946 resultados para Type-18


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Numerous co-factors, genetic, environmental and physical, play an important role in development and prognosis of cancer. Each year in the USA, more than 31,000 cases of oral and 13,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed. Substantial epidemiological data supports a high correlation between development of these cancers and the presence of specific types of human papillomaviruses (HPV). Molecular biological studies show that not only are several of the viral genes necessary and sufficient to cause transformation but they also function synergistically with other co-factors. Evidence suggests that prevention of infection or inhibition of viral gene expression may alter the course of malignant transition. The main objective of this project was to test the hypothesis that some human carcinoma cells, containing HPV, behave in malignant manner because the viral genes function in the maintenance of some aspect of the transformed phenotype.^ The specific aims were (1) to select oral and cervical cancer cell lines which were HPV-negative or which harbored transcriptionally active HPV-18, (2) to construct and determine the effects of recombinant sense or antisense expressing vectors, (3) to test the effects of synthetic antisense oligodeoxynucleotides on the transformed behavior of these cells.^ To screen cells, we performed Southern and Northern analysis and polymerase chain reactions. When antisense-expressing vectors were used, cells harboring low numbers of HPV-18 where unable to survive transfection but they were readily transfected with all other constructs. Rare antisense transfectants obtained from HPV-positive cells showed significantly altered characteristics including malignant potential in nude mice. The HPV-negative cells showed no differences in transfection efficiencies or growth characteristics with any construct.^ In addition, treatment of the HPV-positive cells with antisense, but not random oligodeoxynucleotides, resulted in decreased cell proliferation and even cell death. These effects were dose-dependent, synergistic and HPV-specific.^ These results suggest that expression of viral genes play an important role in the maintenance of the transformed phenotype which implies that inhibition of expression, by antisense molecules, may be therapeutic in HPV-induced tumors. ^


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The serine protease inhibitor SerpinB2 (PAI-2), a major product of differentiating squamous epithelial cells, has recently been shown to bind and protect the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) from degradation. In human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV-18) -transformed epithelial cells the expression of the E6 and E7 oncoproteins is controlled by the HPV-18 upstream regulatory region (URR). Here we illustrate that PAI-2 expression in the HPV-18-transformed cervical carcinoma line HeLa resulted in the restoration of Rb expression, which led to the functional silencing of transcription from the HPV-18 URR. This caused loss of E7 protein expression and restoration of multiple E6- and E7-targeted host proteins, including p53, c-Myc, and c-Jun. Rb expression emerged as sufficient for the transcriptional repression of the URR, with repression mediated via the C/EB beta-YY1 binding site (URR 7709 to 7719). In contrast to HeLa cells, where the C/EBP beta-YY1 dimer binds this site, in PAI-2- and/or Rb-expressing cells the site was occupied by the dominant-negative C/EBP beta isoform liver-enriched transcriptional inhibitory protein (LIP). PAI-2 expression thus has a potent suppressive effect on HPV-18 oncogene transcription mediated by Rb and LIP, a finding with potential implications for prognosis and treatment of HPV-transformed lesions.


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Background. The long control region (LCR) of human papillomavirus (HPV) regulates early gene transcription by interaction with several viral and cellular transcription factors (TFs). Methods. To identify novel TFs that could influence early expression of HPV type 18 (HPV-18) and HPV type 16 (HPV-16), a high-throughput transfection array was used. Results. Among the 704 TFs tested, 28 activated and 36 inhibited the LCR of HPV-18 by more than 2-fold. For validation, C33 cells were cotransfected with increasing amounts of selected TF expression plasmids in addition to LCR-luciferase vectors of different molecular variants of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Among the TFs identified, only GATA3, FOXA1, and MYC have putative binding sites within the LCR sequence, as indicated using the TRANSFAC database. Furthermore, we demonstrated FOXA1 and MYC in vivo binding to the LCR of both HPV types using chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Conclusions. We identified new TFs implicated in the regulation of the LCR of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Many of these factors are mutated in cancer or are putative cancer biomarkers and could potentially be involved in the regulation of HPV early gene expression.


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Introducción: La infección por un tipo de Virus del Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR), es el factor principal en el desarrollo de Cáncer de Cérvix (CC). La carga viral puede modular esta asociación, por lo que resulta importante su cuantificación y el establecimiento de su relación con lesiones precursoras de CC. Metodología: 60 mujeres con lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales (LEI) y 120 mujeres sin LEI, confirmadas por colposcopia, fueron incluidas en el estudio. Se determinó la carga viral de 6 tipos de VPH-AR, mediante PCR en tiempo real. Se estimaron OR crudos y ajustados para evaluar la asociación entre la carga viral de cada tipo y las lesiones cervicales. Resultados: 93.22% de mujeres con LEI y 91.23% de mujeres negativas, fueron positivas para al menos un tipo de VPH. VPH-18 y VPH-16 fueron los tipos más prevalentes, junto con VPH-31 en mujeres sin LEI. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de las cargas virales entre éstos dos grupos, aunque se observó un mayor carga viral en lesiones para algunos tipos virales. Una mayor frecuencia de lesiones se asoció a infecciones con carga baja de VPH-16 (ORa: 3.53; IC95%: 1.16 – 10.74), en comparación a mujeres con carga alta de VPH-16, (ORa: 2.63; IC95%: 1.09 – 6.36). En infecciones por VPH-31, la presencia de carga viral alta, se asoció con una menor frecuencia de lesiones (ORa: 0.34; IC95%: 0.15 – 0.78). Conclusiones: La prevalencia tipo-específica de VPH se corresponde con las reportadas a nivel mundial. La asociación entre la carga viral del VPH y la frecuencia de LEI es tipo específica y podría depender de la duración de la infección, altas cargas relacionadas con infecciones transitorias, y bajas cargas con persistentes. Este trabajo contribuye al entendimiento del efecto de la carga viral en la historia natural del CC; sin embargo, estudios prospectivos son necesarios para confirmar estos resultados.


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Penile carcinoma is a rare, male cancer. Although the incidence of penile carcinoma is very low in Western countries, in some countries, the incidence is significantly greater, with penile carcinoma accounting for ≤10% of all male malignancies. Greater insight has been gained in recent years as to its pathogenesis, the risk factors associated with its development, and the clinical and histological precursor lesions related to this disease. In this review, risk and conditions factors for penile carcinoma, molecular alterations in this type of cancer, histological types, and prognostic factors will be discussed in order to further our understanding of the biology and behavior of this cancer. ©2011 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld.


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Cancer is a progressive multigenic disorder characterized by defined changes in the transformed phenotype that culminates in metastatic disease. Determining the molecular basis of progression should lead to new opportunities for improved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Through the use of subtraction hybridization, a gene associated with transformation progression in virus- and oncogene-transformed rat embryo cells, progression elevated gene-3 (PEG-3), has been cloned. PEG-3 shares significant nucleotide and amino acid sequence homology with the hamster growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene gadd34 and a homologous murine gene, MyD116, that is induced during induction of terminal differentiation by interleukin-6 in murine myeloid leukemia cells. PEG-3 expression is elevated in rodent cells displaying a progressed-transformed phenotype and in rodent cells transformed by various oncogenes, including Ha-ras, v-src, mutant type 5 adenovirus (Ad5), and human papilloma virus type 18. The PEG-3 gene is transcriptionally activated in rodent cells, as is gadd34 and MyD116, after treatment with DNA damaging agents, including methyl methanesulfonate and γ-irradiation. In contrast, only PEG-3 is transcriptionally active in rodent cells displaying a progressed phenotype. Although transfection of PEG-3 into normal and Ad5-transformed cells only marginally suppresses colony formation, stable overexpression of PEG-3 in Ad5-transformed rat embryo cells elicits the progression phenotype. These results indicate that PEG-3 is a new member of the gadd and MyD gene family with similar yet distinct properties and this gene may directly contribute to the transformation progression phenotype. Moreover, these studies support the hypothesis that constitutive expression of a DNA damage response may mediate cancer progression.


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Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer and external genital warts. The purpose of this study is to document the genotype distribution of HPV in females aged between 18 and 34 who self-referred to an STI clinic with visible external genital warts (EGW). Scrapings were taken from visible external genital warts (EGW). These scrapings were analysed by PCR for the presence of HPV DNA. Positive samples were then genotyped by means of a commercially available assay (LiPA). A comparison of genotyping results determined by the LiPA assay and direct amplicon DNA sequencing was also performed. Results: Ninety-two patients out of 105 samples (88%) had detectable levels of HPV DNA. The majority of individuals with EGW (66%) showed the presence of two or more genotypes. The most common HPV genotypes present in the study population were HPV-6, HPV-11, HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-33 and HPV-53. Potential effects of vaccination on HPV molecular epidemiology indicate that 40% of the patients could have been protected from the high risk genotypes HPV-16 and HPV-18.Conclusion: This is the first report of the molecular epidemiology of external genital warts in women aged between 18 and 34 from Ireland based on results from a LiPA assay. The study shows that most individuals are infected with multiple genotypes including those with high oncogenic potential and that the newly available HPV vaccines could have a significant impact on prevalence of the most common HPV genotypes in this study population.


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Background: We have previously shown the high prevalence of oral anti-human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) antibodies in women with HPV-associated cervical neoplasia. It was postulated that the HPV antibodies were initiated after HPV antigenic stimulation at the cervix via the common mucosal immune system. The present study aimed to further evaluate the effectiveness of oral fluid testing for detecting the mucosal humoral response to HPV infection and to advance our limited understanding of the immune response to HPV. Methods: The prevalence of oral HPV infection and oral antibodies to HPV types 16, 18 and 11 was determined in a normal, healthy population of children, adolescents and adults, both male and female, attending a dental clinic. HPV types in buccal cells were determined by DNA sequencing. Oral fluid was collected from the gingival crevice of the mouth by the OraSure method. HPV-16, HPV-18 and HPV-11 antibodies in oral fluid were detected by virus-like particle-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. As a reference group 44 women with cervical neoplasia were included in the study. Results: Oral HPV infection was h ighest in children (9/114, 7.9%), followed by adolescents (4/78, 5.1%), and lowest in normal adults (4/116, 3.5%). The predominant HPV type found was HPV-13 (7/22, 31.8%) followed by HPV-32 (5/22, 22.7%). The prevalence of oral antibodies to HPV-16, HPV-18 and HPV-11 was low in children and increased substantially in adolescents and normal adults. Oral HPV-16 IgA was significantly more prevalent in women with cervical neoplasia (30/44, 68.2%) than the women from the dental clinic (18/69, 26.1% P = 0.0001). Significantly more adult men than women displayed oral HPV-16 IgA (30/47 compared with 18/69, OR 5.0, 95% CI 2.09-12.1, P < 0.001) and HPV-18 IgA (17/47 compared with 13/69, OR 2.4, 95% CI 0.97-6.2, P = 0.04). Conclusion: The increased prevalence of oral HPV antibodies in adolescent individuals compared with children was attributed to the onset of sexual activity. The increased prevalence of oral anti-HPV IgA in men compared with women was noteworthy considering reportedly fewer men than women make serum antibodies, and warrants further investigation. © 2006 Marais et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Interleukin 18 (IL18) is a proinflammatory cytokine whose levels are increased in the subclinical stage of insulin-dependent (type I) diabetes mellitus. Previous case-control studies have reported associations between IL18 -607C>A and -137G>C promoter polymorphisms and type I diabetes. We performed case-control and family-based association studies employing Pyrosequencing to assess if these IL18 polymorphisms are also associated with the development of type I diabetes in the Northern Ireland population. The chi2 analysis of genotype and allele frequencies for the IL18 polymorphisms in cases (n=433) vs controls (n=426) revealed no significant differences (P>0.05). Assessment of allele transmission distortion from informative parents to affected offspring also failed to confirm previously reported associations. Stratification of these analyses for age-at-onset and HLA-DR type did not reveal any significance associations. In conclusion, our data do not support the strong positive associations of IL18 promoter polymorphisms with type I diabetes reported in previous smaller studies.


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Ce mémoire présente mes travaux ayant menés au développement d’une première génération de radioligands marqués au fluor-18 (t1/2 = 110 min) et au carbone-11 (t1/2 = 20.4 min) destinés à l’imagerie cérébrale in vivo du récepteur tyrosine kinase neurotrophique de type 2 (TrkB) en tomographie par émission de positons (TEP). Ces travaux reposent sur l’identification récente de ligands de TrkB non peptidiques à hautes affinités dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. La synthèse d’une série de dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone non-radioactifs de même que des précuseurs à l’incorporation du fluro-18 et du carbone-11 a d’abord été effectuée. Partant des précurseurs adéquats synthétisés, la radiosynthèse de deux radioligands, l’un marqué au fluor-18 et l’autre au carbone-11, a été développée. Ces radiosynthèses reposent respectivement sur une 18F-radiofluorination nucléophile aromatique nouvelle et hautement efficace et sur une 11C-méthylation N-sélective. Les radiotraceurs de TrkB ainsi obtenus ont ensuite été évalués in vitro en autoradiographie et in vivo en tant que traceurs TEP dans des rats. L’évaluation des propriétés physico-chimique de même que de la stabilité in vitro des radiotraceurs sont présentées. Partant d’une série d’analogues cristallisés de ces flavones synthétiques, une étude de relation structure-activité a été menée. La combinaison de cette étude, de pair avec l’évaluation in vivo de la première génération de radiotraceurs de TrkB a aussi permis d’investiguer les pharmacophores nécessaires à l’affinité de ces ligands de même que d’identifier des fragments structurels associés au métabolisme des radiotraceurs. La radiosynthèse d’un troisième radioligand de TrkB et son évaluation TEP in vivo de même que la mise en lumière des modifications structurelles utiles au développement d’une seconde génération de radioligands de TrkB avec des propriétés optimisées pour fin d’imagerie TEP sont aussi détaillés.


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Interleukin-18 (IL-18) and interferon-gamma (IFN-?) exert important functions in both innate and adaptive immune responses against intracellular pathogens and viruses. Previous studies suggested that host genetic factors, including cytokines gene polymorphisms, could be involved in the pathogenesis of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Thus, we analyzed -137C/G and -607A/C of the IL-18 promoter and +874T/A of the IFN-? in DNA samples from 98 HTLV-1-infected individuals exhibiting or not clinical symptoms and 150 healthy control individuals. The IL-18 promoter -607CC genotype was significantly lower in HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (HAC) and HTLV-1-infected individuals (HAC + HAM/TSP) than healthy control group. In contrast, the -607AC genotype was significantly higher in HAC and HTLV-1-infected individuals group compared to the healthy control group. The -137G/-607A IL-18 haplotype was higher in infected group than healthy control group, and the -137C/-607C IL-18 haplotype was increased in the healthy control group compared to the others. Finally, the IFN-? polymorphism analysis showed that the HTLV-1-infected individuals with +874AT genotype presented higher proviral load than +874AA genotype. These data indicate that the IL-18-607AC genotype and -137G/-607A haplotype could be a risk factor for HTLV-1 infection, whereas the protective effect could be conferred by -607CC genotype and -137C/-607C haplotype. Also, the IFN-? could be implicated on the proviral load levels.


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The cytokine interleukin (IL) 18 (formerly interferon γ-inducing factor) induces the T helper type 1 response. In the present studies, IL-18 increased HIV type 1 (HIV-1) production from 5- to 30-fold in the chronically infected U1 monocytic cell line. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) activity by the addition of TNF-binding protein reduced IL-18-stimulated HIV-1 production by 48%. In the same cultures, IL-18-induced IL-8 was inhibited by 96%. Also, a neutralizing anti-IL-6 mAb reduced IL-18-induced HIV-1 by 63%. Stimulation of U1 cells with IL-18 resulted in increased production of IL-6, and exogenous IL-6 added to U1 cells increased HIV-1 production 4-fold over control. A specific inhibitor of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase reduced IL-18-induced HIV-1 by 73%, and a 50% inhibition was observed at 0.05 μM. In the same cultures, IL-8 was inhibited by 87%. By gel-shift and supershift analyses, increased binding activity of the transcription factor NF-κB was measured in nuclear extracts from U1 cells 1 h after exposure to IL-18. These results demonstrate induction of HIV-1 by IL-18 in a monocyte target associated with an intermediate role for TNF and IL-6, activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and nuclear translocation of NF-κB.