929 resultados para Transposição didática


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Griffith's experiments regarding bacterial transformation Pneumococcus are regarded as essential when related to DNA/heredity recognition process. The aim of the current study is to assess the didac tic transposition of the concept of bacterial transformation since the Griffith's descriptions until its current approach on didactic books. We realized that the historical context and the relationship between bacterial transformation and DNA recognition as genetic material are poorly explored. The core of our paper is the historical approach of those exper iments. By considering the wide richness of the knowledge that is ranged on Griffith's experiments, we suggest a didactic transposition concerning bacterial transformation in the learning process, involving an integration of contents.


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In this dissertation was elaborated an interdisciplinary didactic sequence for the development of Physical concepts involved in the interaction of laser radiation with biological matter in order to make a relation between Physics and other fields of knowledge aiming to enlarge the contextualization of scientific knowledge. The objective was to develop an educational product which theme is “Laser’s Interaction with Biological Tissues”. In this work, basic physical concepts related to laser radiation were presented, its interaction with matter and applicability in the student's daily life, with emphasis on Public Health. The inclusion of the subject in schools was effected through didactic transposition as theoretical foundation and the three pedagogical moments as teaching support. The development of the project involved discussions of scientific knowledge applied in society’s daily life. In the product's design the didactic sequence was projected and the use of varied teaching resources has been proposed, such as videos, texts, experiments, simulators and de Software “Tracker”. The construction of paradidactic material was performed considering different stages of equal importance for a teacher's reflection process. The work prioritizes the alternative conceptions of student, transforming him in a direct agent of the construction of knowledge and this aspect is based on the profile of the Student's Material. Another important point is the evaluation's proposal, this was systematized to be done class after class through building texts, essay questions, presentation of papers, among others activities. The didactic sequence guides the introduction of relevant topics of the students and society’s daily life, the ideas are not closed and in many times the teacher make changes which deem relevant to the teaching for better development of their practice.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física, 2015.


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This work presents a partial analysis of the implementation of a didactic sequence aimed at undergraduate students of quantum chemistry. The sequence develops on some fundamental concepts to understand the behavior of the objects particles and waves in the doubleslit experiment. The analysis is based on the didactic transposition theory, proposed by Yves Chevallard, which allows reflection upon the scientific knowledge reorganized to be used in teaching contexts. Our interest in this study lays on the dynamics of transposition of knowledge-to-be-taught into knowledge-taught, particularly the importance of making concepts more comprehensible. Results showed that the communication of knowledge by the students is presented with interruptions, gaps and colloquial language. The analysis allowed the identification of needs and possibilities of learning, as well as a turn in the teacher practice, through a dynamic process of action and reflection.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Linguística


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Advertising text has been a subject of many investigations, because of its multimodal universe. Embodied by a linguistic and discursive materiality laying on scene persuasion, argumentation and power imagery of multissemiotics elements, the advertising text acts as an instrument of power, creating and destroying, promising and denying (CARVALHO, 2007). Advertising not only invites us to act for it, but directs us to look at it. It was under this moving look - of charm and interrogations - that discussions raised in this research were born. Investigations are directed to the school environment, in special, for the discursive advertising domain in Portuguese Language Textbook. It is from this environment that was born our research whose main objective is to analyze how does the didactic transposition of textual genres, described by Marcuschi (2008) as belonging to the "advertising" discourse domain (focusing on advertising genre) in didactic books teaching Portuguese Language before and after the advent of the PCN. Textbooks taken as reference for the study are historically situated in the 90s of the twentieth century and 10 century. Such books refer to elected 7th and 8th grades, currently corresponding to the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school. The choice is justified by the fact that in these Textbook teaching series the presence of advertising domain is recurrent and "didactized". In addition, we are also concerned in analyzing books that circulated around us and our regional reality. Hence, we elected books that were used by two public high schools: Municipal School Clementina Ana da Conceição in Jaçanã city in the Rio Grande do Norte state, State School for Elementary and High school Carlota Barreira in Areia city, Paraíba state. In our research the following categories of analysis were highlighted: (1) presence of advertising in DB, (2) fluctuation terminology: concepts and classifications; (3) The complexity of concepts facilitation, (4) what they propagate, and from which nature are the explored advertisements. From our analysis, we observe how the treatment of textual "advertising" genres have been inserted into Textbooks, and how occurs, in general, their didactic transposition. Focusing on the issue of fluctuating terminology, we noted the difficulty in drawing boundaries between the genres of advertising domain in the Textbooks. However, this also would result in the complexity - in the field of scientific knowledge - of delimiting genres of the same domain. To accomplish our studies, it was required a thorough and systematic dialogue with theories regarding the concept of "Didactic Transposition", due to the theoretical Chevallard Yves (1991), research on the textual genres - Bezerra (2005), Marcuschi (2008), Bazerman (2005), Swales (2004), among others - and studies involving the field of "Advertising" - Sandmann (2002), Carvalho (2007) and others


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A presente pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa de análise, tem caráter etnográfico e propôs dar continuidade à pesquisa de Guimarães (2008). Analisamos, na prática de sala de aula de um sujeito selecionado entre os participantes do estudo anterior, como ocorre o trabalho com leitura em E/LE em materiais retirados da Internet. Para isso, partimos dos seguintes questionamentos: (1) o que, para o professor, em sua prática, representa desenvolver atividades de leitura; (2) que tratamento recebem os textos oriundos do meio virtual e (3) como a prática, objetivos e base teórica deste professor se relacionam com a sua auto-imagem que aparece no questionário (Guimarães, 2008).Selecionamos o sujeito em função de sua alta adesão ao uso de recursos informáticos e sua proposta de ensino-aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira com base no desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados: o questionário da pesquisa de Guimarães (2008), os materiais utilizados pelo professor nas aulas observadas, as fontes originais virtuais dos textos presentes nesses materiais, o diário de campo do pesquisador, as gravações em áudio das aulas analisadas e a entrevista realizada com o informante. Nossa base teórica está fundamentada nos modelos de leitura, em especial o sócio-interacional, na caracterização da leitura em meio digital e no processo de transposição didática. Verificamos que o sujeito, baseado na teoria sócio-interacional, tem como foco de seu trabalho o desenvolvimento da habilidade leitora de seus alunos. Analisamos, também, as mudanças promovidas nos textos usados em sala de aula, em comparação às suas versões originais digitais. Discutimos que essas alterações podem trazer as consequências para o desenvolvimento da competência leitora e compreensão do texto por parte dos leitores-alunos, tanto no que se refere, especificamente, ao seu letramento digital como no processo leitor como um todo. Sobre a auto-imagem que o professor constrói através do questionário de Guimarães (2008), concluímos que, como apontado, o informante desenvolve um trabalho direcionado ao ensino de leitura em E/LE, assim como tem a internet como uma das principais fontes de materiais para suas aulas. Porém, a estrutura da instituição na qual atua o limita e altera as formas de trabalhar com textos e ferramentas virtuais, proporcionando uma mudança no perfil definido pelo questionário


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Partindo do pressuposto que a ciência é uma produção humana, os conceitos trabalhados nessa área se dão a partir de modelos, ou seja, quando estamos em contato com a realidade interagimos com o mundo e, dessa forma, criamos modelos para explicar o que observamos ou sentimos. Portanto, podemos afirmar que os modelos são criados para explicar aquilo que percebemos do mundo. É nesse sentido que quando pensamos em transposição didática levamos em conta o conhecimento científico e escolar, ou seja, de que maneira o professor irá transmitir o saber científico na escola e como esse irá seguir a lógica escolar. É nesse contexto que a criança passa a ter o conceito para si, sendo necessário que ela exerça uma reflexão diante do conhecimento adquirido. Podemos afirmar que o conceito é criado para interpretar a nossa relação com o mundo.


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In last decades, the importance of including the contents of the Nature of Science (NOS) in Science Education has been emphasized. Several studies have focused on investigating the conceptions of NOS, supported by students and teachers, as well as design, implement and evaluate proposals that aim to provide a reflection on this theme in the educational context. Considering the complexity of such content, studies indicate the need for explicit and contextualized approaches and the History of Science (HS) is one of the possible paths to this inclusion. We started from the premise that, through a historical study, that aims to discuss the meaning and the basis of our "beliefs", we can know the process of building on what we "believe" and better understand its meaning. This thesis is part of this perspective, proposing to explore the History of the Vacuum, a themed high didactic potential still little used, in order to collaborate with the teaching content of NOS. We present actions on different fronts that originated three products in the context of this research. On the first front, we insert the research and production of instructional materials (three historical texts) to subsidize people interested in the implementation of HPS for educational context through this material. The relevance of this front is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the production of such material for the context of teacher training. However, we consider that the preparation of instructional material of good quality and accessible does not guarantee that these resources will be used, if they will not be accompanied by discussions in teacher training, on how to use them, contexts and obstacles to be faced. The second part presented refers to the organization and implementation of a workshop for undergraduate students in physics and physics teachers, considering the instrumentalization of these individuals to the preparation and use of teaching strategies to approach aspects of NOS through episodes of History of the Vacuum, as well as the preparation of the text orientation for people interested in implementing the instructional material for secondary education. This guidance text contemplates the difficulties anticipated by the literature of the area and the main challenges faced by the participants about the didactic transposition of HPS for the educational context they were noted during the workshop. The relevance of this second front, in particular, is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the inclusion of the theme of NOS and the HPS teacher training


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The use of the History and the Philosophy of Science (HPS) for the teaching of science and scientific subjects has been advocated in recent decades. It has been pointed out that the History of Science could make for a deeper learning of scientific concepts, since it would promote a contact with the problems which that knowledge has set out to solve. Furthermore, historical episodes would serve to put the discussions about the nature of scientific knowledge into context. With a view to explore those potentialities, the literature in the field has sought to identify the challenges and obstacles for the didactic transposition of subjects from the History of Science. Amongst many aspects, the deficiencies in the training of teachers, so that they can work with the insertion of HPS in the classroom have been highlighted. Another aspect that has been mentioned to be a challenge has to do with the didactic transposition of the Primary Sources, that is, of the original texts on the History of Science. The Primary Sources have significant potentialities: making a connection possible between scientists and concepts, showing the difficulties faced during scientific endeavors, perceiving the role of mistakes as obstacles to be surpassed, not as defeat, etc. On the other hand, there has been little exploration of these concepts in an educational context, due to their own peculiarities. The original texts are often hard to understand and their interpretation demands knowledge of the historical and scientific context in which they were written, as well as skills pertaining to the conduction of research in the field of the History of Science. With this scenario in mind, the research towards this Professional MSc degree starts from the challenge of elaborating and discussing proposals which could enable the didactical transposition of the Primary Sources. We have worked specifically with Primary Sources on the History of the Vacuum and of the Atmospheric Pressure, because of the insertion of these subjects in the Brazilian High School curriculum, in connection with the didactical textbooks. "Historic Journals" were made up from clippings of the original historical texts, as was a Didactical Unit, which takes the usual textbooks as a basis and contemplates using the Journals and the entire Primary Sources in High School. At last, we have elaborated and implemented a course designed for the preparation of teachers and for being an opportunity for the discussion of the feasibility of putting these kinds of proposal into practice