20 resultados para Vampires


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The usual postmodern suspicions about diligently deciphering authorial intent or stridently seeking fixed meaning/s and/or binary distinctions in an artistic work aside, this self-indulgent essay pushes the boundaries regarding normative academic research, for it focusses on my own (minimally celebrated) published creative writing’s status as a literary innovation. Dedicated to illuminating some of the less common denominators at play in Australian horror, my paper recalls the creative writing process involved when I set upon the (arrogant?) goal of creating a new genre of creative writing: that of the ‘Aboriginal Fantastic’. I compare my work to the literary output of a small but significant group (2.5% of the population), of which I am a member: Aboriginal Australians. I narrow my focus even further by examining that creative writing known as Aboriginal horror. And I reduce the sample size of my study to an exceptionally small number by restricting my view to one type of Aboriginal horror literature only: the Aboriginal vampire novel, a genre to which I have contributed professionally with the 2011 paperback and 2012 e-book publication of That Blackfella Bloodsucka Dance! However, as this paper hopefully demonstrates, and despite what may be interpreted by some cynical commentators as the faux sincerity of my taxonomic fervour, Aboriginal horror is a genre noteworthy for its instability and worthy of further academic interrogation. (first paragraph)


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Vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, must maximize their feeding cycle of one blood meal per day by being efficient in the stalking and acquisition of their food. Riskin and Hermanson documented the running gait of the common vampire bat and observed they were efficient at running speeds, using longer stride lengths and thus decreased stride frequency. We obtained preliminary data on gait maintained for up to 10 minutes on a moving treadmill belt at speeds ranging from 0.23 to 0.74 m/s, which spanned a range from walking to running gaits. Bats tended to transition between gaits at about 0.40 m/s. Fourteen bats were studied and included four that were able to walk or run for 10 minutes. There was no significant change in either stride duration or frequency associated with an increase in speed. We estimated O2 consumption and CO2 production both before and 5 minutes after exercise, and found that O2 consumption increased 1 minute and 5 minutes after exercise. CO2 levels increased significantly 1 minute after exercise, but tended back towards pre-exercise level 5 minutes after exercise. Two bats were tested for blood O2, CO2 and pH levels. Interestingly, pH levels fell from 7.3 to about 7.0, indicating lactate accumulation.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a figura do vampiro na literatura como poderosa ferramenta de leitura e interpretação dos medos e angústias que afligem um determinado espaço sociocultural. Ao olhar para a evolução do vampiro literário através dos séculos dezenove, vinte e vinte e um, notamos que cada uma de suas encarnações difere dramaticamente da anterior, e no que o vampiro é reinventado, ele engaja-se num diálogo pertinente e coerente com questões de seu próprio tempo, nunca perdendo assim sua relevância. Sua existência heterogênea, explicitada na dissertação primariamente através das obras Carmilla, de Sheridan LeFanu, Dracula, de Bram Stoker, Eu Sou a Lenda, de Richard Matheson, Entrevista com o Vampiro, de Anne Rice e Fledgling, de Octavia Butler, e as diferentes questões suscitadas em cada uma dessas obras como a sexualidade, a alteridade e o hibridismo nos levarão ao entendimento de que o vampiro pode potencialmente desempenhar importante função alegórica, tornando-se um espelho da própria humanidade através da qual se sustenta


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Ce mémoire est l'occasion d'établir une courte généalogie des femmes vampires au cinéma, en mettant en avant la manière dont la figure de la femme vampire résonne avec celle de la femme fatale, dans la mesure où elle constitue à la fois une vision négative de la femme émancipée, tout en offrant une manière d’échapper au modèle féminin traditionnel. En me demandant si le vampirisme peut être une source de pouvoir émancipatoire pour les femmes, j’analyse attentivement Byzantium (2012) de Neil Jordan. À travers l’étude successive des deux personnages principaux, Clara et Eleanor, je montre comment le film résonne avec la généalogie des femmes vampires établie préalablement, ainsi qu’avec certains enjeux féministes. Surtout, l’accent est mis sur la manière dont les personnages féminins contestent le pouvoir masculin, à travers la performance des stéréotypes, pour Clara, et la prise de contrôle du récit, pour Eleanor. Enfin, je me concentre sur la manière dont, à travers des mouvements de devenirs, ces personnages sortent du cycle fatal de l’oppression masculiniste, qui mène habituellement à l’extinction de la femme vampire en fin de récit, mais qui ici aboutit à une tentative de réconciliation entre les sexes. Mon travail s’appuie sur de larges recherches concernant la figure du vampire, ainsi que sur les études féministes et gender studies relatives aux textes vampiriques. Je m’appuie également sur les réflexions de Judith Butler, les travaux deleuziens sur la notion de « devenir », et les considérations de Derrida sur le don.


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Es una de las fiestas más célebres, en la que aparecen brujas, fantasmas, murciélagos, vampiros, hombres lobo. Sirve también para conocer sus orígenes, la verdad sobre el ocultismo y la magia, y sobre la existencia de vampiros, brujas y fantasmas. Incluye actividades manuales, cómo la de hacer invitaciones y crear una decoración para Halloween, y también actividades lingüísticas, como ejercicios de comprensión del texto.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Serial killers are among the most popular and enduring character types in contemporary culture. In this exegesis I investigate one of the reasons for this popularity by examining the representational relationships between serial killers and serial consumers. I initially establish that all monsters, whether they are vampires, werewolves or serial killers, emerge from cultural anxieties and signify the anxiety which gave them birth. I go on to identify that the cultural anxiety at play with serial killers is consumerism and in doing so, I identify two key parallels between the serial killer and the consumer, namely a sense of lack and a desire for transformation. I then examine the ways in which the serial killer is representative of the consumer in three exemplar texts, The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis and Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. I go on to self-reflexively examine the creation of my novel Carnivore, the accompanying draft of which has been influenced by both the exemplar texts and the findings of the exegesis.


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The representation of vampires in horror movies and television programmes has changed considerably over the last two decades. No longer is the vampire portrayed simply as a monster or representation of death. Now, the vampire on our screen such as True Blood’s Bill Compton, or Twilight’s Edward Cullen, passes as human, chooses to make morally sound decisions, becomes an upstanding assimilated citizen, works in the community, and aspires to be a husband to mortal women. The success of recent series such as The Twilight Saga (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), The Vampire Diaries (2009 - ) and True Blood (2008 - ) has popularised the idea of vampires who cling to remnants of their humanity (or memories of what it means to be human) and attempt to live as human, which builds upon similar – albeit embryonic – themes which emerged from the vampire sub-genre in the 1990s. Within these narratives, representations of the other have shifted from the traditional idea of the monster, to alternative and surprising loci. As this chapter argues, humans themselves, and the concept of the human body, now represent, in many instances, both abject and other. The chapter begins by considering the nature of the abject and otherness in relation to representations of classical vampires and how they have traditionally embodied the other. This provides a backdrop against which to examine the characteristics of the contemporary mainstreaming vampire ‘monster’. An examination of the broad thematic and representational shifts from other to mainstream vampire demonstrates how mainstream monsters are increasingly assimilating into mortal lifestyles with trappings that many viewers may find appealing. The same shifts in theme and representation also reveal that humans are frequently cast as mundane and unappealing in contemporary vampire narratives.


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It is 2019, ten years after a plague turns most humans into vampires. Human blood is in short supply. The shortage of causing panic in vampire population Charles Bromley, CEO of pharmaceutic company Bromley Marks - the largest supplier of human blood in the United States- is intent on developing a viable blood substitute. When a cure that can transform vampires back into human...


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My approach to the vampire detective highlights its connections to the private detective's story and reveals the monstrous investigators' debt to early feminist forms of detection -specifically in their reformation of the' other' and of traditional forms of power and authority. Seen in this light the movement of horror's imaginary 'other' into the rational world of detection can be seen as not an abrupt breach of detection's realist conventions, but an almost seamless transition into symbolic spaces that point to the detective's primary function -- to make sense of the senseless. It is in this light that I explore the monster that is a detective as a symbol that is also a sense-maker, and a quintessential postmodern figure. I argue that the distinctions between monsters and 'others', and between popular narratives and postmodern religion have faded, culminating in a character that can not only model 'otherness' as an exemplary condition, but also provide strategies for modeling the form of active postmodern subjectivity that postmodern theorist Jim Collins' (1989) conceives of as heretical activity.


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Ce mémoire réunit trois romans de la série Les Chroniques de vampires de la populaire écrivaine américaine Anne Rice (The Vampire Lestat, Memnoch the Devil et Blood Canticle) afin d'étudier l'évolution de sa critique de la religion à travers l'écriture. Une analyse précise et complète de Lestat de Lioncourt, le personnage principal de la série, est faite afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la transformation spirituelle du protagoniste sur l'ensemble de l'oeuvre de Rice. Dans The Vampire Lestat, le rejet de toute forme de croyances religieuses de la part de Lestat ainsi que la déconstruction et l'érotisation de rituels religieux traditionnels reflètent l'influence de l'athéisme. Memnoch the Devil représente la transition entre le refus de croire de Lestat et son retour subséquent à la religion catholique. Finalement, Blood Canticle symbolise le retour vers la foi du protagoniste et de l'auteur, en plus de marquer la fin des Chroniques de vampires de Rice. L'analyse s'inspire d'éléments biographiques afin de démontrer l'importance de la religion dans les récits de Rice, sans toutefois considérer ses romans comme des autobiographies.