994 resultados para SREBP-1c


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A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica é uma desordem multifatorial causada principalmente por excesso nutricional e resistência à insulina, com prevalência estimada de 20-40% nos países ocidentais. A dieta hiperlipídica e/ou rica em sacarose pode influenciar no desenvolvimento da esteatose hepática associada à obesidade e a resistência à insulina. O fígado, por assumir papel central no controle metabólico, é um órgão alvo nos casos de excesso alimentar, ocasionando, principalmente, acúmulo de gotículas de gordura nos hepatócitos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o início das alterações morfológicas e metabólicas no fígado e no tecido adiposo de camundongos suíços machos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica e/ou rica em sacarose. Camundongos suíços machos aos três meses de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos nutricionais: dieta padrão (SC), dieta hiperlipídica (HF), dieta rica em sacarose (HSu) e dieta hiperlipídica rica em sacarose (HFHSu). Os animais receberam as respectivas dietas durante quatro semanas. A massa corporal, a ingestão alimentar e a tolerância oral à glicose foram avaliados. Ao sacrifício, o fígado e os depósitos de gordura corporal foram removidos e processados para análises histomorfométricas e moleculares. As amostras de sangue foram obtidas para análises bioquímicas plasmáticas. Os dados foram expressos como média e erro padrão da média e as diferenças foram testadas por one-way ANOVA com pós-teste de Holm-Sidak, e foi considerado o nível de significância de p<0,05. Os grupos HF e HFHSu apresentaram-se mais pesados quando comparados aos grupos SC e HSu. Os animais dos grupos HF, HSu e HFHSu apresentaram intolerância à glicose, esteatose hepática e aumento de triglicerídeos hepáticos quando comparados ao grupo SC (p<0,0005). Adicionalmente, houve elevação na expressão hepática das proteínas transportador de glicose 2 (GLUT-2), proteína de ligação ao elemento regulador do esterol 1-c (SREBP1-c), fosfoenolpiruvato carboxiquinase (PEPCK), glicose -6- fosfatase (G6PASE), substrato do receptor da insulinaI-1 (IRS-1) e proteína quinase B (AKt/ou PKB) e redução da expressão no fígado do receptor ativador de proliferação peroxissomal (PPAR-α) nos grupos experimentais em comparação com o grupo SC (p<0,0005). A administração de dieta hiperlipídica e/ou rica em sacarose promoveu intolerância à glicose e danos hepáticos (hepatomegalia, esteatose, redução da beta-oxidação, aumento na lipogênese e na produção de glicose) em camundongos machos adultos.


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Hábitos inadequados no estilo de vida, pelo consumo exacerbado de dietas ricas em gorduras e açúcares (frutose e sacarose), correlacionam-se positivamente com o desenvolvimento da obesidade, da resistência à insulina (RI) e da esteatose hepática não alcoólica (NAFLD). O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a magnitude dos efeitos da administração crônica de dietas ricas em gordura e/ou frutose, e ainda, comparar os efeitos dos açúcares isoladamente (frutose e sacarose) sob as alterações bioquímicas, o perfil inflamatório, as respostas morfofuncionais e as expressões proteicas e gênicas de fatores de transcrição envolvidos na lipogênese, na beta-oxidação, na gliconeogênese e no estresse oxidativo no fígado. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 foram divididos em dois experimentos: 1) Dieta controle/standard chow (SC), dieta high fat (HF 42%), dieta high frutose (HFr 34%) e dieta high fat + high frutose (HFHFr - 42% fat + 34% frutose) por 16 semanas; 2) Dieta controle/standard chow (SC), dieta high frutose (HFru 50%) e dieta high sacarose (HSu 50%) por 15 semanas. Ao final dos experimentos foram observados: 1) Não houve diferença na massa corporal entre os animais HFr e SC, só foi observado ganho de peso nos grupos HF e HFHFr. Houve ainda aumento do colesterol total, dos triglicerídeos plasmáticos e hepáticos e RI nos grupos HF, HFr e HFHFr. No fígado, foi observado NAFLD com aumento na expressão de SREBP-1c e PPAR-γ, e redução de PPAR-α. A gliconeogênese mediada pelo GLUT-2 e PEPCK também foi aumentada nos grupos HF, HFr e HFHFr em relação ao grupo SC. Áreas de necroinflamação também foram observadas nos animais HFr e HFHFr; 2) Não houve diferença na massa corporal entre os grupos SC, HFru e HSu. Porém, houve aumento do colesterol total, dos triglicerídeos plasmáticos e hepáticos, da RI, das adipocinas (IL-6, resistina, MCP-1 e leptina), e redução da adiponectina. No fígado, abundante NAFLD com predominância da expressão proteica e gênica de SREBP-1c, PPAR-γ e redução de PPAR-α; e desequilíbrio antioxidante com redução da SOD, da Catalase e da GRx nos grupos HFru e HSu quando comparados ao SC. Não houve diferença na GPx entre os três grupos. Ainda foi observado aumento na expressão proteica de G6Pase, PEPCK e GLUT-2, envolvidos na gliconeogênese hepática nos grupos HFru e HSu. Áreas de necroinflamação, característico da transição NAFLD-NASH, também foram observados. Os resultados permitem concluir que, independente do aumento da massa corporal, a administração crônica de dietas ricas em frutose e sacarose tem efeitos similares aos observados com o consumo de dieta hiperlipídica. Parece que a RI e a NAFLD sejam os precursores destas alterações.


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O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da rosuvastatina (ST) e darosiglitazona sobre a resistência à insulina (RI), morfologia do fígado e do tecido adiposo em camundongos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica (HF). O tratamento com rosuvastatina resultou em uma acentuada melhoria na sensibilidade à insulina caracterizada pela melhor depuração da glicose durante o teste de tolerância à insulina e uma redução do índice HOMA-IR em 70% (P = 0,0008). O grupo tratado com rosuvastatina apresentou redução no ganho massa corporal (-8%, P <0,01) e menor depósito de gordura visceral (-60%, P <0,01) em comparação com o grupo HF não tratado. Em comparação com camundongos HF, animais do grupo HF+ST reduziram significativamente a massa hepática e a esteatose hepática (-6%; P <0,05% e -21; P <0,01, respectivamente). O grupo HF+ST, reduziu os níveis de triglicerídeos hepáticos em 58% comparado com o grupo HF (P <0,01). Além disso, a expressão de SREBP-1c (proteína 1c ligadora do elemento regulado por esteróis) foi reduzido em 50% no fígado dos animais HF + ST (P <0,01) em comparação com o grupo HF. Os níveis de resistina foram menores no grupo HF + ST comparado com o grupo HF (44% a menos, P <0,01). Em conclusão, demonstramos que camundongos alimentados com dieta HF tratados com rosuvastatina melhoram a sensibilidade à insulina, com redução da esteatose hepática. Além disso, ST reduziu o ganho de massa corporal, melhorou os níveis circulantes de colesterol e triglicerídeo plasmático, com menor conteúdo de hepático de triglicerídeo, que foi concomitante com menor resistina e aumento da adiponectina.


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OBJECTIVE: Lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary lipids or from de novo lipogenesis (DNL) from carbohydrates. Whether DNL is abnormal in adipose tissue of overweight individuals remains unknown. The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of carbohydrate overfeeding on glucose-induced whole body DNL and adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression in lean and overweight humans. DESIGN: Prospective, cross-over study. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 11 lean (five male, six female, mean BMI 21.0+/-0.5 kg/m(2)) and eight overweight (four males, four females, mean BMI 30.1+/-0.6 kg/m(2)) volunteers were studied on two occasions. On one occasion, they received an isoenergetic diet containing 50% carbohydrate for 4 days prior to testing; on the other, they received a hyperenergetic diet (175% energy requirements) containing 71% carbohydrates. After each period of 4 days of controlled diet, they were studied over 6 h after having received 3.25 g glucose/kg fat free mass. Whole body glucose oxidation and net DNL were monitored by means of indirect calorimetry. An adipose tissue biopsy was obtained at the end of this 6-h period and the levels of SREBP-1c, acetyl CoA carboxylase, and fatty acid synthase mRNA were measured by real-time PCR. RESULTS: After isocaloric feeding, whole body net DNL amounted to 35+/-9 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in lean subjects and to 49+/-3 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in overweight subjects over the 5 h following glucose ingestion. These figures increased (P<0.001) to 156+/-21 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h in lean and 64+/-11 mg/kg fat free mass/5 h (P<0.05 vs lean) in overweight subjects after carbohydrate overfeeding. Whole body DNL after overfeeding was lower (P<0.001) and glycogen synthesis was higher (P<0.001) in overweight than in normal subjects. Adipose tissue SREBP-1c mRNA increased by 25% in overweight and by 43% in lean subjects (P<0.05) after carbohydrate overfeeding, whereas fatty acid synthase mRNA increased by 66 and 84% (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Whole body net DNL is not increased during carbohydrate overfeeding in overweight individuals. Stimulation of adipose lipogenic enzymes is also not higher in overweight subjects. Carbohydrate overfeeding does not stimulate whole body net DNL nor expression of lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue to a larger extent in overweight than lean subjects.


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Les facteurs de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires, telle, que la détérioration du profil lipidique, deviennent plus prononcés après la ménopause, ce qui fait de la maladie coronarienne, l’une des principales causes de décès chez les femmes ménopausées. Une proportion importante de femmes prennent du poids après la ménopause en particulier dans la région abdominale entraînant par conséquent des perturbations métaboliques. Des données récentes suggèrent également que l’absence des œstrogènes observée à la ménopause favorise le développement de la stéatose hépatique. Cette dernière a été incriminée pour incriminée dans le développement de la résistance à l'insuline, et est de ce fait considérée comme une composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Il est impératif d'établir des stratégies visant à contrecarrer l'accumulation de graisse dans le foie et l’accroissement du tissu adipeux chez les femmes ménopausées, en tenant compte que l'utilisation de l'hormonothérapie substitutive est de nos jours moins soutenue. Les quatre études de la présente thèse ont été conduites pour tenter de fournir des informations sur le traitement et la prévention de l’augmentation de la masse graisseuse et de la stéatose hépatique qu’entraîne la suppression des œstrogènes, à travers les modifications du mode de vie (diète et exercice physique) chez la rate ovariectomizée (Ovx); un modèle animal de la ménopause. Dans les deux premières études nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’augmentation de la masse graisseuse et sa reprise suite à une perte de poids. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que les rates Ovx qui ont suivi un programme de restriction alimentaire (FR) ont diminué significativement (P < 0.01) leur poids corporel, leur contenu en graisses intra-abdominales ainsi que leurs triacylglycérols (TAG) hépatiques, comparativement aux rates Ovx nourries à la diète normale. De plus, l’entraînement en résistance (RT) a prévenu la reprise de poids corporel ainsi que l’accroissement du tissu adipeux et l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie des rates Ovx, après l’arrêt du régime amaigrissant. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont confirmé l'efficacité de la restriction alimentaire associée à l’entraînement en résistance (FR + RT) dans la réduction du poids corporel, des lipides dans le foie et le tissu adipeux chez les rates Ovx. Tenant compte des résultats de notre première étude, l’entraînement en résistance seulement a constitué un atout pour atténuer le poids corporel et la masse grasse reprise par les rates Ovx suite à un programme de perte de poids (FR + RT); bien que l'impact ait été moindre comparé au maintien seul de la restriction alimentaire. De la même manière que la supplémentation en œstrogènes, les résultats de la troisième étude indiquent que l'entraînement en endurance mené concurremment avec l’ovariectomie a significativement atténué l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi que dans le tissu adipeux. Toutefois, l’entraînement en endurance effectué avant l'ovariectomie n'a pas protégé contre l'accumulation des graisses qu’entraîne l'ovariectomie, si celui-ci est interrompu après l'ovariectomie. Enfin, pour compléter les résultats antérieurs, nous avons montré dans la quatrième étude que l’expression des gènes impliqués dans la synthèse de lipide; SREBP-1c, SCD-1, ChREBP, et ACC dans le foie a augmenté après le retrait des œstrogènes, tandis qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) des niveaux d'ARNm de PPAR-α a été observée. De plus, l'expression hépatique des gènes des cytokines pro-inflammatoires incluant IKKβ, IL-6 ainsi que le contenu protéinique de NF-кB étaient augmentés (P < 0.01) chez les rates Ovx par rapport aux rates ayant subi une Ovx simulée (Sham). Toutes ces perturbations ont été améliorées avec la supplémentation en œstrogènes seulement, ainsi qu'avec l'entraînement en endurance seulement. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice physique (en résistance ou en endurance) a un impact significatif sur la réduction de l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie et dans le tissu adipeux des rates Ovx. De plus, chez les rates Ovx, l’entraînement en endurance mimerait les effets des œstrogènes sur l'expression des gènes impliqués dans l'accumulation de lipides et l’inflammation préclinique dans le foie.


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Endurance exercise improves insulin sensitivity and increases fat oxidation, which are partly facilitated by the induction of metabolic transcription factors. Next to exercise, increased levels of FFA's also increase the gene expression of transcription factors, hence making it difficult to discern the effects from contractile signals produced during exercise, from those produced by increased circulatory FFA's. We aimed to investigate, in human skeletal muscle, whether acute exercise affects gene expression of metabolic transcriptional co-activators and transcription factors, including PGC-1α, PRC, PPARα, β/δ, and γ and RXR, SREBP-1c and FKHR, and to discern the effect of exercise per se from those of elevated levels of FFA. Two hours of endurance exercise was performed either in the fasted state, or following carbohydrate ingestion prior to and during exercise, thereby blunting the fasting-induced increase in FA availability and oxidation. Of the genes measured, PGC-1α and PRC mRNA increased immediately after, while PPARβ/δ and FKHR mRNA increased 1–4 h after exercise, irrespective of the increases in FFA's. Our results suggest that the induction in vivo of metabolic transcription factors implicated in mitochondrial biogenesis are under the control of inherent signals, (PGC-1α, PRC), while those implicated in substrate selection are under the control of associated signals (PPARβ/δ, FKHR) stimulated from the contracting skeletal muscle that are independent of circulating FFA levels.


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The mechanisms of how tea and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) lower body fat are not completely understood. This study investigated long-term administration of green tea (GT), black tea (BT), or isolated EGCG (1 mg/kg per day) on body composition, glucose tolerance, and gene expression related to energy metabolism and lipid homeostasis; it was hypothesized that all treatments would improve the indicators of metabolic syndrome. Rats were fed a 15% fat diet for 6 months from 4 weeks of age and were supplied GT, BT, EGCG, or water. GT and BT reduced body fat, whereas GT and EGCG increased lean mass. At 16 weeks GT, BT, and EGCG improved glucose tolerance. In the liver, GT and BT increased the expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis (SREBP-1c, FAS, MCD, ACC) and oxidation (PPAR-α, CPT-1, ACO); however, EGCG had no effect. In perirenal fat, genes that mediate adipocyte differentiation were suppressed by GT (Pref-1, C/EBP-β, and PPAR-γ) and BT (C/EBP-β), while decreasing LPL, HSL, and UCP-2 expression; EGCG increased expression of UCP-2 and PPAR-γ genes. Liver triacylglycerol content was unchanged. The results suggest that GT and BT suppressed adipocyte differentiation and fatty acid uptake into adipose tissue, while increasing fat synthesis and oxidation by the liver, without inducing hepatic fat accumulation. In contrast, EGCG increased markers of thermogenesis and differentiation in adipose tissue, while having no effect on liver or muscle tissues at this dose. These results show novel and separate mechanisms by which tea and EGCG may improve glucose tolerance and support a role for these compounds in obesity prevention.


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Defects in fat metabolism are central to the aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and type II diabetes. The liver plays a central role in these disease states via its regulation of glucose and fat metabolism. In addition, accumulation of fat within the liver has been associated with changes in key pathways of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. However a number of questions remain. It is hypothesised that fat accumulation within the liver is a primary defect in the aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and type II diabetes. Fat accumulating in the liver is the result of changes in the gene expression of key enzymes and proteins involved with fat uptake, fat transport, fat oxidation, fat re-esterification or storage and export of fat from the liver and these changes are regulated by key lipid responsive transcription factors. To study these questions Psammomys obesus was utilised. This polygenic rodent model of obesity and type II diabetes develops obesity and diabetes in a similar pattern to susceptible human populations. In addition dietary and environmental changes to Psammomys obesus were employed to create different states of energy balance, which allowed the regulation of liver fat gene expression to be examined. These investigations include: 1) Measurement of fat accumulation and fatty acid binding proteins in lean, obese and diabetic Psammomys obesus. 2) Characterisation of hepatic lipid enzymes, transport protein and lipid responsive transcription factor gene expression in lean, obese and diabetic Paammomys obesus. 3) The effect of acute and chronic energy restriction on hepatic lipid metabolism in Psammomys obesus. 4) The effect of sucrose feeding on the development of obesity and type II diabetes in Psammomys obesus. 5) The effect of nicotine treatment in lean and obese Psammomys obesus, 6) The effect of high dose leptin administration on hepatic fat metabolism in Psammomys obesus. The results of these studies demonstrated that fat accumulation within the liver was not a primary defect in the aetiology and pathogenesis of obesity and type II diabetes. Fat accumulating in the liver was not the result of changes in the gene expression of key enzymes and proteins involved in hepatic fat metabolism. However changes in the mRNA level of the transcription factors PPAR∝ and SREBP-1C was associated with the development of diabetes and the gene expression of these two transcription factors was associated with changes in diabetic status.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of high-glucose, high-fructose and high-sucrose diets on weight gain, liver lipid metabolism and gene expression of proteins involved with hepatic fat metabolism. Rats were fed a diet containing either 60% glucose, 60% fructose, 60% sucrose, or a standard chow for 28 days. Results indicated that high-fructose and high-sucrose diets were associated with higher mRNA levels of gene transcripts involved with fat synthesis; ACC, FAS and ChREBP, with no change in SREBP-1C mRNA. The protein level of ChREBP and SREBP1c was similar in liver homogenates from all groups, but were higher in nuclear fractions from the liver of high-fructose and high-sucrose fed rats. The mRNA level of gene transcripts involved with fat oxidation was the same in all three diets, whilst a high-fructose diet was associated with greater amount of mRNA of the fat transporter CD36. Despite the changes in mRNA of lipogenic proteins, the body weight of animals from each group was the same and the livers from rats fed high-fructose and high-sucrose diets did not contain more fat than control diet livers. In conclusion, changing the composition of the principal monosaccharide in the diet to a fructose containing sugar elicits changes in the level of hepatic mRNA of lipogenic and fat transport proteins and protein levels of their transcriptional regulators; however this is not associated with any changes in body weight or liver fat content.


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Chronic alcohol intake decreases adiponectin and sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expressions, both of which have been implicated in various biological processes including inflammation, apoptosis and metabolism. We have previously shown that moderate consumption of alcohol aggravates liver inflammation and apoptosis in rats with pre-existing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This study investigated whether moderate alcohol intake alters SIRT1 activity, adiponectin/Adiponectin receptor (AdipoR)-related signaling and lipid metabolism in a pre-existing NASH status. Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with a high-fat diet (71% energy from fat) for 6 weeks to induce NASH then subsequently divided into 2 sub-groups: fed either a modified high-fat diet (HFD, 55% energy from fat) or a modified high-fat alcoholic diet (HFA, 55% energy from fat and 16% energy from ethanol) for an additional 4 weeks. We observed in comparison to HFD group, HFA increased hepatic nuclear SIRT1 protein but decreased its deacetylase activity. SREBP-1c protein expression and FAS mRNA levels were significantly upregulated, while DGAT1/2 and CPT-I mRNA levels were downregulated in the livers of HFA compared to HFD. Although hepatic AdipoR1 decreased, HFA did not alter AdipoR2 and their downstream signaling. There were no significant changes in plasma adiponectin and free fatty acids (FFA), as well as adiponectin expression in adipose tissue between the two groups. The present study indicates that suppression in SIRT1 deacetylase activity contributes to alcohol-exacerbated hepatic inflammation and apoptosis in rats with pre-existing NASH. In addition, moderate alcohol intake did not modulate adiponectin/AdipoR signaling axis in this model.


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Cancer cachexia induces loss of fat mass that accounts for a large part of the dramatic weight loss observed both in humans and in animal models; however, the literature does not provide consistent information regarding the set point of weight loss and how the different visceral adipose tissue depots contribute to this symptom. To evaluate that, 8-week-old male Wistar rats were subcutaneously inoculated with 1 ml (2 x 10(7)) of tumour cells (Walker 256). Samples of different visceral white adipose tissue (WAT) depots were collected at days 0, 4, 7 and 14 and stored at -80 degrees C (seven to ten animals/each day per group). Mesenteric and retroperitoneal depot mass was decreased to the greatest extent on day 14 compared with day 0. Gene and protein expression of PPAR gamma(2) (PPARG) fell significantly following tumour implantation in all three adipose tissue depots while C/EBP alpha (CEBPA) and SREBP-1c (SREBF1) expression decreased over time only in epididymal and retroperitoneal depots. Decreased adipogenic gene expression and morphological disruption of visceral WAT are further supported by the dramatic reduction in mRNA and protein levels of perilipin. Classical markers of inflammation and macrophage infiltration (f4/80, CD68 and MIF-1 alpha) in WAT were significantly increased in the later stage of cachexia (although showing a incremental pattern along the course of cachexia) and presented a depot-specific regulation. These results indicate that impairment in the lipid-storing function of adipose tissue occurs at different times and that the mesenteric adipose tissue is more resistant to the 'fat-reducing effect' than the other visceral depots during cancer cachexia progression. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 215, 363-373


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AIMS: Solute carrier 2a2 (Slc2a2) gene codifies the glucose transporter GLUT2, a key protein for glucose flux in hepatocytes and renal epithelial cells of proximal tubule. In diabetes mellitus, hepatic and tubular glucose output has been related to Slc2a2/GLUT2 overexpression; and controlling the expression of this gene may be an important adjuvant way to improve glycemic homeostasis. Thus, the present study investigated transcriptional mechanisms involved in the diabetes-induced overexpression of the Slc2a2 gene. MAIN METHODS: Hepatocyte nuclear factors 1α and 4α (HNF-1α and HNF-4α), forkhead box A2 (FOXA2), sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) and the CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein (C/EBPβ) mRNA expression (RT-PCR) and binding activity into the Slc2a2 promoter (electrophoretic mobility assay) were analyzed in the liver and kidney of diabetic and 6-day insulin-treated diabetic rats. KEY FINDINGS: Slc2a2/GLUT2 expression increased by more than 50% (P<0.001) in the liver and kidney of diabetic rats, and 6-day insulin treatment restores these values to those observed in non-diabetic animals. Similarly, the mRNA expression and the binding activity of HNF-1α, HNF-4α and FOXA2 increased by 50 to 100% (P<0.05 to P<0.001), also returning to values of non-diabetic rats after insulin treatment. Neither the Srebf1 and Cebpb mRNA expression, nor the SREBP-1c and C/EBP-β binding activity was altered in diabetic rats. SIGNIFICANCE: HNF-1α, HNF-4α and FOXA2 transcriptional factors are involved in diabetes-induced overexpression of Slc2a2 gene in the liver and kidney. These data point out that these transcriptional factors are important targets to control GLUT2 expression in these tissues, which can contribute to glycemic homeostasis in diabetes.


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The metabolic disorders that predispose patients to NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) include insulin resistance and obesity. Repeated hypoxic events, such as occur in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, have been designated as a risk factor in the progression of liver disease in such patients, but the mechanism is unclear, in particular the role of hypoxia. Therefore we studied the influence of hypoxia on the development and progression of steatohepatitis in an experimental mouse model. Mice with a hepatocellular-specific deficiency in the Pten (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10) gene, a tumour suppressor, were exposed to a 10% O2 (hypoxic) or 21% O2 (control) atmosphere for 7 days. Haematocrit, AST (aspartate aminotransferase), glucose, triacylglycerols (triglycerides) and insulin tolerance were measured in blood. Histological lesions were quantified. Expression of genes involved in lipogenesis and mitochondrial beta-oxidation, as well as FOXO1 (forkhead box O1), hepcidin and CYP2E1 (cytochrome P450 2E1), were analysed by quantitative PCR. In the animals exposed to hypoxia, the haematocrit increased (60+/-3% compared with 50+/-2% in controls; P<0.01) and the ratio of liver weight/body weight increased (5.4+/-0.2% compared with 4.7+/-0.3% in the controls; P<0.01). Furthermore, in animals exposed to hypoxia, steatosis was more pronounced (P<0.01), and the NAS [NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) activity score] (8.3+/-2.4 compared with 2.3+/-10.7 in controls; P<0.01), serum AST, triacylglycerols and glucose were higher. Insulin sensitivity decreased in mice exposed to hypoxia relative to controls. The expression of the lipogenic genes SREBP-1c (sterol-regulatory-element-binding protein-1c), PPAR-gamma (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-gamma), ACC1 (acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1) and ACC2 (acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2) increased significantly in mice exposed to hypoxia, whereas mitochondria beta-oxidation genes [PPAR-alpha (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-alpha) and CPT-1 (carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1)] decreased significantly. In conclusion, the findings of the present study demonstrate that hypoxia alone aggravates and accelerates the progression of NASH by up-regulating the expression of lipogenic genes, by down-regulating genes involved in lipid metabolism and by decreasing insulin sensitivity.


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SCOPE: Xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated antioxidative and anti-inflammatory chalcone from hops, exhibits positive effects on lipid and glucose metabolism. Based on its favorable biological properties, we investigated whether XN attenuates atherosclerosis in western-type diet-fed apolipoprotein-E-deficient (ApoE(-/-) ) mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: XN supplementation markedly reduced plasma cholesterol concentrations, decreased atherosclerotic lesion area, and attenuated plasma concentrations of the proinflammatory cytokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1. Decreased hepatic triglyceride and cholesterol content, activation of AMP-activated protein kinase, phosphorylation and inactivation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and reduced expression levels of mature sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-2 and SREBP-1c mRNA indicate reduced lipogenesis in the liver of XN-fed ApoE(-/-) mice. Concomitant induction of hepatic mRNA expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1a in ApoE(-/-) mice-administered XN suggests increased fatty acid beta-oxidation. Fecal cholesterol concentrations were also markedly increased in XN-fed ApoE(-/-) mice compared with mice fed western-type diet alone. CONCLUSION: The atheroprotective effects of XN might be attributed to combined beneficial effects on plasma cholesterol and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 concentrations and hepatic lipid metabolism via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase.


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Cholesterol feeding reduces the mRNAs encoding multiple enzymes in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway and the low density lipoprotein receptor in livers of hamsters. Here we show that cholesterol feeding also reduces the levels of the nuclear NH2-terminal domains of sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs), which activate transcription of sterol-regulated genes. We show that livers of hamsters, like those of mice and humans, predominantly produce SREBP-2 and the 1c isoform of SREBP-1. Both are produced as membrane-bound precursors that must be proteolyzed to release the transcriptionally active NH2-terminal domains. Diets containing 0.1% to 1.0% cholesterol decreased the amount of nuclear SREBP-1c without affecting the amount of the membrane precursor or its mRNA, suggesting that cholesterol inhibits the proteolytic processing of SREBP-1 in liver as it does in cultured cells. Cholesterol also appeared to reduce the proteolytic processing of SREBP-2. In addition, at high levels of dietary cholesterol the mRNA encoding SREBP-2 declined and the amount of the precursor also fell, suggesting that cholesterol accumulation also may inhibit transcription of the SREBP-2 gene. The high-cholesterol diets reduced the amount of low density lipoprotein receptor mRNA by 30% and produced a more profound 70–90% reduction in mRNAs encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase and reductase. Treatment with lovastatin and Colestipol, which increases hepatic demands for cholesterol, increased the amount of SREBP-2 mRNA as well as the precursor and nuclear forms of the protein. This treatment caused a reciprocal decline in SREBP-1c mRNA and protein. Considered together, these data suggest that SREBPs play important roles in controlling transcription of sterol-regulated genes in liver, as they do in cultured cells.