995 resultados para Rat heart


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Suun kautta annosteltava kalsiumherkistäjä parantaa sydämen vajaatoimintaan liittyvää pumppausvajetta kokeellisissa sydämen vajaatoimintamalleissa Huolimatta viime vuosikymmenien lääketieteellisestä kehityksestä krooninen sydämen vajaatoiminta on silti edelleen vakava, elämänlaatua voimakkaasti rajoittava sairaus. Kalsiumherkistäjät ovat uusi, sydämen pumppausvoimaa lisäävä lääkeryhmä. Levosimendaani, kotimaista alkuperää oleva kalsiumherkistäjä, on kliinisessä käytössä akuutin vajaatoiminnan hoitoon suonensisäisesti ja lyhytaikaisesti annosteltavana valmisteena. Levosimendaanilla on aktiivinen metaboliitti, OR-1896, jonka oletetaan olevan vuorokauden mittaisen levosimendaani-infuusion jälkeen havaittujen useita päiviä kestävien hyödyllisisten vaikutuksisten takana. Levosimendaanin kroonisen, suun kautta tapahtuvan annostelun vaikutuksista tieto on vähäisempää, mutta sillä näyttää olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia potilaiden raportoimana. FM Marjut Louhelainen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan suun kautta annosteltavan levosimendaanin ja sen pitkäkestoisen aktiivisen metaboliitin vaikutuksia kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käyttämällä sekä hypertensiivisen sydäntaudin että 2 tyypin diabeteksen komplisoimaan sydäninfarktin kokeellisia malleja. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi vajaatoimintaan johtavia molekyylitason tapahtumia sydänlihaksessa. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että krooninen suun kautta annosteltu hoito sekä kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanilla että sen aktiivisella metaboliitilla estää hypertensiiviseen sydämen vajaatoiminnan aikaasaamaa sydämen uudelleenmuovaantumista ja siihen liittyvää kuolleisuutta. Nämä vaikutukset välittyivät vähentyneen sydänlihassoluhypertrofian, solukuolleisuuden ja neurohumaraalisen aktivaation kautta. Levosimendaanin ja OR-1896:n osoitettiin myös parantavan sydämen pumppausfunktiota tyyppi 2 diabeteksen komplisoimassa sydäninfarktissa. Ei-diabeettiseen tilanteeseen verrattuna diabetekseen liittyvä infarktin jälkeinen vajaatoiminnan kehitys oli yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen tulehdukseen, fibroosiin, solukuolemaan, neurohumoraaliseen aktivaatioon ja ennenaikaiseen kudoksen vanhenemiseen. Sekä levosimendaani, että OR-1869 vähensivät tulehduksen, fibroosin ja solukuoleman merkkejä ja vaimensi neurohumoraalista aktivaatiota. OR-1896 myös vähensi solujen vanhenemiseen liittyvien merkkiaineiden ilmentymistä. Väitöskirjassa todettiin, että suun kautta annosteltuna sekä levosimendaani, että sen aktiivinen metaboliitti OR-1896, omaavat terapeuttista potentiaalia sekä hypertensiivisen sydäntaudin hoitoon että sydäninfarktin jälkeisen vajaatoiminnan estoon. FM Marjut Louhelaisen farmakologian alaan kuuluva väitöskirja Effects of oral calcium sensitizers on experimental heart failure tarkastetaan Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa perjantaina 29.01.2010 klo 12 (Biomedicum Helsinki, luentosali 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki). Vastaväittäjänä toimii professori Raimo Tuominen, Helsingin yliopiston Farmasian tiedekunnasta ja kustoksena professori Eero Mervaala Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisestä tiedekunnasta.


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A cDNA library for 6S–9S poly(A)-containing RNA from rat liver was constructed in Image . Initial screening of the clones was carried out using single stranded 32P-labeled cDNA prepared against poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from immunoadsorbed polyribosomes enriched for the nuclear-coded subunit messenger RNAs of cytochrome c oxidase. One of the clones, pCO89, was found to hybridize with the messenger RNA for subunit VIC. The DNA sequence of the insert in pCO89 was carried out and it has got extensive homology with the C-terminal 33 amino acids of subunit VIC from beef heart cytochrome c oxidase. In addition, the insert contained 146 bp, corresponding to a portion of the 3′-non-coding region. Northern blot analysis of rat liver RNA with the nick-translated insert of pCO89 revealed that the messenger RNA for subunit VI would contain around 510 bases.


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Accumulating evidence show that kinins, notably bradykinin (BK) and kallidin, have cardioprotective effects. To these include reduction of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and progression of heart failure. The effects are mediated through two G protein-coupled receptors- bradykinin type-2 receptor (BK-2R) and bradykinin type -1 receptor (BK-1R). The widely accepted cardioprotective effects of BK-receptors relate to triggering the production and release of vasodilating nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial cells. They also exert anti-proliferative effects on fibroblasts and anti-hypertrophic effects on myocytes, and thus may play an essential role in the cardioprotective response to myocardial injury. The role for BK-1Rs in HF is based on experimental animal models, where the receptors have been linked to cardioprotective- but also to cardiotoxic -effects. The BK-1Rs are induced under inflammatory and ischemic conditions, shown in animal models; no previous reports, concerning BK-1Rs in human heart failure, have been presented. The expression of BK-2Rs is down-regulated in human end-stage heart failure. Present results showed that, in these patients, the BK-1Rs were up-regulated, suggesting that also BK-1Rs are involved in the pathogenesis of human heart failure. The receptors were localized mainly in the endothelium of intramyocardial coronary vessels, and correlated with the increased TNF-α expression in the myocardial coronary vessels. Moreover, in cultured endothelial cells, TNF-α was a potent trigger of BK-1Rs. These results suggest that cytokines may be responsible for the up-regulation of BK-1Rs in human heart failure. A linear relationship between BK-2R mRNA and protein expression in normal and failing human left ventricles implies that the BK-2Rs are regulated on the transcriptional level, at least in human myocardium. The expression of BK-2Rs correlated positively with age in normal and dilated hearts (IDC). The results suggest that human hearts adapts to age-related changes, by up-regulating the expression of cardioprotective BK-2Rs. Also, in the BK-2R promoter polymorphism -58 T/C, the C-allele was accumulated in cardiomyopathy patients which may partially explain the reduced number of BK-2Rs. Statins reduce the level of plasma cholesterol, but also exert several non-cholesterol-dependent effects. These effects were studied in human coronary arterial endothelial cells (hCAEC) and incubation with lovastatin induced both BK-1 and BK-2Rs in a time and concentration-dependent way. The induced BK-2Rs were functionally active, thus NO production and cGMP signaling was increased. Induction was abrogated by mevalonate, a direct HMG-CoA metabolite. Lovastatin is known to inhibit Rho activation, and by a selective RhoA kinase inhibitor (Y27632), a similar induction of BK-2R expression as with lovastatin. Interestingly a COX-2-inhibitor (NS398) inhibited this lovastatin-induction of BK-2Rs, suggesting that COX-2 inhibitors may affect the endothelial BK-2Rs, in a negative fashion. Hypoxia is a common denominator in HF but also in other cardiovascular diseases. An induction of BK-2Rs in mild hypoxic conditions was shown in cultured hCAECs, which was abolished by a specific BK-2R inhibitor Icatibant. These receptors were functionally active, thus BK increased and Icatibant inhibited the production of NO. In rat myocardium the expression of BK-2R was increased in the endothelium of vessels, forming at the border zone, between the scar tissue and the healthy myocardium. Moreover, in in vitro wound-healing assay, endothelial cells were cultured under hypoxic conditions and BK significantly increased the migration of these cells and as Icatibant inhibited it. These results show, that mild hypoxia triggers a temporal expression of functionally active BK-2Rs in human and rat endothelial cells, supporting a role for BK-2Rs, in hypoxia induced angiogenesis. Our and previous results show, that BK-Rs have an impact on the cardiovascular diseases. In humans, at the end stage of heart failure, the BK-2Rs are down-regulated and BK-1Rs induced. Whether the up-regulation of BK-1Rs, is a compensatory mechanism against the down-regulation of BK-2Rs, or merely reflects the end point of heart failure, remains to bee seen. In a clinical point of view, the up-regulation of BK-2Rs, under hypoxic conditions or statin treatment, suggests that, the induction of BK-2Rs is protective in cardiovascular pathologies and those treatments activating BK-2Rs, might give additional tools in treating heart failure.


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Heart failure is a common, severe, and progressive condition associated with high mortality and morbidity. Because of population-aging in the coming decades, heart failure is estimated to reach epidemic proportions. Current medical and surgical treatments have reduced mortality, but the prognosis for patients has remained poor. Transplantation of skeletal myoblasts has raised hope of regenerating the failing heart and compensating for lost cardiac contractile tissue. In the present work, we studied epicardial transplantation of tissue-engineered myoblast sheets for treatment of heart failure. We employed a rat model of myocardial infarction-induced acute and chronic heart failure by left anterior descending coronary artery ligation. We then transplanted myoblast sheets genetically modified to resist cell death after transplantation by expressing antiapoptotic gene bcl2. In addition, we evaluated the regenerative capacity of myoblast sheets expressing the cardioprotective cytokine hepatocyte growth factor in a rat chronic heart failure model. Furthermore, we utilized in vitro cardiomyocyte and endothelial cell culture models as well as microarray gene expression analysis to elucidate molecular mechanisms mediating the therapeutic effects of myoblast sheet transplantation. Our results demonstrate that Bcl2-expression prolonged myoblast sheet survival in rat hearts after transplantation and induced secretion of cardioprotective, proangiogenic cytokines. After acute myocardial infarction, these sheets attenuated left ventricular dysfunction and myocardial damage, and they induced therapeutic angiogenesis. In the chronic heart failure model, inhibition of graft apoptosis by Bcl-2 improved cardiac function, supported survival of cardiomyocytes in the infarcted area, and induced angiogenesis in a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1- and 2-dependent mechanism. Hepatocyte growth factor-secreting myoblast sheets further enhanced the angiogenic efficacy of myoblast sheet therapy. Moreover, myoblast-secreted paracrine factors protected cardiomyocytes against oxidative stress in an epidermal growth factor receptor- and c-Met dependent manner. This protection was associated with induction of antioxidative genes and activation of the unfolded protein response. Our results provide evidence that inhibiting myoblast sheet apoptosis can enhance the sheets efficacy for treating heart failure after acute and chronic myocardial infarction. Furthermore, we show that myoblast sheets can serve as vehicles for delivery of growth factors, and induce therapeutic angiogenesis in the chronically ischemic heart. Finally, myoblasts induce, in a paracine manner, a cardiomyocyte-protective response against oxidative stress. Our study elucidates novel mechanisms of myoblast transplantation therapy, and suggests effective means to improve this therapy for the benefit of the heart failure patient.


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Background/Aims: In diabetic ventricular myocytes, transient outward potassium current (I-to) amplitude is severely reduced because of the impaired catecholamine release that characterizes diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Sympathetic nervous system exhibits a trophic effect on I-to since incubation of myocytes with noradrenaline restores current amplitude via beta-adrenoceptor (beta AR) stimulation. Here, we investigate the intracellular signalling pathway though which incubation of diabetic cardiomyocytes with the beta AR agonist isoproterenol recovers I-to amplitude to normal values. Methods: Experiments were performed in ventricular myocytes isolated from streptozotocin-diabetic rats. I-to current was recorded by using the patch-clamp technique. Kv4 channel expression was determined by immunofluorescence. Protein-protein interaction was determined by coimmunoprecipitation. Results: Stimulation of beta AR activates first a G alpha s protein, adenylyl cyclase and Protein Kinase A. PKA-phosphorylated receptor then switches to the G alpha i protein. This leads to the activation of the beta AR-Kinase-1 and further receptor phosphorylation and arrestin dependent internalization. The internalized receptor-arrestin complex recruits and activates cSrc and the MAPK cascade, where Ras, c-Raf1 and finally ERK1/2 mediate the increase in Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 protein abundance in the plasma membrane. Conclusion: beta(2)AR stimulation activates a G alpha s and G alpha i protein dependent pathway where the ERK1/2 modulates the Ito current amplitude and the density of the Kv4.2 and Kv4.2 channels in the plasma membrane upon sympathetic stimulation in diabetic heart.


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Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), a valuable natural product for cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, is mainly composed of two classes of constituents: terpene lactones (e.g., ginkgolide A and B, bilobalide) and flavone glycosides (e.g., quercetin and kaempferol). Its electrophysiological action in heart is yet unclear. In the present study, using whole-cell patch clamp technique, we investigated electrophysiological effects of GBE on cation channel currents in ventricular myocytes isolated from rat hearts. We found that GBE 0.01-0.1% inhibited significantly the sodium current (I-Na), L-type calcium current (I-Ca) and transient outward potassium current (IKto) in a concentration-dependent manner. Surprisingly, its main ingredients, ginkgolide A (GB A), ginkgolide B (GB B) and bilobalide (GB BA) at 0.1 mM did not exhibit any significant effect on these cation channel currents. These results suggested that GBE is a potent non-selective cation channel modulator in cardiaomyocytes. Other constituents (rather than GB A, GB B and GB BA) might be responsible for the observed inhibitory effects of GBE on cation channels. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Deaths from microcystin toxication have widely been attributed to hypovolemic shock due to hepatic interstitial hemorrhage, while some recent studies suggest that cardiogenic complication is also involved. So far, information on cardiotoxic effects of MC has been rare and the underlying mechanism is still puzzling. The present study examined toxic effects of microcystins on heart muscle of rats intravenously injected with extracted MC at two doses, 0.16LD(50) (14 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) body weight) and 1LD(50) (87 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) body weight). In the dead rats, both TTC staining and maximum elevations of troponin I levels confirmed myocardial infarction after MC exposure, besides a serious interstitial hemorrhage in liver. In the 1LD(50) dose group, the coincident falls in heart rate and blood pressure were related to mitochondria dysfunction in heart, while increases in creatine kinase and troponin I levels indicated cardiac cell injury. The corresponding pathological alterations were mainly characterized as loss of adherence between cardiac myocytes and swollen or ruptured mitochondria at the ultrastructural level. MC administration at a dose of 1LD(50) not only enhanced activities and up-regulated mRNA transcription levels of antioxidant enzymes, but also increased GSH content. At both doses, level of lipid peroxides increased obviously, suggesting serious oxidative stress in mitochondria. Simultaneously. complex I and III were significantly inhibited, indicating blocks in electron flow along the mitochondrial respiratory chain in heart. In conclusion, the findings of this study implicate a role for MC-induced cardiotoxicity as a potential factor that should be considered when evaluating the mechanisms of death associated with microcystin intoxication in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, a family of proteins that play diverse roles in many aspects of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. GDF-5 has also been shown to be a trophic factor for embryonic midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro (Krieglstein et al. 1995) and after transplantation to adult rats in vivo (Sullivan et al. 1998). GDF-5 has also been shown to have neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects on adult dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in animal models of Parkinson’s disease (Sullivan et al. 1997, 1999; Hurley et al. 2004). This experimental evidence has lead to GDF-5 being proposed as a neurotrophic factor with potential for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. However, it is not know if GDF-5 is expressed in the brain and whether it plays a role in dopaminergic neuron development. The experiments presented here aim to address these questions. To that end this thesis is divided into five separate studies each addressing a particular question associated with GDF-5 and its expression patterns and roles during the development of the rat midbrain. Expression of the GDF-5 in the developing rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) was found to begin at E12 and peak on E14, the day that dopaminergic neurons undergo terminal differentiation. In the adult rat, GDF-5 was found to be restricted to heart and brain, being expressed in many areas of the brain, including striatum and midbrain. This indicated a role for GDF-5 in the development and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons. The appropriate receptors for GDF-5 (BMPR-II and BMPR-Ib) were found to be expressed at high levels in the rat VM at E14 and BMPR-II expression was demonstrated on dopaminergic neurons in the E13 mouse VM. GDF-5 resulted in a three-fold increase in the numbers of dopaminergic neurons in cultures of E14 rat VM, without affecting the numbers of neurones or total cells. GDF-5 was found to increase the proportion of neurons that were dopaminergic. The numbers of Nurr1-positive cells were not affected by GDF-5 treatment, but GDF-5 did increase the numbers of Nurr1- positive cells that expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Taken together this data indicated that GDF-5 increases the conversion of Nurr1-positive, TH-negative cells to Nurr1-positive, TH-positive cells. In GDF-5 treated cultures, total neurite length, neurite arborisation and somal area of dopaminergic were all significantly increased compared to control cultures. Thus this study showed that GDF-5 increased the numbers and morphological differentiation of VM dopaminergic neurones in vitro. In order to examine if GDF-5 could induce a dopaminergic phenotype in neural progenitor cells, neurosphere cultures prepared from embryonic rat VM were established. The effect of the gestational age of the donor VM on the proportion of cell types generated from neurospheres from E12, E13 and E14 VM was examined. Dopaminergic neurons could only be generated from neurospheres which were prepared from E12 VM. Thus in subsequent studies the effect of GDF-5 on dopaminergic induction was examined in progentior cell cultures prepared from the E12 rat VM. In primary cultures of E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the numbers of TH-positive cells without affecting the proliferation or survival of these cells. In cultures of expanded neural progenitor cells from the E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the expression of Nurr1 and TH, an action that was dependent on signalling through the BMPR-Ib receptor. Taken together, these experiments provide evidence that GDF-5 is expressed in the developing rat VM, is involved in both the induction of a dopaminergic phenotype in cells of the VM and in the subsequent morphological development of these dopaminergic neurons


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Gemstone Team Organ Storage and Hibernation


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BACKGROUND: Some of the 600,000 patients with solid organ allotransplants need reconstruction with a composite tissue allotransplant, such as the hand, abdominal wall, or face. The aim of this study was to develop a rat model for assessing the effects of a secondary composite tissue allotransplant on a primary heart allotransplant. METHODS: Hearts of Wistar Kyoto rats were harvested and transplanted heterotopically to the neck of recipient Fisher 344 rats. The anastomoses were performed between the donor brachiocephalic artery and the recipient left common carotid artery, and between the donor pulmonary artery and the recipient external jugular vein. Recipients received cyclosporine A for 10 days only. Heart rate was assessed noninvasively. The sequential composite tissue allotransplant consisted of a 3 x 3-cm abdominal musculocutaneous flap harvested from Lewis rats and transplanted to the abdomen of the heart allotransplant recipients. The abdominal flap vessels were connected to the femoral vessels. No further immunosuppression was administered following the composite tissue allotransplant. Ten days after composite tissue allotransplantation, rejection of the heart and abdominal flap was assessed histologically. RESULTS: The rat survival rate of the two-stage transplant surgery was 80 percent. The transplanted heart rate decreased from 150 +/- 22 beats per minute immediately after transplant to 83 +/- 12 beats per minute on day 20 (10 days after stopping immunosuppression). CONCLUSIONS: This sequential allotransplant model is technically demanding. It will facilitate investigation of the effects of a secondary composite tissue allotransplant following primary solid organ transplantation and could be useful in developing future immunotherapeutic strategies.


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In anesthetized rats, we characterized the contributions of norepinephrine (NE) and ATP to changes in tail and hindlimb (femoral) vascular resistances (TVR and FVR, respectively) evoked by three patterns of sympathetic stimulation: 1) couplets (2 impulses at 20 Hz), 2) short trains (20 impulses at 20 Hz), and 3) a natural irregular pattern previously recorded from a sympathetic fiber innervating the rat tail artery. All stimuli evoked greater changes in TVR than FVR. Judging from the effects of the -adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine, the purinergic receptor antagonist suramin, or ,-methylene ATP (which desensitizes P2X receptors), we propose that NE has a major role in the constriction evoked by the couplet, as well as by the short train and by the low- and high-frequency components of the natural pattern, but that considerable synergy occurred between the actions of ATP and NE. This contrasts with previous in vitro studies that indicated that ATP dominates vascular responses evoked by sympathetic stimulation with a few impulses at low frequency and that NE dominates responses to longer trains or at high frequencies.


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Background The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is frequently used as model of cardiovascular disease, with considerable disparity in reported parameters of hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to assess the temporal changes occurring during the development and progression of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in SHR, subsequent to pressure overload, compared to changes associated with normal aging using the normotensive Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rat. Methods Ventricular cardiomyocytes were isolated from rats at 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 weeks, and parameters of hypertrophy (cell dimensions, protein mass, de novo protein synthesis, and gene expression) and function (contraction and hypertrophic responsiveness in vitro) were assessed. Results Hypertension was evident at =7 weeks in SHRs. Heart:body mass ratio, cardiomyocyte protein mass and width were elevated (P


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Responses evoked in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) by systemic hypoxia have received relatively little attention. Moreover, MSNA is generally identified from firing characteristics in fibres supplying whole limbs: their actual destination is not determined. We aimed to address these limitations by using a novel preparation of spinotrapezius muscle in anaesthetised rats. By using focal recording electrodes, multi-unit and discriminated single unit activity were recorded from the surface of arterial vessels. This had cardiac- and respiratory-related activities expected of MSNA, and was increased by baroreceptor unloading, decreased by baroreceptor stimulation and abolished by autonomic ganglion blockade. Progressive, graded hypoxia (breathing sequentially 12, 10, 8% O2 for 2 min each) evoked graded increases in MSNA. In single units, mean firing frequency increased from 0.2 ± 0.04 in 21% O2 to 0.62 ± 0.14 Hz in 8% O2, while instantaneous frequencies ranged from 0.04–6 Hz in 21% O2 to 0.09–20 Hz in 8% O2. Concomitantly, arterial pressure (ABP), fell and heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (RF) increased progressively, while spinotrapezius vascular resistance (SVR) decreased (Spinotrapezius blood flow/ABP), indicating muscle vasodilatation. During 8% O2 for 10 min, the falls in ABP and SVR were maintained, but RF, HR and MSNA waned towards baselines from the second to the tenth minute. Thus, we directly show that MSNA increases during systemic hypoxia to an extent that is mainly determined by the increases in peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and respiratory drive, but its vasoconstrictor effects on muscle vasculature are largely blunted by local dilator influences, despite high instantaneous frequencies in single fibres.


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Des modèles de dysfonction érectile (DE) ont été développés et étudiés chez le rat. Cependant, peu de choses sont connues dans certains modèles présentant des facteurs de risque de la DE, en l’occurrence le rat soumis à une diète riche en glucose, le rat avec une restriction de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU) et le rat avec l’infusion continue de l’angiotensine (Ang) II en ce qui concerne l’évaluation de la fonction érectile in vivo. C’est ainsi que nous nous sommes proposés cette étude. La fonction érectile a été mesurée par la stimulation électrique du nerf caverneux à des cohortes de rats mâles Sprague-Dawley de différents âges comme suit: 1) des rats jeunes de 12 semaines d’âge, adultes reproducteurs à la retraite d’environ 30 semaines d’âge et des rats de 27 et 29 semaines soumis à une diète riche en glucose par l’eau de breuvage (10%) à court (1 semaine), moyen (6 semaines) et long (12 ou 13 semaines) termes; 2) des rats jeunes âgés de 12 semaines recevant une infusion soit de l’Ang II (200ng/kg/min) soit de la saline par mini-pompes osmotiques sous-cutanées pendant 1 et 2 semaines; et 3) des rats adultes âgés de 36 semaines avec une RCIU. La fonction érectile a été représentée par des courbes de variations de pression intracaverneuse (PIC) et d’aire sous la courbe (ASC) normalisées avec la pression artérielle moyenne (PAM) en réponse à la stimulation nerveuse à différents volts. À la fin des expériences, les animaux ont été sacrifiés, le sang recueilli pour le dosage de la glycémie et de l’insulinémie; le pénis, l’aorte thoracique et le cœur prélevés à des fins d’analyses protéique et histologique. La diète riche en glucose à court terme a eu un effet néfaste sur la fonction érectile chez le jeune rat mais bénéfique chez le rat adulte reproducteur; de même que pour les études à long terme, la diète riche en glucose a amélioré ou renversé la DE associée au vieillissement. Les rats avec RCIU ont exhibé une baisse très significative de la fonction érectile. Ces détériorations ou améliorations de la fonction érectile avec le glucose ou dans la RCIU ont été principalement associées à des modifications de l’expression de l’Akt, en plus d’une augmentation de l’insuline sérique dans les groupes avec le glucose. L’Ang II a entraîné une baisse de la fonction érectile, statistiquement très significative après 1 semaine et maintenue après 2 semaines de traitement, sans causer des changements morphologiques au cœur et à l’aorte thoracique. En conclusion : l’atteinte du système érectile se fait précocement dans les complications cardiovasculaires liées à l’activation du SRA, l’implication de l’Akt dans la modulation de la fonction érectile dépend de type de vieillissement et de la diète, le RCIU est un facteur de risque pour la DE.