983 resultados para Rural producers


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The annual income return for rural property is based on two major factors being commodity prices and production yields. Commodity prices paid to rural producers can vary depending on the agricultural policies of their respective countries. Free trade countries, such as Australia and New Zealand are subject to the volatility of the world commodity markets to a greater extent than those farmers in protected or subsidised markets. In countries where rural production is protected or subsidised the annual income received by rural producers has been relatively stable. However, the high cost of agricultural protection is now being questioned, particularly in relation to the increasing economic costs of government services such as health, education and housing. When combined with the agricultural production limitations of climate, topography, chemical residues and disease issues, the impact of commodity prices on rural property income is crucial in the ability of rural producers to enter into or expand their holdings in agricultural land. These problems are then reflected in the volatility of the rural land capital returns and the investment performance of this property class. This paper will address the total and capital return performance of a major agricultural area and compare these returns on the basis of both location of land and land use. The comparison will be used to determine if location or actual land use has a greater influence on rural property capital returns. This performance analysis is based on over 35,000 rural sales transactions. These transactions cover all market based rural property transactions in New South Wales, Australia for the period January 1990 to December 2008. Correlation analysis and investment performance analysis has also been carried out to determine the possible relationships between location and land use and subsequent changes in rural land capital values.


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Las formas de inserción 'modernizante' de la agricultura científica aliada al agribusiness global eran un tema discutido en ámbitos acotados hasta que, a principios de 2008, se suscitó la discusión pública y mediática sobre los derechos de exportación de cereales y oleaginosas. Frente a este panorama, el presente artículo pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas que se sustenten en una adecuada comprensión de la dinámica de acumulación presente en el sector agrario nacional. Pues, sin una apreciación del conjunto de actores involucrados en el agro, es imposible avanzar en la construcción de escenarios a futuro. el documento que se presenta tiene como objetivos particulares: I) discutir el heterogéneo perfil que asume contemporáneamente la estructura productiva y social del agro argentino; y II) describir lineamientos estratégicos de políticas de tierra, de crédito, fiscal, de precios, ambiental y tecnológica que deberían considerarse en las políticas públicas


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Las formas de inserción 'modernizante' de la agricultura científica aliada al agribusiness global eran un tema discutido en ámbitos acotados hasta que, a principios de 2008, se suscitó la discusión pública y mediática sobre los derechos de exportación de cereales y oleaginosas. Frente a este panorama, el presente artículo pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas que se sustenten en una adecuada comprensión de la dinámica de acumulación presente en el sector agrario nacional. Pues, sin una apreciación del conjunto de actores involucrados en el agro, es imposible avanzar en la construcción de escenarios a futuro. el documento que se presenta tiene como objetivos particulares: I) discutir el heterogéneo perfil que asume contemporáneamente la estructura productiva y social del agro argentino; y II) describir lineamientos estratégicos de políticas de tierra, de crédito, fiscal, de precios, ambiental y tecnológica que deberían considerarse en las políticas públicas


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Las formas de inserción 'modernizante' de la agricultura científica aliada al agribusiness global eran un tema discutido en ámbitos acotados hasta que, a principios de 2008, se suscitó la discusión pública y mediática sobre los derechos de exportación de cereales y oleaginosas. Frente a este panorama, el presente artículo pretende contribuir al diseño de políticas públicas que se sustenten en una adecuada comprensión de la dinámica de acumulación presente en el sector agrario nacional. Pues, sin una apreciación del conjunto de actores involucrados en el agro, es imposible avanzar en la construcción de escenarios a futuro. el documento que se presenta tiene como objetivos particulares: I) discutir el heterogéneo perfil que asume contemporáneamente la estructura productiva y social del agro argentino; y II) describir lineamientos estratégicos de políticas de tierra, de crédito, fiscal, de precios, ambiental y tecnológica que deberían considerarse en las políticas públicas


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Although timber plantations and forests are classified as forms of agricultural production, the ownership of this land classification is not limited to rural producers. Timber plantations and forests are now regarded as a long-term investment with both institutional and absentee owners. While the NCREIF property indices have been the benchmarks for the measurement of the performance of the commercial property market in the UK, for many years the IPD timberland index has recently emerged as the U.K. forest and timberland performance indicator. The IPD Forest index incorporates 126 properties over five regions in the U.K. This paper will utilise the IPD Forestry Index to examine the performance of U.K. timber plantations and forests over the period 1981-2004. In particular, issues to be critically assessed include plantation and forest performance analysis, comparative investment analysis, and the role of plantations and forests in investment portfolios, the risk reduction and portfolio benefits of plantations and forests in mixed-asset portfolios and the strategic investment significance of U.K. timberlands.


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Although timber plantations and forests are classified as forms of agricultural production, the ownership of this land classification is not limited to rural producers. Timber plantations and forests are now regarded as a long-term investment with both institutional and absentee owners. While the NCREIF property indices have been the benchmarks for the measurement of the performance of the commercial property market in the UK, for many years the IPD timberland index has recently emerged as the U.K. forest and timberland performance indicator. The IPD Forest index incorporates 126 properties over five regions in the U.K. This paper will utilise the IPD Forestry Index to examine the performance of U.K. timber plantations and forests over the period 1981-2004. In particular, issues to be critically assessed include plantation and forest performance analysis, comparative investment analysis, and the role of plantations and forests in investment portfolios, the risk reduction and portfolio benefits of plantations and forests in mixed-asset portfolios and the strategic investment significance of U.K. timberlands.


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This paper offers one explanation for the institutional basis of food insecurity in Australia, and argues that while alternative food networks and the food sovereignty movement perform a valuable function in building forms of social solidarity between urban consumers and rural producers, they currently make only a minor contribution to Australia’s food and nutrition security. The paper begins by identifying two key drivers of food security: household incomes (on the demand side) and nutrition-sensitive, ‘fair food’ agriculture (on the supply side). We focus on this second driver and argue that healthy populations require an agricultural sector that delivers dietary diversity via a fair and sustainable food system. In order to understand why nutrition-sensitive, fair food agriculture is not flourishing in Australia we introduce the development economics theory of urban bias. According to this theory, governments support capital intensive rather than labour intensive agriculture in order to deliver cheap food alongside the transfer of public revenues gained from rural agriculture to urban infrastructure, where the majority of the voting public resides. We chart the unfolding of the Urban Bias across the twentieth century and its consolidation through neo-liberal orthodoxy, and argue that agricultural policies do little to sustain, let alone revitalize, rural and regional Australia. We conclude that by observing food system dynamics through a re-spatialized lens, Urban Bias Theory is valuable in highlighting rural–urban socio-economic and political economy tensions, particularly regarding food system sustainability. It also sheds light on the cultural economy tensions for alternative food networks as they move beyond niche markets to simultaneously support urban food security and sustainable rural livelihoods.


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Diante da expectativa de aumentar as exportações de carne bovina para a União Européia, entrou em análise a sistemática da rastreabilidade na carne bovina implementada pelo Brasil, em especial, pelo estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou identificar, na cadeia produtiva da carne bovina, pontos críticos para a adoção dos procedimentos ao rastreamento bovino com vistas ao provimento de carne de origem certificada ao Mercado Europeu. Foram entrevistados os produtores rurais, os empresários das indústrias exportadoras de carne bovina, agente exportador individual e as empresas certificadoras, abordando os aspectos negociais da cadeia produtiva bovina, as exigências do mercado europeu, os procedimentos adotados pelas empresas de sistemas de rastreabilidade e o posicionamento dos agentes. Os modelos teóricos utilizados para analisar os reflexos do ferramental na cadeia produtiva da carne bovina foram Filière, Supply Chain Management associados à Rastreabilidade, aplicada a produtos alimentícios. Para a análise qualitativa, aplicou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo das respostas. As análises das questões abrangentes aplicadas aos elos, apresentadas nos resultados e discussões, permitiram identificar elementos de relevância aos atores, resultando na comparação das percepções de cada segmento em relação ao processo de rastreabilidade e certificação da carne bovina. As respostas colaboraram para a visualização do cenário sobre o impacto provocado pelo processo de rastreabilidade e certificação. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a rastreabilidade, até o presente momento, não contribuiu com os segmentos da cadeia produtiva bovina no que se refere aos processos negociais entre os elos na gestão, no fluxo de informações na cadeia e no aumento de preço do bovino e da carne rastreada. Existe dúvida quanto à contribuição do sistema de rastreabilidade no efeito da fluidez da informação entre os setores da cadeia bovina. Observase que a rastreabilidade pode significar uma tendência futura, demonstrando, no momento, serem indiferentes seus efeitos às variáveis identificadas como relevantes.


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Esta pesquisa analisa o papel dos aspectos relacionais tais como confiança, comprometimento, interdependência e uso de poder âmbito das estratégias de negócios inclusivos que envolvem pequenos agricultores nas cadeias de valor de multinacionais dos agronegócios no Brasil. Os negócios inclusivos de abastecimento direto por empresas com pequenos agricultores em países em desenvolvimento têm sido reconhecidos como uma abordagem economicamente viavél e promissora para criar impacto social e melhorar as condições de vida de produtores rurais da "base da pirâmide", ao mesmo tempo permitindo que as empresas reforçar as suas posições nos mercados locais e adquirir matérias primas de qualidade a custos mais baixos. Estudos sobre este tema focam amplamente sobre as vantagens comerciais e competitivas que as empresas derivam do abastecimento direito com pequenos fornecedores, apresentando modelos de cadeia de valor customizados e ajustados estratégias globais de negócios, no entanto ainda há pouco conhecimento teoricamente fundamentado sobre os desafios organizacionais e relacionais da relação entre o comprador multinacional e o fornecedor de baixa renda. Além disso, pouco foco tem-se prestado sobre como assimetrias entre multinacionais e produtores de baixa renda, em questão de poder, dependência e de valores pode afetar a evolução dessas relações de negócios. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever os fatores que permitem a esses parceiros assimétricos de construir relacionamentos comerciais de longo prazo e mutuamente benéficos. A metodologia da teoria fundamentada foi usada e foi particularmente adequada para examinar as relações entre comprador e fornecedor e para recolher experiências de campo em três setores principais dominados pela agricultura familiar no Brasil, ou seja laticínios, avi-suinocultura e produção hortícola. Os principais conceitos teóricos da área de Relationship Marketing foram usados para apoiar os resultados da pesquisa de campo. A principal conclusão desta pesquisa é a importância de ir além da construção de confiança na estratégia de gestão do relacionamento entre comprador e fornecedor e de criar parcerias diádicas baseadas na interdependência mútua, a fim de reduzir as assimetrias e melhorar o comprometimento entre a empresa e o pequeno agricultor.


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This is the executive summary of the second of four reports that compose, among others, the activities of the second working year of the ABC Plan Observatory1 . It aims to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the ABC Program's performance – the main line of credit for the financing of low-carbon agriculture in Brazil. In addition to presenting high points of the results of the 2013/14 crop year, it also reveals a regional and state overview of the distribution of resources and a focus on the Legal Amazon situation regarding the adoption of low carbon agriculture methods in the region. The main theme for the analysis is the spatial distribution of the ABC Program's credit in the country and the reasons, bottlenecks and opportunities for the expansion of more sustainable production methods, especially regarding the conditions of Brazilian technical support and its activities among rural producers.


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This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the production of bicarbonates and related regional development in Brazil. It is widely believed that one of Brazil s vocations lies in the agro-energy sector. However, current national agro-energy policies, together with the experience of Petrobras (the national oil company) in rural settlements in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, show that Brazil has fallen short of effectively including the North and Northeast regions of the country, let alone small-scale rural producers (residing in rural settlements or not), in the development process and related benefits from the country s participation in the current world energy grid. The methodology entails secondary research related to the theme, such as books, official documents, websites and statistical databases from diverse sources, in addition to an analysis of statements from interviews of Petrobras representatives and other important scientific, institutional and labor union authorities, in relation to agro-energy issues and the socio-economic participation of family-based agriculture in this process. Principal findings show a correlation between agro-energy and regional development, creating the potential for numerous opportunities and challenges. Findings demonstrate the possibility of reversing/reducing historically rooted indices of hunger and poverty that continue to devastate the North and Northeast regions. At the same time, the thesis points to a potentially catastrophic increase in regional disparities, should the present historic moment not be seized upon so as to include these regions. Classic examples of non-policy at the federal level are presented as evidence of the absence of a regionally focused agroenergy policy in the current government, reinforced by the experiences of Petrobras in the Rio Grande do Norte rural settlements. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is an urgent need to create a government-sponsored enterprise (with a structure similar to Petrobras) with the purpose of implementing a truly broad and inclusive development process for the bicarbonates production sector, while remaining attentive to Brazil s opportune and critical role in the world s current agro-energy scenario.


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The Brazilian organic market has growing year by year, and this commercialization is extremely important to the country, because it allows a bigger preoccupation with the environmental preservation, as well as to create employments and income to the rural workers. However, is necessary that these producers define forms of competition in the market, the way how they will compete, focusing aspects that really matters to the clients. So, the work objective is investigate, based in the rural producers perceptions, the facts which affect the competition the production of organics vegetables in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. With the aim of contribute to the made of strategic decisions related to the production and commercialization of these products in the agriculture scenery norte-rio-grandense, besides to contribute with information about the competition, helping as reference to others important researches. In the methodological view, this study can be qualified as an applied research study, with descriptive objective and quantitative approach. The instrument used was the formulary, resuming to producers of organics products in Rio Grande do Norte state, that grows the segment of organic types of vegetables and greens, been thirty two producers. The data was treated through of the descriptive analyze and the Cluster s analyze. The descriptive research results indicate that the main factors which affect the competition of the organics products in our State are the cost, the diversification and reliability. The Cluster s analyze shows that exists am group of organics producers who uses frequently a specialized technique and they give support to the bigger retail market, as supermarkets


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This article presents a study on the research of the factors that affect the competitiveness of cheese produced in a craft in the Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte in the perception of rural producers. His theory is based on factors of competitiveness and definitions of craft production. This research was performed in the important area of production and marketing of cheeses from the state. The methodology used was exploratory research descriptive type survey. The research field of 213 returned questionnaires validated. those interviewed were rural producers of artisanal cheese, with properties distributed in the districts located in the region. The results showed the production of artisanal cheese in Seridó / RN's main points of difficulty to compete: the great marketing in the informality, workforce has low skills and education, has little technical assistance, low acceptance by technological innovations and absence of integration between producers which creates low productivity and qualification of the production chain


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Deregulation of the sugar-alcohol sector in the 90s meant that agribusiness firms begin a process of reorganization of their production structures to enhance their abilities to become competitive in the new scenario. This study aims to examine the Production Chain of Sugar cane in Agreste region of Rio Grande do Norte, with studies to contribute to the competitiveness of farmers giving grants for planning and implementing policies, programs and projects, public and / or private. The method used in the study was researching the literature on the history of sugar cane in Brazil, agribusiness management, production chains and competitiveness, in field research used a questionnaire to collect information from farmers. It is concluded that the rural producers of cane sugar in newborns are not competitive and therefore it is necessary policies and / or for private gain in competitiveness of producers and consequently the production chain. It is hoped that the study serves as a subsidy for those policies proposição