24 resultados para challengers


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The Provisional IRA and its political wing Sinn Féin have attracted by far the greatest scholarly interest of all the players in the Northern Irish conflict. This emphasis is perfectly legitimate, given the centrality of the Provos to so many turning-points in the conflict, from the collapse of Stormont in the early 1970s to the hunger strikes of the following decade and the ceasefires which were followed by the Belfast Agreement. My project, however, looks at political groups that at one time or another challenged the Provos for leadership of the militant, anti-state constituency in Northern Ireland (chiefly based in the Catholic working class). Although never as large or influential as the Provisional republicans, groups such as the Official IRA and the Irish Republican Socialist Party sometimes had a discernible impact on the course of events which is overlooked by most studies, and often pioneered ideas and tactics that were later adopted by the Provos themselves. The idea that republicans should embrace political action and work in broad campaigning alliances was promoted by the IRSP and socialist groups such as People’s Democracy before it was taken up by Gerry Adams and his allies, while the Official IRA supported the principle of a settlement based on democratization of the Northern Irish state, which was later accepted by Sinn Féin in the form of the Belfast Agreement. The goal of my research is to provide a novel perspective on the conflict in Northern Ireland, while engaging with theoretical debates about its character.


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Human saliva harbours proteins of clinical relevance and about 30% of blood proteins are also present in saliva. This highlights that saliva can be used for clinical applications just as urine or blood. However, the translation of salivary biomarker discoveries into clinical settings is hampered by the dynamics and complexity of the salivary proteome. This review focuses on the current status of technological developments and achievements relating to approaches for unravelling the human salivary proteome. We discuss the dynamics of the salivary proteome, as well as the importance of sample preparation and processing techniques and their influence on downstream protein applications; post-translational modifications of salivary proteome and protein: protein interactions. In addition, we describe possible enrichment strategies for discerning post-translational modifications of salivary proteins, the potential utility of selected-reaction-monitoring techniques for biomarker discovery and validation, limitations to proteomics and the biomarker challenge and future perspectives. In summary, we provide recommendations for practical saliva sampling, processing and storage conditions to increase the quality of future studies in an emerging field of saliva clinical proteomics. We propose that the advent of technologies allowing sensitive and high throughput proteome-wide analyses, coupled to well-controlled study design, will allow saliva to enter clinical practice as an alternative to blood-based methods due to its simplistic nature of sampling, non-invasiveness, easy of collection and multiple collections by untrained professionals and cost-effective advantages.


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'Appalling Behaviour' is a critically acclaimed contemporary Australian monologue, written by AWGIE Award winning playwright, Stephen House. This production, directed and creatively adapted by Shane Pike, was presented at the Brisbane Powerhouse in February 2016, as part of Queensland's LGBTIQ festival, Melt. This adaptation of the work experimented with notions of gender, taking the original script and manipulating character and scene to investigate expressions of identity beyond the traditional notions of binary gender-norms. To this end, the sole character (and actor) was (re)presented as a homeless bi-sexual queen with the aim of inferring that gender un/ab-normative characters can exist not only as disruptors/comments on/agitators of traditional expectations of performed gender (both onstage and off), but can also exist as accepted characters in and of themselves. Put simply: can a bi-sexual queen just be an actor/character in a play, or do all gender extra-normative characters inherently exist as political, social and cultural challengers? If so, why is this the case and should we be aiming for this kind of character to be an accepted part of the performative fabric, seamless and fitting within any onstage situation and play (why can't Willy Loman, King Lear or Nora be gender non-normative), or should such (re)presentations always exist as 'different'? Is it time for individual expressions of gender to just 'be' and be accepted as givens, or are we not quite there yet?


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Networks for Knowledge (n4k Ltd) are a Work Based Learning organisation which specialises in Early Years Education. Training and Development Manager, Elaine Wareing has developed the use of Facebook and Twitter to promote peer learning and interaction beyond the classroom. It also allows trainers to discuss ideas and challengers with a wider group of learners. This has allowed practitioners across a wide geographical area to share their thoughts and ideas together on some of the subjects relating to early years practice.


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A sublimação é um conceito forjado por Freud que tem por finalidade responder sobre a incidência da sexualidade num campo que não é diretamente ligado à função sexual. Freud inicialmente ligou o conceito de sublimação ao desenvolvimento da sociedade, mantendo entre eles uma estreita ligação através da idéia de aprovação social, coerência e harmonia, sendo a sexualidade algo que deveria ser posta a serviço da civilização pela educação e restrição de sua manifestação. A importância dada aos aspectos quantitativos presentes na subjetividade fez com que a sublimação adquirisse maior destaque, sendo diretamente ligada ao destino a ser dado aos elementos que resistiam à lógica da predicação e significação, buscando alternativas para a manifestação desses fatores que ameaçavam constantemente desestruturar o psiquismo. A sublimação se torna um processo necessário para articular a subjetividade a uma lógica da inadequação e do inacabamento, mostrando-se um operador não só da clínica como também da cultura, pois leva em consideração a sustentação da posição desejante sem incremento de mal-estar. Esses fatores aproximam de maneira surpreendente estética e psicanálise através de um novo campo de atuação. Freud percebeu a capacidade terapêutica da sublimação no final de sua vida, e Lacan, outro psicanalista que se mostrou muito interessado neste tema, também nos deixou uma série de elaborações que podem nos ser úteis para enfrentar os desafios que o nosso tempo produz.


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O presente trabalho objetiva compreender como a temática afrobrasileira era abordada nos cotidianos do Curso de Pedagogia, campus I, da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. A questão norteadora da pesquisa foi descobrir como professoras e estudantes negras se sentem e enfocam essa temática nas suas redes de conhecimentos, práticas e relações. Para tanto, foi preciso adentrar na história do povo negro no Brasil a partir da luta dos movimentos sociais negros buscando entender as noções de raça, racismo, identidade e os limites da educação do/a negro/a ao longo da história brasileira. Neste percurso se dialoga com diversos estudiosos/as como: Santos (2002), Viana (2007), Oliveira (2003, 2006, 2007, 2008), Fernandes (2007), Domingues (2009), Munanga (2002, 2006, 2009), Veiga (2007, 2008)), Pereira (2008, 2009), Gomes (2003, 2006, 2008), Morin (2000), Hall (2003), Moreira e Câmara (2008), dentre outros. Exemplificando a luta e a resistência de mulheres negras são apresentadas as histórias de vida de quatro professoras e quatro estudantes negras, praticantes (CERTEAU, 2007), sujeitos da pesquisa, que expõem o processo de tessitura de suas identidades. Suas narrativas evidenciam indícios de racismo e discriminação que marcaram suas trajetórias, desde o seio familiar, fortalecendo-se na escola, na academia e, para algumas, chegando até o ambiente de trabalho. Uma das professoras é a pesquisadora que, à medida que narra a história de vida das praticantes, tece sua própria história, como mulheres costurando uma colcha de retalhos em que cada estampa retrata os momentos vividos. A metodologia de pesquisa nos/dos/com os cotidianos (ALVES, 2008) foi o caminho percorrido. Além da observação dos cotidianos, foram realizadas conversas (LARROSA, 2003) sobre as histórias de vida (BOSI, 2003; PORTELLI, 1997) e tecidas as narrativas a partir dessas vivências. Estas revelaram que tais mulheres, ao longo de suas histórias, viveram/vivem processos de afirmaçãonegação, visto que suas identidades não são fixas, mas negociações e renegociações (MUNANGA, 2010) que geram alegrias e conflitos. O entendimento do que é Ser Negra é experimentado por cada uma, sem um modelo padrão para suas existências. Elas foram se gerando nas relações com o/a outro/a, em cada contexto familiar, escolar, acadêmico e profissional. São senhoras de suas vidas e mesmo as mais jovens buscam fazer suas histórias com autonomia. São praticantes porque lutaram/lutam para conquistar um lugar na vida, utilizando astúcias e táticas para fabricar (CERTEAU, 2007) meios de enfrentamento das adversidades. As táticas do silêncio, do estudo e do trabalho revelaram que essas mulheres não ficaram invisíveis nem se colocaram como vítimas no espaço social. Assim, urge delinear a superação da visão da pessoa negra a partir dos traços físicos e reconhecer as raízes do povo brasileiro para compreender a história da negritude. A partir da ancestralidade, serão identificadas as origens do povo negro, que poderão trazer o passado de resistência e luta por liberdade, dignidade, cidadania que produzem o orgulho de ser negra. Orgulho que recupera a autoestima e a capacidade de organização e mobilização para combater o racismo e as desigualdades raciais. Os cursos de formação docente precisam abordar essa temática para capacitar os/as futuros/as professores/as nessa tarefa. Essa abordagem envolve o ensinaraprender, em que professores/as e estudantes assumem compromisso com uma educação crítica e inclusiva. A reflexão entre os/as docentes formadores/as nessa perspectiva plural e intercultural poderia ajudar na superação do eurocentrismo ainda presente nos conteúdos e nas mentalidades. Sob essa ótica, tecer um processo de formação docente no Curso de Pedagogia, comprometido com uma educação inclusiva, considera um contínuo fazerdesfazer, na tessitura de um diálogo permanente entre a práticateoriaprática, num movimento de pesquisaintervenção. Isso implica a reflexão da trajetória pessoal e coletiva e a articulação da ação pedagógica com um projeto político de transformação da sociedade excludente em sociedade plural e solidária. Os não ditos necessitam de aprofundamento em trabalhos posteriores, pois os silenciamentos se referem ao passado próximo e as relações interraciais na família, na academia e também nos ambientes de trabalho. Será que não existe mais racismo? Ou este foi naturalizado dificultando sua identificação nos cotidianos? Os limites do processo de introjeção do racismo, que provocam a invisibilidade de algumas praticantes, são novos desafios para estudos futuros. Assim, percebo que colcha de retalhos tecida ao longo desta trajetória não é justaposição como usualmente é entendida. Para além disto, significa a socialização das experiências vividas nos cotidianos das praticantes, a fim de inspirar atitudes de combate ao racismo que se ampliem para o contexto social.


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Sport Mega-event hosting faces opposition that is manifested with different intensity during the different phases of the event, from its inception as an idea to its delivery and legacy. Some Social Movements Organisations (SMOs) have acted as indefatigable monitors of the Sustainable Development (SD) dimension of sporting events in general and, in some of the most recent sport mega-events, in particular the Olympics, they have served as important advisors and facilitators. Nevertheless, in many cases we see enthusiastic supporters turning to vehemently challenging whatever positives have been associated with hosting the event. In addition, there is opposition to sport Mega-events in their entirety. That type of opposition tends to employ a holistic prism that manages to identify multiple interconnected negative aspects of hosting a sport mega-event and incorporate them into an anti-systemic discourse. It is important to bear in mind that irrespective of many proclamations to the opposite as far as megas are concerned (projects and/or events), a number of studies have demonstrated that citizen participation and democratic accountability in decision-making have been notoriously absent. After all, the idea of citizen participation in the planning of sport mega-event is essentially the public response to a plan conceived by others. There were, of course, some notable cases of democratic consultation at the early stages of bidding to host a sport mega-event but these more democratic approaches resulted in the failure of the bid (for e.g. Toronto 1996). The knowledge of this by the groups that initiated the hosting idea and the bidding process has led to discouraging in depth public consultation that may fit perfectly to the democratic process but not to the tight schedules of associated projects completion. That produces ‘autocracy against which opposition may arise’ (Hiller, 2000, p. 198). It is this democratic deficit that has led to important instances of social contestation and protest mobilizations by citizen groups as well as the more regular corps of social activists. From a perspective borrowed from the sociology of protest and social movements, sport mega-events hosting can operate as an issue that stimulates protest activities by an existing protest milieu and new actors as well as an important mobilizing resource. In fact, some scholars have also argued that the Olympic Games were an important frame for the transnational activism that was marked by anti-globalization protest in Seattle in 1999 (Cottrell & Nelson, 201; Lenskyj, 2008). In addition, it’s important not to lose sight of other acts dissent that take place in relatively close proximity, about a year before the event when most infrastructural and societal changes brought by hosting the event and impact start to become apparent by the host communities, like the rioting of August 2011 in the London Olympic Boroughs and the 2012 riots of June 2013 in Sao Paulo and other Brazilian cities. This paper starts by outlining the SD claims made in the bidding to host the summer Olympic Games by five prospective hosts (Sydney; Athens; Beijing; London and Rio) proceeds towards examining the opposition and challenges that was manifested in relation to these claims. In Particular it provides an assessment of protest-events over the aforementioned different phases of sport mega-events hosting. A different picture emerges for each of the host nation that is partly explained by local, national and global configuration of protest politics. Whereas the post-event legacy of the first two hosts of the Games can be assessed and that way see the validity of claims made by challengers in the other phases, in the other three cases, the implementation of Olympic Games Impact (OGI) studies offers the tool for discussing the post-event phase for Beijing and London and engage in a speculative exercise for the case of Rio. Judging by available findings, the paper concludes that the SD aspiration made in the bid documents are unlikely to be met and social contestation based on the same issues is likely to increase due to the current global economic crisis and BRICS, like China and Brazil, having entered the process of becoming global economic hegemons.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2012


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This chapter assesses the recent dramatic rise of the Greek Golden Dawn by examining its background, electoral base and policies/ agenda.


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This article explores the transience and mobility of teachers working in an isolated community: a secondary school in regional Australia. Drawing on parent, student, and teacher interviews, we ask: how should we understand these teacher commitments to schooling and how does this influence parents’ and students’ commitments and understandings of the “outside” value of their community? Responses to these questions are theorized utilizing the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Drawing on this work we argue that, even though teachers in this context are the bearers of highly prized capitals, they act more as gatekeepers than as their distributors and/or challengers. While we conclude that teachers may need to address their mobility and the messages this conveys in order to make a difference in such schools and communities, we also acknowledge that there are complexities related to staff residing in the community given its treatment of outsiders.


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TOC: Life at LaGuardia…3/ LaGuardia At Work…11/College-Wide Activities…20/Mayor LaGuardia…26/Martin Luther King…28/Statue of Liberty…30/Activities and Trips…33/Recreation…52/Student Government and Clubs…56/Faculty and Staff…64/Letters to Graduates…83/Class ’85…87/Class ’86…115/Dedication to the Challenger…156/Boosters and Ads…158 Yearbook Committee: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Asst. Project Director, CATHY WHAN; Editor-in-Chief, MARGARET NEISS; Layout Editor, HORACIO OWENS; Asst. Layout Editor, MARICRUZ SAUNDERS; Copy Editor/Captain Editor, UMOJA KWANGUVU; Typesetter, EDWARD HOLLINS; Cover Artist, DAVID VAZQUEZ; End Sheets Photo, YOUNG BAEK CHOI; Finance Manager, GEORGE BERMUDEZ; Photographers: HORACIO OWENS, MARINA DIAZ, MARGARET NEISS, LORI GEORGE, RANDY FADER SMITH, UMOJA KWANGUVU, JUAN SEGARRA, PETER ABBATE, CLASSIC STUDIO; Production Staff: HORACIO OWENS, MARGARET NEISS, MARINA DIAZ, UMOJA KWANGUVU, MARICRUZ SAUNDERS, IRENE LEBRON, ARLENE BANREY, QUAALAN SAMUELS, MAYRA ALDONADO, CATHY WHAN, RAVI RAMDASS, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, BLANCA ARBITO, EDWARD HOLLINS, BRIDGET DAVIS; Feature Writers: YVONNE CANNON AND HARRIET ASCHOFF ("LaGuardia at Work"); GEORGE BERMUDEZ ("Mayor LaGuardia, A Civil Rights Political Leader"); SCOTT ENGEL ("Statue Of Liberty"); JEFFREY DAVIS ("Tribute to Ron Miller"); MARICRUZ SAUNDERS ("Challengers"); CASSANDRA WILLIAMS ("King: The Vision and the Fulfillment").