946 resultados para Sexual Exploitation of Children


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The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) has emerged as one of the world’s most heinous crimes. The problem affects millions of children worldwide and no country or community is fully immune from its effects. This paper reports first generation research of the relationship that exists between CSEC and the phenomenon of missing children living in and around the coastal regions of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the country’s richest State. Data are reported from interviews and case records of 64 children and adolescents, who were receiving care through a major youth serving non-governmental organization (NGO) located in the coastal city of Sao Vicente. Also, data about missing children and adolescents were collected from Police Reports – a total of 858 Police Reports. In Brazil, prostitution is not a crime itself, however, the exploitation of prostitution is a crime. Therefore, the police have no information about children or adolescents in this situation, they only have information about the clients and exploiters. Thus, this investigation sought to accomplish two objectives: 1) to establish the relationship between missing and sexual exploited children; and 2) to sensitize police and child-serving authorities in both the governmental and nongovernmental sectors to the nature, extent, and seriousness of many unrecognized cases of CSEC and missing children that come to their attention. The observed results indicated that the missing children police report are significantly underestimated. They do not represent the number of children that run away and/or are involved in commercial sexual exploitation.


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‘Grooming’ and the Sexual Abuse of Children: Institutional, Internet and Familial Dimensions critically examines the official and popular discourses on grooming, predominantly framed within the context of on-line sexual exploitation and abuse committed by strangers, and institutional child abuse committed by those in positions of trust.

Set against the broader theoretical framework of risk, security and governance, this book argues that due to the difficulties of drawing clear boundaries between innocuous and harmful motivations towards children, pre-emptive risk-based criminal law and policy are inherently limited in preventing, targeting and criminalising ‘grooming’ behaviour prior to the manifestation of actual harm. Through examination of grooming against the complexities of the onset of sexual offending against children and its actual role in this process, the author broadens existing discourses by providing a fuller, more nuanced conceptualisation of grooming, including its role in intra-familial and extra-familial contexts. There is also timely discussion of new and emerging forms of grooming, such as ‘street’ or ‘localised’ grooming, as typified by recent cases in Rochdale and Oldham, and ‘peer-to-peer’ grooming.

The first inter-disciplinary, thematic, and empirical investigation of grooming in a multi-jurisdictional context, ‘Grooming’ and the Sexual Abuse of Children draws on extensive empirical research in the form of over fifty interviews with professionals, working in the fields of sex offender risk assessment, management or treatment, as well as child protection or victim support in the four jurisdictions of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Impeccably presented and meticulously considered, this book will be of interest to criminologists and those working and studying in the field of policing and criminal justice studies, as well as policy makers and practitioners in the areas of child protection and sex offender management.


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The term ‘grooming’ has been used to describe the offender’s actions during the preparatory stage of sexual abuse. This paper will argue that current discourses on grooming have created ambiguities and misunderstandings about child sexual abuse. In particular, the popular focus on ‘stranger danger’ belies the fact that the majority of children are abused by someone well known to them, where grooming can also occur. Current discourses also neglect other important facets of the sex offending pattern. They fail to consider that offenders may groom not only the child but also their family and even the local community who may act as the gatekeepers of access. They also ignore what can be termed ‘institutional grooming’ – that sex offenders may groom criminal justice and other institutions into believing that they present no risk to children. A key variable in the grooming process is the creation and subsequent abuse of trust. Given that the criminal law may be somewhat limited in its response to this type of behaviour, ultimately concerted efforts must be made to foster social and organisational awareness of such processes in order to reduce the offender’s opportunity for abuse.


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'Grooming' has been termed 'a ubiquitous feature of the sexual abuse of children' (Thornton, 2003: 144). Despite the prominence of the term in contemporary discourses on sexual offending against children, it is a term that is insufficiently understood in the psychological, sociological, criminological or legal literature. Most recently, the term has been used in two primary offending contexts - on-line grooming and abuse by strangers, and institutional grooming and abuse by those in positions of trust. This article argues, however, that grooming and its role in child sexual abuse is a multi-faceted phenomenon and much more complex than has been highlighted previously. While there are a number of typologies of grooming, this article concentrates on those which may be most relevant for treatment and management contexts - 'peer-to-peer grooming' and 'institutional grooming.' Drawing on extensive fieldwork with professionals who work in the fields of child protection or victim support, and sex offender assessment, treatment or management across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the aim of this article is two-fold: (i) to deconstruct the term grooming and examine its actual role in the onset of sexual offending against children; and (ii) to draw out the implications of these complexities for policy and practice, chiefly in terms of treatment and prevention.


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In this article, child sexual abuse in low-income settings is reviewed, including the extent of the problem, the way children present, and how they should be managed. Liaising with other agencies, training in all aspects of sexual abuse and creating an environment that is conducive to good care by all groups involved is essential. Technical details of medical examination are not covered as appropriate guidelines are accessible.


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The issue of young people’s experiences of sexual exploitation and sexual violence has received increasing political and media attention within recent years. However, whilst many studies have identified this to be an emerging issue of concern, the collation of prevalence data on the extent of these issues is still very much in its infancy. In this article we report on the findings of a large-scale project on the sexual exploitation of young people, undertaken in Northern Ireland from 2009 to 2011. The article primarily explores young people’s self-reported experiences of sexual violence and exploitation, collated from their responses to a module of questions placed in the 2010 Young Life and Times Survey. The quantitative dataset from the survey covers both prevalence of sexually exploitative experiences and young people’s reports about the type of individuals perpetrating these incidents. This dataset is illustrated and contextualised with reference to the qualitative findings from interviews with young people and professionals conducted as part of the wider sexual exploitation study. The article concludes with a consideration of the implications of the findings, with particular reference to the need for further preventative work in this field.


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Esta monografía analiza la situación de la explotación sexual comercial de niños y niñas en Bogotá, sus causas socio-económicas y culturales, las políticas públicas desarrolladas en el distrito capital, y los avances y limitaciones de éstas para mitigar esta práctica.


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La Explotación Comercial sexual de los niños, niñas y adolescentes – ESCNNA ha ocasionado graves repercusiones en la sociedad, sometiendo a los menores a situaciones que atentan contra su integridad física y psicológica. Por ello, en el marco internacional y nacional se han adelantado diferentes iniciativas para erradicar dicho fenómeno. La Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo- CI ha sido una valiosa herramienta en el tratamiento del flagelo dados los diferentes canales de ayuda los cuales han contribuido para su intervención. En este sentido, la CI por medio de la Agencia Canadiense para el desarrollo internacional- ACDI y la Fundación Renacer- ECPAT Internacional (End Child Prostitution, Pornography & Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) hicieron posible junto con otros actores el proyecto de CI en Cartagena llamado: “La Muralla soy yo”, el cual buscó la prevención y futura erradicación de la Explotación Sexual de niños y adolescentes en el turismo- ESNAT en la ciudad. En el presente estudio de caso se pretende identificar cómo la CI incide por medio de la ACDI y la red ECPAT Internacional en instituciones locales de Cartagena para la prevención y posible erradicación del problema de la Explotación comercial sexual infantil en niños, niñas y adolescentes, en el contexto del turismo.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo principal propor mecanismos para elaboração de uma política pública visando à erradicação da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes no chamado turismo sexual na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, faz-se reflexões teóricas sobre o tema, considerando a situação de vulnerabilidade social na qual se encontra grande parte da população. Além disso, define-se o significado de políticas públicas a fim de compreender como estas podem auxiliar na solução do problema proposto. Como procedimentos de coleta das informações, foram feitas entrevistas presenciais baseadas em roteiros não estruturados, que possibilitaram a construção de uma relação entre a revisão bibliográfica realizada e a percepção in loco das profissionais do sexo sobre o assunto. A partir disso, foi possível atingir ao objetivo final e propor temas para estudos futuros.


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The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESCCA) is a phenomenon that has been given priority in public policy agenda of many democratic governments of Western countries and civil sectors of society, besides the object of studies in different fields of knowledge. Psychology is among these areas and is considered one of the references in the construction of knowledge and actions to confront the phenomenon. However, the epistemological foundations of psychological science are quite different, and so, several are his speeches, knowledge produced and ways of conceiving man and the world. This is evident in the publications of psychology on ESCCA. This work aims to achieve a state of the art of psychology publication in Brazil (in the post-graduation - through theses and dissertations - and journals) on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents. More specifically try to evidence (a) what conceptions of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents the authors lists, (b) what are aimed at research and publications, (c) how the research and issues are justified, and (d) that theoretical approaches the authors are affiliated and methodological possibilities are applied to range the aim proposed in their work. In order to do so, a survey was conducted in the major index sites (eg, BVS-Psi, Capes, theses and dissertations database of university libraries) of the material, covering the period 1990 to 2007. Through research on these sites, we built a database, including information relating to the work sought from specific descriptors for studies in the area of victimization of children and adolescents, with reference to a list provided by Faleiros (2000). After reading the summary of the work, the number of recovered 25 productions was reached - including theses, dissertations and articles. For analysis of the material used in the analysis of thematic content. Two axes themes were established in order to guide the analysis: conceptual elements of commercial sexual exploitation, and theoretical and methodological strategies employed. The axes have as reference for analysis a chapter built on the concept of commercial sexual exploitation, so that all analysis is anchored on it. The analysis points to the existence, still strong, conceptual and terminological confusion about ESCCA. Few studies have not demonstrated this confusion, maintaining a consistent theoretical approach. In relation to the theoretical and methodological strategies, there is a great diversity of approaches in psychology surrounding the phenomenon of ESCCA, enriching levels of understanding and action. This diversity reflects a constitutive heterogeneity of psychological science. We emphasize the perspective of socio-historical psychology, most frequently among the publications. It is hoped that this research will help advance the qualitative approach to ESCCA, especially in the field of psychology, as well as contribute to new research in the area and construction of new means of addressing this human rights violation


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo principal compreender os processos que conduzem à produção da exploração sexual comercial de adolescentes na sociedade contemporânea. Realizamos uma análise da literatura da área e um estudo de campo, que contou com a participação de 14 adolescentes do sexo feminino, que se encontravam em situação de prostituição. Foram utilizados como procedimentos metodológicos: aplicação de questionários-entrevista, realização de entrevistas abertas, observações e informações de educadoras sociais. Elaboramos o perfil sócio-demográfico das adolescentes e suas famílias e criamos categorias temáticas expressivas dos conteúdos identificados. Constatamos que na produção do fenômeno encontram-se presentes múltiplos fatores que se entrecruzam de forma sinérgica nas trajetórias de vida das adolescentes. Ações de enfrentamento ao fenômeno requerem ações macro-estruturais e focais, nos mostrando a necessidade de repensarmos as concepções sobre os direitos das crianças e adolescentes, vivência de sexualidade, valores culturais e sociais, que acabam por permitir a emergência e perpetuação da exploração sexual comercial de crianças e adolescentes.


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A presente pesquisa elegeu como objeto de análise a participação das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental localizadas na cidade de Breves-PA na rede de enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes. Neste sentido, propôs-se como problema a seguinte questão central: no período de 2005 a 2010, como aconteceu a participação das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental localizadas na cidade de Breves-PA na rede de enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes? A pesquisa objetivou analisar as ações realizadas pelas escolas públicas localizadas na cidade de Breves-PA que estão voltadas ao enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes a partir das propostas de enfrentamento apresentadas para a instituição escolar pela política pública, discutindo categorias fundamentais como currículo e formação de professores. A metodologia utilizada consistiu nas pesquisas bibliográfica e empírica, através do uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas devido ser o instrumento que permite o acesso a gestores escolares, coordenadores pedagógicos e professores para o conhecimento de suas ações e interações no que tange à temática do enfrentamento da exploração sexual. De um universo de dezoito escolas de ensino fundamental localizadas na cidade, foram escolhidas duas, uma escola de 1º ao 5º ano e outra do 6º ao 9º ano, por apresentarem no período de 2006 a 2010 ações pedagógicas estratégicas que envolveram alunos em diferentes faixas etárias (dos 06 aos 14 anos aproximadamente), bem como toda a comunidade escolar na prevenção da exploração sexual. A seleção dos entrevistados ocorreu mediante o contato com os sujeitos das escolas, a qual focalizou aqueles informantes com participação direta nos projetos de intervenção. Por isso, selecionou-se 02 (dois) gestores das escolas, 02 (dois) coordenadores pedagógicos e 06 professores. A análise do material obtido nas entrevistas foi feita mediante o instrumental teórico-metodológico possibilitado pela análise de conteúdo, tendo como pano de fundo o arcabouço analítico proposto pelo materialismo histórico-dialético. O referencial teórico utilizado para análise segue as pesquisas realizadas por Azambuja (2004), Brino e Willians (2003 e 2009), Brino (2006), Faleiros (2004), Fraga et al (2008), Franzoni (2006), Leal (2004), Libório (2005, 2006 e 2009), Rocha (2010), Sanderson (2005), Santos (2007), Silva (2007), Viodres Inoue & Ristum (2008) e outros pesquisadores que tratam de currículo, formação de professores e do enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes em redes de proteção, com destaque à atuação da instituição escolar. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram a participação das escolas de ensino fundamental no enfrentamento da violência sexual (abuso), sem interferir significativamente nas situações de exploração sexual. Os casos de abuso, quando identificados ou relatados pelas crianças, são comunicados ao Conselho Tutelar. Para as suspeitas de exploração sexual não é feita a notificação a esse Conselho, mas tão somente em algumas situações conversa-se com a família, que geralmente nega a existência das mesmas e se omite dos processos de resolução. Os currículos das escolas contemplam as temáticas do abuso e exploração sexual de forma disciplinar, através de planos de curso e de aula, bem como de forma interdisciplinar, através de projetos de ensino-aprendizagem. Estes projetos são realizados durante um período do ano, mas as escolas pesquisadas buscam imprimir um caráter de realização permanente. Por fim, a formação de professores para o enfrentamento da exploração sexual não tem chegado a todos os/as educadores/as, muito menos ao contexto escolar, englobando efetivamente uma parcela bem pequena destes, privilegiando mais diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos.


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Prostitution is an activity that generates constant conflict and controversy. The way it is practiced leads, in some specific situations, the legal framework. For the analysis of the role of school and sex education, this research aimed to: identify and analyze the views of managers and teachers living with sexual exploitation of children in two schools in the state schools of a city of the State of São Paulo and to determine whether the subject is part of school curricula in the schools surveyed and discussed how teachers. The research is part of qualitative research in education and had the strategy of data collection a questionnaire with managers and teachers of educational institutions surveyed. The data collected and analyzed showed that the school, being a place that works with multiculturalism is that, as a place where the "Sex Education" should be worked out, mainly to educate their students not to enter the world of sexual exploitation. Therefore, the school is the place for fundamental change in mentality of children and adolescents who are forced to surrender to sexual exploitation.