42 resultados para Trichinella


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Trichinella nematodes are the causative agent of trichinellosis, a meat-borne zoonosis acquired by consuming undercooked, infected meat. Although most human infections are sourced from the domestic environment, the majority of Trichinella parasites circulate in the natural environment in carnivorous and scavenging wildlife. Surveillance using reliable and accurate diagnostic tools to detect Trichinella parasites in wildlife hosts is necessary to evaluate the prevalence and risk of transmission from wildlife to humans. Real-time PCR assays have previously been developed for the detection of European Trichinella species in commercial pork and wild fox muscle samples. We have expanded on the use of real-time PCR in Trichinella detection by developing an improved extraction method and SYBR green assay that detects all known Trichinella species in muscle samples from a greater variety of wildlife. We simulated low-level Trichinella infections in wild pig, fox, saltwater crocodile, wild cat and a native Australian marsupial using Trichinella pseudospiralis or Trichinella papuae ethanol-fixed larvae. Trichinella-specific primers targeted a conserved region of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA and were tested for specificity against host and other parasite genomic DNAs. The analytical sensitivity of the assay was at least 100 fg using pure genomic T. pseudospiralis DNA serially diluted in water. The diagnostic sensitivity of the assay was evaluated by spiking log of each host muscle with T. pseudospiralis or T. papuae larvae at representative infections of 1.0, 0.5 and 0.1 larvae per gram, and shown to detect larvae at the lowest infection rate. A field sample evaluation on naturally infected muscle samples of wild pigs and Tasmanian devils showed complete agreement with the EU reference artificial digestion method (k-value = 1.00). Positive amplification of mouse tissue experimentally infected with T. spiralis indicated the assay could also be used on encapsulated species in situ. This real-time PCR assay offers an alternative highly specific and sensitive diagnostic method for use in Trichinella wildlife surveillance and could be adapted to wildlife hosts of any region. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multiple Trichinella species are reported from the Australasian region although mainland Australia has never confirmed an indigenous case of Trichinella infection in humans or animals. Wildlife surveys in high-risk regions are essential to truly determine the presence or absence of Trichinella, but in mainland Australia are largely lacking. In this study, a survey was conducted in wild pigs from mainland Australia's Cape York Peninsula and Torres Strait region for the presence of Trichinella, given the proximity of a Trichinella papuae reservoir in nearby PNG. We report the detection of a Trichinella infection in a pig from an Australian island in the Torres Strait, a narrow waterway that separates the islands of New Guinea and continental Australia. The larvae were characterised as T. papuae (Kikori strain) by PCR and sequence analysis. No Trichinella parasites were found in any pigs from the Cape York Peninsula. These results highlight the link the Torres Strait may play in providing a passage for introduction of Trichinella parasites from the Australasian region to the Australian mainland. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trichinella surveillance in wildlife relies on muscle digestion of large samples which are logistically difficult to store and transport in remote and tropical regions as well as labour-intensive to process. Serological methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) offer rapid, cost-effective alternatives for surveillance but should be paired with additional tests because of the high false-positive rates encountered in wildlife. We investigated the utility of ELISAs coupled with Western blot (WB) in providing evidence of Trichinella exposure or infection in wild boar. Serum samples were collected from 673 wild boar from a high- and low-risk region for Trichinella introduction within mainland Australia, which is considered Trichinella-free. Sera were examined using both an 'in-house' and a commercially available indirect-ELISA that used excretory secretory (E/S) antigens. Cut-off values for positive results were determined using sera from the low-risk population. All wild boar from the high-risk region (352) and 139/321 (43.3%) of the wild boar from the low-risk region were tested by artificial digestion. Testing by Western blot using E/S antigens, and a Trichinella-specific real-time PCR was also carried out on all ELISA-positive samples. The two ELISAs correctly classified all positive controls as well as one naturally infected wild boar from Gabba Island in the Torres Strait. In both the high- and low-risk populations, the ELISA results showed substantial agreement (k-value = 0.66) that increased to very good (k-value = 0.82) when WB-positive only samples were compared. The results of testing sera collected from the Australian mainland showed the Trichinella seroprevalence was 3.5% (95% C.I. 0.0-8.0) and 2.3% (95% C.I. 0.0-5.6) using the in-house and commercial ELISA coupled with WB respectively. These estimates were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the artificial digestion estimate of 0.0% (95% C.I. 0.0-1.1). Real-time PCR testing of muscle from seropositive animals did not detect Trichinella DNA in any mainland animals, but did reveal the presence of a second larvae-positive wild boar on Gabba Island, supporting its utility as an alternative, highly sensitive method in muscle examination. The serology results suggest Australian wildlife may have been exposed to Trichinella parasites. However, because of the possibility of non-specific reactions with other parasitic infections, more work using well-defined cohorts of positive and negative samples is required. Even if the specificity of the ELISAs is proven to be low, their ability to correctly classify the small number of true positive sera in this study indicates utility in screening wild boar populations for reactive sera which can be followed up with additional testing. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trichinella-suvun loiset ovat maailmanlaajuisesti levinneitä sukkulamatoja, jotka ovat infektiivisiä useille eläinlajeille ja tarttuvat myös ihmiseen. Loiset aiheuttavat ongelmia muun muassa lihateollisuudessa, haittaavat tuotantoeläinten terveyttä ja ovat elintarviketurvallisuusriski. Eri Trichinella-lajien infektiivisyys eri isäntäeläinlajeissa vaihtelee. Esimerkiksi Trichinella spiralis aiheuttaa rotassa voimakkaamman infektion kuin Trichinella nativa, mutta syytä loislajien erilaiseen infektiviteettiin samassa isäntäeläinlajissa ei tiedetä. Trichinella-loisten elämänkiertoon kuuluu sekä enteraali- eli suolistovaihe että parenteraalivaihe eli suoliston ulkopuolella tapahtuva vaihe. Vielä on epävarmaa, missä vaiheessa elämänkiertoa loislajien selviytyminen rotassa eroaa toisistaan. Tutkielmani kokeellisen osuuden tarkoituksena oli selvittää rotan ulosteita tutkimalla, kiinnittyykö toinen tutkituista Trichinella-lajeista (T. spiralis tai T. nativa) paremmin suolen seinämään ja tuleeko toinen nopeammin ulos suolesta. Mikäli rotan heikosti infektoivat T. nativa -loiset tulevat T. spiralis -loisia nopeammin ulosteen mukana ulos suolistosta, voidaan olettaa suolistovaiheen immuunipuolustuksen olevan ainakin osatekijä rotan kyvyssä puolustautua T. nativa –infektioita vastaan. Työ suoritettiin infektoimalla kuusi rottaa T. spiralis -loisella ja kuusi rottaa T. nativa -loisella. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa oli mukana kolme kontrollirottaa, joita ei infektoitu. Rottien ulosteet kerättiin seitsemän viikon ajalta, ja näytteet tutkittiin FLOTAC-menetelmällä. Ulosteista etsittiin Trichinella-loisten aikuis- ja toukkamuotoja. Ulostenäytteistä ei löytynyt yhtään loista. Kokeen jälkeen rotat lopetettiin ja niiden suolet tutkittiin, mutta suolistakaan ei löytynyt loisia. Lopetettujen eläinten lihasnäytteitä tutkimalla eläinten todettiin infektoituneen kyseessä olleelle loislajille tyypillisellä voimakkuudella. Kontrollirotista ei löydetty loisia. Koska rottien ulosteista tai suolista ei löytynyt loisia huolimatta onnistuneista infektoinneista, voidaan todeta käytetyn menetelmän olleen kokeeseen sopimaton. Mikäli loisia olisi löytynyt ulosteista, olisi ollut tarpeellista verrata eri lajeilla infektoitujen ryhmien tuloksia. Tieto siitä, tapahtuuko rotan suolistossa jotain, mikä heikentää toisen Trichinella-lajin infektiivisyyttä, olisi ollut merkittävä. Saadut tulokset olisivat olleet hyödyksi pohdittaessa parempia keinoja Trichinella-tartuntojen ennaltaehkäisyyn ja infektioiden hoitoon.


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Nematode parasites of the genus Trichinella are intracellular and distinct life cycle stages invade intestinal epithelial and skeletal muscle cells. Within the genus, Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis exhibit species-specific differences with respect to host-parasite complex formation and host immune modulation. Parasite excretory-secretory (ES) proteins play important roles at the host-parasite interface and are thought to underpin these differences in biology. Serine proteases are among the most abundant group of T. spiralis ES proteins and multiple isoforms of the muscle larvae-specific TspSP-1 serine protease have been identified. Recently, a similar protein (TppSP-1) in T. pseudospiralis muscle larvae was identified. Here we report the cloning and characterisation of the full-length transcript of TppSP-1 and present comparative data between TspSP-1 and TppSP-1.


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After digestion of infected meat the free L1 of Trichinella spp. penetrate the intestinal mucosa where they moult to the mature adult stage. We have used proteomics to identify changes in protein secretion during in vitro culture of free T. spiralis muscle larvae under different environmental conditions, and to correlate these changes with their infectivity in mice. Muscle larvae were cultured in different media (RPMI-1640, C-199 and HBSS) under conditions of anaerobiosis, microaerobiosis and in 5% CO(2) at 37 degrees C. Following incubation the larval excretory/secretory proteins were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the larvae were used to orally infect naïve CD1 mice. For all culture media tested, infectivity of the L1 was preserved following incubation in anaerobic conditions. In contrast, the infectivity of worms cultured in nutrient-rich media was almost completely abolished in both microaerobiosis and in the presence of 5% CO(2). Some infectivity was retained in poor or reduced culture media. Comparative analysis of larval infectivity and protein secretion showed that loss of infectivity correlated with the appearance of non-tyvelosylated proteins that in turn may be related to the onset of moulting.


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The excretory-secretory (ES) proteins of nematode parasites are of major interest as they function at the host-parasite interface and are likely to have roles crucial for successful parasitism. Furthermore, the ES proteins of intracellular nematodes such as Trichinella spiralis may also function to regulate gene expression in the host cell. In a recent proteomic analysis we identified a novel secreted cystatin-like protein from T. spiralis L1 muscle larva. Here we show that the protein, MCD-1 (multi-cystatin-like domain protein 1), contains three repeating cystatin-like domains and analysis of the mcd-1 gene structure suggests that the repeated domains arose from duplication of an ancestral cystatin gene. Cystatins are a diverse group of cysteine protease inhibitors and those secreted by parasitic nematodes are important immuno-modulatory factors. The cystatin superfamily also includes cystatin-like proteins that have no cysteine protease inhibitory activity. A recombinant MCD-1 protein expressed as a GST-fusion protein in Escherichia coli failed to inhibit papain in vitro suggesting that the T. spiralis protein is a new member of the non-inhibitory cystatin-related proteins. MCD-1 secreted from T. spiralis exists as high- and low-molecular weight isoforms and we show that a recombinant MCD-1 protein secreted by HeLa cells undergoes pH-dependent processing that may result in the release of individual cystatin-like domains. Furthermore, we found that mcd-1 gene expression is largely restricted to intracellular stages with the highest levels of expression in the adult worms. It is likely that the major role of the protein is during the intestinal stage of T. spiralis infections.


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The nematodes Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis are both intracellular parasites of skeletal muscle cells and induce profound alterations in the host cell resulting in a re-alignment of muscle-specific gene expression. While T. spiralis induces the production of a collagen capsule surrounding the host-parasite complex, T. pseudospiralis exists in a non-encapsulated form and is also characterised by suppression of the host inflammatory response in the muscle. These observed differences between the two species are thought to be due to variation in the proteins excreted or secreted (ES proteins) by the muscle larva. In this study, we use a global proteomics approach to compare the ES protein profiles from both species and to identify individual T. pseudospiralis proteins that complement earlier studies with T. spiralis. Following two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the peptide spots. In many cases identification was aided by the determination of partial peptide sequence from selected mass ions. The T. pseudospiralis spots identified included the major secreted glycoproteins and the secreted 5'-nucleotidase. Furthermore, two major groups of T. spiralis-specific proteins and several T. pseudospiralis-specific proteins were identified. Our results demonstrate the value of proteomics as a tool for the identification of ES proteins that are differentially expressed between Trichinella species and as an aid to identifying key parasite proteins that are involved in the host-parasite interaction. The value of this approach will be further enhanced by data arising out the current T. spiralis genome sequencing project.


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Trichinella spiralis is an intracellular nematode parasite of mammalian skeletal muscle. Infection of the muscle cell leads to the formation of a host-parasite complex that results in profound alterations to the host cell and a re-alignment of muscle-specific gene expression. The role of parasite excretory-secretory (ES) proteins in mediating these effects is currently unknown, largely due to the difficulty in identifying and assigning function to individual proteins. In this study, a global proteomics approach was used to analyse the ES proteins from T. spiralis muscle larvae. Following 2-DE of ES proteins,MALDI-TOF-MS and LC-MS/MS were used to identify the peptide spots. Specific Trichinella EST databases were assembled and used to analyse the data. Despite the current absence of a Trichinella genome-sequencing project, 43 out of 52 protein spots analysed were identified and included the major secreted glycoproteins. Other novel proteins were identified from matches with sequences in the T. spiralis database. Our results demonstrate the value of proteomics as a tool for the identification of Trichinella ES proteins and in the study of the molecular mechanism underpinning the formation of the host-parasite complex during Trichinella infections.


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Infection of mammalian skeletal muscle with the intracellular parasite Trichinella spiralis results in profound alterations in the host cell and a realignment of host cell gene expression. The role of parasite excretory/secretory (E/S) products in mediating these effects is unknown, largely due to the difficulty in identifying and assigning function to individual proteins. In this study, we have used two-dimensional electrophoresis to analyse the profile of muscle larva excreted/secreted proteins and have coupled this to protein identification using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Interpretation of the peptide mass fingerprint data has relied primarily on the interrogation of a custom-made Trichinella EST database and the NemaGene cluster database for T. spiralis. Our results suggest that this proteomic approach is a useful tool to study protein expression in Trichinella spp. and will contribute to the identification of excreted/secreted proteins.


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias con orientación en Microbiología Médica) UANL, 2014.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con especialidad en Microbiología) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, 2007.


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Examinaram-se 594 diafragmas de roedores capturados na zona portuária de Santos tendo em vista a procura de larvas de Trichinella spiralis. Todos os diafragmas examinados estavam negativos.


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In 1948 much interest in trichinosis in arctic regions was aroused, particularly by the findings of Thorborg et al. (1948), who investigated serious outbreaks occurring among the Eskimo of West Greenland during 1947. Consequently, with the founding of the Arctic Health Research Center in the autumn of 1948, a study of trichinosis in Alaska was the first project to be initiated by the Zoonotic Disease Section (formerly Animal-borne Disease Section) of this Center. Field work was begun in January, 1949, and a preliminary note on trichinosis in Alaskan mammals was published by Brandly and Rausch (1950). The subject of trichinosis in arctic regions was reviewed by Connell (1949). The survey to determine the prevalence of T. spiralis in mammals in Alaska was terminated in the spring of 1953; this paper reports the results of this work.