95 resultados para Quimiocinas CXC


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Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Despite the strong valorization of the esthetics and its relationship with restorative materials, the biological principles of any clinical procedure are extremely important to maintain the vitality of the dentin-pulp complex. Dentin and pulp tissue are susceptible to different kinds of irritants such as toxins from microorganisms, traumatic procedures of cavity preparation, as well as toxic components released by restorative materials applied in non recommended clinical situations. Initially, the pulp responds to irritation by starting an inflammatory reaction which involves outward movement of dentinal fluid and intratubular deposition of immunoglobulins, upregulation of odontoblast activities, presence of immune cells and their cytokines as well as local expression of neuropeptides and chemokines. After these initial events, the inflammation process can be resolved associated or not to sclerotic dentin formation and reactionary dentin deposition. If high intensity offensive stimuli are applied to the dentin-pulp complex, death of odontoblasts takes place and consequently pulp ageing or even partial necrosis of this tissue may occurs. Thereby, clinicians need to be aware about the physiological and pathological features of the dentin-pulp complex as well as the possible biological consequences of different clinical procedures. In this way, the dentists should be able to carry out minimally aggressive operative techniques and to select the more appropriate restorative materials for each specific clinical situation in order to obtain excellent clinical results associated to the maintenance of pulp vitality.


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Objectives: The human antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (LL-37) possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may contribute to attenuating the inflammatory process associated with chronic periodontitis. Plant polyphenols, including those from cranberry and green tea, have been reported to reduce inflammatory cytokine secretion by host cells. In the present study, we hypothesized that A-type cranberry proanthocyanidins (AC-PACs) and green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) act in synergy with LL-37 to reduce the secretion of inflammatory mediators by oral mucosal cells. Methods: A three-dimensional (3D) co-culture model of gingival epithelial cells and fibroblasts treated with non-cytotoxic concentrations of AC-PACs (25 and 50 mg/ml), EGCG (1 and 5 mg/ml), and LL-37 (0.1 and 0.2 mM) individually and in combination (AC-PACs + LL-37 and EGCG + LL-37) were stimulated with Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Multiplex ELISA assays were used to quantify the secretion of 54 host factors, including chemokines, cytokines, growth factors, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Results: LL-37, AC-PACs, and EGCG, individually or in combination, had no effect on the regulation of MMP and TIMP secretion but inhibited the secretion of several cytokines. ACPACs and LL-37 acted in synergy to reduce the secretion of CXC-chemokine ligand 1 (GRO-a), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), and had an additive effect on reducing the secretion of interleukin-8 (IL-8), interferon-g inducible protein 10 (IP-10), and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in response to LPS stimulation. EGCG and LL-37 acted in synergy to reduce the secretion of GRO-a, G-CSF, IL-6, IL-8, and IP-10, and had an additive effect on MCP-1 secretion. Conclusion: The combination of LL-37 and natural polyphenols from cranberry and green tea acted in synergy to reduce the secretion of several cytokines by an LPS-stimulated 3D coculture model of oral mucosal cells. Such combinations show promising results as potential adjunctive therapies for treating inflammatory periodontitis.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Endothelin mediates neutrophil recruitment during innate inflammation. Herein we address whether endothelin-1 (ET-1) is involved in neutrophil recruitment in adaptive inflammation in mice, and its mechanisms. Pharmacological treatments were used to determine the role of endothelin in neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneal cavity of mice challenged with antigen (ovalbumin) or ET-1. Levels of ET-1, tumour necrosis factor a (TNF alpha), and CXC chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Neutrophil migration and flow cytometry analyses were performed 4 h after the intraperitoneal stimulus. ET-1 induced dose-dependent neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment with the non-selective ETA/ETB receptor antagonist bosentan, and selective ETA or ETB receptor antagonists BQ-123 or BQ-788, respectively, inhibited ET-1- and ovalbumin-induced neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity. In agreement with the above, the antigen challenge significantly increased levels of ET-1 in peritoneal exudates. The ET-1- and ovalbumin-induced neutrophil recruitment were reduced in TNFR1 deficient mice, and by treatments targeting CXCL1 or CXC chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2); further, treatment with bosentan, BQ-123, or BQ-788 inhibited ET-1- and antigen-induced production of TNFa and CXCL1. Furthermore, ET-1 and ovalbumin challenge induced an increase in the number of cells expressing the Gr1(+) markers in the granulocyte gate, CD11c+ markers in the monocyte gate, and CD4(+) and CD45(+) (B220) markers in the lymphocyte gate in an ETA-and ETB-dependent manner, as determined by flow cytometry analysis, suggesting that ET-1 might be involved in the recruitment of neutrophils and other cells in adaptive inflammation. Therefore, the present study demonstrates that ET-1 is an important mediator for neutrophil recruitment in adaptive inflammation via TNF alpha and CXCL1/CXCR2-dependent mechanism.


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Abstract Background The prostate stroma is a key mediator of epithelial differentiation and development, and potentially plays a role in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer. The tumor-associated stroma is marked by increased expression of CD90/THY1. Isolation and characterization of these stromal cells could provide valuable insight into the biology of the tumor microenvironment. Methods Prostate CD90+ stromal fibromuscular cells from tumor specimens were isolated by cell-sorting and analyzed by DNA microarray. Dataset analysis was used to compare gene expression between histologically normal and tumor-associated stromal cells. For comparison, stromal cells were also isolated and analyzed from the urinary bladder. Results The tumor-associated stromal cells were found to have decreased expression of genes involved in smooth muscle differentiation, and those detected in prostate but not bladder. Other differential expression between the stromal cell types included that of the CXC-chemokine genes. Conclusion CD90+ prostate tumor-associated stromal cells differed from their normal counterpart in expression of multiple genes, some of which are potentially involved in organ development.


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Die akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) ist eine heterogene Erkrankung der hämatopoetischen Vorläuferzelle, die durch unkontrollierte Vermehrung und ein reduziertes Differenzierungsverhalten gekennzeichnet ist. Aufgrund von Therapieresistenzen und häufig vorkommenden Rückfällen ist die AML mit einer schlechten Langzeitprognose verbunden. Neue Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass leukämische Zellen einer hierarchischen Ordnung unterliegen, an deren Spitze die leukämische Stammzelle (LSC) steht, welche den Tumor speist und ähnliche Charakteristika besitzt wie die hämatopoetische Stammzelle. Die LSC nutzt den Kontakt zu Zellen der hämatopoetischen Nische des Knochenmarks, um die erste Therapie zu überdauern und Resistenzen zu erwerben. Neue Therapieansätze versuchen diese Interaktion zwischen leukämischen Zellen und supportiv wirkenden Stromazellen anzugreifen. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit sollte die Bedeutung des CXC-Motiv Chemokinrezeptors Typ 4 (CXCR4) und des Connective Tissue Growth Factors (CTGF) innerhalb der AML-Stroma-Interaktion untersucht werden. CXCR4, der in vivo dafür sorgt, dass AML-Zellen in der Nische gehalten und geschützt werden, wurde durch den neuwertigen humanen CXCR4-spezifischen Antikörper BMS-936564/MDX-1338 in AML-Zelllinien und Patientenzellen in Zellkulturversuchen blockiert. Dies induzierte Apoptose sowie Differenzierung und führte in Kokulturversuchen zu einer Aufhebung des Stroma-vermittelten Schutzes gegenüber der Chemotherapie. Für diese Effekte musste teilweise ein sekundärer Antikörper verwendet werden, der die CXCR4-Moleküle miteinander kreuzvernetzt.rnDie Auswertung eines quantitativen Real time PCR (qPCR)-Arrays ergab, dass CTGF in der AML-Zelllinie Molm-14 nach Kontakt zu Stromazellen hochreguliert wird. Diese Hochregulation konnte in insgesamt drei AML-Zelllinien sowie in drei Patientenproben in qPCR- und Western Blot-Versuchen bestätigt werden. Weitere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass diese Hochregulation (i) unabhängig von der Stromazelllinie ist, (ii) den direkten Kontakt zum Stroma benötigt und (iii) auch unter hypoxischen Bedingungen, wie sie innerhalb des Knochenmarks vorherrschen, stattfindet. Der durch Zell-Zell- oder Zell-Matrix-Kontakt gesteuerte Hippo-Signalweg konnte aus folgenden Gründen als möglicher upstream-Regulationsmechanismus identifiziert werden: (i) Dessen zentraler Transkriptions-Kofaktor TAZ wurde in kokultivierten Molm-14-Zellen stabilisiert, (ii) der shRNA-gesteuerte Knockdown von TAZ führte zu einer reduzierten CTGF-Hochregulation, (iii) CTGF wurde in Abhängigkeit von der Zelldichte reguliert, (iv) Cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61 (Cyr61), ein weiteres Zielgen von TAZ, wurde in kokultivierten AML-Zellen ebenfalls verstärkt exprimiert. Der Knockdown von CTGF führte in vitro zu einer partiellen Aufhebung der Stroma-vermittelten Resistenz und die Blockierung von CTGF durch den Antikörper FG-3019 wirkte im AML-Mausmodell lebensverlängernd. rn rnDie Rolle von CTGF in der AML ist bisher nicht untersucht. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass CTGF ein interessantes Therapieziel in der AML darstellt. Es bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen, um die Bedeutung von CTGF in der Tumor-Stroma-Interaktion näher zu charakterisieren und nachgeschaltete Signalwege zu identifizieren.