972 resultados para Root canal treatment


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To determine the contribution of polar auxin transport (PAT) to auxin accumulation and to adventitious root (AR) formation in the stem base of Petunia hybrida shoot tip cuttings, the level of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was monitored in non-treated cuttings and cuttings treated with the auxin transport blocker naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and was complemented with precise anatomical studies. The temporal course of carbohydrates, amino acids and activities of controlling enzymes was also investigated. Analysis of initial spatial IAA distribution in the cuttings revealed that approximately 40 and 10% of the total IAA pool was present in the leaves and the stem base as rooting zone, respectively. A negative correlation existed between leaf size and IAA concentration. After excision of cuttings, IAA showed an early increase in the stem base with two peaks at 2 and 24h post excision and, thereafter, a decline to low levels. This was mirrored by the expression pattern of the auxin-responsive GH3 gene. NPA treatment completely suppressed the 24-h peak of IAA and severely inhibited root formation. It also reduced activities of cell wall and vacuolar invertases in the early phase of AR formation and inhibited the rise of activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphofructokinase during later stages. We propose a model in which spontaneous AR formation in Petunia cuttings is dependent on PAT and on the resulting 24-h peak of IAA in the rooting zone, where it induces early cellular events and also stimulates sink establishment. Subsequent root development stimulates glycolysis and the pentosephosphate pathway


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En la presente investigación se analiza la causa del hundimiento del cuarto compartimento del Tercer Depósito del Canal de Isabel II el 8 de abril de 1905, uno de los más graves de la historia de la construcción en España: fallecieron 30 personas y quedaron heridas otras 60. El Proyecto y Construcción de esta estructura era de D. José Eugenio Ribera, una de las grandes figuras de la ingeniería civil en nuestro país, cuya carrera pudo haber quedado truncada como consecuencia del siniestro. Dado el tiempo transcurrido desde la ocurrencia de este accidente, la investigación ha partido de la recopilación de la información relativa al Proyecto y a la propia construcción de la estructura, para revisar a continuación la información disponible sobre el hundimiento. De la construcción de la cubierta es interesante destacar la atrevida configuración estructural, cubriéndose una inmensa superficie de 74.000 m2 mediante una sucesión de bóvedas de hormigón armado de tan sólo 5 cm de espesor y un rebajamiento de 1/10 para salvar una luz de 6 m, que apoyaban en pórticos del mismo material, con pilares también muy esbeltos: 0,25 m de lado para 8 m de altura. Y todo ello en una época en la que la tecnología y conocimiento de las estructuras con este "nuevo" material se basaban en buena medida en el desarrollo de patentes. En cuanto a la información sobre el hundimiento, llama la atención en primer lugar la relevancia de los técnicos, peritos y letrados que intervinieron en el juicio y en el procedimiento administrativo posterior, poniéndose de manifiesto la trascendencia que el accidente tuvo en su momento y que, sin embargo, no ha trascendido hasta nuestros días. Ejemplo de ello es el papel de Echegaray -primera figura intelectual de la época- como perito en la defensa de Ribera, de D. Melquiades Álvarez -futuro presidente del Congreso- como abogado defensor, el General Marvá -uno de los máximos exponentes del papel de los ingenieros militares en la introducción del hormigón armado en nuestro país-, que presidiría la Comisión encargada del peritaje por parte del juzgado, o las opiniones de reconocidas personalidades internacionales del "nuevo" material como el Dr. von Emperger o Hennebique. Pero lo más relevante de dicha información es la falta de uniformidad sobre lo que pudo ocasionar el hundimiento: fallos en los materiales, durante la construcción, defectos en el diseño de la estructura, la realización de unas pruebas de carga cuando se concluyó ésta, etc. Pero la que durante el juicio y en los Informes posteriores se impuso como causa del fallo de la estructura fue su dilatación como consecuencia de las altas temperaturas que se produjeron aquella primavera. Y ello a pesar de que el hundimiento ocurrió a las 7 de la mañana... Con base en esta información se ha analizado el comportamiento estructural de la cubierta, permitiendo evaluar el papel que diversos factores pudieron tener en el inicio del hundimiento y en su extensión a toda la superficie construida, concluyéndose así cuáles fueron las causas del siniestro. De los resultados obtenidos se presta especial atención a las enseñanzas que se desprenden de la ocurrencia del hundimiento, enfatizándose en la relevancia de la historia -y en particular de los casos históricos de error- para la formación continua que debe existir en la Ingeniería. En el caso del hundimiento del Tercer Depósito algunas de estas "enseñanzas" son de plena actualidad, tales como la importancia de los detalles constructivos en la "robustez" de la estructuras, el diseño de estructuras "integrales" o la vigilancia del proceso constructivo. Por último, la investigación ha servido para recuperar, una vez más, la figura de D. José Eugenio Ribera, cuyo papel en la introducción del hormigón armado en España fue decisivo. En la obra del Tercer Depósito se arriesgó demasiado, y provocó un desastre que aceleró la transición hacia una nueva etapa en el hormigón estructural al abrigo de un mayor conocimiento científico y de las primeras normativas. También en esta etapa sería protagonista. This dissertation analyses the cause of the collapse of the 4th compartment of the 3th Reservoir of Canal de Isabel II in Madrid. It happened in 1905, on April 8th, being one of the most disastrous accidents occurred in the history of Spanish construction: 30 people died and 60 were injured. The design and construction supervision were carried out by D. José Eugenio Ribera, one of the main figures in Civil Engineering of our country, whose career could have been destroyed as a result of this accident. Since it occurred more than 100 years ago, the investigation started by compiling information about the structure`s design and construction, followed by reviewing the available information about the accident. With regard to the construction, it is interesting to point out its daring structural configuration. It covered a huge area of 74.000 m2 with a series of reinforced concrete vaults with a thickness of not more than 5 cm, a 6 m span and a rise of 1/10th. In turn, these vaults were supported by frames composed of very slender 0,25 m x 0,25 m columns with a height of 8 m. It is noteworthy that this took place in a time when the technology and knowledge about this "new" material was largely based on patents. In relation to the information about the collapse, its significance is shown by the important experts and lawyers that were involved in the trial and the subsequent administrative procedure. For example, Echegaray -the most important intellectual of that time- defended Ribera, Melquiades Álvarez –the future president of the Congress- was his lawyer, and General Marvá -who represented the important role of the military engineers in the introduction of reinforced concrete in our country-, led the Commission that was put in charge by the judge of the root cause analysis. In addition, the matter caught the interest of renowned foreigners like Dr. von Emperger or Hennebique and their opinions had a great influence. Nonetheless, this structural failure is unknown to most of today’s engineers. However, what is most surprising are the different causes that were claimed to lie at the root of the disaster: material defects, construction flaws, errors in the design, load tests performed after the structure was finished, etc. The final cause that was put forth during the trial and in the following reports was attributed to the dilatation of the roof due to the high temperatures that spring, albeit the collapse occurred at 7 AM... Based on this information the structural behaviour of the roof has been analysed, which allowed identifying the causes that could have provoked the initial failure and those that could have led to the global collapse. Lessons have been learned from these results, which points out the relevance of history -and in particular, of examples gone wrong- for the continuous education that should exist in engineering. In the case of the 3th Reservoir some of these lessons are still relevant during the present time, like the importance of detailing in "robustness", the design of "integral" structures or the due consideration of construction methods. Finally, the investigation has revived, once again, the figure of D. José Eugenio Ribera, whose role in the introduction of reinforced concrete in Spain was crucial. With the construction of the 3th Reservoir he took too much risk and caused a disaster that accelerated the transition to a new era in structural concrete based on greater scientific knowledge and the first codes. In this new period he would also play a major role.


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Las leguminosas grano presentan un perfil nutricional de gran interés para alimentación de ganado porcino, debido principalmente a su elevado contenido proteico. Sin embargo, la presencia de factores antinutritivos (FAN), que según el género difieren en calidad y cantidad, condiciona la absorción de la proteína, el nutriente más valorado. El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido el estudio del efecto de los principales FAN de guisante y alberjón sobre el rendimiento productivo, de canal y de piezas nobles, cuando sustituyen a la soja, parcial o totalmente, durante la fase estárter y el periodo de engorde de cerdos grasos. Con este motivo se llevaron a cabo 4 ensayos con machos castrados y la misma línea genética: híbrido Duroc x (Landrace x Large white). En el ensayo 1, se estudió la influencia de distintos niveles de inhibidores de proteasas (IP) en el pienso sobre la productividad de lechones durante la fase estárter (40 a 61 días de edad). Para ello, se utilizaron tres variedades de guisantes de invierno que contenían diferentes cantidades de IP, tanto de tripsina (IT) como de quimotripsina (IQ) [unidades de tripsina inhibida/mg (UTI), unidades de quimotripsina inhibida/mg (UQI): 9,87- 10,16, 5,75-8,62 y 12,55-15,75, para guisantes Cartouche, Iceberg y Luna, respectivamente] más elevadas que en la harina de soja 47 (HnaS) y en la soja extrusionada (SE) (UTI/mg - UQI/mg: 0,61-3,56 y 2,36-4,65, para HnaS y SE, respectivamente). El diseño experimental fue al azar, con cuatro tratamientos dietéticos que diferían en las fuentes proteicas y en la cantidad de IP, enfrentando un pienso control de soja a otros tres piensos con guisantes de invierno de las variedades indicadas, que sustituían parcialmente a la soja. Cada tratamiento se replicó cuatro veces, siendo la celda con 6 lechones la unidad experimental. Los animales que consumieron el pienso con guisante Cartouche tuvieron más ganancia media diaria (GMD) que el resto (P < 0,001) con el mismo consumo medio diario (CMD) e índice de conversión (IC). No hubo diferencias significativas entre los animales del pienso control y los que consumieron piensos con guisantes Iceberg y Luna. En el ensayo 2 la leguminosa objeto de estudio fue el alberjón y su FAN el dipéptido _Glutamyl-S-Ethenyl-Cysteine (GEC). El diseño y el periodo experimental fueron los mismos que en el ensayo 1, con cuatro dietas que variaban en el porcentaje de alberjones: 0%, 5%, 15% y 25%, y de GEC (1,54% del grano). Los lechones que consumieron el pienso con 5% tuvieron un CMD y GMD más elevado (P < 0,001), con el mismo IC que los animales pertenecientes al tratamiento 0%. Los índices productivos empeoraron significativamente y de manera progresiva al aumentar el porcentaje de alberjones (15 y 25%). Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión con estructura polinomial que fueron significativas tanto para el nivel de alberjón como para la cantidad de GEC presente en el pienso. El ensayo 3 se efectuó durante el periodo de engorde, sustituyendo por completo la soja a partir de los 84 días de edad con las tres variedades de guisantes de invierno, observando el efecto sobre el rendimiento productivo, de canal y piezas nobles. El diseño, en bloques completos al azar, tuvo cuatro tratamientos según el guisante presente en el pienso y, por lo tanto, los niveles de IP: Control-soja, Cartouche, Iceberg y Luna, con 12 réplicas de 4 cerdos por tratamiento. De 84 a 108 días de edad los animales que consumieron los piensos Control-soja e Iceberg, tuvieron el mismo CMD y GMD, empeorando en los cerdos alimentados con Luna y Cartouche (P < 0,05). El IC fue igual en los tratamientos Control-soja e Iceberg, ocupando una posición intermedia en Cartouche y peor en los cerdos del pienso Luna (P < 0,001). De 109 a 127 días de edad la GMD y el IC fueron iguales, con un CMD más elevado en Control-soja e Iceberg que en los cerdos que consumieron Cartouche y Luna (P < 0,05). No hubo diferencias significativas durante el acabado (128 a 167 días de edad). Globalmente el CMD y GMD fueron más elevados en los cerdos que comieron los piensos Iceberg y Control-soja, empeorando por igual en los que comieron Cartouche y Luna (P < 0,05); el IC fue el mismo en todos los tratamientos. No se observaron diferencias en los datos relacionados con peso y rendimiento de canal y piezas nobles (jamón, paleta y chuletero), ni del contenido de grasa intramuscular en el lomo y proporción de ácidos grasos principales (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n-9) en la grasa subcutánea. En el ensayo 4, realizado durante el periodo de engorde (60 a 171 días de edad), se valoró el efecto de dietas con distintos niveles de alberjones, y en consecuencia de su factor antinutritivo el dipéptido GEC, sobre el rendimiento productivo y la calidad de la canal y piezas nobles. El diseño fue en cuatro bloques completos al azar, con cuatro tratamientos según el porcentaje de inclusión de alberjón en el pienso: 0%, 5%, 15% y 25%, con 12 réplicas por tratamiento y cuatro cerdos en cada una de ellas. El tratamiento con 5% mejoró la GMD al final de la fase de cebo (152 días de vida) y, junto con el 0%, presentaron los resultados más favorables de peso e IC al final del ensayo (171 días de vida). Del mismo modo, el peso y rendimiento de canal fueron más elevados en los cerdos alimentados con los tratamientos 0% y 5% (P < 0,001). Piensos con el 15 y 25% de alberjones empeoraron los resultados productivos, así como el rendimiento y peso de canal. Sucedió lo mismo con el peso de las piezas nobles (jamón, paleta y chuletero), significativamente superior en 0% y 5% frente a 15% y 25%, siendo los cerdos que consumieron este último pienso los peores. Por el contrario el rendimiento de jamón y chuletero fue más elevado en los cerdos de los tratamientos 25% y 15% que en los que consumieron los piensos con 5% y 0% (P < 0,001); en el rendimiento de paletas se invirtieron los resultados, siendo mayores en los animales de los tratamientos 0% y 5% (P < 0,001). Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión polinomial, para estimar las cantidades de inclusión de alberjones y de GEC más favorables desde el punto de vista productivo, así como los contrastes ortogonales entre los distintos tratamientos. ABSTRACT The grain legumes have a nutritional profile of great interest to feed pigs, mainly due to high protein content. However, the presence of antinutritional factors (ANF), which differ in quality and quantity according to gender, hinder the absorption of the protein, the most valuable nutrient. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of the main ANF of pea and narbon vetch (NV) on productive performance, of the carcass and main lean cuts, when replacing soybean, partially or totally, during the starter phase and the fattening period of heavy pigs. For this reason were carried four trials with barrows and the same genetic line: Duroc hybrid x (Landrace x Large white). In trial 1, was studied the influence of different levels of protease inhibitors (PI) in the diet over productivity of piglets during the starter phase (40-61 days of age). For this, were used three varieties of winter peas containing different amounts of PI, both trypsin (TI) and chymotrypsin (CI) [inhibited units/mg trypsin (TIU), inhibited units/mg chymotrypsin (CIU): 9.87 - 10.16, 5.75 - 8.62 and 12.55 - 15.75, for peas Cartouche, Iceberg and Luna, respectively] higher than in soybean meal 47 (SBM) and soybeans extruded (SBE) (TIU/mg - CIU/mg: 0.61 - 3.56 and 2.36 - 4.65 for SBM and SBE, respectively). The design was randomized with four dietary treatments differing in protein sources and the amount of PI, with a control diet of soybean and three with different varieties of winter peas: Cartouche, Iceberg and Luna, which partially replace soybean. Each treatment was replicated four times, being the pen with 6 piglets the experimental unit. Pigs that ate the feed with pea Cartouche had better growth (ADG) than the rest (P < 0.001), with the same average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). There were no significant differences between piglets fed with control diet and those fed Iceberg and Luna diets. In trial 2 the legume under study was the NV and your ANF the dipeptide _Glutamyl FAN-S-Ethenyl-Cysteine (GEC). The experimental period and the design were the same as in trial 1, with four diets with different percentage of NV: 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%, and from GEC (1.52% of the grain). The piglets that consumed the feed containing 5% had higher ADG and ADFI (P < 0.05), with the same FCR that pigs belonging to the 0% treatment. Production rates worsened progressively with increasing percentage of NV (15 and 25%). Were obtained regression equations with polynomial structure that were significant for NV percentage and amount of GEC present in the feed. The test 3 was carried out during the fattening period, completely replace soy from 84 days of age with three varieties of winter peas, observing the effect on the yield, carcass and main lean cuts. The design, randomized complete blocks, had four treatments with different levels of PI: Control-soy, Cartouche, Iceberg and Luna, with 12 replicates of 4 pigs per treatment. From 84 to 108 days of age the pigs fed with Control-soy and Iceberg feed, had the same ADFI and ADG, worsening in pigs fed with Luna and Cartouche (P < 0.05). The FCR was similar in diets Control-soy and Iceberg, occupying an intermediate position in Cartouche and worse in pigs fed with Luna (P < 0.001). From 109-127 days of age the ADG and FCR were equal, with higher ADFI in pigs fed with Control-soy and Iceberg, regarding pigs fed with Cartouche and Luna (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the finishing phase (128-167 days of age). In global period, the ADFI and ADG were higher in pigs that ate Control-soy and Iceberg, and worse in those who ate Cartouche and Luna. The FCR was the same in all treatments. No significant differences were observed in the data related to weight and carcass yield, main lean cuts (ham, shoulder and loin chop) and intramuscular fat loin content and major fatty acids proportion (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n-9) of subcutaneous fat. In experiment 4, made during the fattening period (60-171 days of age), was assessed the effect of diets with different levels of NV, and consequently of GEC, in the performance and quality of carcass and main lean cuts. There was a completely randomized design with four dietary treatments differing in percentage of NV: 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%, with 12 replicates per treatment and four pigs each. Treatment with 5% improved the ADG at the end of the fattening phase (152 days of age) and, together with 0%, showed the most favorable body weight and FCR at the end of the trial (171 days of age). Similarly, the weight and performance of carcass were higher for pigs fed with diets 0% and 5% (P < 0.05). Diets with 15 and 25% worsened the productive and carcass results. The weight of the main lean cuts (ham, shoulder and loin chop) was significantly higher in 0% and 5% vs 15% and 25%.The diet 25% was the worst of all. By contrast the performance of ham and loin chop was higher in pigs fed with diets 25% and 15%, that those who ate diets with 5% and 0% (P < 0.001); the results of shoulder performance were reversed, being greater in pigs feed with diets 0% and 5% (P < 0.001). Polynomial regression equations were obtained to estimate the percentage of NV and GEC more favorable from the point of view of production, and orthogonal contrasts between treatments.


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Cell division and differentiation continue throughout the plant life cycle without significant loss of control. However, little is known about the mechanisms that allow the continuous development of meristems. Cell division is controlled by a family of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). CDK-activating kinases (CAKs) are known to phosphorylate and activate almost all CDKs and thus may have a crucial role in controlling CDK activities in each cell of the meristems. Here, we show that overexpression of sense or antisense gene for Cak1At in Arabidopsis by using the glucocorticoid-mediated transcriptional induction system resulted in a reduction of CDK activities. After 14–24 h of glucocorticoid treatment, starch granules appeared in columellar initials in the root meristem, and cortical initials were periclinally divided into cortical and endodermal cells. Accumulation of the cyclin∷β-glucuronidase fusion protein ceased after 72 h of glucocorticoid treatment. Our results indicate that a change of Cak1At activity leads to differentiation of initial cells, followed by cessation of cell division. Therefore, we propose that differentiation of initial cells is controlled by Cak1At but is maintained independent of cell division.


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Parasitic plants in the Scrophulariaceae develop infective root structures called haustoria in response to chemical signals released from host-plant roots. This study used a simple in vitro assay to characterize natural and synthetic molecules that induce haustoria in the facultative parasite Triphysaria versicolor. Several phenolic acids, flavonoids, and the quinone 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone induced haustoria in T. versicolor root tips within hours after treatment. The concentration at which different molecules were active varied widely, the most active being 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone and the anthocyanidin peonidin. Maize (Zea mays) seeds are rich sources of molecules that induce T. versicolor haustoria in vitro, and chromatographic analyses indicated that the active molecules present in maize-seed rinses include anthocyanins, other flavonoids, and simple phenolics. The presence of different classes of inducing molecules in seed rinses was substantiated by the observation that maize kernels deficient in chalcone synthase, a key enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis, released haustoria-inducing molecules, although at reduced levels compared with wild-type kernels. We discuss these results in light of existing models for host perception in the related parasitic plant Striga.


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Deepwater rice (Oryza sativa) is adapted to survive conditions of severe flooding over extended periods of time. During such periods adventitious roots develop to provide water, nutrients, and anchorage. In the present study the growth of adventitious roots was induced by treatment with ethylene but not auxin, cytokinin, or gibberellin. Root elongation was enhanced between 8 and 10 h after submergence. The population of cells in the S phase and expression of the S-phase-specific histone H3 gene increased within 4 to 6 h. Within 6 to 8 h the G2-phase population increased. Cell-cycle activation was accompanied by sequential induction of a cdc2-activating kinase homolog, R2, of two cdc2 genes, cdc2Os-1 and cdc2Os-2, and of three cyclin genes, cycA1;3, cycB2;1, and cycB2;2, but only induction of the R2 gene expression preceded the induction of the S phase, possibly contributing to cell-cycle regulation in the G1 phase. Both cdc2 genes were expressed at slightly higher levels during DNA replication. Transcripts of the A-type cyclin accumulated during the S and G2 phases, and transcripts of the B-type cyclins accumulated during the G2 phase. Cyclin expression was induced at all nodes with a similar time course, suggesting that ethylene acts systemically and that root primordia respond to ethylene at an early developmental stage.


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High Al resistance in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi) has been suggested to be associated with both internal and external detoxification mechanisms. In this study the characteristics of the external detoxification mechanism, Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid, were investigated. Eleven days of P depletion failed to induce secretion of oxalic acid. Exposure to 50 μm LaCl3 also did not induce the secretion of oxalic acid, suggesting that this secretion is a specific response to Al stress. Secretion of oxalic acid was maintained for 8 h by a 3-h pulse treatment with 150 μm Al. A nondestructive method was developed to determine the site of the secretion along the root. Oxalic acid was found to be secreted in the region 0 to 10 mm from the root tip. Experiments using excised roots also showed that secretion was located on the root tip. Four kinds of anion-channel inhibitors showed different effects on Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid: 10 μm anthracene-9-carboxylic acid and 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate had no effect, niflumic acid stimulated the secretion 4-fold, and phenylglyoxal inhibited the secretion by 50%. Root elongation in buckwheat was not inhibited by 25 μm Al or 10 μm phenylglyoxal alone but was inhibited by 40% in the presence of Al and phenylglyoxal, confirming that secretion of oxalic acid is associated with Al resistance.


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Corn (Zea mays L.) root adaptation to pH 3.5 in comparison with pH 6.0 (control) was investigated in long-term nutrient solution experiments. When pH was gradually reduced, comparable root growth was observed irrespective of whether the pH was 3.5 or 6.0. After low-pH adaptation, H+ release of corn roots in vivo at pH 5.6 was about 3 times higher than that of control. Plasmalemma of corn roots was isolated for investigation in vitro. At optimum assay pH, in comparison with control, the following increases of the various parameters were caused by low-pH treatment: (a) hydrolytic ATPase activity, (b) maximum initial velocity and Michaelis constant (c) activation energy of H+-ATPase, (d) H+-pumping activity, (e) H+ permeability of plasmalemma, and (f) pH gradient across the membranes of plasmalemma vesicles. In addition, vanadate sensitivity remained unchanged. It is concluded that plasmalemma H+-ATPase contributes significantly to the adaptation of corn roots to low pH. A restricted net H+ release at low pH in vivo may be attributed to the steeper pH gradient and enhanced H+ permeability of plasmalemma but not to deactivation of H+-ATPase. Possible mechanisms responsible for adaptation of plasmalemma H+-ATPase to low solution pH during plant cultivation are discussed.


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For a better understanding of Al inhibition of root elongation, knowledge of the morphological and functional organization of the root apex is a prerequisite. We developed a polyvinyl chloride-block technique to supply Al (90 μm monomeric Al) in a medium containing agarose to individual 1-mm root zones of intact seedlings of maize (Zea mays L. cv Lixis). Root elongation was measured during a period of 5 h. After Al treatment, callose (5 h) and Al (1 h) contents of individual 1-mm apical root segments were determined. For comparison, callose and Al levels were also measured in root segments after uniform Al supply in agarose blocks to the 10-mm root apex. Only applying Al to the three apical 1-mm root zones inhibited root elongation after 1 h. The order of sensitivity was 1 to 2 > 0 to 1 > 2 to 3 mm. In the 1- to 2-mm root zone high levels of Al-induced callose formation and accumulation of Al was found, independently of whether Al was applied to individual apical root zones or uniformly to the whole-root apex. We conclude from these results that the distal part of the transition zone of the root apex, where the cells are undergoing a preparatory phase for rapid elongation (F. Baluška, D. Volkmann, P.W. Barlow [1996] Plant Physiol 112: 3–4), is the primary target of Al in this Al-sensitive maize cultivar.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a Metodologia para a Homologação dos Equipamentos do Sistema Canal Azul da Carne - MHECAC. Esta proposta de metodologia é complementar ao desenvolvimento do Sistema Canal Azul da Carne e tem o objetivo de apoiar o MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) no estabelecimento de um processo de verificação da conformidade de equipamentos, buscando garantir a interoperabilidade, o desempenho e a segurança de seus componentes de hardware. O Sistema Canal Azul é uma realização do MAPA em conjunto com o GAESI da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) e a iniciativa privada, e tem o objetivo de reduzir o tempo empregado nos processos de exportação de carnes no Brasil. A MHECAC baseia-se na estrutura de processo de avaliação de conformidade estabelecida pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Avaliação da Conformidade - SBAC e seus requisitos gerais podem ser aplicados à avaliação de conformidade de produtos em setores variados. No desenvolvimento da MHECAC foram aplicadas as principais referências técnicas e normativas correspondentes aos equipamentos que compõe a arquitetura do sistema Canal Azul. Além disto, foram definidos os modelos de homologação, auditoria e inspeção, os planos de amostragem, os requisitos mínimos e a metodologia de ensaio. A MHECAC subdivide-se em dois segmentos principais. O primeiro apresenta os requisitos gerais para o estabelecimento de sistemas de avaliação da conformidade e certificação de produtos, a aplicação destes requisitos não se limita ao Sistema Canal Azul, e o segundo apresenta requisitos específicos ao sistema estabelecido pelo MAPA. A aplicação da MHECAC favorece o tratamento isonômico de fornecedores e é um importante balizador para a seleção de equipamentos, pois permite a qualificação e a comparação de soluções, por meio de um embasamento técnico, pautado pela qualidade.


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PURPOSE To identify the prevalence and progression of macular atrophy (MA) in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients under long-term anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy and to determine risk factors. METHOD This retrospective study included patients with neovascular AMD and ≥30 anti-VEGF injections. Macular atrophy (MA) was measured using near infrared and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Yearly growth rate was estimated using square-root transformation to adjust for baseline area and allow for linearization of growth rate. Multiple regression with Akaike information criterion (AIC) as model selection criterion was used to estimate the influence of various parameters on MA area. RESULTS Forty-nine eyes (47 patients, mean age 77 ± 14) were included with a mean of 48 ± 13 intravitreal anti-VEGF injections (ranibizumab:37 ± 11, aflibercept:11 ± 6, mean number of injections/year 8 ± 2.1) over a mean treatment period of 6.2 ± 1.3 years (range 4-8.5). Mean best-corrected visual acuity improved from 57 ± 17 letters at baseline (= treatment start) to 60 ± 16 letters at last follow-up. The MA prevalence within and outside the choroidal neovascularization (CNV) border at initial measurement was 45% and increased to 74%. Mean MA area increased from 1.8 ± 2.7 mm(2) within and 0.5 ± 0.98 mm(2) outside the CNV boundary to 2.7 ± 3.4 mm(2) and 1.7 ± 1.8 mm(2) , respectively. Multivariate regression determined posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) and presence/development of intraretinal cysts (IRCs) as significant factors for total MA size (R(2) = 0.16, p = 0.02). Macular atrophy (MA) area outside the CNV border was best explained by the presence of reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) and IRC (R(2) = 0.24, p = 0.02). CONCLUSION A majority of patients show MA after long-term anti-VEGF treatment. Reticular pseudodrusen (RPD), IRC and PVD but not number of injections or treatment duration seem to be associated with the MA size.


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Spine title: Congenital malformations of the rectum & anus.


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The impact of whole body vibrations (vibration stimulus mechanically transferred to the body) on muscular activity and neuromuscular response has been widely studied but without standard protocol and by using different kinds of exercises and parameters. In this study, we investigated how whole body vibration treatments affect electromyographic signal of rectus femoris during static and dynamic squat exercises. The aim was the identification of squat exercise characteristics useful to maximize neuromuscular activation and hence progress in training efficacy. Fourteen healthy volunteers performed both static and dynamic squat exercises without and with vibration treatments. Surface electromyographic signals of rectus femoris were recorded during the whole exercise and processed to reduce artifacts and to extract root mean square values. Paired t-test results demonstrated an increase of the root mean square values (p<0.05) in both static and dynamic squat exercises with vibrations respectively of 63% and 108%. For each exercise, subjects gave a rating of the perceived exertion according to the Borg's scale but there were no significant changes in the perceived exertion rate between exercises with and without vibration. Finally, results from analysis of electromyographic signals identified the static squat with WBV treatment as the exercise with higher neuromuscular system response. © 2012 IEEE.


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Vibration treatment by oscillating platforms is more and more employed in the fields of exercise physiology and bone research. The rationale of this treatment is based on the neuromuscular system response elicited by vibration loads. surface Electromyography (EMG) is largely utilized to assess muscular response elicited by vibrations and Root Mean Square of the electromyography signals is often used as a concise quantitative index of muscle activity; in general, EMG envelope or RMS is expected to increase during vibration. However, it is well known that during surface bio-potential recording, motion artifacts may arise from relative motion between electrodes and skin and between skin layers. Also the only skin stretch, modifying the internal charge distribution, results in a variation of electrode potential. The aim of this study is to highlight the movements of muscles, and the succeeding relevance of motion artifacts on electrodes, in subjects undergoing vibration treatments. EMGs from quadriceps of fifteen subjects were recorded during vibration at different frequencies (15-40 Hz); Triaxial accelerometers were placed onto quadriceps, as close as possible to muscle belly, to monitor motion. The computed muscle belly displacements showed a peculiar behavior reflecting the mechanical properties of the structures involved. Motion artifact related to the impressed vibration have been recognized and related to movement of the soft tissues. In fact large artifacts are visible on EMGs and patellar electrodes recordings during vibration. Signals spectra also revealed sharp peaks corresponding to vibration frequency and its harmonics, in accordance with accelerometers data. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.


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Objectives: We report a case of primary melanoma of the small intestine. Primary intestinal melanoma (PIM) is an extremely rare neoplasm for which the cause is unknown. Materials and methods: A 67-year-old man was admitted to our department due to abdominal pain, constipation, a large, hard inguinal mass and severe anaemia. Results: After laboratory data, imaging techniques and histopathological examination, the diagnosis was confirmed. A surgical resection of the intestinal neoplasm, treatment with BRAF inhibitors and radiation therapy to the inguinal mass were performed. Conclusion: PIM is rare and it is usually difficult to establish its exact origin.