1000 resultados para SUCKLING RATS


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As the content of Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF beta) wanes in the milk of lactating rat, an increase in TGF beta is observed in the gastric epithelia concomitant with differentiation of the glands upon weaning. Whereas TGF beta has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of gastrointestinal cells in vitro, its functional significance and mechanisms of action have not been studied in vivo. Therefore, we administered TGF beta 1 (1 ng/g body wt.) to 14-day-old rats in which the gastric epithelium was induced to proliferate by fasting, and determined the involvement of signaling through Smads and the impact on epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. After the gavage, we observed the progressive increase of active TGF beta 1 while T beta RII-receptor remained constant in the gastric mucosa. By immunohistochemistry, we showed Smad2/3 increase at 60 min (p < 0.05) and Smad2 phosphorylation/activation and translocation to the nucleus most prominently between 0 and 30 min after treatment (p < 0.05). Importantly, TGF beta 1 inhibited cell proliferation (p < 0.05), which was estimated by BrDU pulse-labeling 12 h after gavage. Lower proliferation was reflected by increased p27(kip1) at 2 h (p < 0.05). Also, TGF beta 1 increased apoptosis as measured by M30 labeling at 60 and 180 min (p < 0.001), and by morphological features at 12 h (p < 0.05). In addition, we observed higher levels of activated caspase 3 (17 kDa) from 0 to 30 min. Altogether, these data indicate a direct effect of TGF beta 1 signaling through Smads on both inhibiting proliferation, through alteration of cycle proteins, and inducing apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells in vivo. Further, the studies suggest a potential role for both milk and tissue-expressed TG beta 1 in gastric growth during postnatal development, (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ogias D, de Andrade Sa ER, Kasai A, Moisan M, Alvares EP, Gama P. Fasting differentially regulates plasma corticosterone-binding globulin, glucocorticoid receptor, and cell cycle in the gastric mucosa of pups and adult rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 298: G117-G125, 2010. First published October 15, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00245.2009.-The nutritional status influences gastric growth, and interestingly, whereas cell proliferation is stimulated by fasting in suckling rats, it is inhibited in adult animals. Corticosterone takes part in the mechanisms that govern development, and its effects are regulated in particular by corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). To investigate whether corticosterone activity responds to fasting and how possible changes might control gastric epithelial cell cycle, we evaluated different parameters during the progression of fasting in 18- and 40-day-old rats. Food restriction induced higher corticosterone plasma concentration at both ages, but only in pups did CBG binding increase after short-and long-term treatments. Fasting also increased gastric GR at transcriptional and protein levels, but the effect was more pronounced in 40-day-old animals. Moreover, in pups, GR was observed in the cytoplasm, whereas, in adults, it accumulated in the nucleus after the onset of fasting. Heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP 90 were differentially regulated and might contribute to the stability of GR and to the high cytoplasmic levels in pups and elevated shuttling in adult rats. As for gastric epithelial cell cycle, whereas cyclin D1 and p21 increased during fasting in pups, in adults, cyclin E slowly decreased, concomitant with higher p27. In summary, we demonstrated that corticosterone function is differentially regulated by fasting in 18-and 40-day-old rats, and such variation might attenuate any possible suppressive effects during postnatal development. We suggest that this mechanism could ultimately increase cell proliferation and allow regular gastric growth during adverse nutritional conditions.


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Objectives: Early weaning (EW) increases proliferation of the gastric epithelium in parallel with higher expression of transforming growth factor alpha and its receptor epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The primary objective of the present study was to examine involvement of EGFR signalling in regulating mucosal cell proliferation during the early weaning period. Materials and methods: Fifteen-day-old rats were split into two groups: suckling (control) and EW, in which pups were separated from the dam. Animals were killed daily until the 18th day, 3 days after onset of treatment. To investigate the role of EGFR in proliferation control, EW pups were injected with AG1478, an EGFR inhibitor; signalling molecules, proliferative indices and cell cycle-related proteins were evaluated. Results: EW increased ERK1/2 and Src phosphorylation at 17 days, but p-Akt levels were unchanged. Moreover, at 17 days, AG1478 administration impaired ERK phosphorylation, whereas p-Src and p-Akt were not altered. AG1478 treatment reduced mitotic and DNA synthesis indices, which were determined on HE-stained and BrdU-labelled sections. Finally, AG1478 injection decreased p21 levels in the gastric mucosa at 17 days, while no changes were detected in p27, cyclin E, CDK2, cyclin D1 and CDK4 concentrations. Conclusions: EGFR is part of the mechanism that regulates cell proliferation in rat gastric mucosa during early weaning. We suggest that such responses might depend on activation of MAPK and/or Src signalling pathways and regulation of p21 levels.


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Eventos ou estímulos no início da vida podem afetar o desenvolvimento do indivíduo; dentre esses o tabagismo materno. A exposição materna isolada à nicotina, principal componente do cigarro, causa na prole alterações metabólicas, em curto e longo prazo, como aumento da adiposidade, resistência à leptina, e disfunção tireoideana e adrenal. Entretanto é sabido que na fumaça de cigarro estão presentes outros componentes com potenciais efeitos tóxicos. Assim propomos comparar o efeito de duas formas de exposição neonatal à fumaça do cigarro sobre o perfil endócrino-metabólico da prole em curto e longo prazo. Para isso, no 3 dia após o nascimento, ratos lactentes foram submetidos a dois modelos: Modelo I (exposição pelo leite materno), ninhadas separadas em: exposição à fumaça (EF; n=8) lactantes expostas à fumaça de cigarros 2R1F (1,7 mg de nicotina/cigarro por 1h, 4 vezes ao dia), separadas de suas proles e grupo controle (C; n=8), onde as mães foram separadas de suas proles e expostas ao ar filtrado; Modelo II (exposição direta à fumaça), ninhadas separadas em: exposição à fumaça (EF; n=8) mães e proles expostas à fumaça de cigarros 2R1F e controle (C; n=8) mães e proles expostas ao ar filtrado. A exposição ao tabaco ocorreu até o desmame. Mães sacrificadas aos desmame e proles aos desmame e aos 180 dias de idade. As mães lactantes expostas à fumaça (EF) apresentaram hipoleptinemia (-46%), hiperprolactinemia (+50%), hipoinsulinemia (-40%) e diminuição de triglicérides (-53%). Quanto a composição bioquímica do leite, as lactantes EF mostraram aumento de lactose (+52%) e triglicérides (+78%). No modelo I, as proles EF apresentaram ao desmame: diminuição da gordura corporal total (-24%), aumento de proteína corporal total (+17%), diminuição da glicemia (-11%), hiperinsulinemia (+28%), hipocorticosteronemia (-40%) e aumento de triglicérides (+34%). Quando adultas, as proles EF apresentaram somente alteração da função adrenal onde observou-se menor conteúdo de catecolaminas (-50%) e da expressão de tirosina hidroxilase na medula adrenal (-56%). No modelo II, as proles EF aos 21 dias exibiram diminuição da MC (-7%), do comprimento nasoanal (-5%), da gordura retroperitoneal (-59%), da área dos adipócitos viscerais (-60%) com maior área dos adipócitos subcutâneos (+95%), aumento do T4 (+59), da corticosterona (+60%), do conteúdo adrenal de catecolaminas (+58%) e hipoinsulinemia (-29%). Aos 180 dias, as proles EF apresentaram aumento da ingestão alimentar (+10%), dos depósitos de gordura visceral (~60%) e conteúdo de gordura corporal total (+50%), menor área dos adipócitos subcutâneos (-24%), aumento da leptina (+85%), glicemia (+11%), adiponectina (+1.4x), T3 (+71%), T4 (+57%) e TSH (+36,5%) com menor corticosterona (-41%) e catecolaminas adrenais (-57%) e aumento dos triglicerídeos (+65%). Somados nossos dados evidenciam o impacto negativo que a exposição à fumaça do cigarro tem sobre o desenvolvimento do neonato com o surgimento de desordens endócrinas futuras, que ocorrem pelo menos em parte devido às alterações observadas nas mães. Portanto, independente da forma de exposição, seja via aleitamento materno ou por inalação direta, é de grande importância alertar a sociedade sobre as possíveis complicações metabólicas em longo prazo decorrente da exposição involuntária do neonato ao tabagismo.


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Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the effects of a dietary regimen (suckling or early weaning) and feeding status (fed or fasted) on the distribution of transforming growth factor-beta 3 (TGF-beta 3) and TGF receptor-I (T beta RI) in the gastric epithelium of pups Methods: Wistar rats were used At 15 d, half of the pups were separated from dams and fed with hydrated powered chow On day 17, suckling and early weanling rats were subjected to fasting (17 h). Four different conditions were established. suckling fed and fasted and early weanling fed and fasted At 18 d stomachs were collected under anesthesia and were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for immunohistochemistry The number of immunostained epithelial cells per microscopic field was determined for TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI in longitudinal sections from the gastric mucosa Results: We found that during suckling, fasting reduced the number of immunolabeled cells per field of both molecules when compared with the fed group (P < 0.05), whereas in early weaning, food restriction increased TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI distributions (P < 0.05) We also observed that TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI were more concentrated in parietal cells in the upper gland in suckling pups, whereas after early weaning these were displaced to parietal and chief cells at the bottom of the gland Conclusion: Suckling and early weaning directly influence TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI distributions in the gastric epithelium in response to fasting, such that early weaning anticipates the effects observed in adult rats. Furthermore, the differential concentrations of TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI indicate that they might be important for cell proliferation events in growth control (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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Nutrition during critical periods in early life may increase the subsequent risk of obesity, hypertension and metabolic diseases in adulthood. Few studies have focused on the long-term consequences of poor nutrition during the suckling period on the susceptibility to developing obesity when exposed to a palatable cafeteria-style high-fat diet (CD) after weaning.

This study examined the impact of early undernutrition, followed by CD exposure, on blood pressure, hormones and genes important for insulin sensitivity and metabolism and skeletal muscle mRNA expression of adiponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1), carnitine palmitoyl-transferase I (CPT-1), cytochrome c oxidase 4 (COX4) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha). Following normal gestation, Sprague–Dawley rat litters were adjusted to 18 (undernourished) or 12 (control) pups. Rats were weaned (day 21) onto either palatable CD or standard chow.

Early undernourished rats were significantly lighter than control by 17 days, persisting into adulthood only when animals were fed chow after weaning. Regardless of litter size, rats fed CD had doubled fat mass at 15 weeks of age, and significant elevations in plasma leptin, insulin and adiponectin. Importantly, undernutrition confined to the suckling period, elevated circulating adiponectin regardless of post-weaning diet. Blood pressure was reduced in early undernourished rats fed chow, and increased by CD. Early undernutrition was associated with long-term elevations in the expression of AdipoR1, CPT-1, COX4 and PPARalpha in skeletal muscle.

This study demonstrates the important role of early nutrition on body weight and metabolism, suggesting early undernourishment enhances insulin sensitivity and fatty-acid oxidation. The long-term potential benefit of limiting nutrition in the early postnatal period warrants further investigation.


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Lactation delays the re-initiation of oestrous cyclicity in rats, resulting in physiological sterility for the duration of suckling. During this phase, the secretion of pituitary gonadotrophins is suppressed by an unknown mechanism. Continued application of the suckling stimulus by litter replacement (Bruce, 1958; Nicoll & Meites, 1959), or injections of prolactin (Meites & Nicoll, 1959), have been shown to prolong lactation considerably beyond the usual period. The present study aimed to demonstrate the role of prolactin in inhibiting the gonadotrophin secretion necessary for the re-establishment of oestrous cyclicity during lactation. Pregnant rats weighing approximately 300 g were obtained from the Institute colony and housed in individual cages. At parturition, the number of young in the litter was adjusted to eight, two or one as required. The day following the post-partum oestrus was regarded.


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We studied glucose homeostasis in rat pups from darns fed on a normal-protein (170 g/kg) (NP) diet or a diet containing 60 g protein/kg (LP) during fetal life and the suckling period. At birth, total serum protein, serum albumin and serum insulin levels were similar in both groups. However, body weight and serum glucose levels in LP rats were lower than those in NP rats. At the end of the suckling period (28 d of age), total serum protein, serum albumin and serum insulin were significantly lower and the liver glycogen and serum free fatty acid levels were significantly higher in LP rats compared with NP rats. Although the fasting serum glucose level was similar in both groups, the area under the blood glucose concentration curve after a glucose load was higher for NP rats (859 (SEM 58) mmol/l per 120 min for NP rats v. 607 (SEM 52) mmol/l per 120 min for LP rats; P < 0.005). The mean post-glucose increase in insulin was higher for NP rats (30 (SEM 4.7) nmol/l per 120 min for NP rats v. 17 (SEM 3.9) nnol/l per 120 min for LP rats; P < 0.05). The glucose disappearance rate for NP rats(0.7 (SEM 0.1) %/min) was lower than that for LP rats (1.6 (SEM 0.2) %/min; P < 0.001). Insulin secretion from isolated islets (1 h incubation) in response to 16.7 mmol glucose/l was augmented 14-fold in NP rats but only 2.6-fold in LP rats compared with the respective basal secretion (2.8 mmol/l; P <0.001). These results indicate that in vivo as well as in vitro insulin secretion in pups from dams maintained on a LP diet is reduced. This defect may be counteracted by an increase in the sensitivity of target tissues to insulin.


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The effect of protein-calorie malnutrition during gestation on the brain amino acids of rat pups was studied following nutritional recovery during lactation. The brain amino acids of rat pups born to dam rats malnourished during gestation were studied after these rat pups received proper nutrition during lactation. Pregnant rats were fed a 1% protein diet with total caloric intake restricted to half that of controls. After birth, the offspring of rats fed on deficient diets were nurtured up to the 28th day postpartum by foster mothers receiving adequate diets. At this time, the offspring were killed. The control group consisted of offspring from pregnant rats fed a diet with adequate protein (21%) and calories during the entire gestation and lactation period. Quantitation of brain amino acids in the pups at 28 days postpartum showed lower concentrations of essential and nonessential amino acids in the rats malnourished during gestation. Concentrations of histidine, glycine, and α-aminobutyric acids were all reduced. These findings demonstrate that the brains of rat pups malnourished during gestation show persistent decreases in specific brain amino acids after adequate postpartum nutrition.


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Maternal malnutrition was shown to affect early growth and leads to permanent alterations in insulin secretion and sensitivity of offspring. In addition, epidemiological studies showed an association between low birth weight and glucose intolerance in adult life. To understand these interactions better, we investigated the insulin secretion by isolated islets and the early events related to insulin action in the hind-limb muscle of adult rats fed a diet of 17% protein (control) or 6% protein [low (LP) protein] during fetal life, suckling and after weaning, and in rats receiving 6% protein during fetal life and suckling followed by a 17% protein diet after weaning (recovered). The basal and maximal insulin secretion by islets from rats fed LP diet and the basal release by islets from recovered rats were significantly lower than that of control rats. The dose-response curves to glucose of islets from LP and recovered groups were shifted to the right compared to control islets, with the half-maximal response (EC 50) occurring at 16.9 ± 1.3, 12.4 ± 0.5 and 8.4 ± 0.1 mmol/L, respectively. The levels of insulin receptor, as well as insulin receptor substrate-1 and phosphorylation and the association between insulin receptor substrate-1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase were greater in rats fed a LP diet than in control rats. In recovered rats, these variables were not significantly different from those of the other two groups. These results suggest that glucose homeostasis is maintained in LP and recovered rats by an increased sensitivity to insulin as a result of alterations in the early steps of the insulin signal transduction pathway.


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Maternal obesity programmes a range of metabolic disturbances for the offspring later in life. Moreover, environmental changes during the suckling period can influence offspring development. Because both periods significantly affect long-term metabolism, we aimed to study whether cross-fostering during the lactation period was sufficient to rescue a programmed obese phenotype in offspring induced by maternal obesity following monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) treatment. Obesity was induced in female Wistar rats by administering subcutaneous MSG (4 mg/g body weight) for the first 5 days of postnatal life. Control and obese female rats were mated in adulthood. The resultant pups were divided into control second generation (F2) (CTLF2), MSG-treated second generation (F2) (MSGF2), which suckled from their CTL and MSG biological dams, respectively, or CTLF2-CR, control offspring suckled by MSG dams and MSGF2-CR, MSG offspring suckled by CTL dams. At 120 days of age, fat tissue accumulation, lipid profile, hypothalamic leptin signalling, glucose tolerance, glucose-induced, and adrenergic inhibition of insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets were analysed. Maternal MSG-induced obesity led to an obese phenotype in male offspring, characterized by hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, hyperleptinaemia, dyslipidaemia, and impaired leptin signalling, suggesting central leptin resistance, glucose intolerance, impaired glucose-stimulated, and adrenergic inhibition of insulin secretion. Cross-fostering normalized body weight, food intake, leptin signalling, lipid profiles, and insulinaemia, but not glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion from isolated pancreatic islets. Our findings suggest that alterations during the lactation period can mitigate the development of obesity and prevent the programming of adult diseases.


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Despite the important physiological role of periosteum in the pathogenesis and treatment of osteoporosis, little is known about the structural and cellular characteristics of periosteum in osteoporosis. To study the structural and cellular differences in both diaphyseal and metaphyseal periosteum of osteoporotic rats, samples from the right femur of osteoporotic and normal female Lewis rats were collected and tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, antibodies or staining kit against tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), von Willebrand (vWF), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). The results showed that the osteoporotic rats had much thicker and more cellular cambial layer of metaphyseal periosteum compared with other periosteal areas and normal rats (P\0.001). The number of TRAP? osteoclasts in bone resorption pits, VEGF? cells and the degree of vascularization were found to be greater in the cambial layer of metaphyseal periosteum of osteoporotic rats (P\0.05), while no significant difference was detected in the number of ALP? cells between the two groups. Sympathetic nerve fibers identified by TH staining were predominantly located in the cambial layer of metaphyseal periosteum of osteoporotic rats. No obvious difference in the expression of CGRP between the two groups was found. In conclusion, periosteum may play an important role in the cortical bone resorption in osteoporotic rats and this pathological process may be regulated by the sympathetic nervous system.


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Background A complete explanation of the mechanisms by which Pb2+ exerts toxic effects on developmental central nervous system remains unknown. Glutamate is critical to the developing brain through various subtypes of ionotropic or metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors have been considered as a principal target in lead-induced neurotoxicity. The relationship between mGluR3/mGluR7 and synaptic plasticity had been verified by many recent studies. The present study aimed to examine the role of mGluR3/mGluR7 in lead-induced neurotoxicity. Methods Twenty-four adult and female rats were randomly selected and placed on control or 0.2% lead acetate during gestation and lactation. Blood lead and hippocampal lead levels of pups were analyzed at weaning to evaluate the actual lead content at the end of the exposure. Impairments of short -term memory and long-term memory of pups were assessed by tests using Morris water maze and by detection of hippocampal ultrastructural alterations on electron microscopy. The impact of lead exposure on mGluR3 and mGluR7 mRNA expression in hippocampal tissue of pups were investigated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and its potential role in lead neurotoxicity were discussed. Results Lead levels of blood and hippocampi in the lead-exposed rats were significantly higher than those in the controls (P < 0.001). In tests using Morris Water Maze, the overall decrease in goal latency and swimming distance was taken to indicate that controls had shorter latencies and distance than lead-exposed rats (P = 0.001 and P < 0.001 by repeated-measures analysis of variance). On transmission electron microscopy neuronal ultrastructural alterations were observed and the results of real-time polymerase chain reaction showed that exposure to 0.2% lead acetate did not substantially change gene expression of mGluR3 and mGluR7 mRNA compared with controls. Conclusion Exposure to lead before and after birth can damage short-term and long-term memory ability of young rats and hippocampal ultrastructure. However, the current study does not provide evidence that the expression of rat hippocampal mGluR3 and mGluR7 can be altered by systemic administration of lead during gestation and lactation, which are informative for the field of lead-induced developmental neurotoxicity noting that it seems not to be worthwhile to include mGluR3 and mGluR7 in future studies. Background


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A recent advance in biosecurity surveillance design aims to benefit island conservation through early and improved detection of incursions by non-indigenous species. The novel aspects of the design are that it achieves a specified power of detection in a cost-managed system, while acknowledging heterogeneity of risk in the study area and stratifying the area to target surveillance deployment. The design also utilises a variety of surveillance system components, such as formal scientific surveys, trapping methods, and incidental sightings by non-biologist observers. These advances in design were applied to black rats (Rattus rattus) representing the group of invasive rats including R. norvegicus, and R. exulans, which are potential threats to Barrow Island, Australia, a high value conservation nature reserve where a proposed liquefied natural gas development is a potential source of incursions. Rats are important to consider as they are prevalent invaders worldwide, difficult to detect early when present in low numbers, and able to spread and establish relatively quickly after arrival. The ‘exemplar’ design for the black rat is then applied in a manner that enables the detection of a range of non-indigenous species of rat that could potentially be introduced. Many of the design decisions were based on expert opinion as data gaps exist in empirical data. The surveillance system was able to take into account factors such as collateral effects on native species, the availability of limited resources on an offshore island, financial costs, demands on expertise and other logistical constraints. We demonstrate the flexibility and robustness of the surveillance system and discuss how it could be updated as empirical data are collected to supplement expert opinion and provide a basis for adaptive management. Overall, the surveillance system promotes an efficient use of resources while providing defined power to detect early rat incursions, translating to reduced environmental, resourcing and financial costs.