611 resultados para Tuberculose pleural


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A dificuldade no diagnóstico definitivo da tuberculose extrapulmonar persiste principalmente devido a baixa resolutividade dos métodos convencionais disponíveis para a detecção do Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Esse estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a contribuição da técnica imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para a detecção de Mycobacterium spp. em casos de tuberculose pleural e ganglionar com histoquímica negativa, assim como, investigar alguns aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e morfológicos da doença. Para obtenção desta amostra fez-se a busca dos casos no Núcleo de Vigilância Epidemiológica (NVE) e Divisão de Arquivo Médico e Estatística (DAME) do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB) e no Departamento de Anatomia Patológica da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), selecionando-se aqueles que haviam realizado exame histopatológico para esclarecimento diagnóstico do caso. Foram incluídos 50 pacientes, sendo 25 com diagnóstico presuntivo de tuberculose pleural e 25 de tuberculose ganglionar. Para obtenção dos dados clínicos e laboratoriais os respectivos prontuários foram revisados, e para confirmação dos aspectos morfológicos foi realizada a revisão de todas as lâminas selecionadas. Posteriormente, cada amostra foi submetida à técnica IHQ com anticorpo polyclonal Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Encontrou-se no grupo investigado, maior frequência do sexo masculino, cuja média de idade foi de 33,8 anos (desvio padrão: 14,1) sendo a maioria procedente da cidade de Belém-Pará e com nível de escolaridade de sete ou menos anos de estudo. Os sintomas constitucionais mais frequentes em todo o grupo foram a febre e perda ponderal. Nos pacientes com tuberculose pleural, os sintomas específicos mais encontrados foram tosse, dor torácica e dispneia, e naqueles com a forma ganglionar da doença, o envolvimento da cadeia cervical isolada foi mais frequente. Infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) ou Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (Sida) e etilismo foram as condições de risco mais frequentemente associadas. Na tuberculose pleural, 20% dos casos cursaram com derrame pleural associado à lesão parenquimatosa, e em 60% o líquido pleural foi do tipo exsudativo. Enquanto, na forma ganglionar, em 50% dos casos evidenciou-se lesão parenquimatosa à radiografia do tórax. Neste estudo, foi inexpressiva a quantidade de participantes nos quais foi realizada a pesquisa direta e cultura para bacilo álcool - ácido resistente (BAAR) nos diversos espécimes clínicos analisados (líquido pleural, tecido pleural e ganglionar, escarro e lavado broncoalveolar) O padrão morfológico predominante em ambas as formas da doença foi o granuloma tipo tuberculoide com necrose caseosa, independente do status sorológico para o HIV. A técnica IHQ contribuiu para o diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural em 21% (4/19) das amostras de tecido pleural e em 37,5% (9/24) de tecido ganglionar. Um resultado imuno-histoquímico positivo define o diagnóstico de micobacteriose, e quando associado aos achados clínicos, laboratoriais e morfológicos torna-se uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para melhorar o diagnóstico da tuberculose extrapulmonar.


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O estudo pretendeu abordar a imunidade humoral na Tuberculose. Foi um estudo de teste diagnóstico que avaliou um antígeno específico, constituinte da parede celular da micobactéria, denominado LIPOARABINOMANNAN (LAM), proveniente de Cambridge, MA, USA da Companhia Dyna-Gen. O objetivo principal do estudo foi a detecção de anticorpos IgG anti-LAM em casos de tuberculose pulmonar, extrapulmonar e formas combinadas da doença. A casuística total compreendeu 173 pacientes portadores de tuberculose, sendo a mesma confirmada por métodos bacteriológicos e/ou anatomopatológicos de biópsias de diversos órgãos em 114 casos (65,8%). Em 46 casos (26,5%) a doença se confirmou por rigorosos critérios clínicos, radiológicos e de seguimento após tratamento adequado. Cento e quinze pacientes eram do sexo masculino (66,5%) e 58 do sexo feminino (33,5%). Cento e trinta e um eram brancos (75,7%), 24 negros (13,9%) e 18 mistos (10,4%). O total de formas pulmonares foi de 88 casos (51%), sendo 81 (46,8%) formas bacilíferas e 7 casos (4,0%) não-bacilíferas. Dos casos com baciloscopia direta negativa, 3 apresentaram culturas positivas, 2 culturas negativas e em 2 casos a mesma não foi realizada. Formas extrapulmonares compreenderam 71 casos (41%) com predomínio de forma miliar, ganglionar, pleural e do SNC. A combinação de ambas as formas ocorreu em 14 casos (8,1%). Radiologicamente, houve predomínio de lesões escavadas (30,1%), consolidação (13,9%), padrão miliar (11%) e exame radiológico normal (11%), além de outros achados. Da série, 118 pacientes eram HIV negativos (68,2%) e 55 eram HIV positivos (31,8%). As principais comorbidades associadas foram Diabetes Melittus (DM), Alcoolismo, Cardiopatia e Neoplasia, entre outras. Exames culturais foram realizados em 145 pacientes, sendo que em 72 casos a cultura foi positiva (41,6%) e foi negativa em 10 casos (5,8%). Dos 72 exames culturais positivos, o teste do MycoDot foi positivo em 47 casos (65,2%) e negativo em 25 (34,7%). Em 10 exames culturais negativos, o mesmo foi positivo em 6 casos (60%) e negativo em 4 casos (40%). Em 63 exames culturais não realizados, o teste do MycoDot foi positivo em 46 casos e negativos em 17. Os resultados do teste MycoDot na série total foram: positivos em 120 pacientes (69,4%) e negativos em 53 pacientes (30,6%). As formas pulmonares bacilíferas, não bacilíferas, extrapulmonares e combinadas apresentaram sensibilidade de 74,1%, 85,7%, 63,4% e 64,3% respectivamente. O grupo controle foi de 77 indivíduos assim distribuídos: 41 sadios, 16 portadores de lesões residuais de tuberculose, 6 sadios com BCG prévia, 6 sadios sem BCG prévia e 8 com outras comorbidades. O resultado do teste MycoDot foi negativo em 73 casos (94,8%) e positivo em 4 casos (5,2%). A sensibilidade da casuística total foi de 69,4%, a especificidade foi de 94,8%, o valor preditivo positivo (VPP) foi de 96,8% e o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) foi de 57,9%. Dos pacientes HIV positivos a sensibilidade foi de 61,8% e a especificidade foi de 100%. Nos pacientes HIV negativos a sensibilidade foi de 72,9% e a especificidade foi de 94,7%. Concluiu-se que o Teste MycoDot é de fácil realização, baixo custo, podendo ser útil como uma ferramenta adicional para o diagnóstico da tuberculose.


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Introdução A AIDS trouxe mudanças na apresentação clínico-radiológica da tuberculose, com o surgimento de formas incomuns. Estas alterações vêm sendo discutidas na literatura internacional. Entretanto, o quadro clínico, radiológico e epidemiológico da apresentação pulmonar da tuberculose em pacientes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) em nosso meio não foi ainda completamente descrito. Pacientes e Métodos Foram estudadas as radiografias de tórax e coletados dados de prontuário de 231 pacientes com 37,7 ± 12,9 anos de idade, com tuberculose pulmonar comprovada por baciloscopia do escarro e sem história de tratamento prévio, internados no Hospital Sanatório Partenon no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2001. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupos, de acordo com a presença ou não de infecção pelo HIV e de AIDS e de acordo com os valores de linfócitos (≤ 1500 ou > 1500 células/mm3) e de CD4 (≤ 200 ou > 200 células/mm3) no sangue periférico. Parâmetros clínicos e radiológicos foram comparados entre os grupos. Foram avaliados idade, sexo, cor da pele, estado geral, duração dos sintomas, alcoolismo, uso de drogas ilícitas, presença de diabetes melito, neoplasias ou adenomegalias superficiais e diagnóstico prévio ou atual de doenças oportunísticas associadas ao HIV. Pacientes que apresentaram adenomegalias superficiais foram considerados como tendo doença multifocal. Pacientes infectados pelo HIV (HIV +) que apresentaram doenças oportunísticas foram classificados como tendo o diagnóstico de síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS). As radiografias de tórax (póstero-ânterior e perfil) foram avaliadas para definir o tipo de tuberculose e a presença de adenomegalias intratorácicas associadas a lesões pulmonares, de cavidades e de derrame pleural. A tuberculose tipo primária, forma atípica em adultos, foi caracterizada pela presença de adenomegalias hilares e/ou mediastinais associadas a focos de consolidação peri-ganglionar ou no segmento anterior do lobo superior, segmento basal do lobo inferior, lobo médio ou língula. Resultados Os pacientes HIV+ eram mais jovens (34,3 ± 9,3 vs. 41,1 ± 15,0 anos; p<0,0001), utilizavam drogas ilícitas mais freqüentemente (61,3 vs. 12,5%; p<0,0001), apresentavam maior freqüência de doença multifocal (23,9 vs. 2,5%; p<0,0001) e contagem menor de linfócitos no sangue periférico (1590 ± 1077 vs. 2130 ± 974 células/mm3; p=0,0003) do que os pacientes não infectados pelo HIV (HIV-). A freqüência dos tipos de tuberculose foi diferente entre os pacientes HIV+ e HIV- (p<0,001), pela maior prevalência de tuberculose miliar, pneumonia tuberculosa e tuberculose tipo primária nos pacientes HIV+. A tuberculose tipo primária só ocorreu nos pacientes HIV+, sendo mais freqüente nos pacientes HIV+ com AIDS, nos pacientes com valores de linfócitos ≤ 1500 células/mm3 e naqueles com valores de CD4 ≤ 200 células/mm3. Os valores de CD4 foram mais baixos nos pacientes com tuberculose tipo primária [31 (3 – 71) células/mm3] do que nos com outros tipos de tuberculose (p<0,01), sem diferenças entre os demais tipos. Os pacientes HIV+ apresentaram menor freqüência de lesões escavadas do que os pacientes HIV- (70,8 vs. 91,5%; p<0,0001). A freqüência de cavidades foi ainda menor nos pacientes HIV+ com AIDS e naqueles com CD4 ≤ 200 células/mm3. Adenomegalias intratorácicas associadas a lesões pulmonares foram observadas em 20,4% dos pacientes HIV+ e em 0,8% dos HIV- (p<0,0001). Pacientes com adenomegalias intratorácicas apresentavam freqüências maiores de doença multifocal (45,8 vs. 9,2%; p<0,0001), contagens menores de linfócitos no sangue periférico (966 ± 480 vs. 1974 ± 1057 células/mm3; p<0,0001) e de CD4 [47 (3 – 268) vs. 266 (7 – 1288); p<0,0001], do que os pacientes com lesões pulmonares exclusivas. Na regressão logística múltipla, o HIV [RC = 11,5 (1,4 – 95,1); p=0,023], a doença multifocal [RC = 6,2 (1,7 – 22,2); p=0,005] e o tempo de sintomas [RC = 0,98 (0,96 – 0,99); p=0,025] estavam independentemente relacionados à presença de adenomegalias intratorácicas associadas a lesões pulmonares. Doença multifocal foi diagnosticada em 23,9% dos pacientes HIV+ e em 2,5% dos HIV- (p<0,0001), sendo mais freqüente nos pacientes com AIDS do que nos HIV+ sem AIDS (34,2 vs. 0%; p<0,0001). Pacientes com doença multifocal apresentavam contagens menores de linfócitos no sangue periférico (1244 ± 983 vs. 1966 ± 1038 células/mm3; p=0,001) do que os pacientes sem doença multifocal. Setenta e quatro por cento dos pacientes com doença multifocal apresentava contagem de linfócitos ≤ 1500 células/mm3. Na regressão logística múltipla, o HIV+ [RC = 10,4 (3,0 – 36,0); p<0,001] e a idade [RC = 0,94 (0,90 – 0,99); p=0,014] estavam independentemente associados à presença de doença multifocal. Os pacientes HIV+ sem AIDS não diferiram dos pacientes HIV- quanto aos tipos de tuberculose, quanto as freqüências de doença multifocal (0,0 vs. 2,9%; p=1,000), adenomegalias intratorácicas associadas a lesões pulmonares (2,9% vs. 0,8%; p=0,398) e lesões escavadas (88,2 vs. 91,5%; p=0,517), bem como quanto aos valores de linfócitos (2360 ± 1198 vs. 2130 ± 974 células/mm3; p=0,283). Conclusões Os pacientes HIV+ desta série apresentavam freqüência maior de adenomegalias intratorácicas associadas a lesões pulmonares, com o surgimento de formas atípicas, principalmente nos pacientes com maior grau de imunossupressão. Apresentavam ainda maior prevalência de adenomegalias superficiais, compatíveis com disseminação extratorácica da tuberculose. Em adultos, a tuberculose se caracterizava por ser uma doença unifocal, geralmente comprometendo o pulmão e sem adenomegalias intratorácicas associadas. Somente ocorria envolvimento de mais do que um órgão nos casos de tuberculose miliar e de tuberculose de excreção, quando os bacilos se disseminavam por via canalicular. Na presente série, observou-se proporção significativa de pacientes HIV+ com adenomegalias superficiais, o que pode corresponder à tuberculose multifocal. A maior freqüência dessas alterações nos pacientes com AIDS, bem como a freqüência aumentada de tuberculose miliar, corrobora com dados da literatura que demonstraram que as formas atípicas de tuberculose pulmonar e as formas graves são mais comuns em pacientes com imunossupressão avançada. A similaridade na freqüência dos tipos de tuberculose entre os pacientes HIV+ sem AIDS e os pacientes HIV- sugere que, em locais de alta prevalência de tuberculose, adultos HIV+ com apresentação clínico-radiológica usual de tuberculose, na ausência de história prévia ou atual de outras infecções oportunísticas, não devem ser classificados como tendo AIDS. Entretanto, é importante lembrar que com a introdução da highly active antiretrovial therapy (HAART), que reduziu a morbidade e a mortalidade causada pela AIDS, tem-se observado aumento nos valores de CD4 e diminuição na incidência de tuberculose em pacientes HIV+. Com isso, é possível que a tuberculose volte a se manifestar na sua forma clássica em pacientes com AIDS sob tratamento adequado. Com base nos achados do presente estudo os autores recomendam que, havendo suspeita clínica de tuberculose, a investigação prossiga, mesmo que as lesões radiológicas não sejam típicas. Ainda sugerem que, em casos de tuberculose tipo primária ou de doença multifocal, o teste anti-HIV seja realizado e, se positivo, que os valores de CD4 e a presença de doenças oportunísticas associadas sejam avaliados. Em locais onde a contagem de linfócitos CD4 não se encontra disponível, a contagem de linfócitos totais no sangue periférico deve ser realizada, uma vez que esta pode contribuir para o atendimento de pacientes com HIV e tuberculose.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever características clínicas e laboratoriais em pacientes com derrames pleurais linfocíticos secundários a tuberculose ou linfoma, a fim de identificar as variáveis que possam contribuir no diagnóstico diferencial dessas doenças. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 159 pacientes adultos HIV negativos com derrame pleural linfocítico secundário a tuberculose ou linfoma (130 e 29 pacientes, respectivamente) tratados no Ambulatório da Pleura, Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), entre outubro de 2008 e março de 2010. RESULTADOS: A média de idade e de duração dos sintomas foi menor no grupo tuberculose que no grupo linfoma. Os níveis pleurais de proteínas, albumina, colesterol, amilase e adenosina desaminase (ADA), assim como os níveis séricos de proteínas, albumina e amilase, foram maiores no grupo tuberculose, enquanto os níveis séricos de colesterol e triglicérides foram maiores no grupo linfoma. As contagens de leucócitos e linfócitos no líquido pleural foram maiores no grupo tuberculose. Células malignas estavam ausentes no grupo tuberculose, entretanto, linfócitos atípicos foram observados em 4 desses pacientes. No grupo linfoma, a citologia para células neoplásicas foi positiva, suspeita e negativa em 51,8%, 24,1% e 24,1% dos pacientes, respectivamente. A imunofenotipagem do líquido pleural foi conclusiva na maioria dos pacientes com linfoma. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados demonstram semelhanças clínicas e laboratoriais entre os pacientes com tuberculose ou linfoma. Embora os níveis de proteínas e ADA no líquido pleural tendam a ser mais elevados no grupo tuberculose que no grupo linfoma, mesmo essas variáveis mostraram uma sobreposição. Entretanto, nenhum paciente com tuberculose apresentou níveis de ADA no líquido pleural inferiores ao ponto de corte (40 U/L).


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Background: There is currently no early predictive marker of survival for patients receiving chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Tumour response may be predictive for overall survival (OS), though this has not been explored. We have thus undertaken a combined-analysis of OS, from a 42 day landmark, of 526 patients receiving systemic therapy for MPM. We also validate published progression-free survival rates (PFSRs) and a progression-free survival (PFS) prognostic-index model. Methods: Analyses included nine MPM clinical trials incorporating six European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) studies. Analysis of OS from landmark (from day 42 post-treatment) was considered regarding tumour response. PFSR analysis data included six non-EORTC MPM clinical trials. Prognostic index validation was performed on one non-EORTC data-set, with available survival data. Results: Median OS, from landmark, of patients with partial response (PR) was 12·8 months, stable disease (SD), 9·4 months and progressive disease (PD), 3·4 months. Both PR and SD were associated with longer OS from landmark compared with disease progression (both p < 0·0001). PFSRs for platinum-based combination therapies were consistent with published significant clinical activity ranges. Effective separation between PFS and OS curves provided a validation of the EORTC prognostic model, based on histology, stage and performance status. Conclusion: Response to chemotherapy is associated with significantly longer OS from landmark in patients with MPM. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a fatal tumour of increasing incidence which is related to asbestos exposure. This work evaluated expression in MM of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) by immunohistochemistry in 168 tumour sections and its correlations with clinicopathological and biological factors. The microvessel density (MVD) was derived from CD34 immunostained sections. Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections were examined for intratumoural necrosis. COX-2 protein expression was evaluated with semi-quantitative Western blotting of homogenised tumour supernatants (n = 45). EGFR expression was correlated with survival by Kaplan-Meier and log rank analysis. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were used to compare the effects of EGFR with clinicopathological and biological prognostic factors and prognostic scoring systems. EGFR expression was identified in 74 cases (44%) and correlated with epithelioid cell type (p < 0.0001), good performance status (p < 0.0001), the absence of chest pain (p < 0.0001) and the presence of TN (p = 0.004), but not MVD or COX-2. EGFR expression was a good prognostic factor in univariate analysis (p = 0.01). Independent indicators of poor prognosis in multivariate analysis were non-epithelioid cell type (p = 0.0001), weight loss, performance status and WBC > 8.3 × 10 9 L -1. EGFR status was not an independent prognostic factor. EGFR expression in MM correlates with epithelioid histology and TN. EGFR may be a target for selective therapies in MM. © 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive thoracic malignancy associated with exposure to asbestos, and its incidence is anticipated to increase during the first half of this century. Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment, yet sufficiently robust evidence to substantiate the current standard of care has emerged only in the past 5 years. This Review summarizes the evidence supporting the clinical activity of chemotherapy, discusses the use of end points for its assessment and examines the influence of clinical and biochemical prognostic factors on the natural history of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Early-phase clinical trials of second-line and novel agents are emerging from an increased understanding of mesothelioma cell biology. Coupled with high-quality translational research, such developments have real potential to improve the outlook of patients at a time of increasing incidence.


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Based on promising preclinical efficacy of bortezomib in mesothelioma, a single-arm phase II trial (Ireland Cooperative Oncology Research Group 05-10 study), with Simon's two-stage design, was undertaken to assess efficacy of bortezomib monotherapy in the first-line (poor performance status) and second-line settings. The Bcl-2 homology domain 3-only protein Noxa has been implicated as a key inducer of apoptosis by bortezomib. Thus, in a biomarker research substudy, we hypothesized that deficiency in Noxa expression might correlate with resistance. In the second-line setting, 23 patients were enrolled. Partial response was confirmed in one patient (4.8%) who received four cycles of bortezomib. One patient had stable disease; however, progression occurred in the majority of patients within the first two cycles. Median progression-free survival and overall survival were 2.1 and 5.8 months, respectively. In the first-line setting, ten patients were accrued, and there was no evidence of objective response. In the tumor analysis, expression of Noxa was seen in all biopsies. Bortezomib monotherapy exhibits insufficient activity to warrant further investigation in unselected patients with mesothelioma. © 2012 by the International Association for the Study of Lung.


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In the UK mortality from malignant mesothelioma (MM) is likely to more than double over the next 20 years and despite advances in surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment the overall prognosis for patients remains poor. A number of scoring systems based on assessment of clinicopathological features of patients with the disease have been developed but the search continues for further prognostic indicators. Angiogenesis, tumour necrosis (TN), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been linked with poor prognosis in some types of solid tumour and their relevance as prognostic factors in malignant mesothelioma is examined in this paper. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To assess whether cervical mediastinoscopy is necessary before radical resection of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Methods: Patients who underwent radical excision of MPM in a 48-month period were prospectively followed for evidence of disease recurrence and death. Histological evidence of extra pleural lymph node metastases was correlated with survival. Lymph node size at intraoperative lymphadenectomy was correlated with the presence of metastatic tumour. Results: The 55 patients who underwent radical resection (51 extra pleural pneumonectomies and 4 radical pleurectomies) comprised 50 men and 5 women with a median age of 58 years, range 41-70. Histological examination revealed 50 epithelioid, four biphasic and one sarcomatoid histology. Postoperative IMIG T stage was stage I 4, II 11, III 30 and IV 10. Postoperatively the 17 patients with metastases to the extra pleural lymph nodes had significantly shorter survival (median 4.4 months, 95% CI 3.2-5.4) than those without (median survival 16.3 months, 95% CI 11.6-21.0) P=0.012 Kaplan-Meier analysis. Seventy-seven extra pleural lymph nodes without metastases were measured with a mean long axis diameter of 16.9 mm (range 4-55) ; 22 positive nodes had a mean long axis diameter of 15.2 mm (range 6-30). In 15 of the 17 patients with positive extra pleural nodes, the nodes could have been biopsied at cervical mediastinoscopy. Conclusions: This study confirms that extra pleural nodal metastases are related to poor survival. Pathological nodal involvement cannot be predicted from nodal dimensions. These data suggest that all patients being considered for radical resection of MPM should preferentially undergo preoperative cervical mediastinoscopy irrespective of radiological findings. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background We sought to determine whether or not there are differences in disease progression after radical or nonradical (debulking) surgical procedures for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Methods Over a 49-month period, 132 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma underwent surgery. Fifty-three underwent extrapleural pneumonectomy and 79 underwent nonradical procedures. Time to evidence of clinical disease progression was recorded, as was the site(s) of that disease. Results One-hundred nineteen patients were evaluable, of which 59% (22 radical; 48 nonradical) had disease progression. Overall 30-day mortality was 8.5% (7.5% radical; 9% nonradical). The median time to overall disease progression was considerably longer after extrapleural pneumonectomy than debulking surgery (319 days vs 197 days, p = 0.019), as was the time to local disease progression (631 days vs 218 days, p = 0.0018). There was no preponderance of earlier stage disease in the radical surgery group. There was a trend toward prolonged survival in those undergoing radical surgery, but no significant difference between the groups (497 days vs 324 days, p = 0.079). In those who had extrapleural pneumonectomy, time-to-disease progression significantly decreased with N2 disease compared with N0/1 involvement (197 days vs 358 days, p = 0.02). Conclusions Extrapleural pneumonectomy may be preferable to debulking surgery in malignant pleural mesothelioma to delay disease progression and give greater control of local disease. Involvement of N2 nodes is associated with accelerated disease progression and is therefore a contraindication to extrapleural pneumonectomy. © 2004 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.


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Background The effects of extra-pleural pneumonectomy (EPP) on survival and quality of life in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma have, to our knowledge, not been assessed in a randomised trial. We aimed to assess the clinical outcomes of patients who were randomly assigned to EPP or no EPP in the context of trimodal therapy in the Mesothelioma and Radical Surgery (MARS) feasibility study. Methods MARS was a multicentre randomised controlled trial in 12 UK hospitals. Patients aged 18 years or older who had pathologically confirmed mesothelioma and were deemed fit enough to undergo trimodal therapy were included. In a prerandomisation registration phase, all patients underwent induction platinum-based chemotherapy followed by clinical review. After further consent, patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to EPP followed by postoperative hemithorax irradiation or to no EPP. Randomisation was done centrally with computer-generated permuted blocks stratified by surgical centre. The main endpoints were feasibility of randomly assigning 50 patients in 1 year (results detailed in another report), proportion randomised who received treatment, proportion eligible (registered) who proceeded to randomisation, perioperative mortality, and quality of life. Patients and investigators were not masked to treatment allocation. This is the principal report of the MARS study; all patients have been recruited. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN95583524. Findings Between Oct 1, 2005, and Nov 3, 2008, 112 patients were registered and 50 were subsequently randomly assigned: 24 to EPP and 26 to no EPP. The main reasons for not proceeding to randomisation were disease progression (33 patients), inoperability (five patients), and patient choice (19 patients). EPP was completed satisfactorily in 16 of 24 patients assigned to EPP; in five patients EPP was not started and in three patients it was abandoned. Two patients in the EPP group died within 30 days and a further patient died without leaving hospital. One patient in the no EPP group died perioperatively after receiving EPP off trial in a non-MARS centre. The hazard ratio [HR] for overall survival between the EPP and no EPP groups was 1·90 (95% CI 0·92-3·93; exact p=0·082), and after adjustment for sex, histological subtype, stage, and age at randomisation the HR was 2·75 (1·21-6·26; p=0·016). Median survival was 14·4 months (5·3-18·7) for the EPP group and 19·5 months (13·4 to time not yet reached) for the no EPP group. Of the 49 randomly assigned patients who consented to quality of life assessment (EPP n=23; no EPP n=26), 12 patients in the EPP group and 19 in the no EPP group completed the quality of life questionnaires. Although median quality of life scores were lower in the EPP group than the no EPP group, no significant differences between groups were reported in the quality of life analyses. There were ten serious adverse events reported in the EPP group and two in the no EPP group. Interpretation In view of the high morbidity associated with EPP in this trial and in other non-randomised studies a larger study is not feasible. These data, although limited, suggest that radical surgery in the form of EPP within trimodal therapy offers no benefit and possibly harms patients. Funding Cancer Research UK (CRUK/04/003), the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund, and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive cancer that is often diagnosed at an advanced stage and is characterized by a long latency period (20-40 years between initial exposure and diagnosis) and prior exposure to asbestos. Currently accurate diagnosis of MPM is difficult due to the lack of sensitive biomarkers and despite minor improvements in treatment, median survival rates do not exceed 12 months. Accumulating evidence suggests that aberrant expression of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play an important functional role in cancer biology. LncRNAs are a class of recently discovered non-protein coding RNAs >200 nucleotides in length with a role in regulating transcription. Here we used NCode long noncoding microarrays to identify differentially expressed lncRNAs potentially involved in MPM pathogenesis. High priority candidate lncRNAs were selected on the basis of statistical (P<0.05) and biological significance (>3-fold difference). Expression levels of 9 candidate lncRNAs were technically validated using RT-qPCR, and biologically validated in three independent test sets: (1) 57 archived MPM tissues obtained from extrapleural pneumonectomy patients, (2) 15 cryopreserved MPM and 3 benign pleura, and (3) an extended panel of 10 MPM cell lines. RT-qPCR analysis demonstrated consistent up-regulation of these lncRNAs in independent datasets. ROC curve analysis showed that two candidates were able to separate benign pleura and MPM with high sensitivity and specificity, and were associated with nodal metastases and survival following induction chemotherapy. These results suggest that lncRNAs have potential to serve as biomarkers in MPM.


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Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare, usually incurable, disease mainly caused by former exposure to asbestos. Even though MM has a strong etiological link, genetic factors may play a role, since not all cases can be linked to former asbestos exposure. This thesis focuses on lung diseases, mainly malignant mesothelioma (MM), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which resembles asbestosis. The specific asbestos-related pathways associated with malignant as well as non-malignant lung diseases, still need to be clarified. Since most patients diagnosed with MM or asbestosis/fibrosis have a dismal prognosis and few therapeutic options are available, early diagnosis and better understanding of the disease pathogenesis are of the utmost importance. The first objective of this thesis was to identify asbestos specific differentially expressed genes. This was approached by using high-resolution gene expression arrays, and three different human lung cell lines, as well as with three different bioinformatics approaches. Since the first study aimed to elucidate potential early changes, the second study was used to screen DNA copy number changes in MM tumour samples. This was performed using genome wide microarrays for identification of DNA copy number changes characterstic for MM. Study III focused on the role of gremlin in the regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMPs) in IPF. Further studies were conducted in asbestos-exposed cell cultures as well as in an asbestos-induced mouse model. Furthermore, GATA-6 was studied in MM and metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma. The GATA transcription factors are important during embryonic development, but their role in cancer is still unclear. GATA-6 is a co-factor/target of thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1), which is used in differential diagnostics of pleural MM and adenocarcinoma. Bioinformatics probed the genes and biological processes ordered in terms of significance, clusters, and highly enriched chromosomal regions. The study revealed several already identified targets, produced new ideas about genes which are central for asbestos exposure, as well as provided supplementary data for researchers to check their own novel findings or ideas. The analysis revealed DNA copy number changes characteristic for MM tumors. The most common regions of loss were detected in 1p, 3p, 6q, 9p, 13, 14, and 22, and gains at 17q. The histological features in asbestosis and IPF are very similar, wherefore IPF can be studied in asbestos models. The BMP antagonist gremlin was up-regulated by asbestos exposure in human epithelial cell lines, which was also observed in Study I. The transforming growth factor (TGF) -β and BMP expression and signaling activities were measured from murine and human fibrotic lungs. BMP-7 signaling was down-regulated in response to up-regulation of gremlin, and restoration of BMP-7 signaling prevented progression of fibrosis in mice. Therefore, the study suggests that the restoration of BMP-7 signaling in fibrotic lung could potentially aid in the treatment of IPF patients. Study IV revealed that GATA-6 was strongly expressed in the majority of the MM cases, and correlated statistically significant with longer survival in subgroups of MM.