12 resultados para anthropization


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Se presentan los primeros resultados del programa de investigación comparativo sobre las tres flotas pesqueras dedicadas a la extracción de anchoveta en el mar peruano (industrial de acero, industrial de madera y artesanal), así como sus cadenas de suministro hasta el abastecimiento del consumidor. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar la sostenibilidad de las actividades involucradas en el suministro de proteínas, considerándose los impactos ambientales y los aspectos socio-económicos. Se realizó un esquema simple de un ecosistema pelágico de afloramiento y de los principales flujos de materia y energía, producto de la explotación humana. El esquema representa la situación peruana y muestra el alto nivel de antropización del sistema, debido al uso de energías fósiles, así como a la explotación y transformación tecnológica de recursos naturales terrestres (minerales, madera, etc.). Por otro lado, se muestra que la explotación del ecosistema marino peruano tiene repercusiones sobre el resto del planeta, debido a la exportación de harina y aceite de pescado destinados principalmente a actividades acuícolas. La flota anchovetera peruana se caracteriza por un amplio rango de tamaño de embarcaciones (de 2 a 600 t de capacidad de bodega); las de tamaño intermedio (30-100 t) son las más numerosas, pero las más grandes (>300 t) son las que acumulan el mayor poder de pesca. Los análisis sobre precios y distribución de la renta entre tripulantes y armadores muestran que, a pesar de que la mayor pesca de anchoveta es realizada por la flota industrial de acero, dedicada a la producción de harina y aceite de pescado y que tiene mayor eficiencia de captura por tripulante, la contribución de la pesca industrial de madera es significativa, pues genera mayor empleo por tonelada capturada y, posiblemente, no ocasiona mayor uso de energía. La pesca artesanal de anchoveta es la menos eficiente energéticamente y por tripulante, pero genera mucho más empleo por tonelada capturada; esta pesca representa menos del 3% de la producción total, del cual sólo una fracción va al consumo humano directo (CHD). Desde el año 2000, los precios de harina y aceite de pescado en los mercados internacionales se han incrementado, debido al aumento de la demanda asiática y al precio del combustible. Se debe estudiar en qué medida este aumento desfavorece el consumo interno de estos productos, así como el uso de anchoveta para CHD. Este análisis deberá ser validado y complementado con información de impacto ambiental; y podrían contribuir a la toma de decisión participativa, para un balance óptimo entre los tres segmentos de la flota y las cadenas de producción asociadas.


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This article presents preliminary information about the reproduction of two species of freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon, found in the Upper Parana River (Southwest Brazil), where these animals are exotic. Males of P. motoro and P. falkneri become sexually mature around 270 mm and 260 mm of disc width (DW), respectively. Females become sexually mature around 330 mm of DW in P. motoro and 325 mm in P. falkneri. In both species, females are bigger and heavier than males, reaching about 700 mm of DW and 20 kg. Copulating has not been recorded, but one courtship ritual has been observed during the dry season. Mature males present a different dentition from females and young males, which is probably related to their reproductive behavior instead of to their feeding habit. The female fertility has varied from one to three offspring. A miscarriage has been observed at different stages of embryonic development always when pregnant females were captured. In spite of the great history of anthropization of the study area, it seems that hydrological cycles are related to the reproduction of stingrays. Nevertheless, it would be necessary to conduct deeper studies to verify or not this influence.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo tem como base informações de uma série histórica de exsicatas datadas de 1819 a 2002, reunindo contribuições de pesquisadores de instituições governamentais e não governamentais das Américas do Norte, do Sul e Europa. Tem foco nas verbenáceas, pela reconhecida gama de espécies aromáticas e medicinais desta família e o seu reconhecido uso no Brasil. Analisa notas descritivas e críticas sobre a coleção do New York Botanical Garden referente à Amazônia, revelando o espírito da cooperação entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras nesta região. Alterações do meio ambiente, rede de pesquisadores, mudanças na linguagem, na tecnologia dos registros e absorção de termos regionais são detectados ao longo de quase dois séculos de trabalho científico em que se projeta a formação continuada de cientistas e a interação com saberes locais.


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Le ricerche di carattere eustatico, mareografico, climatico, archeologico e geocronologico, sviluppatesi soprattutto nell’ultimo ventennio, hanno messo in evidenza che gran parte delle piane costiere italiane risulta soggetta al rischio di allagamento per ingressione marina dovuta alla risalita relativa del livello medio del mare. Tale rischio è la conseguenza dell’interazione tra la presenza di elementi antropici e fenomeni di diversa natura, spesso difficilmente discriminabili e quantificabili, caratterizzati da magnitudo e velocità molto diverse tra loro. Tra le cause preponderanti che determinano l’ingressione marina possono essere individuati alcuni fenomeni naturali, climatici e geologici, i quali risultano fortemente influenzati dalle attività umane soprattutto a partire dal XX secolo. Tra questi si individuano: - la risalita del livello del mare, principalmente come conseguenza del superamento dell’ultimo acme glaciale e dello scioglimento delle grandi calotte continentali; - la subsidenza. Vaste porzioni delle piane costiere italiane risultano soggette a fenomeni di subsidenza. In certe zone questa assume proporzioni notevoli: per la fascia costiera emiliano-romagnola si registrano ratei compresi tra 1 e 3 cm/anno. Tale subsidenza è spesso il risultato della sovrapposizione tra fenomeni naturali (neotettonica, costipamento di sedimenti, ecc.) e fenomeni indotti dall’uomo (emungimenti delle falde idriche, sfruttamento di giacimenti metaniferi, escavazione di materiali per l’edilizia, ecc.); - terreni ad elevato contenuto organico: la presenza di depositi fortemente costipabili può causare la depressione del piano di campagna come conseguenza di abbassamenti del livello della falda superficiale (per drenaggi, opere di bonifica, emungimenti), dello sviluppo dei processi di ossidazione e decomposizione nei terreni stessi, del costipamento di questi sotto il proprio peso, della carenza di nuovi apporti solidi conseguente alla diminuita frequenza delle esondazioni dei corsi d’acqua; - morfologia: tra i fattori di rischio rientra l’assetto morfologico della piana e, in particolare il tipo di costa (lidi, spiagge, cordoni dunari in smantellamento, ecc. ), la presenza di aree depresse o comunque vicine al livello del mare (fino a 1-2 m s.l.m.), le caratteristiche dei fondali antistanti (batimetria, profilo trasversale, granulometria dei sedimenti, barre sommerse, assenza di barriere biologiche, ecc.); - stato della linea di costa in termini di processi erosivi dovuti ad attività umane (urbanizzazione del litorale, prelievo inerti, costruzione di barriere, ecc.) o alle dinamiche idro-sedimentarie naturali cui risulta soggetta (correnti litoranee, apporti di materiale, ecc. ). Scopo del presente studio è quello di valutare la probabilità di ingressione del mare nel tratto costiero emiliano-romagnolo del Lido delle Nazioni, la velocità di propagazione del fronte d’onda, facendo riferimento allo schema idraulico del crollo di una diga su letto asciutto (problema di Riemann) basato sul metodo delle caratteristiche, e di modellare la propagazione dell’inondazione nell’entroterra, conseguente all’innalzamento del medio mare . Per simulare tale processo è stato utilizzato il complesso codice di calcolo bidimensionale Mike 21. La fase iniziale di tale lavoro ha comportato la raccolta ed elaborazione mediante sistema Arcgis dei dati LIDAR ed idrografici multibeam , grazie ai quali si è provveduto a ricostruire la topo-batimetria di dettaglio della zona esaminata. Nel primo capitolo è stato sviluppato il problema del cambiamento climatico globale in atto e della conseguente variazione del livello marino che, secondo quanto riportato dall’IPCC nel rapporto del 2007, dovrebbe aumentare al 2100 mediamente tra i 28 ed i 43 cm. Nel secondo e terzo capitolo è stata effettuata un’analisi bibliografica delle metodologie per la modellazione della propagazione delle onde a fronte ripido con particolare attenzione ai fenomeni di breaching delle difese rigide ed ambientali. Sono state studiate le fenomenologie che possono inficiare la stabilità dei rilevati arginali, realizzati sia in corrispondenza dei corsi d’acqua, sia in corrispondenza del mare, a discapito della protezione idraulica del territorio ovvero dell’incolumità fisica dell’uomo e dei territori in cui esso vive e produce. In un rilevato arginale, quale che sia la causa innescante la formazione di breccia, la generazione di un’onda di piena conseguente la rottura è sempre determinata da un’azione erosiva (seepage o overtopping) esercitata dall’acqua sui materiali sciolti costituenti il corpo del rilevato. Perciò gran parte dello studio in materia di brecce arginali è incentrato sulla ricostruzione di siffatti eventi di rottura. Nel quarto capitolo è stata calcolata la probabilità, in 5 anni, di avere un allagamento nella zona di interesse e la velocità di propagazione del fronte d’onda. Inoltre è stata effettuata un’analisi delle condizioni meteo marine attuali (clima ondoso, livelli del mare e correnti) al largo della costa emiliano-romagnola, le cui problematiche e linee di intervento per la difesa sono descritte nel quinto capitolo, con particolare riferimento alla costa ferrarese, oggetto negli ultimi anni di continui interventi antropici. Introdotto il sistema Gis e le sue caratteristiche, si è passati a descrivere le varie fasi che hanno permesso di avere in output il file delle coordinate x, y, z dei punti significativi della costa, indispensabili al fine della simulazione Mike 21, le cui proprietà sono sviluppate nel sesto capitolo.


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In the last decade the interest for submarine instability grew up, driven by the increasing exploitation of natural resources (primary hydrocarbons), the emplacement of bottom-lying structures (cables and pipelines) and by the development of coastal areas, whose infrastructures increasingly protrude to the sea. The great interest for this topic promoted a number of international projects such as: STEAM (Sediment Transport on European Atlantic Margins, 93-96), ENAM II (European North Atlantic Margin, 96-99), GITEC (Genesis and Impact of Tsunamis on the European Coast 92-95), STRATAFORM (STRATA FORmation on Margins, 95-01), Seabed Slope Process in Deep Water Continental Margin (Northwest Gulf of Mexico, 96-04), COSTA (Continental slope Stability, 00-05), EUROMARGINS (Slope Stability on Europe’s Passive Continental Margin), SPACOMA (04-07), EUROSTRATAFORM (European Margin Strata Formation), NGI's internal project SIP-8 (Offshore Geohazards), IGCP-511: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences (05-09) and projects indirectly related to instability processes, such as TRANSFER (Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European region, 06-09) or NEAREST (integrated observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system, 06-09). In Italy, apart from a national project realized within the activities of the National Group of Volcanology during the framework 2000-2003 “Conoscenza delle parti sommerse dei vulcani italiani e valutazione del potenziale rischio vulcanico”, the study of submarine mass-movement has been underestimated until the occurrence of the landslide-tsunami events that affected Stromboli on December 30, 2002. This event made the Italian Institutions and the scientific community more aware of the hazard related to submarine landslides, mainly in light of the growing anthropization of coastal sectors, that increases the vulnerability of these areas to the consequences of such processes. In this regard, two important national projects have been recently funded in order to study coastal instabilities (PRIN 24, 06-08) and to map the main submarine hazard features on continental shelves and upper slopes around the most part of Italian coast (MaGIC Project). The study realized in this Thesis is addressed to the understanding of these processes, with particular reference to Stromboli submerged flanks. These latter represent a natural laboratory in this regard, as several kind of instability phenomena are present on the submerged flanks, affecting about 90% of the entire submerged areal and often (strongly) influencing the morphological evolution of subaerial slopes, as witnessed by the event occurred on 30 December 2002. Furthermore, each phenomenon is characterized by different pre-failure, failure and post-failure mechanisms, ranging from rock-falls, to turbidity currents up to catastrophic sector collapses. The Thesis is divided into three introductive chapters, regarding a brief review of submarine instability phenomena and related hazard (cap. 1), a “bird’s-eye” view on methodologies and available dataset (cap. 2) and a short introduction on the evolution and the morpho-structural setting of the Stromboli edifice (cap. 3). This latter seems to play a major role in the development of largescale sector collapses at Stromboli, as they occurred perpendicular to the orientation of the main volcanic rift axis (oriented in NE-SW direction). The characterization of these events and their relationships with successive erosive-depositional processes represents the main focus of cap.4 (Offshore evidence of large-scale lateral collapses on the eastern flank of Stromboli, Italy, due to structurally-controlled, bilateral flank instability) and cap. 5 (Lateral collapses and active sedimentary processes on the North-western flank of Stromboli Volcano), represented by articles accepted for publication on international papers (Marine Geology). Moreover, these studies highlight the hazard related to these catastrophic events; several calamities (with more than 40000 casualties only in the last two century) have been, in fact, the direct or indirect result of landslides affecting volcanic flanks, as observed at Oshima-Oshima (1741) and Unzen Volcano (1792) in Japan (Satake&Kato, 2001; Brantley&Scott, 1993), Krakatau (1883) in Indonesia (Self&Rampino, 1981), Ritter Island (1888), Sissano in Papua New Guinea (Ward& Day, 2003; Johnson, 1987; Tappin et al., 2001) and Mt St. Augustine (1883) in Alaska (Beget& Kienle, 1992). Flank landslide are also recognized as the most important and efficient mass-wasting process on volcanoes, contributing to the development of the edifices by widening their base and to the growth of a volcaniclastic apron at the foot of a volcano; a number of small and medium-scale erosive processes are also responsible for the carving of Stromboli submarine flanks and the transport of debris towards the deeper areas. The characterization of features associated to these processes is the main focus of cap. 6; it is also important to highlight that some small-scale events are able to create damage to coastal areas, as also witnessed by recent events of Gioia Tauro 1978, Nizza, 1979 and Stromboli 2002. The hazard potential related to these phenomena is, in fact, very high, as they commonly occur at higher frequency with respect to large-scale collapses, therefore being more significant in terms of human timescales. In the last chapter (cap. 7), a brief review and discussion of instability processes identified on Stromboli submerged flanks is presented; they are also compared with respect to analogous processes recognized in other submerged areas in order to shed lights on the main factors involved in their development. Finally, some applications of multibeam data to assess the hazard related to these phenomena are also discussed.


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The magnitude and the chronology of anthropogenic impregnation by Hg and other trace metals of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Pb, including its stable isotopes) in the sediments are determined at the DYFAMED station, a site in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean) chosen for its supposed open-sea characteristics. The DYFAMED site (VD) is located on the right levee of the Var Canyon turbidite system, at the end of the Middle Valley. In order to trace the influence of the gravity current coming from the canyon on trace metal distribution in the sediment, we studied an additional sediment core (VA) from a terrace of the Var Canyon, and material collected in sediment traps at the both sites at 20 m above sea bottom. The patterns of Hg and other trace element distribution profiles are interpreted using stable Pb isotope ratios as proxies for its sources, taking into account the sedimentary context (turbidites, redox conditions, and sedimentation rates). Major element distributions, coupled with the stratigraphic examination of the sediment cores point out the high heterogeneity of the deposits at VA, and major turbiditic events at both sites. At the DYFAMED site, we observed direct anthropogenic influence in the upper sediment layer (<2 cm), while on the Var Canyon site (VA), the anthropization concerns the whole sedimentary column sampled (19 cm). Turbiditic events superimpose their specific signature on trace metal distributions. According to the 210Pbxs-derived sedimentation rate at the DYFAMED site (0.4 mm yr-1), the Hg-enriched layer of the top core corresponds to the sediment accumulation of the last 50 years, which is the period of the highest increase in Hg deposition on a global scale. With the hypothesis of the absence of significant post-depositional redistribution of Hg, the Hg/C-org ratio changes between the surface and below are used to estimate the anthropogenic contribution to the Hg flux accumulated in the sediment. The Hg enrichment, from pre-industrial to the present time is calculated to be around 60%, consistent with estimations of global Hg models. However, based on the chemical composition of the trapped material collected in sediment traps, we calculated that epibenthic mobilization of Hg would reach 73%. Conversely, the Cd/C-org ratio decreases in the upper 5 cm, which may reflect the recent decrease of atmospheric Cd inputs or losses due to diagenetic processes.


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One of the more aspects that have shaped the landscape is the human impact. The human impact has the clearest indicator of the density of settlements in a particular geographic region. In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Kingdom of Valencia, Spain Geographic Atlas (AGE) of Tomas Lopez (1788), and their correspondence with the current ones. To meet this goal we have developed a specific methodology, the systematic study of all existing settlements in historical cartography. This will determine which have disappeared and which have been renamed. The material used has been the historical cartography of Tomas Lopez, part of the AGE (1789), the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), sheets numbers (78, 79, 80 and 81); Current mapping of the provinces of Alicante, Valencia, Castellon, Teruel, Tattagona and Cuenca; As main software ArcGis V.9.3. The steps followed in the methodology are as follows: 1. Check the scale of the maps. Analyze the possible use of a spherical earth model. 2. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 3 Digitize of all population settlements or cities. 4 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 5. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 6. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps, i.e. the linear distance between the points of both maps. 7 draw in the GIS, the settlements without correspondence, in the current coordinates, and with a circle of mean error of the sheet, in order to locate their current location. If there are actual settlements exist within this circle, they are candidates to be the searched settlements. We analyzed more than 2000 settlements represented in the Atlas of Tomas Lopez of the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), of which almost 14.5% have no correspondence with the existing settlements. The rural landscape evolution of the Valencia, oldest kingdom of Valencia, one can say that can be severely affected by the anthropization suffered in the period from 1789 to the present, since 70% of existing settlements actually have appeared after Tomas Lopez¿s cartography, dated on 1789


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Using information from two recently published atlases of threatened invertebrate species in peninsular Spain, we examined the climatic, land use and geographic characteristics of the 100 km2 UTM cells with most likelihood of suffering extinctions (extinction cells), as well as the attributes of the species prone to population extinctions. Extinction cells have had significantly (1) lower precipitation values, (2) higher temperatures, (3) higher percentages of anthropic land uses or (4) higher rates of anthropization during the last 20 years than the remaining cells. Nevertheless, probable extinctions may occur under a wide range of climatic and anthropization change rates and these variables can only explain a low proportion (~5 %) of variability in the occurrence or number of extinction cells. Aquatic species seem to suffer higher local extinction rates than terrestrial species. Interestingly, many invertebrate species with approximately 25 or less occurrence cells are on a clear trajectory towards extinction. These results outline the difficulties and uncertainties in relating probable population extinctions with climatic and land use changes in the case of invertebrate data. However, they also suggest that a third of the considered Spanish threatened species could have lost some of their populations, and that current conservation efforts are insufficient to reverse this tendency.


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The present study aimed to develop microsatellite markers (SSR) for Copernicia prunifera; and characterize the demographic pattern and the spatial genetic structure (SGS) in different development stages of C. prunifera in a natural population of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) by using ISSR molecular markers. 17 SSR primers pairs were developed, which were tested by using DNA from samples of different populations. The demographic and genetic spatial structure was assessed in a plot with an area of 0.55 ha, where all individuals were georeferenced. The molecular analyses with the use of microsatellite markers pointed out that all built primers pairs, when submitted to PCR, had amplification. They showed sizes of base pairs ranging between 113 and 250 bp. The demographic analyses showed a clustered standard of spatial distribution in the first distance classes, random between 40 and 50 m and segregated in higher distances. Eight ISSR primers were used, thereby producing a total of 102 loci, with 100 of them being polymorphic. Among the three stages, the young showed the highest Nei’s genetic diversity index (He = 0.37); whilst the lowest index was found in the reproductive adults (He = 0.34). The AMOVA results showed a greater genetic differentiation within the development stages (98.61%) in comparison to the interval among the stages (1.39%). The total population (n = 161) showed a positive and significant relationship of kinship in the first distance class (12.3 m). The young showed a significant kinship up to 10.5 m and negative in the fifth distance class (37.6 m). The non-reproductive adults had a positive relationship of kinship in the first distance class (11.0 m) and random distribution of genotypes in the remaining classes. The reproductive adults showed genotypes spatially distributed in a random way. The values for the genetic bottleneck tests proved that the number of loci with excess observed heterozygosity was greater than expected. The SGS results reflect the restricted dispersion of the species, and the bottleneck tests reflect the reduction genotypes provoked by the anthropization of natural environments of C. prunifera.