981 resultados para Significant fibrosis


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A fibrose hepática é o aspecto mais relevante e o mais importante determinante de morbimortalidade na hepatite C crônica (HCC). Historicamente, a biópsia hepática é o método de referência para avaliação da fibrose causada pela HCC, apesar de apresentar limitações. O estudo de marcadores não invasivos, que possam obviar a necessidade da biópsia, é uma área de constante interesse na hepatologia. Idealmente, a avaliação da fibrose hepática deveria ser acurada, simples, prontamente disponível, de baixo custo e informar sobre o prognóstico da patologia. Os marcadores não invasivos mais estudados são a elastografia hepática transitória (EHT) e os laboratoriais. A EHT já foi extensamente validada na HCC e está inserida na rotina de avaliação destes pacientes. Dentre os laboratoriais, existem diversos testes em continua experimentação e, até o momento, nenhum foi integrado à prática clínica no Brasil, embora já aplicados rotineiramente em outros países. O Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF), um teste que dosa no soro ácido hialurônico, pró-peptídeo amino-terminal do colágeno tipo III e inibidor tissular da metaloproteinase 1, tem se mostrado bastante eficaz na detecção de fibrose hepática significativa e de cirrose na HCC. Neste estudo o ELF teve o seu desempenho avaliado em relação a biópsia hepática e demonstrou apresentar boa acurácia na detecção tanto de fibrose significativa quanto de cirrose. Na comparação com a EHT apresentou acurácia semelhante para estes mesmos desfechos, com significância estatística. No entanto, foi observada uma superestimação da fibrose com a utilização dos pontos de corte propostos pelo fabricante. Este achado está em acordo com a literatura, onde não há consenso sobre o melhor ponto de corte a ser empregado na prática clínica. Com a ampliação da casuística foi possível propor novos pontos de corte, através da análise clássica, com a biópsia hepática como padrão ouro. O resultado obtido vai ao encontro do observado por outros autores. Em seguida, os novos pontos de corte do ELF foram reavaliados sem que a biópsia hepática fosse a referência, através da análise de classes latentes. Mais uma vez o ELF apresentou bom desempenho, inclusive com melhora de suas sensibilidade e especificidade em comparação com a análise clássica, onde a biópsia hepática é a referência. Assim sendo, é possível concluir que o ELF é um bom marcador não invasivo de fibrose hepática. No entanto, para detecção de fibrose significativa e cirrose, deve ser considerada a aplicação na prática clínica dos novos pontos de corte aqui propostos.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate the diagnostic performance of seven non-invasive tests (NITs) of liver fibrosis and to assess fibrosis progression over time in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. METHODS Transient elastography (TE) and six blood tests were compared to histopathological fibrosis stage (METAVIR). Participants were followed over three years with NITs at yearly intervals. RESULTS Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) for significant fibrosis (> = F2) in 105 participants was highest for TE (0.85), followed by FIB-4 (0.77), ELF-Test (0.77), APRI (0.76), Fibrotest (0.75), hyaluronic acid (0.70), and Hepascore (0.68). AUROC for cirrhosis (F4) was 0.97 for TE followed by FIB-4 (0.91), APRI (0.89), Fibrotest (0.84), Hepascore (0.82), ELF-Test (0.82), and hyaluronic acid (0.79). A three year follow-up was completed by 87 participants, all on antiretroviral therapy and in 20 patients who completed HCV treatment (9 with sustained virologic response). TE, APRI and Fibrotest did not significantly change during follow-up. There was weak evidence for an increase of FIB-4 (mean increase: 0.22, p = 0.07). 42 participants had a second liver biopsy: Among 38 participants with F0-F3 at baseline, 10 were progessors (1-stage increase in fibrosis, 8 participants; 2-stage, 1; 3-stage, 1). Among progressors, mean increase in TE was 3.35 kPa, in APRI 0.36, and in FIB-4 0.75. Fibrotest results did not change over 3 years. CONCLUSION TE was the best NIT for liver fibrosis staging in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. APRI-Score, FIB-4 Index, Fibrotest, and ELF-Test were less reliable. Routinely available APRI and FIB-4 performed as good as more expensive tests. NITs did not change significantly during a follow-up of three years, suggesting slow liver disease progression in a majority of HIV/HCV co-infected persons on antiretroviral therapy.


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A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) tornou-se a hepatopatia crônica mais comum no mundo, afetando principalmente alguns grupos de pacientes, como os diabéticos tipo II. A biópsia hepática permanece como método padrão ouro para o seu diagnóstico. A prevalência da DHGNA e seus subtipos, em especial a esteatohepatite (EH), pode estar subestimada por métodos não invasivos de diagnóstico ou superestimada pela realização da biópsia em pacientes selecionados por alterações na ultrassonografia (US) ou nas aminotransferases. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: determinar a prevalência da DHGNA (esteatose, EH e cirrose) em uma amostra de pacientes diabéticos tipo II, com base na biópsia hepática; quantificar a esteatose, inflamação e fibrose quando presentes; identificar fatores preditivos de DHGNA, EH e fibrose significativa (≥ estágio 2) e avaliar o valor das aminotransferases e da US de abdome para o diagnóstico de EH e fibrose significativa. Todos os diabéticos tipo II, entre 18 e 70 anos, consecutivamente atendidos no ambulatório de Diabetes do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, eram candidatos a participar do estudo. Foram excluídos pacientes com sorologias positivas para hepatite B ou C, outras doenças hepáticas crônicas, uso de drogas hepatotóxicas ou esteatogênicas, etilismo (≥20g/dia), obesidade grau III, comorbidades graves, gravidez ou por recusa em participar do estudo. Dos 396 pacientes triados com critérios de inclusão, 85 foram incluídos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, exames laboratoriais, US de abdome e biópsia hepática. As lâminas foram analisadas por dois patologistas independentes e a DHGNA foi graduada pelo NASH Clinical Research Network Scoring System. A concordância entre os patologistas foi medida pelo coeficiente Kappa (k) e foi realizada análise multivariada por regressão logística para avaliação dos fatores associados de forma independente à DHGNA, EH e fibrose significativa. A prevalência de DHGNA na amostra foi de 92%, sendo 50% esteatose simples, 40% EH e 2% cirrose. A concordância (k) entre os patologistas foi 0,78. A esteatose foi leve na maior parte dos pacientes com esteatose simples e predominantemente acentuada nos pacientes com EH (p<0,001). A fibrose foi verificada em 76% dos pacientes com EH, sendo significativa em 41% deles. A presença de síndrome metabólica foi associada de forma independente à DHGNA, o índice de massa corporal e a circunferência abdominal aumentada à EH e a dosagem de alanina aminotransferase (ALT) à EH e à fibrose significativa. Apenas um de 21 pacientes (5%) com US e ALT normais apresentou EH. A prevalência da EH aumentou progressivamente com o aumento do grau de esteatose na US e com o aumento da ALT. Conclusão: A prevalência da DHGNA estimada pela biópsia hepática sem vieses de seleção foi muito elevada. Apesar de alto, o percentual de EH e fibrose significativa foi inferior ao dos estudos com biópsias em diabéticos selecionados por alterações na US e aminotransferases. EH foi associada a esteatose acentuada na histologia. A obesidade foi um cofator importante no diagnóstico de EH. O melhor desempenho da ALT e da US foi o de excluir as formas graves de DHGNA quando normais.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS We investigated the association between significant liver fibrosis, determined by AST-to-platelet ratio index (APRI), and all-cause mortality among HIV-infected patients prescribed antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Zambia METHODS: Among HIV-infected adults who initiated ART, we categorized baseline APRI scores according to established thresholds for significant hepatic fibrosis (APRI ≥1.5) and cirrhosis (APRI ≥2.0). Using multivariable logistic regression we identified risk factors for elevated APRI including demographic characteristics, body mass index (BMI), HIV clinical and immunologic status, and tuberculosis. In the subset tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), we investigated the association of hepatitis B virus co-infection with APRI score. Using Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression we determined the association of elevated APRI with death during ART. RESULTS Among 20,308 adults in the analysis cohort, 1,027 (5.1%) had significant liver fibrosis at ART initiation including 616 (3.0%) with cirrhosis. Risk factors for significant fibrosis or cirrhosis included male sex, BMI <18, WHO clinical stage 3 or 4, CD4+ count <200 cells/mm(3) , and tuberculosis. Among the 237 (1.2%) who were tested, HBsAg-positive patients had four times the odds (adjusted odds ratio, 4.15; 95% CI, 1.71-10.04) of significant fibrosis compared HBsAg-negatives. Both significant fibrosis (adjusted hazard ratio 1.41, 95% CI, 1.21-1.64) and cirrhosis (adjusted hazard ratio 1.57, 95% CI, 1.31-1.89) were associated with increased all-cause mortality. CONCLUSION Liver fibrosis may be a risk factor for mortality during ART among HIV-infected individuals in Africa. APRI is an inexpensive and potentially useful test for liver fibrosis in resource-constrained settings. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a disease of unknown aetiology with drug-induced AIH being the most complex and not fully understood type. We present the case of a 57-year-old female patient with acute icteric hepatitis after interferon-beta-1b (IFNβ-1b) administration for multiple sclerosis (MS). Based on liver autoimmune serology, histology and appropriate exclusion of other liver diseases, a diagnosis of AIH-related cirrhosis was established. Following discontinuation of IFNβ-1b, a complete resolution of biochemical activity indices was observed and the patient remained untreated on her own decision. However, 3 years later, after a course of intravenous methylprednisolone for MS, a new acute transaminase flare was recorded which subsided again spontaneously after 3 weeks. Liver biopsy and elastography showed significant fibrosis regression (F2 fibrosis). To our knowledge, this is the first report showing spontaneous cirrhosis regression in an IFNβ-1b-induced AIH-like syndrome following drug withdrawal, suggesting that cirrhosis might be reversible if the offending fibrogenic stimulus is withdrawn.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS The interaction of KIR with their HLA ligands drives the activation and inhibition of natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells could be implicated in the development of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. METHODS We analysed 206 non-transplanted and 53 liver transplanted patients, selected according to their Metavir fibrosis stage. Several variables such as the number of activator KIR or the HLA ligands were considered in multinomial and logistic regression models. Possible confounding variables were also investigated. RESULTS The KIRs were not significant predictors of the fibrosis stage. Conversely, a significant reduction of the HLA-C1C2 genotype was observed in the most advanced fibrosis stage group (F4) in both cohorts. Furthermore, the progression rate of fibrosis was almost 10 times faster in the subgroup of patients after liver transplantation and HLA-C1C2 was significantly reduced in this cohort compared to non-transplanted patients. CONCLUSION This study suggests a possible role of KIR and their ligands in the development of liver damage. The absence of C1 and C2 ligands heterozygosity could lead to less inhibition of NK cells and a quicker progression to a high level of fibrosis in patients infected by HCV, especially following liver transplantation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Compared the different patterns of stress reported by mothers of children (aged 5–12 yrs) with either a chronic physical illness (cystic fibrosis) or a chronic psychological disorder (autism), and children without a physical or psychological disorder. 24 mothers from each of these 3 groups completed a short form of the Questionnaire on Resources and Stress. Each clinical group exhibited different patterns of stressful response consistent with the nature of the disorder and the requirements of care imposed on the families. Autism contributed significantly more to family stress than did cystic fibrosis. The number of children in the family was not a significant variable. Implications for the development of family intervention programs are discussed


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A pro-fibrotic role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in tubular cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is well established in renal fibrosis; however studies from our group and others have demonstrated some previously unrecognized complexity of MMP-9 that has been overlooked in renal fibrosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the expression pattern, origin and the exact mechanism underlying the contribution of MMP-9 to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), a well-established model of renal fibrosis via MMP-9 inhibition. Renal MMP-9 expression in BALB/c mice with UUO was examined on day 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. To inhibit MMP-9 activity, MMP-2/9 inhibitor or MMP-9-neutralizing antibody was administered daily for 4 consecutive days from day 0-3, 6-9 or 10-13 and tissues harvested at day 14. In UUO, there was a bi-phasic early- and late-stage upregulation of MMP-9 activity. Interestingly, tubular epithelial cells (TECs) were the predominant source of MMP-9 during early stage, whereas TECs, macrophages and myofibroblasts produced MMP-9 during late-stage UUO. Early- and late-stage inhibition of MMP-9 in UUO mice significantly reduced tubular cell EMT and renal fibrosis. Moreover, MMP-9 inhibition caused a significant reduction in MMP-9-cleaved osteopontin and macrophage infiltration in UUO kidney. Our in vitro study showed MMP-9-cleaved osteopontin enhanced macrophage transwell migration and MMP-9 of both primary TEC and macrophage induced tubular cell EMT. In summary, our result suggests that MMP-9 of both TEC and macrophage origin may directly or indirectly contribute to the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis via osteopontin cleavage, which, in turn further recruit macrophage and induce tubular cell EMT. Our study also highlights the time dependency of its expression and the potential of stage-specific inhibition strategy against renal fibrosis.


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Objective: To investigate measures aimed at defining the nutritional status of cystic fibrosis (CF) populations, this study compared standard anthropometric measurements and total body potassium (TBK) as indicators of malnutrition. Methods: Height, weight, and TBK measurements of 226 children with CF from Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, were analyzed. Z scores for height for age, weight for age, and weight for height were analyzed by means of the National Centre for Health Statistics reference. TBK was measured by means of whole body counting and compared with predicted TBK for age. Two criteria were evaluated with respect to malnutrition: (1) a z score < -2.0 and (2) a TBK for age <80% of predicted. Results: Males and females with CF had lower mean height-for-age and weight-for-age z scores than the National Centre for Health Statistics reference (P < .01), but mean weight-for-height z score was not significantly different. There were no significant gender differences. According to anthropometry, only 7.5% of this population were underweight and 7.6% were stunted. However, with TBK as an indicator of nutritional status, 29.9% of males and 22.0% of females were malnourished. Conclusion: There are large differences in the percentage of patients with CF identified as malnourished depending on whether anthropometry or body composition data are used as the nutritional indicator. At an individual level, weight-based indicators are not sensitive indicators of suboptimal nutritional status in CF, significantly underestimating the extent of malnutrition. Current recommendations in which anthropometry is used as the indicator of malnutrition in CF should be revised.


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Previously, we reported catch-up weight gain, growth, and improved lung function in a group of malnourished cystic fibrosis (CF) children receiving aggressive nutritional supplementation for 1 year compared with a forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)-, height-, and sex-matched comparison group receiving standard therapy. To evaluate long-term effects, the clinical progress of both groups has been studied over a 5 year period. The supplemented group (n = 10) received supplements for a median of 1.35 years to achieve nutritional rehabilitation. Compared with the nonsupplemented group (n = 14), the previously supplemented group had lower mortality (2 vs. 4, N.S.) and significantly greater weight and height z scores at 4 and 5 years. The progression of pulmonary function abnormalities as measured by FEV, and forced vital capacity (FVC) slopes was greater at 3 years in the nonsupplemented group (FEV1, p < 0.05) but no significant differences in rates of deterioration of pulmonary function were seen after 5 years in the two groups of survivors. We conclude that intensive nutritional support for 1 year has both short-and long-term effects on nutrition and growth, still evident some years after the cessation of this therapeutic modality. Supplementation for periods of longer than 1 year may produce greater gains and possibly prolong the improvement in pulmonary function observed in the earlier study. © 1992 Raven Press, Ltd., New York.


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One of the major considerations of improving the management of many chronic diseases has been the realisation of the importance of nutrition, and, in children, the maintenance of normal growth. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and Myelomeningocele (MMC) are two such disease states in which nutritional status has a significant effect on morbidity.


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To evaluate the relative efficacy of nonele-mental versus semielemental enteral supplements for nutritional rehabilitation of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, whole-body protein turnover using the [15N]glycine method was studied in nine malnourished CF patients during enteral feedings, in a block design study compar-ing a semielemental formula (Criticare), a higher protein density but nonelemental formula (Traumacal) (T), and a nonelemental formula that had been modified to become isocaloric and isonitrogenous to the semielemental formula (modified Traumacal, MT). No significant differences in rates of protein synthesis or catabolism were observed comparing the three formulas. However the higher protein density nonelemental formula resulted in higher net protein deposition compared to the other two formulas (T + 0.42 g kg-110 h-1versus 0.33 g kg-110 h-1for Criticare and-0.59 g kg-110 h-1for MT), although this was significant (p < 0.05) for the MT versus T comparison only. This study lends support to the use of less expensive nonelemental formulas for the nutritional management of malnourished patients with CF. © 1990 Raven Press Ltd, New York.