamily on the age at infection and severity of disease was tested using the independent samples median test and Student's T test. The effect of CFH polymorphism on the N. meningitidis fHBP subfamily was investigated by logistic regression and Chi squared test.

RESULTS: Rs12085435 A in C8B was associated with odds ratio (OR) of IMD (0.35 [95% CI 0.19-0.67]; P = 0.03 after correction). A CFH haplotype tagged by rs3753396 G was associated with IMD (OR 0.56 [95% CI 0.42-0.76], P = 1.6x10-4). There was no bacterial load (CtrA cycle threshold) difference associated with carriage of this haplotype. Host CFH haplotype and meningococcal fHBP subfamily were not associated. Individuals infected with meningococci expressing subfamily A fHBP were younger than those with subfamily B fHBP meningococci (median 1 vs 2 years; P = 0.025).

DISCUSSION: The protective CFH haplotype alters odds of IMD without affecting bacterial load for affected heterozygotes. CFH haplotype did not affect the likelihood of infecting meningococci having either fHBP subfamily. The association between C8B rs12085435 and IMD requires independent replication. The CFH association is of interest because it is independent of known functional polymorphisms in CFH. As fHBP-containing vaccines are now in use, relationships between CFH polymorphism and vaccine effectiveness and side-effects may become important.


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BACKGROUND: Despite vaccines and improved medical intensive care, clinicians must continue to be vigilant of possible Meningococcal Disease in children. The objective was to establish if the procalcitonin test was a cost-effective adjunct for prodromal Meningococcal Disease in children presenting at emergency department with fever without source.

METHODS AND FINDINGS: Data to evaluate procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and white cell count tests as indicators of Meningococcal Disease were collected from six independent studies identified through a systematic literature search, applying PRISMA guidelines. The data included 881 children with fever without source in developed countries.The optimal cut-off value for the procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and white cell count tests, each as an indicator of Meningococcal Disease, was determined. Summary Receiver Operator Curve analysis determined the overall diagnostic performance of each test with 95% confidence intervals. A decision analytic model was designed to reflect realistic clinical pathways for a child presenting with fever without source by comparing two diagnostic strategies: standard testing using combined C-reactive protein and white cell count tests compared to standard testing plus procalcitonin test. The costs of each of the four diagnosis groups (true positive, false negative, true negative and false positive) were assessed from a National Health Service payer perspective. The procalcitonin test was more accurate (sensitivity=0.89, 95%CI=0.76-0.96; specificity=0.74, 95%CI=0.4-0.92) for early Meningococcal Disease compared to standard testing alone (sensitivity=0.47, 95%CI=0.32-0.62; specificity=0.8, 95% CI=0.64-0.9). Decision analytic model outcomes indicated that the incremental cost effectiveness ratio for the base case was £-8,137.25 (US $ -13,371.94) per correctly treated patient.

CONCLUSIONS: Procalcitonin plus standard recommended tests, improved the discriminatory ability for fatal Meningococcal Disease and was more cost-effective; it was also a superior biomarker in infants. Further research is recommended for point-of-care procalcitonin testing and Markov modelling to incorporate cost per QALY with a life-time model.