931 resultados para Social body


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Drive for thinness (DT) and social body comparison (SBC) have been highly correlated with body dissatisfaction, a robust risk factor for eating disorders; however, there is little understanding of how these two variables relate to increases in body dissatisfaction over time. In the present study, I investigated how high initial levels of DT and SBC correlate with changes in body dissatisfaction and ideal body by surveying 110 first-year women at the beginning and end of their first semester. There was no significant relationship between high initial DT and SBC and changes in either body dissatisfaction or ideal body. However, high initial SBC was almost significantly correlated with change in ideal body due to women with low SBC choosing larger bodies at follow-up. In addition, women with high initial DT and SBC had higher body dissatisfaction than women with low initial levels of both variables. Women with high initial SBC chose thinner ideal bodies than women with low initial SBC. Lastly, change in body dissatisfaction was negatively correlated with change in ideal body. If replicated, I would hope these findings could contribute to a better understanding of how women’s perception of their bodies changes over the course of their first semester in college and inform interventions to address this potential risk factor for disordered eating.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BAPNE Method is a method based on cognitive stimulation integrating music and movement through body percussion. The aim of this research is to explore its whole potential as a tool to build teams. Team building is a philosophy for work design, and since over two decades ago, it defends that obtaining a high performance and organizing efficiency is more useful to perceive employees as interdependent members in a team of work than individuals ones. From this viewpoint, this research advocates that BAPNE Method’s body percussion practice will have an impact on this vision of team work directly. For its own characteristics, body percussion stimulates ways of contact in movement, which ease social ties and, especially, promote group cohesion. Through social, body and, affective dimension; BAPNE Method is capable of developing a shared vision and a single aim, to stimulate team work identity and an atmosphere of trust; and finally, to improve individual communication and satisfaction levels in group tasks.


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In recent years, academic and public attention has increasingly focused on the issue of men’s preoccupation with body image and the increasing incidence of eating disorders among men. Although most of this focus has been on young and adult males, media discourse has tended to extend explanations for men’s aspirations for social body ideals to explanations for eating disorders in young boys. In this article, we take a critical look at the way the boys/body image/eating disorder nexus has been represented in some of the mainstream media. In particular, we propose that the boys/body image/eating disorder nexus has been constituted as a truth that tends to underplay the complexity of the relationship between eating disorders and boys’ dissatisfaction with their bodies, as recognized by researchers and health practitioners, and as evident from our own study of preteen boys diagnosed with an eating disorder. In this article, we use interviews with the six boys and their mothers collected for our study to construct short family biographies. These


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Belonging to and identifying with a nation has, since the latter half of the 18th century, been a distinctly human quality. To be human is to be part of a nation. Yet, contemporary theorists such as Appadurai and Fukuyama argue this universal human trait is undergoing vast change, threatened, it seems, by irrelevance and obsolescence, a return to tribalism and widened conceptual horizons represented by the likes of transnationalism and cosmopolitanism. These same threats are often attributed to the changing ideas and experience of spatiality and temporality enabled by information and communication technologies such as the Internet, spurred on by the rising intensity of flow amongst and within the human population. This paper argues that in the analysis of changes to the nation—which I suggest is best considered as the nexus of the body politic, the social body and human bodies—it is the notion of lived time and lived space that is most appropriate. The notion of the lived is borrowed and extended from Henri Lefebvre, who theorises that between mentally conceived and physically perceived space, lies its socially lived counterpart, which he defines as “the materialisation of social being”. As such, lived space (and time) draws on both its material and mental aspects. It is the thesis of this paper that against such a background as lived time and lived space the nation becomes much more than a political concept and/or project and is revealed as lived phenomenon, experienced in and through the dynamics of everyday praxis. Inherent to this argument is the understanding that it is the interplay between the possibilities imagined of the nation and; its eventual realisation through social acts and practices that marks it as a profoundly human institution.


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This paper explores the genealogies of bio-power that cut across punitive state interventions aimed at regulating or normalising several distinctive ‘problem’ or ‘suspect’ deviant populations, such as state wards, non-lawful citizens and Indigenous youth. It begins by making some general comments about the theoretical approach to bio-power taken in this paper. It then outlines the distinctive features of bio-power in Australia and how these intersected with the emergence of penal welfarism to govern the unruly, unchaste, unlawful, and the primitive. The paper draws on three examples to illustrate the argument – the gargantuan criminalisation rates of Aboriginal youth, the history of incarcerating state wards in state institutions, and the mandatory detention of unlawful non-citizens and their children. The construction of Indigenous people as a dangerous presence, alongside the construction of the unruly neglected children of the colony — the larrikin descendants of convicts as necessitating special regimes of internal controls and institutions, found a counterpart in the racial and other exclusionary criteria operating through immigration controls for much of the twentieth century. In each case the problem child or population was expelled from the social body through forms of bio-power, rationalised as strengthening, protecting or purifying the Australian population.


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Haptices and haptemes: A case study of developmental process in touch-based communication of acquired deafblind people This research is the first systematic, longitudinal process and development description of communication using touch and body with an acquired deafblind person. The research consists of observational and analysed written and video materials mainly from two informants´ experiences during period of 14 years. The research describes the adaptation of Social-Haptic methods between a couple, and other informants´ experiences, which have been collated from biographies and through giving national and international courses. When the hearing and sight deteriorates due to having an acquired deafblind condition, communication consists of multi-systematic and adaptive methods. A person`s expressive language, spoken or Sign Language, usually remains unchanged, but the methods of receiving information could change many times during a person s lifetime. Haptices are made from haptemes that determines which regulations are analysed. When defining haptemes the definition, classification and varied meanings of touch were discovered. Haptices include sharing a personal body space, meaning of touch-contact, context and using different communication channels. Communication distances are classified as exact distance, estimated distance and touch distance. Physical distance can be termed as very long, long, medium or very close. Social body space includes the body areas involved in sending and receiving haptices and applying different types of contacts. One or two hands can produce messages by using different hand shapes and orientations. This research classifies how the body can be identified into different areas such as body orientation, varied body postures, body position levels, social actions and which side of the body is used. Spatial body space includes environmental and situational elements. Haptemes of movements are recognised as the direction of movements, change of directions on the body, directions between people, pressure, speed, frequency, size, length, duration, pause, change of rhythm, shape, macro and micro movements. Haptices share multidimensional meanings and emotions. Research describes haptices in different situations enhancing sensory information and functioning also as an independent language. Haptices includes social-haptic confirmation system, social quick messages, body drawing, contact to the people and the environment, guiding and sharing art experiences through movements. Five stages of emotional differentiation were identified as very light, light, medium, heavy and very heavy touch. Haptices give the possibility to share different art, hobby and game experiences. A new communication system development based on the analysis of the research data is classified into different phases. These are experimental initiation, social deconstruction, developing the description of Social-Haptic communication and generalisation of the theory as well as finding and conceptualising the haptices and haptemes. The use and description of haptices is a social innovation, which illustrates the adaptive function of the body and perceptual senses that can be taught to a third party. Keywords: deafblindness, hapteme, haptic, haptices, movement, social-haptic communication, social-haptic confirmation system, tactile, touch


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[EN] Kerstin Hensel’s literary universe is haunted by fallen heroes, outsiders and gregarious figures with no success. They experience the German Wende in a very peculiar constellation, they perceive Post-Unification Germany at times from a fantastic perspective, always from a painful experience. In this context the analysis of the representations of the body in Hensel’s narrative before and after 1989 offers a rich insight on Hensel’s critical view of Post-Unification Germany. By analysing her texts such as Hallimasch and Lärchenau this article shows that the suffering grotesque bodies in both works stand for a political metaphor of a social body with hardly a cure.


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A partir do exame comparativo dos regimentos passados aos governadores-gerais Antônio Telles da Silva, em 1642, Jerônimo de Ataíde, em 1653, e ao mestre-de-campo general Roque da Costa Barreto, em 1677, o presente trabalho procura, em sua primeira parte, determinar e sistematizar as atribuições e competências do Governo-Geral no que se refere à administração do Estado do Brasil, buscando apresentar como a instituição se organizava, do ponto de vista formal.Na segunda parte, examina-se a prática administrativa dos referidos governadores, tendo por foco as questões relacionadas à defesa e conservação da América portuguesa, como também a sua exploração econômica. Objetiva-se, com isso, verificar as condições de governabilidade, a posição do governador-geral dentro da estrutura administrativa da América, sua interface com os grupos da sociedade e seus distintos interesses, possibilitando compreender seu efetivo funcionamento e sua penetração na sociedade. Pretende-se, dessa forma, apreender a aplicação das normas regimentais e sua recepção no corpo social, identificando, a partir da articulação entre a forma normativa, expressa nos regimentos, e a da prática administrativa, o alcance e os limites do poder da Coroa.


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Este trabalho visa à análise das poesias eróticas e satíricas de Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage e de sua repercussão na sociedade portuguesa do século XVIII. A ironia, por definição, propõe a inversão de enunciados, negando o contrário daquilo que se afirma ou vice-versa. Mas, tal recurso, largamente empregado pelo Poeta, extrapola a mera função de figura de pensamento, uma vez que, potencializando um poderoso arsenal crítico, propicia a construção de um discurso desestabilizador, cuja intenção é colocar em xeque a ideologia oficial. A lírica bocagiana, em sua vertente erótica e satírica, vale-se do deboche, do escracho ou da sátira desbocada para colocar às claras a distinção entre essência e aparência, em uma sociedade cuja moral se constrói a partir das crenças religiosas nem sempre professadas, quer pelo corpo social como um todo, quer pelo clero, guardião desta moral. Examinaremos, neste trabalho, os modos de representação discursiva inscritos nesta poesia. Bocage ultrapassou as fronteiras de seu tempo em poemas cuja licenciosidade, muitas vezes, não esconde uma ponta de amargura e sofrimento. Dividido entre dois mundos: o árcade, sob o signo da razão, constituído de regras rígidas; e o romântico, regido pela paixão, Elmano não esconde o desconcerto, que procura na clandestinidade a via possível para a expansão de um espírito revoltado


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo relacionar o trabalho da atleta de Ginástica Rítmica.(GR) e a formação de subjetividades na sociedade contemporânea. A visão sobre o trabalho da atleta de GR é formada a partir da entrevista de três ex-atletas. A perspectiva da formação de subjetividades na contemporaneidade é verificada a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica de autores como György Lukács, Richard Sennett, Michel Foucault, Vera Lúcia Soares, Guy Debord e Valter Bracht. A relação entre a sociedade capitalista e a modalidade esportiva é estabelecida através da análise de três grandes eixos que as atravessam: a questão do trabalho, a questão do corpo e a questão do espetáculo. Partindo do pressuposto de que o trabalho é constituinte do ser social, define-se a ginástica como um trabalho, discute-se o significado do trabalhar na sociedade contemporânea e analisa-se as condições de profissionalização e prática do Esporte no Brasil. Sobre a questão do corpo, observa-se a forma como o corpo é utilizado pelas atletas e as relações de proximidade com o uso do corpo pelo sujeito contemporâneo. Ainda, compara-se a forma como as atletas relatam sua experiência de apresentação da série com espetacularização da sociedade descrita por Debord. A conclusão revela que o as atletas atingem um grau de contato e discussão com temas do esporte de alto rendimento presentes na sociedade (tais como competitividade e sucesso) que extrapolam os estigmas que poderiam ser a elas atribuídos


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Cameron’s flagship policy of the ‘Big Society’ rests on a society/government dichotomy, diagnosing a ‘broken society’ caused by ‘big government’ having assumed the role communities once played. The remedy is greater social responsibility and the ‘Big Society’. This article argues that the dichotomy is
deceptive. We aim to show that the Big Society is big government, as it employs techniques for managing the conduct of individuals and communities such that the mentality of government, far from being removed or reduced, is bettered and made more efficient. To illustrate this, we explore two major initiatives: the National Citizen Service and the Community Resilience programme. These
projects demonstrate how practices of informing and guiding the conduct of individuals both produce agents and normalise certain values, resulting in the population being better known and controlled. Thus, far from lessening government and empowering people, the Big Society extends governmentality
throughout the social body.


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This thesis takes some steps in examining the child protection system from a position that is rarely discussed. Specifically, I explore how Foucault's concept of disciplinary power can be used to demonstrate how power operates within the client/worker relationship. This relationship is shown to be quite complex with power flowing bidirectionally, rather than hierarchically. Instead of viewing power imbalances as a function of state control, I show how the client/worker relationship is constituted by the worker, the client, the organization and the social body. A postmodern auto ethnography is used to document my journey as I expose the disciplinary practices and instruments that I was subject to and used with my clients. 2 Given that the child protection system is constantly shifting and changing in order to improve its ability to safeguard children a greater emphasis is required to examine how workers operate within this complex, overwhelming and multi-dimensional world. This thesis has shown that by engaging in a reflexive examination of my position of power different approaches to making intervention beneficial to all involved become available. This is important if child protection work aims to work with clients rather than on clients.