960 resultados para analytical research


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The intension of this paper was to review and discuss some of the current quantitative analytical procedures which are used for quality control of pharmaceutical products. The selected papers were organized according to the analytical technique employed. Several techniques like ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, titrimetry, electroanalytical techniques, chromatographic methods (thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography), capillary electrophoresis and vibrational spectroscopies are the main techniques that have been used for the quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. In conclusion, although simple techniques such as UV/VIS spectrophotometry and TLC are still extensively employed, HPLC is the most popular instrumental technique used for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. Besides, a review of recent works in the area of pharmaceutical analysis showed a trend in the application of techniques increasingly rapid such as ultra performance liquid chromatography and the use of sensitive and specific detectors as mass spectrometers.


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Conjoint analysis (CA) is one of the most important methods for preference elicitation. In this paper we investigate the intellectual structure within the conjoint analytical research community. Analyses based on single papers provide a method-based overview of streams of conjoint research. By using novel bibliometric techniques in this field we complement findings of existing reviews. We use co-citation and factor analysis of the most cited articles in SSCI to identify the most important articles and research streams. Seven research streams are revealed which are visualized by means of multidimensional scaling. Tables and graphics reveal the disciplinary affiliations of contributors to CA, the special structure within the classes as well as links between them.


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Esta pesquisa é fundamentada e metodologicamente construída objetivando descrever e analisar o que e como é o Programa Bairro-Escola de Nova Iguaçu, implementado como política educacional, em 2006, para organização curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino. O foco deste estudo qualitativo está centrado na identificação das principais diretrizes e características produzidas por essa política curricular no/para o desenvolvimento da gestão democrática e na melhoria da prática educativa. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada para a elaboração deste trabalho foi a abordagem qualitativa, a investigação teórica de eixos temáticos e o estudo de caso do significado do Programa Bairro-Escola para os sujeitos que o vivenciam em Nova Iguaçu, abordando especificamente quais são as principais características que o Programa tem produzido, até então, na gestão macro e micro educacional, na prática educativa e na relação entre ambas as práticas, sob a ótica dos sujeitos que o vivenciam no seu cotidiano de desenvolvimento. Para tanto, este estudo de caso de cunho descritivo-analítico utilizou como campo de investigação duas escolas municipais (situadas em bairros geograficamente distantes) como amostragem e a Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Nova Iguaçu para a obtenção, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas (realizadas no segundo semestre de 2011), de informações que "respondessem" aos objetivos desta pesquisa. No entanto, os sujeitos escolhidos para serem entrevistados foram: (um) representante da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Nova Iguaçu, (dois) diretores, (dois) coordenadores, (dois) orientadores, (dois) professores, (dois) estagiários, (dois) agentes comunitários, (dois) pais de alunos e (dois) alunos, os quais relataram nas entrevistas que o Programa Bairro-Escola iguaçuano, apesar de ser uma política educacional ainda recente, tem contribuído para a melhoria da prática educativa, na medida em que as oportunidades educativas foram ampliadas com a implantação do Horário Integral através das oficinas fixas de aprendizagem, esporte, cultura, informática, entre outras experiências socioeducativas desenvolvidas no âmbito escolar ou em ambientes parceiros nas comunidades do entorno das escolas. E na gestão educacional através da conquista da implementação do conselho escolar, o qual tem possibilitado uma gestão mais participativa e mais autônoma nas escolas. Mas expuseram também que, para um "melhor rendimento", o Bairro-Escola, aqui, ainda carece de variados recursos infraestruturais (recursos de natureza física, humana ou pedagógica) e de mais estratégias que dinamizem a gestão mais participativa, o envolvimento comunitário e o reconhecimento do Programa.


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The use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) shear strengthening systems for the strength enhancement of existing reinforced concrete structures is discussed. An experimental and analytical research programme is under way to investigate the performance of bonded passive and unbonded prestressed FRP shear systems, and to quantify the effect of the load history on the strengthed behavior. Non-linear finite-element analysis are being developed to model the strengthed behavior. The results will provide insight into the optimum system parameters and contribute to the formulation of design guidance for advanced FRP strengthing strategies.


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During the last decade Quaternary pollen analysis has developed towards improved pollen-taxonomical precision, automated pollen identification and more rigorous definition of pollen assemblage zones. There have been significant efforts to model the spatial representation of pollen records in lake sediments which is important for more precise interpretation of the pollen records in terms of past vegetation patterns. We review the difficulties in matching modelled post-glacial plant migration patterns with pollen-based palaeorecords and discuss the potential of DNA analysis of pollen to investigate the ancestry and past migration pathways of the plants. In population ecology there has been an acceleration of the widely advocated conceptual advance of pollen-analytical research from vaguely defined ‘environmental reconstructions’ towards investigating more precisely defined ecological problems aligned with the current ecological theories. Examples of such research have included an increasing number of investigations about the ecological impacts of past disturbances, often integrating pollen records with other palaeoecological data. Such an approach has also been applied to incorporate a time perspective to the questions of ecosystem restoration, nature conservation and forest management. New lines of research are the use of pollen analysis to study long-term patterns of vegetation diversity, such as the role of glacial-age vegetation fragmentation as a cause of Amazonian rain forest diversity, and to investigate links between pollen richness and past plant diversity. Palaeoclimatological use of pollen records has become more quantitative and has included more precise and rigorous testing of pollen-climate calibration models with modern climate data. These tests show the approximate nature of the models and warn against a too straightforward climatic interpretation of the small-scale variation in reconstructions. Pollenbased climate reconstructions over the Late Glacial–early Holocene boundary have indicated that pollen-stratigraphical changes have been rapid with no evidence for response lags. This does not rule out the possibility of migrational disequilibrium, however, as the rapid changes may be mostly due to nonmigrational responses of existing vegetation. It is therefore difficult to assess whether the amplitude of reconstructed climate change reflects real climate change. Other outstanding problems remain the obscure relationship of pollen production and climate, the role of human impact and other nonclimatic factors, and nonanalogue situations.


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The study of societal transformation in response to environmental change has become established, yet little consensus exists regarding the conceptual basis of transformation. This paper aims to provide structure to the dialog on transformation, and to reflect on the challenges of social research in this area. Concepts of transformation are identified through a literature review, and examined using four analytical criteria. It is found that the term ‘transformation’ is frequently used merely as a metaphor. When transformation is not used as a metaphor, eight concepts are most frequently employed. They differ with respect to (i) system conceptualization, (ii) notions of social consciousness (deliberate/emergent), and (iii) outcome (prescriptive/descriptive). Problem-based research tends to adopt concepts of deliberate transformation with prescriptive outcome, while concepts of emergent transformation with no prescriptive outcome tend to inform descriptive-analytical research. Dialog around the complementarities of different concepts and their empirical testing are priorities for future research.


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Computer frauds, while less dramatic than crimes of violence, can inflict significant damage at community, organizational or individual level. In order to properly quantify and mitigate the risk, computer frauds needs to be well understood. In this paper, in a conceptual-analytical research approach, we propose a dissection of computer fraud. First, we look into the elements of an offense, the act of fraud in general, than explain what is and what is not computer fraud. Next, from a prevention perspective, we propose a taxonomy of computer fraud with respect to perpetration platform, and to perpetration method. We believe that our contributions extend the existing knowledge of the phenomenon, and can assist those fighting computer fraud to better understand it and to design means of preventing and reporting it.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta investigação qualitativa de abordagem narrativa é atinente às experiências de mudanças nas práticas de formadores de professores (entre os quais o pesquisador se inclui) vividas e narradas no âmbito de uma Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, desenvolvida na modalidade a distância em uma universidade pública federal. Esse curso apresenta uma estrutura descentralizada de funcionamento com turmas ofertadas nos municípios-polos de Marabá, Oriximiná e Capanema, no período de realização da pesquisa, e sede da coordenação em Belém. O objetivo que persigo nesta pesquisa consiste em investigar em que termos experiências diferenciadas de práticas de formação a distância influem para melhorar as práticas de formação presencial na educação em ciências. A tese que sustento se configura na compreensão de que experiências diferenciadas de formação de professores de ciências/biologia, vividas em contextos resistentes a modelos tradicionais de ação/formação, tendem a catalisar processos de mudanças auto-organizativas nas práticas dos formadores, repercutindo em diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino em vista de parâmetros atuais da educação em ciências. A construção do material empírico nos municípios-polos ocorreu em duas etapas: a) Reuniões nos Grupos de Estudos e Formação (GEF) constituídos com as equipes de formadores em três municípios-polos do curso, cujas interações foram registradas em equipamento de áudio e vídeo com duração média 10 horas de filmagem por grupo. Durante as reuniões nos GEF defini como critérios de seleção dos sujeitos, cujas vozes constituíram o relato da tese, a formação profissional na área da biologia e o elevado nível e frequência de manifestações reflexivas durante as interações nos GEF, a partir dos quais selecionei 09 formadores, b) Entrevista semi-estruturada com os 09 sujeitos, registrada em equipamento de áudio com duração média de 50 minutos por sujeito. Na sede do curso a produção empírica se restringiu à realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois sujeitos selecionados em função da elevada frequência de manifestações espontâneas sobre mudanças em suas práticas formativas; sendo gravadas em equipamento de áudio cada entrevista durou em média 50 minutos. O material empírico foi organizado em três campos de atração narrativa identificados em eixos de convergência referentes a autoconhecimento, auto-organização e parâmetros emergentes das práticas formativas em Educação Científica, os quais originaram as três seções analíticas da pesquisa. A análise desse conteúdo narrativo revela a emergência de movimentos de mudanças nas práticas dos formadores, mobilizados por experiências de trabalho colaborativo em busca de respostas possíveis para problemas situados em espaços indeterminados da prática formativa. Em geral, essas experiências são valorizadas pelos sujeitos na licenciatura em foco como elementos de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, tanto porque evidenciam os limites de suas percepções e práticas de ensino/formação usuais, quanto pela necessidade de superação das origens positivistas de sua formação profissional, situadas na perspectiva da docência como atividade técnica. A superação da concepção técnica de formar professores de ciências rumo a mudanças nas práticas dos sujeitos envolve, entre outros aspectos, a forte aproximação entre a escola e a universidade em função da maioria dos formadores das equipes de tutoria também atuarem como professores de ciências/biologia na educação básica, o que torna prioritário o investimento na formação do professor de ciências. Esses aspectos interagem em mútua inclusão em busca de um novo profissionalismo e da construção em processo de uma epistemologia da prática reflexiva como fundamentos das mudanças auto-organizativas na prática dos formadores de professores de ciências.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The sports psychology today is increasingly inserted in the day-to-day of sports teams, and it happens because the technical, tactical and physical levels are too equal. Through sports psychology we try to understand the behavior of each athlete and the group itself to achieve a better performance in training and competition. Thus, within the sports psychology we have the leadership phenomenon that has been constantly studied in order to understand the relationship between coach and athlete in the sports context. The objective of this study is to verify in the literature issues related to leadership in sports groups, as well as analyze how leadership is treated by coaches and seen by the athletes and also see how the leadership is specifically manifested in the football environment. As a methodological procedure was performed an analytical research in which a bibliographic review was developed. We conclude that in sports in general, there is a preference by part of the athletes for coaches with a training-education behavior, in what he cares about the development of the technical and tactical aspects of your team or athlete. And in the context of football that the most dominant style of leadership behavior of coaches is the autocratic and by the athletes, they considered most important the education-training dimension as ideal behavior of their coaches leadership


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This research aims to diachronically analyze the worldwide scientific production on open access, in the academic and scientific context, in order to contribute to knowledge and visualization of its main actors. As a method, bibliographical, descriptive and analytical research was used, with the contribution of bibliometric studies, especially the production indicators, scientific collaboration and indicators of thematic co-occurrence. The Scopus database was used as a source to retrieve the articles on the subject, with a resulting corpus of 1179 articles. Using Bibexcel software, frequency tables were constructed for the variables, and Pajek software was used to visualize the collaboration network and VoSViewer for the construction of the keywords' network. As for the results, the most productive researchers come from countries such as the United States, Canada, France and Spain. Journals with higher impact in the academic community have disseminated the new constructed knowledge. A collaborative network with a few subnets where co-authors are from different countries has been observed. As conclusions, this study allows identifying the themes of debates that mark the development of open access at the international level, and it is possible to state that open access is one of the new emerging and frontier fields of library and information science


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This research aims to diachronically analyze the worldwide scientific production on open access, in the academic and scientific context, in order to contribute to knowledge and visualization of its main actors. As a method, bibliographical, descriptive and analytical research was used, with the contribution of bibliometric studies, especially the production indicators, scientific collaboration and indicators of thematic co-occurrence. The Scopus database was used as a source to retrieve the articles on the subject, with a resulting corpus of 1179 articles. Using Bibexcel software, frequency tables were constructed for the variables, and Pajek software was used to visualize the collaboration network and VoSViewer for the construction of the keywords' network. As for the results, the most productive researchers come from countries such as the United States, Canada, France and Spain. Journals with higher impact in the academic community have disseminated the new constructed knowledge. A collaborative network with a few subnets where co-authors are from different countries has been observed. As conclusions, this study allows identifying the themes of debates that mark the development of open access at the international level, and it is possible to state that open access is one of the new emerging and frontier fields of library and information science