998 resultados para RELATIVISMO MORAL


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Monográfico con el título: 'Identidad y educación'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Contenido: El aristotelismo y el tomismo frente al egoísmo psicológico / María L. Lukac de Stier – El deseo natural de ver a Dios en la Summa contra Gentiles / Guillermo Jorge Cambiasso – La creación como encuentro del ser y de la nada en la teología del maestro Eckhart de Hochheim O.P. (1260-1327) / Brian J. Farrelly – Malebranche y el libertinage érudit / Francisco Leocata – The problem of person and Jean Mouroux / John M. McDermott ; Glenn J. Comandini – Los fundamentos de la Bioética de H. Tristram Engelhardt / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Cuando las contradictorias son verdaderas / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – Examen del escepticismo moral y del relativismo moral / Camilo Tale – Saint Thomas et le mystère de la création : une réponse aux interrogations de l’homme d’aujourd’hui / Marie-Dominique Philippe – La finalidad de la naturaleza humana : alcance y actualidad de la cuestión / Beatriz Eugenia Reyes Oribe – La providencia y el gobierno del mundo / Alberto Caturelli – Saint Thomas et le problème de la possibilité d’un univers créé éternel / Alain-Marie de Lassus – La causalidad material de los elementos en la generación de los cuerpos mixtos / Mario Enrique Sacchi -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: En las últimas décadas, mientras en el pensamiento mo - ral asistimos al panorama sobre las últimas consecuencias del relativismo, en el derecho se ha ido conformando un nuevo paradigma: el “Estado de derecho constitucional” cuyo fundamento se halla en la defensa de los derechos humanos y en el principio democrático en la organización social. Para poder comprender tal nuevo modelo sobre el derecho se hace necesario analizar previamente los fundamentos filosóficos en que se sustenta, caracterizados por la dialéctica modernidad- posmodernidad. La modernidad asentada en el desencantamiento del mundo, la descontextualización del saber y el subjetivismo; y la posmodernidad que le ha agregado la instrumentalización de la razón, el aumento del nominalismo lingüístico y un mero pragmatismo han generado el nacimiento de una “nueva ética” totalmente individualista y un neo-constitucionalismo que ha colocado a la Constitución, fundada en los derechos individuales y en la democratización de la vida pública, en el núcleo del pensamiento jurídico actual. Frente a tal panorama, se indican a modo de contribución académica, las ventajas y desventajas o peligros que tal modelo jurídico- político lleva implícito.


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Resumen tomado de la revista. Resumen en Inglés. Monográfico: Deontología y práctica profesional


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Análisis de la construcción de la infancia en la sociedad de la información. La infancia y la adolescencia se prolongan cada vez más en el tiempo pero asumen muy pronto los modelos de conducta adultos. Los mejores ejemplos se dan el mundo de las muñecas, con el triunfo de Barbie, y en el de la moda infantil, donde es tan importante la ropa de marca. La 'reducción de la infancia' se opera mediante la transmisión de valores en el ámbito familiar y escolar y a través de los medios de comunicación. Los 'nuevos niños' se caracterizan por la estandarización de comportamientos, la tendencia grupal y la construcción de la identidad a través de la moda. Reproducen los estereotipos de género y los valores dominantes (bienestar personal, relativismo moral, importancia de la imagen). Habría que buscar medios para una socialización adecuada de la niñez.


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O romance Os Demônios trata dos excessos da secularização em ética e pedagogia e indica que o esquecimento da categoria de santidade inviabiliza o discernimento em meio ao relativismo moral. A negatividade devastadora de seus personagens não são expressões de um mal abstrato e metafísico, ao contrário, são expressões vívidas e concretas ao longo do romance da perfeita liberdade da vontade humana. Na plenitude de tal liberdade a personalidade humana é dissolvida, a solidão se instala, a ligação entre os homens é cortada e a sociedade destruída.Trata-se de um brilhante insight do estado de perplexidade, declínio e inadequação da alma mutilada e espiritualmente impotente. Deslocado o centro da gravidade para a liberdade da vontade humana, emancipado das potências de Deus, os homens passam a voar pelo espaço. Uma síndrome cada vez mais crônica do homem moderno: descolado de sua tradição e constrangido aos referenciais humanos degenera e realiza o Nada. A consistência da Filosofia da Religião em Dostoiévski, que considera o mistério como constitutivo da condição humana, nos revela uma poderosa crítica religiosa aos desdobramentos do ateísmo moderno, assim como, uma valiosa contribuição no diálogo entre educação, religião e moral.


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La globalización como un proceso de carácter multidimensional, que abarca no sólo aspectos económicos y financieros, sino también sociales, culturales y tecnológicos, ha servido como plataforma para el surgimiento de nuevos actores sociales de índole transnacional. La creciente conformación y expansión de redes transnacionales, ha abierto una mirada hacia nuevas temáticas, conflictos y desarrollos que deben ser contemplados en el ámbito global. Por ello estas redes, entre otras cosas, han implementado nuevos mecanismos de control y garantía de los derechos humanos en el ámbito global, han desarrollado también estrategias de cooperación para que sus esfuerzos y activismo hagan eco dentro de las políticas domésticas de los Estados. Es esta investigación se ilustra bajo un ejemplo práctico, la participación y el activismo de una red transnacional feminista que con la cooperación de Naciones Unidas y otras organizaciones internacionales, lograron crear y llevar a cabo de manera efectiva, una estrategia en aras de la despenalización del aborto, en Colombia, estado que había sido muy severo en esta materia. En América Latina, la inflexibilidad de las legislaciones en materia de aborto, ha radicado, en que éstas han tomado como base la doctrina católica, que durante mucho tiempo fue impartida y considerada como el discurso hegemónico o más relevante en la discusión de políticas públicas sobre sexualidad y reproducción. Entonces, teniendo en la mira a estos protagonistas que se encuentran en conflicto, bien por hacer prevalecer la autonomía individual, la salud pública la equidad social o de género en las legislaciones domésticas, o bien por salvaguardar la noción de familia tradicional que se está viendo amenazada por un relativismo moral que debe ser contrarrestado al interior de los Estados, esta investigación, analiza por un lado, si existe o no influencia de los grupos feministas transnacionales, quienes han visto la importancia de actuar globalmente para promover cambios nacionales como la liberalización del aborto en las legislaciones, dado el reconocimiento de nuevos derechos como los derechos sexuales y reproductivos avalados en el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos , y por otro, estudia la decadencia de la doctrina católica, ya que como actor político la Iglesia Católica ha perdido fuerza a la hora de participar en los debates sobre sexualidad y aborto. Para el fin perseguido en este documento, se analizan los principales postulados de la Teoría Liberal de las Relaciones Internacionales y se contrasta con un ejemplo práctico: el proceso de despenalización parcial del aborto en Colombia durante el periodo comprendido entre 2005 – 2006.


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This research aims to reconstruct and explain the argument proposed by Peter Singer to justify the principle of equal consideration of interests (PECI). The PECI is the basic normative principle according to people should consider the interests of all sentient beings affected when somebody taking a moral decision. It is the join that Singer proposes between universalizability and the principle of equal consideration of interests that constitutes a compelling reason to justify it. The universalizability requires to disregard the numerical differences, putting yourself in other people s shoes, and to consider preferences, interests, desires and ideals of those affected. Singer joins universalizability to normative principle and molds the form and content of his theory. The first chapter introduces the discussion will be developed in this essay. The second chapter deals the historical and philosophical viewpoint from which Singer starts his studies. The third chapter is about the Singer s critiques of naturalism, intuitionism, relativism, simple subjectivism and emotivism. The fourth chapter exposes the design of universal prescriptivism proposed by R. M. Hare. The universal prescriptivism indicates, in the Singer s viewpoint, a consistent way to create the join between the universalizability and PECI. It highlights also the criticism designed by J. L. Mackie and Singer himself to universal prescriptivism. The second part of this chapter shows briefly some of the main points of the classical conception of utilitarianism and its possible relationship with the theory of Singer. The fifth chapter introduces the Singer s thesis about the origin of ethics and the universalizability as a feature necessary to the point of view of ethic, and the way which this argument is developed to form the PECI. The sixth chapter exposes the main distinctions that characterize the PECI. Finally the seventh chapter provides a discussion about the reasons highlighted by Singer for one who wants orient his life according to the standpoint of ethics. This structure allows explaining the main ideas of the author concerning the theoretical foundations of his moral philosophy


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Although internet chat is a significant aspect of many internet users’ lives, the manner in which participants in quasi-synchronous chat situations orient to issues of social and moral order remains to be studied in depth. The research presented here is therefore at the forefront of a continually developing area of study. This work contributes new insights into how members construct and make accountable the social and moral orders of an adult-oriented Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel by addressing three questions: (1) What conversational resources do participants use in addressing matters of social and moral order? (2) How are these conversational resources deployed within IRC interaction? and (3) What interactional work is locally accomplished through use of these resources? A survey of the literature reveals considerable research in the field of computer-mediated communication, exploring both asynchronous and quasi-synchronous discussion forums. The research discussed represents a range of communication interests including group and collaborative interaction, the linguistic construction of social identity, and the linguistic features of online interaction. It is suggested that the present research differs from previous studies in three ways: (1) it focuses on the interaction itself, rather than the ways in which the medium affects the interaction; (2) it offers turn-by-turn analysis of interaction in situ; and (3) it discusses membership categories only insofar as they are shown to be relevant by participants through their talk. Through consideration of the literature, the present study is firmly situated within the broader computer-mediated communication field. Ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis were adopted as appropriate methodological approaches to explore the research focus on interaction in situ, and in particular to investigate the ways in which participants negotiate and co-construct social and moral orders in the course of their interaction. IRC logs collected from one chat room were analysed using a two-pass method, based on a modification of the approaches proposed by Pomerantz and Fehr (1997) and ten Have (1999). From this detailed examination of the data corpus three interaction topics are identified by means of which participants clearly orient to issues of social and moral order: challenges to rule violations, ‘trolling’ for cybersex, and experiences regarding the 9/11 attacks. Instances of these interactional topics are subjected to fine-grained analysis, to demonstrate the ways in which participants draw upon various interactional resources in their negotiation and construction of channel social and moral orders. While these analytical topics stand alone in individual focus, together they illustrate different instances in which participants’ talk serves to negotiate social and moral orders or collaboratively construct new orders. Building on the work of Vallis (2001), Chapter 5 illustrates three ways that rule violation is initiated as a channel discussion topic: (1) through a visible violation in open channel, (2) through an official warning or sanction by a channel operator regarding the violation, and (3) through a complaint or announcement of a rule violation by a non-channel operator participant. Once the topic has been initiated, it is shown to become available as a topic for others, including the perceived violator. The fine-grained analysis of challenges to rule violations ultimately demonstrates that channel participants orient to the rules as a resource in developing categorizations of both the rule violation and violator. These categorizations are contextual in that they are locally based and understood within specific contexts and practices. Thus, it is shown that compliance with rules and an orientation to rule violations as inappropriate within the social and moral orders of the channel serves two purposes: (1) to orient the speaker as a group member, and (2) to reinforce the social and moral orders of the group. Chapter 6 explores a particular type of rule violation, solicitations for ‘cybersex’ known in IRC parlance as ‘trolling’. In responding to trolling violations participants are demonstrated to use affiliative and aggressive humour, in particular irony, sarcasm and insults. These conversational resources perform solidarity building within the group, positioning non-Troll respondents as compliant group members. This solidarity work is shown to have three outcomes: (1) consensus building, (2) collaborative construction of group membership, and (3) the continued construction and negotiation of existing social and moral orders. Chapter 7, the final data analysis chapter, offers insight into how participants, in discussing the events of 9/11 on the actual day, collaboratively constructed new social and moral orders, while orienting to issues of appropriate and reasonable emotional responses. This analysis demonstrates how participants go about ‘doing being ordinary’ (Sacks, 1992b) in formulating their ‘first thoughts’ (Jefferson, 2004). Through sharing their initial impressions of the event, participants perform support work within the interaction, in essence working to normalize both the event and their initial misinterpretation of it. Normalising as a support work mechanism is also shown in relation to participants constructing the ‘quiet’ following the event as unusual. Normalising is accomplished by reference to the indexical ‘it’ and location formulations, which participants use both to negotiate who can claim to experience the ‘unnatural quiet’ and to identify the extent of the quiet. Through their talk participants upgrade the quiet from something legitimately experienced by one person in a particular place to something that could be experienced ‘anywhere’, moving the phenomenon from local to global provenance. With its methodological design and detailed analysis and findings, this research contributes to existing knowledge in four ways. First, it shows how rules are used by participants as a resource in negotiating and constructing social and moral orders. Second, it demonstrates that irony, sarcasm and insults are three devices of humour which can be used to perform solidarity work and reinforce existing social and moral orders. Third, it demonstrates how new social and moral orders are collaboratively constructed in relation to extraordinary events, which serve to frame the event and evoke reasonable responses for participants. And last, the detailed analysis and findings further support the use of conversation analysis and membership categorization as valuable methods for approaching quasi-synchronous computer-mediated communication.


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There is much still to learn about how young children’s membership with peers shapes their constructions of moral and social obligations within everyday activities in the school playground. This paper investigates how a small group of girls, aged four to six years, account for their everyday social interactions in the playground. They were video-recorded as they participated in a pretend game of school. Several days later, a video-recorded excerpt of the interaction was shown to them and invited to comment on what was happening in the video. This conversation was audio-recorded. Drawing on a conversation analysis approach, this chapter shows that, despite their discontent and complaining about playing the game of school, the girls’ actions showed their continued orientation to the particular codes of the game, of ‘no going away’ and ‘no telling’. By making relevant these codes, jointly constructed by the girls during the interview, they managed each other’s continued participation within two arenas of action: the pretend, as a player in a pretend game of school; and the real, as a classroom member of a peer group. Through inferences to explicit and implicit codes of conduct, moral obligations were invoked as the girls attempted to socially exclude or build alliances with others, and enforce their own social position. As well, a shared history that the girls re-constructed has moral implications for present and future relationships. The girls oriented to the history as an interactional resource for accounting for their actions in the pretend game. This paper uncovers how children both participate in, and shape, their everyday social worlds through talk and interaction and the consequences a taken-for-granted activity such as playing school has for their moral and social positions in the peer group.


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One of the oldest problems in philosophy concerns the relationship between free will and moral responsibility. If we adopt the position that we lack free will, in the absolute sense—as have most philosophers who have addressed this issue—how can we truly be held accountable for what we do? This paper will contend that the most significant and interesting challenge to the long-standing status-quo on the matter comes not from philosophy, jurisprudence, or even physics, but rather from psychology. By examining this debate through the lens of contemporary behaviour disorders, such as ADHD, it will be argued that notions of free will, along with its correlate, moral responsibility, are being eroded through the logic of psychology which is steadily reconfiguring large swathes of familiar human conduct as pathology. The intention of the paper is not only to raise some concerns over the exponential growth of behaviour disorders, but also, and more significantly, to flag the ongoing relevance of philosophy for prying open contemporary educational problems in new and interesting ways.


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One of the oldest problems in philosophy concerns the relationship between free will and moral responsibility. If we adopt the position that we lack free will, in the absolute sense—as have most philosophers who have addressed this issue—how can we truly be held accountable for what we do? This paper will contend that the most significant and interesting challenge to the long-standing status-quo on the matter comes not from philosophy, jurisprudence, or even physics, but rather from psychology. By examining this debate through the lens of contemporary behaviour disorders, such as ADHD, it will be argued that notions of free will, along with its correlate, moral responsibility, are being eroded through the logic of psychology which is steadily reconfiguring large swathes of familiar human conduct as pathology. The intention of the paper is not only to raise some concerns over the exponential growth of behaviour disorders, but also, and more significantly, to flag the ongoing relevance of philosophy for prying open contemporary educational problems in new and interesting ways.


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This two part paper considers the experience of a range of magico-religious experiences (such as visions and voices) and spirit beliefs in a rural Aboriginal town. The papers challenge the tendency of institutionalised psychiatry to medicalise the experiences and critiques the way in which its individualistic practice is intensified in the face of an incomprehensible Aboriginal „other‟ to become part of the power imbalance that characterises the relationship between Indigenous and white domains. The work reveals the internal differentiation and politics of the Aboriginal domain, as the meanings of these experiences and actions are contested and negotiated by the residents and in so doing they decentre the concerns of the white domain and attempt to control their relationship with it. Thus the plausibility structure that sustains these multiple realities reflects both accommodation and resistance to the material and historical conditions imposed and enacted by mainstream society on the residents, and to current socio- political realities. I conclude that the residents‟ narratives chart the grounds of moral adjudication as the experiences were rarely conceptualised by local people as signs of individual pathology but as reflections of social reality. Psychiatric drug therapy and the behaviourist assumptions underlying its practice posit atomised individuals as the appropriate site of intervention as against the multiple realities revealed by the phenomenology of the experiences. The papers thus call into question Australian mainstream „commonsense‟ that circulates about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which justifies representations of them as sickly outcasts in Australian society.