11 resultados para Zif268


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There is a paucity of studies comparing social buffering in adolescents and adults, despite their marked differences in social behaviour. I investigated whether greater effects of social buffering on plasma corticosterone concentrations and expression of Zif268 in neural regions after an acute stressor would be found in adolescent compared with adult rats. Samples were obtained before and after one hour of isolation stress and after either one or three hours of recovery back in the colony with either a familiar or unfamiliar cage partner. Adolescent and adult rats did not differ in plasma concentrations of corticosterone at any time point. Corticosterone concentrations were higher after one hour isolation than at baseline (p < 0.001), and rats with a familiar partner during the recovery phase had lower corticosterone concentrations than did rats with an unfamiliar partner (p = 0.02). Zif268 immunoreactive cell counts were higher in the arcuate nucleus in both age groups after isolation (p = 0.007) and higher in the paraventricular nucleus of adolescents compared with adults during the recovery phase irrespective of partner familiarity. There was a significant decrease in immunoreactive cell counts after one hour isolation compared to baseline in the basolateral amygdala, central nucleus of the amygdala, and in the pyramidal layer of the hippocampus (all p < 0.05). An effect of partner familiarity on Zif268 immunoreactive cell counts was found in the granule layer of the dentate gyrus irrespective of age (higher in those with a familiar partner, p = 0.03) and in the medial prefrontal cortex in adolescents (higher with an unfamiliar partner, p = 0.02). Overall, the acute stress and partner familiarity produced a similar pattern of results in adolescents and adults, with both age groups sensitive to the social context.


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In the present work, we investigated behavioral changes associated with the increase in Zif268 protein expression within telencephalic areas of the tropical lizard Tropidurus hispidus that correspond to the mammalian hippocampus (HC). We used 13 male individuals of this species, collected at the Federal Agrotechnical School of Rio Grande do Norte, under SISBIO license number 19561-1. Four animals had their brains removed and were submitted to a Western blot with antibodies for the Zif268 protein. The remaining animals were separated in two different groups: a control group (n=4) and an exploration group (n=5). Animals from the exploration group were exposed to an enriched environment with many sensory cues novel to them. Control group animals stayed in the environment they were already habituated to. After 90 min from the onset of exposure to the new environment, animals from both groups were submitted to intracardiac perfusion with fixative, and the brains were removed, cryoprotected and frozen. After that, brains were sectioned at 20 μm and the sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry for the Zif268 protein. We verified that the Zif268 protein is likely conserved in the brain of T. hispidus, which showed antigenicity for the antibody anti-Zif268 made in mammals. In animals from the exploration group, we detected an increase of the Zif268 protein in the Septum, Striatum, Dorsoventricular Area and in cortical areas corresponding to the HC. This increase was proportional to the amount of environmental exploration, with maximum positive correlation in the hippocampal subareas Medial Cortex (R = 0.94 and p = 0.004) and Dorsomedial Cortex (R = 0.92 and p = 0.006). The data corroborate the notion that the reptilian hippocampus, as well as the mammalian HC, plays an important role in spatial exploration.


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Lesions involving the anterior thalamic nuclei stopped immediate early gene (IEG) activity in specific regions of the rat retrosplenial cortex, even though there were no apparent cytoarchitectonic changes. Discrete anterior thalamic lesions were made either by excitotoxin (Experiment 1) or radiofrequency (Experiment 2) and, following recovery, the rats foraged in a radial-arm maze in a novel room. Measurements made 6-12 weeks postsurgery showed that, in comparison with surgical controls, the thalamic lesions produced the same, selective patterns of Fos changes irrespective of method. Granular (caudal granular cortex and rostral granular cortex), but not dysgranular (dysgranular cortex), retrosplenial cortex showed a striking loss of Fos-positive cells. While a loss of between 79 and 89% of Fos-positive cells was found in the superficial laminae, the deeper layers appeared normal. In Experiments 3 and 4, rats 9-10 months postsurgery were placed in an activity box for 30 min. Anterior thalamic lesions (Experiment 3) led to a pronounced IEG decrease of both Fos and zif268 throughout the retrosplenial cortex that now included the dysgranular area. These IEG losses were found even though the same regions appeared normal using standard histological techniques. Lesions of the postrhinal cortex (Experiment 4) did not bring about a loss of retrosplenial IEG activity even though this region is also reciprocally connected with the retrosplenial cortex. This selective effect of anterior thalamic damage upon retrosplenial activity may both amplify the disruptive effects of anterior thalamic lesions and help to explain the posterior cingulate hypoactivity found in Alzheimer's disease.


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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes synaptic plasticity via an enhancement in expression of specific synaptic proteins. Recent results suggest that the neuronal monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 is a postsynaptic protein critically involved in synaptic plasticity and long-term memory. To investigate in vivo whether BDNF can modulate the expression of MCT2 as well as other proteins involved in synaptic plasticity, acute injection of BDNF was performed in mouse dorsal hippocampal CA1 area. Using immunohistochemistry, it was found that MCT2 expression was enhanced in part of the CA1 area and in the dentate gyrus 6 h after a single intrahippocampal injection of BDNF. Similarly, expression of the immediate early genes Arc and Zif268 was enhanced in the same hippocampal areas, in accordance with their role in synaptic plasticity. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the significant enhancement in MCT2 protein expression. In contrast, no changes were observed for the glial monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT4. When other synaptic proteins were investigated, it was found that postsynaptic density 95 (PSD95) and glutamate receptor 2 (GluR2) protein levels were significantly enhanced while no effect could be detected for synaptophysin, synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP25), αCaMKII and GluR1. These results demonstrate that MCT2 expression can be upregulated together with other key postsynaptic proteins in vivo under conditions related to synaptic plasticity, further suggesting the importance of energetics for memory formation.


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Motor cortex stimulation (MCS) has been used to treat patients with neuropathic pain resistant to other therapeutic approaches; however, the mechanisms of pain control by MCS are still not clearly understood. We have demonstrated that MCS increases the nociceptive threshold of naive conscious rats, with opioid participation. In the present study, the effect of transdural MCS on neuropathic pain in rats subjected to chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve was investigated. In addition, the pattern of neuronal activation, evaluated by Fos and Zif268 immunolabel, was performed in the spinal cord and brain sites associated with the modulation of persistent pain. MCS reversed the mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia induced by peripheral neuropathy. After stimulation, Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) decreased in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and in the ventral posterior lateral and medial nuclei of the thalamus, when compared to animals with neuropathic pain. Furthermore, the MCS increased the Fos-IR in the periaqueductal gray, the anterior cingulate cortex and the central and basolateral amygdaloid nuclei. Zif268 results were similar to those obtained for Fos, although no changes were observed for Zif268 in the anterior cingulate cortex and the central amygdaloid nucleus after MCS. The present findings suggest that MCS reverts neuropathic pain phenomena in rats, mimicking the effect observed in humans, through activation of the limbic and descending pain inhibitory systems. Further investigation of the mechanisms involved in this effect may contribute to the improvement of the clinical treatment of persistent pain. (c) 2010 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Motor cortex stimulation is generally suggested as a therapy for patients with chronic and refractory neuropathic pain. However, the mechanisms underlying its analgesic effects are still unknown. In a previous study, we demonstrated that cortical stimulation increases the nociceptive threshold of naive conscious rats with opioid participation. In the present study, we investigated the neurocircuitry involved during the antinociception induced by transdural stimulation of motor cortex in naive rats considering that little is known about the relation between motor cortex and analgesia. The neuronal activation patterns were evaluated in the thalamic nuclei and midbrain periaqueductal gray. Neuronal inactivation in response to motor cortex stimulation was detected in thalamic sites both in terms of immunolabeling (Zif268/Fos) and in the neuronal firing rates in ventral posterolateral nuclei and centromedian-parafascicular thalamic complex. This effect was particularly visible for neurons responsive to nociceptive peripheral stimulation. Furthermore, motor cortex stimulation enhanced neuronal firing rate and Fos immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral periaqueductal gray. We have also observed a decreased Zif268, delta-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamic acid decarboxylase expression within the same region, suggesting an inhibition of GABAergic interneurons of the midbrain periaqueductal gray, consequently activating neurons responsible for the descending pain inhibitory control system. Taken together, the present findings suggest that inhibition of thalamic sensory neurons and disinhibition of the neurons in periaqueductal gray are at least in part responsible for the motor cortex stimulation-induced antinociception. (C) 2012 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have used two monovalent phage display libraries containing variants of the Zif268 DNA-binding domain to obtain families of zinc fingers that bind to alterations in the last 4 bp of the DNA sequence of the Zif268 consensus operator, GCG TGGGCG. Affinity selection was performed by altering the Zif268 operator three base pairs at a time, and simultaneously selecting for sets of 16 related DNA sequences. In this way, only four experiments were required to select for all possible 64 combinations of DNA triplet sequences. The results show that (i) for high-affinity DNA binding in the range observed for the Zif268 wild-type complex (Kd = 0.5–5 nM), finger 1 specifically requires the arginine at the carboxy terminus of its recognition helix that forms a bidentate hydrogen-bond with the guanine base (G) in the crystal structure of Zif268 complexed to its DNA operator sequence GCG TGG GCG; (ii) when the guanine base (G) is replaced by A, C, or T, a lower-affinity family (Kd ⩾ 50 nM) can be detected that shows an overall tendency to bind G-rich DNA; (iii) the residues at position 2 on the finger 2 recognition helix do not appear to interact strongly with the complementary 5′ base in the finger 1 binding site; and (iv) unexpected substitutions at the amino terminus of finger 1 can occasionally result in specificity for the 3′ base in the finger 1 binding site. A DNA recognition directory was constructed for high-affinity zinc fingers that recognize all three bases in a DNA triplet for seven sequences of the type GNN. Similar approaches may be applied to other zinc fingers to broaden the scope of the directory.


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A key step in the regulation of networks that control gene expression is the sequence-specific binding of transcription factors to their DNA recognition sites. A more complete understanding of these DNA–protein interactions will permit a more comprehensive and quantitative mapping of the regulatory pathways within cells, as well as a deeper understanding of the potential functions of individual genes regulated by newly identified DNA-binding sites. Here we describe a DNA microarray-based method to characterize sequence-specific DNA recognition by zinc-finger proteins. A phage display library, prepared by randomizing critical amino acid residues in the second of three fingers of the mouse Zif268 domain, provided a rich source of zinc-finger proteins with variant DNA-binding specificities. Microarrays containing all possible 3-bp binding sites for the variable zinc fingers permitted the quantitation of the binding site preferences of the entire library, pools of zinc fingers corresponding to different rounds of selection from this library, as well as individual Zif268 variants that were isolated from the library by using specific DNA sequences. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using DNA microarrays for genome-wide identification of putative transcription factor-binding sites.


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The homeodomain is a 60-amino acid module which mediates critical protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions for a large family of regulatory proteins. We have used structure-based design to analyze the ability of the Oct-1 homeodomain to nucleate an enhancer complex. The Oct-1 protein regulates herpes simplex virus (HSV) gene expression by participating in the formation of a multiprotein complex (C1 complex) which regulates alpha (immediate early) genes. We recently described the design of ZFHD1, a chimeric transcription factor containing zinc fingers 1 and 2 of Zif268, a four-residue linker, and the Oct-1 homeodomain. In the presence of alpha-transinduction factor and C1 factor, ZFHD1 efficiently nucleates formation of the C1 complex in vitro and specifically activates gene expression in vivo. The sequence specificity of ZFHD1 recruits C1 complex formation to an enhancer element which is not efficiently recognized by Oct-1. ZFHD1 function depends on the recognition of the Oct-1 homeodomain surface. These results prove that the Oct-1 homeodomain mediates all the protein-protein interactions that are required to efficiently recruit alpha-transinduction factor and C1 factor into a C1 complex. The structure-based design of transcription factors should provide valuable tools for dissecting the interactions of DNA-bound domains in other regulatory circuits.


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NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.


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The SSN6-TUP1 protein complex represses transcription of diversely regulated genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we present evidence that MIG1, a zinc-finger protein in the EGR1/Zif268 family, recruits SSN6-TUP1 to glucose-repressed promoters. DNA-bound LexA-MIG1 represses transcription of a target gene in glucose-grown cells, and repression requires SSN6 and TUP1. We also show that MIG1 and SSN6 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system. Unexpectedly, we found that LexA-MIG1 activates transcription strongly in an ssn6 mutant and weakly in a tup1 mutant. Finally, LexA-MIG1 does not repress transcription in glucose-deprived cells, and MIG1 is differentially phosphorylated in response to glucose availability. We suggest a role for phosphorylation in regulating repression.