1000 resultados para RIBONUCLEOPROTEIN K


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Protein kinase C (PKC) plays a key role in embryonic stem cell (ESC) proliferation, self-renewal and differentiation However, the function of specific PKC Isoenzymes have yet to be determined Of the PKCs expressed in undifferentiated ESCs, beta IPKC was the only isoenzyme abundantly expressed in the nuclei To investigate the role of beta IPKC in these cells, we employed a phosphoproteomics strategy and used two classical (cPKC) peptide modulators and one beta IPKC-specific inhibitor peptide We identified 13 nuclear proteins that are direct or indirect beta IPKC substrates in undifferentiated ESCs These proteins are known to be involved in regulating transcription, splicing, and chromatin remodeling during proliferation and differentiation Inhibiting beta IPKC had no effect on DNA synthesis in undifferentiated ESCs However, upon differentiation many cells seized to express beta IPKC and beta IPKC was frequently found in the cytoplasm Taken together, our results suggest that beta IPKC takes part in the processes that maintain ESCs in their undifferentiated state


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Proteins are transported into and out of the cell nucleus via specific signals. The two best-studied nuclear transport processes are mediated either by classical nuclear localization signals or nuclear export signals. There also are shuttling sequences that direct the bidirectional transport of RNA-binding proteins. Two examples are the M9 sequence in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 and the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K shuttling domain (KNS) sequence in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K, both of which appear to contribute importantly to the export of mRNA to the cytoplasm. HuR is an RNA-binding protein that can stabilize labile mRNAs containing AU-rich elements in their 3′ untranslated regions and has been shown to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm (18, 19). We have identified in HuR a shuttling sequence that also possess transcription-dependent nuclear localization signal activity. We propose that HuR first may bind AU-rich element-containing mRNAs in the nucleus and then escort them through the nuclear pore, providing protection during and after export to the cytoplasmic compartment.


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The K homology (KH) module is a widespread RNA-binding motif that has been detected by sequence similarity searches in such proteins as heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) and ribosomal protein S3. Analysis of spatial structures of KH domains in hnRNP K and S3 reveals that they are topologically dissimilar and thus belong to different protein folds. Thus KH motif proteins provide a rare example of protein domains that share significant sequence similarity in the motif regions but possess globally distinct structures. The two distinct topologies might have arisen from an ancestral KH motif protein by N- and C-terminal extensions, or one of the existing topologies may have evolved from the other by extension, displacement and deletion. C-terminal extension (deletion) requires β-sheet rearrangement through the insertion (removal) of a β-strand in a manner similar to that observed in serine protease inhibitors serpins. Current analysis offers a new look on how proteins can change fold in the course of evolution.


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Sequence specific regulators of eukaryotic gene expression, axiomatically, act through double stranded DNA targets. Proteins that recognize DNA cis-elements as single strands but for which compelling evidence has been lacking to indicate in vivo involvement in transcription are orphaned in this scheme. We sought to determine whether sequence specific single strand binding proteins can find their cognate elements and modify transcription in vivo by studying heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K), which binds the single stranded sequence (CCCTCCCCA; CT-element) of the human c-myc gene in vitro. To monitor its DNA binding in vivo, the ability of hnRNP K to activate a reporter gene was amplified by fusion with the VP16 transactivation domain. This chimeric protein was found to transactivate circular but not linear CT-element driven reporters, suggesting that hnRNP K recognizes a single strand region generated by negative supercoiling in circular plasmid. When CT-elements were engineered to overlap with lexA operators, addition of lexA protein, either in vivo or in vitro, abrogated hnRNP K binding most likely by preventing single strand formation. These results not only reveal hnRNP K to be a single strand DNA binding protein in vivo, but demonstrate how a segment of DNA may modify the transcriptional activity of an adjacent gene through the interconversion of duplex and single strands.


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The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are members of a larger group of serine/ threonine (Ser/Thr) protein kinases from the mitogen-activated protein kinase family. JNKs were originally identified as stress-activated protein kinases in the livers of cycloheximide-challenged rats. Their subsequent purification, cloning, and naming as JNKs have emphasized their ability to phosphorylate and activate the transcription factor c-Jun. Studies of c-Jun and related transcription factor substrates have provided clues about both the preferred substrate phosphorylation sequences and additional docking domains recognized by JNK There are now more than 50 proteins shown to be substrates for JNK These include a range of nuclear substrates, including transcription factors and nuclear hormone receptors, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K and the Pol I-specific transcription factor TIF-IA, which regulates ribosome synthesis. Many nonnuclear substrates have also been characterized, and these are involved in protein degradation (e.g., the E3 ligase Itch), signal transduction (e.g., adaptor and scaffold proteins and protein kinases), apoptotic cell death (e.g., mitochondrial Bcl2 family members), and cell movement (e.g., paxillin, DCX, microtubule-associated proteins, the stathmin family member SCG10, and the intermediate filament protein keratin 8). The range of JNK actions in the cell is therefore likely to be complex. Further characterization of the substrates of JNK should provide clearer explanations of the intracellular actions of the JNKs and may allow new avenues for targeting the JNK pathways with therapeutic agents downstream of JNK itself.


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Le diabète est une maladie chronique dont la principale caractéristique est un niveau plasmatique élevé de glucose, qui est causé soit par un défaut dans la production d’insuline, l’action de l’insuline, ou les deux à la fois. Plusieurs études ont démontré que l’hyperglycémie chronique peut mener à la dysfonction et même la défaillance de plusieurs organes, dont le coeur, le système vasculaire, les yeux et les reins, se traduisant par des infarctus du myocarde, des accidents cérébro-vasculaires et des complications rétinales et rénales, respectivement. La néphropathie diabétique (DN) est la principale cause de déficience rénale et affecte près de 25-40% des patients diabétiques. La DN est invariablement associée à un risque élevé d’accident cérébrovasculaire et de dysfonction cardivasculaire. L’angiotensinogène (Agt) est l’unique précurseur de tous les types d’angiotensines. En plus du système rénine-angiotensine (RAS) sytémique, le rein possède son propre système intrarénal et exprime tous les composants du RAS. L’Agt est fortement exprimé dans les cellules du tubule proximal rénal (RPTC) et y est converti en angiotensine II (AngII), le peptide biologiquement actif du RAS. Les patients diabétiques présentent de hauts niveaux d’AngII et une augmentation de l’expression des gènes du RAS, suggérant que l’activation du RAS intrarénal joue un rôle important dans la progression de la DN. Les mécanismes qui contrôlent la régulation du niveau rénal d’Agt par l’hyperglycémie et l’insuline demeurent mal compris. Le but global de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l’expression du gène Agt chez la souris Akita (un modèle murin de diabète de type 1). Dans cette optique, la première partie de la thèse se concentre sur deux facteurs de transcription de la famille des ribonucléoprotéines nucléaires hétérogènes (hnRNP). Chan et collaborateurs ont déjà identifié 2 protéines nucléaires hnRNP F et hnRNP K, de 48kD et 70kD respectivement. HnRNP F et hnRNP K forment un hétérodimère et se lient à l’élément de réponse à l’insuline (IRE) présent dans le promoteur du gène Agt du rat et inhibent la transcription du gène Agt in vitro. Afin de déterminer si hnRNP F / K sont responsables de l’inhibition de l’expression rénale de Agt par l’insuline in vivo, nous avons étudié des souris Akita males traités ou non avec des implants d’insuline pour une période de 4 semaines. Des souris non-Akita males ont été employées comme contrôles. Les souris Akita développent de l’hypertension et de l’hypertrophie rénale. Le traitement à l’insuline rétablit les niveaux de glucose plasmatiques et la pression systolique (SBP), et atténue l’hypertrophie rénale, l’albuminurie (ratio albumine/créatinine urinaire, ACR) et les niveaux urinaires d’Agt et AngII chez les souris Akita. De plus, le traitement à l’insuline inhibe l’expression rénale du gène Agt, tout en augmentant l’expression des gènes hnRNP F, hnRNP K et ACE2 (enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine-2). Dans des RPTC in vitro, l’insuline inhibe Agt, mais stimule l’expression de hnRNP F et hnRNP K en présence de hautes concentrations de glucose, et ce via la voie de signalisation MAPK p44/42 (protéine kinase activée par un mitogène). La transfection avec des petits ARN interférents (siRNA) contre hnRNP F et hnRNP K prévient l’inhibition de l’expression d’Agt par l’insuline dans les RPTC. Cette étude démontre bien que l’insuline prévient l’hypertension et atténue les dommages rénaux observés chez les souris Akita diabétiques, en partie grâce à la suppression de la transcription rénale de Agt, via une augmentation de l’expression de hnRNP F et hnRNP K. La seconde partie de cette thèse change de focus et se tourne vers le facteur Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2). Nrf2 est un facteur de transcription qui contrôle les gènes de la réponse antioxydante cellulaire en réponse au stress oxydant ou aux électrophiles. Le but de cette étude est d’examiner l’impact de la surexpression de la catalase (Cat) dans les RPTC sur l’expression du gène Agt via Nrf2 et sur le développement de l’hypertension et des dommages rénaux résultants chez les souris diabétiques Akita transgéniques (Tg). Nos études ont démontré que la surexpression de Cat dans les souris Akita Cat-Tg normalise la SBP, atténue les dommages rénaux et inhibe l’expression des gènes Nrf2 et Agt dans les RPTC. In vitro, le glucose élevé (HG) et l’oltipraz (un activateur de Nrf2) stimulent l’expression de Nrf2 et Agt, et cet effet peut être bloqué par la trigonelline (inhibiteur de Nrf2), des siRNA contre Nrf2, des antioxydants ou des inhibiteurs pharmacologiques NF-κB et MAPK p38. La suppression de sites de réponse à Nrf2 présents dans le promoteur du gène Agt du rat abolit la stimulation par l’oltipraz. Finalement, des souris males adultes non-transgéniques traitées avec l’oltipraz montrent une augmentation de l’expression de Nrf2 et Agt dans leurs RPTC et cette augmentation peut être normalisée par la trigonelline. Ces données permettent d’identifier un nouveau mécanisme d’action de Nrf2, par la stimulation du gène Agt intrarénal et l’activation du RAS, qui induisent l’hypertension et les dommages rénaux par le glucose élevé et les espèces réactives de l’oxygène chez les souris diabétiques. Nos conclusions permettent de démontrer que l’insuline induit l’expression de hnRNP F et hnRNP K, qui jouent ensuite un rôle protecteur en prévenant l’hypertension. La surexpression de la catalase dans les RPTC vient quant à elle atténuer l’activation de Nrf2 et ainsi réduit la SBP chez les souris Akita.


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We show for the first time that upon injection into the cytoplasm of the oocyte, fluorescein-labeled spliceosomal snRNAs, in the context of functional snRNPs, are targeted to elongating pre-mRNAs. This finding presents us with a novel assay with which to dissect the mechanism by which snRNPs are targeted to nascent pre-mRNA transcripts. Two critical advantages offered by this system are immediately evident. First, it allows us to investigate the mechanisms employed to recruit snRNPs as it actually transpires within the realm of the cell nucleus. Second, it allows a genome-wide analysis of snRNP recruitment to nascent transcripts, and, hence, the conclusions drawn from these studies do not depend on the sequence of any particular promoter or pre-mRNA. Indeed, it is with this assay that we have stumbled upon a most unanticipated discovery: Contrary to the current paradigm, the co-transcriptional recruitment of splicing snRNPs to nascent transcripts is not contingent on their role in splicing in vivo. Based on these and other data, we have constructed a two-step recruitment-loading model wherein snRNPs are first recruited to pre-mRNA transcripts and only then loaded directly onto cis-acting sequences on nascent pre-mRNA. While conducting studies on snRNP trafficking, a new discovery was made. We found that the lampbrush chromosomes could be visualized by light microscopy in vivo, and that these chromosomes have an architecture that is identical with those in formaldehyde treated nuclear spread preparations. Importantly, we now have the first system with which we can examine the dynamic interactions of macromolecules with specific RNA polymerase II transcriptional units in the live nucleus.


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The Raman spectra at 77 K of the hydroxyl stretching of kaolinite were obtained along the three axes perpendicular to the crystal faces. Raman bands were observed at 3616, 3658 and 3677 cm−1 together with a distinct band observed at 3691 cm−1 and a broad profile between 3695 and 3715 cm−1. The band at 3616 cm−1 is assigned to the inner hydroxyl. The bands at 3658 and 3677 cm−1 are attributed to the out-of-phase vibrations of the inner surface hydroxyls. The Raman spectra of the in-phase vibrations of the inner-surface hydroxyl-stretching region are described in terms of transverse and longitudinal optic splitting. The band at 3691 cm−1 is assigned to the transverse optic and the broad profile to the longitudinal optic mode. This splitting remained even at liquid nitrogen temperature. The transverse optic vibration may be curve resolved into two or three bands, which are attributed to different types of hydroxyl groups in the kaolinite.


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We introduce K-tree in an information retrieval context. It is an efficient approximation of the k-means clustering algorithm. Unlike k-means it forms a hierarchy of clusters. It has been extended to address issues with sparse representations. We compare performance and quality to CLUTO using document collections. The K-tree has a low time complexity that is suitable for large document collections. This tree structure allows for efficient disk based implementations where space requirements exceed that of main memory.


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The K-Adv has been developed around the concept that it comprises an ICT enabling infrastructure that encompasses ICT hardware and software infrastructure facilities together with an enabling ICT support system; a leadership infrastructure support system that provides the vision for its implementation and the realisation capacity for the vision to be realised; and the necessary people infrastructure that includes the people capabilities and capacities supported by organisational processes that facilitates this resource to be mobilised.


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This paper describes the approach taken to the XML Mining track at INEX 2008 by a group at the Queensland University of Technology. We introduce the K-tree clustering algorithm in an Information Retrieval context by adapting it for document clustering. Many large scale problems exist in document clustering. K-tree scales well with large inputs due to its low complexity. It offers promising results both in terms of efficiency and quality. Document classification was completed using Support Vector Machines.