963 resultados para Psoriasis, PUVA, Textile, Sun protection factor


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BACKGROUND: Outdoor workers are at high risk of harmful ultraviolet radiation exposure and are identified as an at risk group for the development of skin cancer. This systematic evidence based review provides an update to a previous review published in 2007 about interventions for the prevention of skin cancer in outdoor workers. RESULTS: This review includes interventions published between 2007-2012 and presents findings about sun protection behaviours and/or objective measures of skin cancer risk. Six papers met inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Large studies with extended follow-up times demonstrated the efficacy of educational and multi-component interventions to increase sun protection, with some higher use of personal protective equipment such as sunscreen. However, there is less evidence for the effectiveness of policy or specific intervention components. CONCLUSIONS: Further research aimed at improving overall attitudes towards sun protection in outdoor workers is needed to provide an overarching framework.


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Objective. To test the impact of a theory-based, SMS (text message)-delivered behavioural intervention (Healthy Text) targeting sun protection or skin self-examination behaviours compared to attention-control. Method. Overall, 546 participants aged 18–42 years were randomised using a computer-generated number list to the skin self-examination (N = 176), sun protection (N = 187), or attention-control (N = 183) text messages group. Each group received 21 text messages about their assigned topic over 12 months (12 weekly messages for three months, then monthly messages for the next nine months). Data was collected via telephone survey at baseline, three-, and 12-months across Queensland from January 2012 to August 2013. Results. One year after baseline, the sun protection (mean change 0.12; P = 0.030) and skin self-examination groups (mean change 0.12; P = 0.035) had significantly greater improvement in their sun protection habits (SPH) index compared to the attention-control group (reference mean change 0.02). The increase in the proportion of participants who reported any skin self-examination from baseline to 12 months was significantly greater in the skin self-examination intervention group (103/163; 63%; P < 0.001) than the sun protection (83/173; 48%), or attention-control (65/165; 36%) groups. There was no significant effect of the intervention for participants who self-reported whole-body skin self-examination, sun tanning behaviour, or sunburn behaviours. Conclusion. The Healthy Text intervention was effective in inducing significant improvements in sun protection and any type of skin self-examination behaviours.


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Evidence is needed for the acceptability and user preferences of receiving skin cancer-related text messages. We prepared 27 questions to evaluate attitudes, satisfaction with program characteristics such as timing and spacing, and overall satisfaction with the Healthy Text program in young adults. Within this randomised controlled trial (age 18-42 years), 546 participants were assigned to one of three Healthy Text message groups; sun protection, skin self-examination, or attention-control. Over a 12-month period, 21 behaviour-specific text messages were sent to each group. Participants’ preferences were compared between the two interventions and control group at the 12-month follow-up telephone interview. In all three groups, participants reported the messages were easy to understand (98%), provided good suggestions or ideas (88%), and were encouraging (86%) and informative (85%) with little difference between the groups. The timing of the texts was received positively (92%); however, some suggestions for frequency or time of day the messages were received from 8% of participants. Participants in the two intervention groups found their messages more informative, and triggering behaviour change compared to control. Text messages about skin cancer prevention and early detection are novel and acceptable to induce behaviour change in young adults.


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We thank Dr Shedden and Dr Pall for their insightful comments and the opportunity to clarify a number of points from our work.1 The “protection factor” (PF) expressed as the inverse of the transmittance of contact lens (CL) material (1/Tλ), where T is the percentage transmittance of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in a given waveband (UVC, UVB or UVA) of the UV spectrum for contact lenses is the standard method for reporting PF values and as such there should not be any controversy. We have calculated the PF for each wavelength across the entire UV spectrum (UVC, UVB, UVA) as presented in figure 3 of our previous publication.1 In that article, we were simply stating the observation when transmission in the UVC spectra band is considered especially because appreciable amounts of potentially carcinogenic short UV wavelengths was shown to be present in sunlight in our region three decades ago2 and these short wavelength photons are reported to be more biologically damaging to ocular tissues.3 In addition, the depletion of the Ozone layer is still continuing. Nevertheless, we understand the concern of the authors that the results of the PF might be confusing to those who are not familiar with the science of UVR and as such we have made some revisions to the findings of the calculated PF...


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine and sacroiliac joints. It causes significant disability and is associated with a number of other features including peripheral arthritis, anterior uveitis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Significant progress has been made in the genetics of AS have in the last five years, leading to new treatments in trial, and major leaps in understanding of the aetiopathogenesis of the disease.


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Die nachfolgend berichteten Ergebnisse basieren auf einem vignettenbasierten 2x2-Szenario-Experiment, in das die Situationsfaktoren Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit und Vorteilswert sowie die Personenfaktoren Organisationaler Zynismus, das Fünf-Faktoren-Modell der Persönlichkeit und Intelligenz einbezogen wurden. In diesem Bericht werden vorrangig die Ergebnisse zur Persönlichkeitsdimension Gewissenhaftigkeit vorgestellt, einem der Faktoren des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der Persönlichkeit. Diese Ergebnisse werden ausführlich berichtet, weil sie von besonderer Bedeutung für das vom TÜV Hannover/Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. finanzierte Forschungsprojekt Korruption – Risikofaktoren der Person und der Situation (Laufzeit 2011 bis 2015) sind. Die nachfolgend berichtete Untersuchung zeigt, dass ein akteurszentrierter Ansatz in der Korruptionsursachenforschung grundsätzlich sinnvoll ist. Es wurden 113 Auszubildende in den Bereichen Banken- und Versicherungen sowie Sozialversicherung befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Korruption als verbreitete Verhaltensweise angesehen wird, die jedoch als verwerflich gilt. Während die einbezogenen Situationsfaktoren keine nennenswerten Effekte auf die Korruptionsbereitschaft hatten, führten einige der Personenfaktoren zu signifikanten Ergebnissen. Gewissenhaftigkeit kommt hierbei als Schutzfaktor vor korrupten Handlungen besondere Bedeutung zu.


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Este estudo pretende (1) encontrar a prevalência da Perturbação do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (PDC) em crianças com Perturbação de Hiperatividades e Défice de Atenção (PHDA); (2) analisar qual a prevalência de défices de memória de trabalho verbal e não-verbal, em crianças com PHDA e comparar o desempenho entre as crianças que só apresentam PHDA e aquelas que apresentam também PDC; (3) verificar se a ocorrência de PDC é agravada, de acordo com a presença ou ausência de alterações de memória de trabalho e se estas podem ser consideradas fatores de risco ou de proteção para a manifestação de PDC, enquanto comorbilidade de PHDA. Foram selecionadas 37 crianças com diagnóstico de PHDA, com idades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 14 anos. A componente motora foi avaliado com a versão curta do Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) e o Questionário de Perturbação do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação 2007 (DCDQ’07); a memória de trabalho foi avaliada através da Figura Complexa de Rey, Trail Making Test - parte B e Memória de Dígitos – sentido inverso. Para determinar o impacto da memória de trabalho na componente motora, recorreu-se a uma regressão logística. Encontrou-se uma prevalência de PDC de 51% e de défices ao nível da memória de trabalho verbal e não-verbal de 60% e 80%, respetivamente, para a amostra total de crianças com PHDA. A terapêutica farmacológica para a PHDA revelou-se fator protetor para a manifestação de PDC, principalmente quando a primeira se encontra associada com o nascimento de termo. Um mau desempenho no teste Memória de Dígitos – sentido inverso é fator de risco para a manifestação de PDC, em crianças com PHDA. Este estudo permitiu verificar que crianças com PHDA+PDC apresentam défices motores genuínos, característicos de manifestação de PDC. Parecem também existir relações bastante complexas entre a memória de trabalho e os mecanismos de controlo motor na PHDA, sendo que estes podem ser distintos quando está presente uma comorbilidade de PDC.


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Patients with a solid organ transplant have increased in numbers and in individual survival in Switzerland over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer in solid organ recipients (SOTRs) has been recognized as an important problem. Screening and education of potential SOTRs about prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, SOTRs should be seen by a dermatologist yearly for repeat education as well as early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) is the most frequent cancer in the setting of long-term immunosuppression. Sun protection by behaviour, clothing and daily sun screen application is the most effective prevention. Cumulative sun damage results in field cancerisation with numerous in-situ SCC such as actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease which should be treated proactively. Invasive SCC is cured by complete surgical excision. Early removal is the best precaution against potential metastases of SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression and switch to mTOR inhibitors and potentially, mycophenolate, may reduce the incidence of further SCC. Chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin reduces the recurrence rate of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of SOTRs should be integrated into the comprehensive post-transplant care.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie


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Ce projet de mémoire vise à examiner dans quelle mesure la participation aux activités parascolaires modère le lien entre l'affiliation aux pairs déviants et le désengagement comportemental différentiel des adolescents et des adolescentes entre la première et la deuxième secondaire. L'échantillon initial est composé de 448 élèves de première secondaire fréquentant deux écoles de la région de Montréal. Au cours de deux années consécutives, le niveau de désengagement comportemental, la participation aux activités parascolaires et le nombre d'amis déviants ont été évalués à partir de mesures auto-révélées par l'élève. Les résultats démontrent qu'au-delà du niveau de scolarité de la mère et du niveau de déviance du jeune, l'affiliation à des pairs déviants est positivement associée au désengagement comportemental de l'adolescent. Par ailleurs, la participation aux activités parascolaires semble être un facteur aggravant pour le désengagement comportemental du jeune. De plus, nos résultats révèlent que l'effet de la participation aux activités parascolaires n’est pas le même pour les garçons et pour les filles. En discussion, plusieurs pistes de réflexion sont soulevées pour expliquer ces résultats surprenants. Les implications pour la recherche et l’intervention sont également présentées.


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A exposição à radiação ultravioleta (UV) está associada a uma variedade de efeitos negativos causados no organismo humano. Este espectro de radiação UV divide-se em UVA (320-400nm), responsável pelo aparecimento dos sinais do envelhecimento cutâneo e danos indiretos no DNA, em UVB (290-320nm), responsável pelo eritema solar e danos diretos no DNA, e em UVC (100-290nm), cuja radiação fica retida na camada de ozono. A pele apresenta um mecanismo de defesa natural contra a radiação UV, mas este confere uma proteção limitada, tornando-se indispensável o recurso à fotoproteção. A utilização de vestuário adequado, chapéu e óculos de sol durante a exposição solar têm sido reconhecidas como medidas importantes de fotoproteção, em complementaridade com um protetor solar. Os filtros dos protetores solares são selecionados e aprovados por agências reguladoras da região em que o produto é comercializado. Na União Europeia existem atualmente 28 filtros para radiação UV aprovados. Esta dissertação aborda as últimas tendências na área da fotoproteção. Os últimos desenvolvimentos na área dos protetores solares sugerem filtros solares que compreendam ação sobre a radiação UVA e UVB e IV, em associação com outros compostos que demonstram propriedades reparadoras a nível tópico, como é o caso dos antioxidantes. Assim, os avanços nesta área incluem os suplementos alimentares, os agentes estimulantes da melanogénese e os novos filtros solares.


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The reach of sporting organizations into the community makes them an ideal vehicle through which to promote health to the general population. There are now a number of documented examples demonstrating that sponsorship can lead to improvements in the health of the sporting environment, but relatively little is known as to why some sponsorships are more successful in achieving these structural changes than others in ostensibly similar sports. The purpose of this study was to identify the processes required for health promotion agencies and sporting organizations working in collaboration to implement structural changes in sporting settings such as smoke-free environments, provision of healthy food choices, responsible alcohol management and sun protection, along with the factors that facilitate and hinder this from being achieved. We conclude that such changes are difficult to achieve, especially in the absence of a programmatic approach to health promotion.


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Sporting organisations provide an important setting for health promotion strategies that involve policies, communication of healthy messages and creation of health promoting environments. The introduction of policy interventions within sporting organisations is one strategy to target high risk behaviours such as smoking, alcohol consumption, excess sun exposure, unhealthy eating and discrimination.

To review all controlled evaluation studies of policy interventions organised through sporting settings to increase healthy behaviour (related to smoking, alcohol, healthy eating, sun protection, discrimination, safety and access).

Search strategy
We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsyclNFO, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Sociological Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts, freely available online health promotion and sports-related databases hosted by leading agencies, and the internet using sport and policy-related key words. We identified further studies in the bibliographies of articles and by contacting authors of key articles in the area.

Selection criteria
We aimed to identify research that had used study designs that incorporated an evaluated intervention and comparison. Uncontrolled studies, meeting other inclusion criteria, were to be reported in an annex to the review.
Types of studies: Studies in which sporting organisations were allocated to a policy intervention or control/comparison group. No minimum follow-up required.
Types of participants: People of all ages.
Types of interventions: Any policy intervention implemented through sporting organisations to instigate and/or sustain healthy behaviour change, intention to change behaviour, or changes in attitudes, knowledge or awareness of healthy behaviour. Policies must address any of the following: smoking, alcohol, healthy eating, sun protection, access for disadvantaged groups, physical safety (not including injuries), and social and emotional health (e.g.. anti-vilification, anti-discrimination).
Types of outcome measures: Behaviour change, intention to change behaviour, change in attitudes, knowledge or awareness of healthy behaviour, and policy presence.

Data collection and analysis
We assessed whether identified citations were controlled evaluation studies and investigated the use of policy implemented in sporting settings. Abstracts were independently inspected by two reviewers and full papers were obtained where necessary. As no controlled evaluation studies were located, no data collection or analysis was undertaken. No uncontrolled studies meeting other inclusion criteria were identified and therefore no annex is presented.

Main results
No rigorous studies were located to test the effectiveness of policy interventions organised through sporting organisations to increase healthy behaviours, attitudes, knowledge or inclusion of health oriented policies within the organisarions.

Authors' conclusions
We were unable to find any controlled studies to guide the use of policy interventions used in sporting settings. The search process revealed a number of case studies with anecdotal reporting of outcomes. We strongly recommend that rigorous evaluation techniques are employed more commonly in this field to illuminate the impact of health promoting policy on outcomes, and the contexts and processes which are likely ro be effective in reducing harmful behaviours.


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In recent years, some health agencies offered sponsorship to sporting associations to promote healthy environments by encouraging clubs to develop health-related policies. However, the extent to which these sponsorship contracts reach their stated aims is of concern. This study aimed to quantify levels of policy development and practice in sports clubs for each of five key health areas, namely smoke-free facilities, sun protection, healthy catering, responsible serving of alcohol and sports injury prevention. Representatives from 932 Victorian sports clubs were contacted by telephone with 640 clubs (69%) participating in the survey. Results suggested that the establishment of written policies on the key health areas by sports clubs varied widely by affiliated sport and health area: 70% of all clubs with bar facilities had written policies on responsible serving of alcohol, ranging from 58% of tennis clubs to 100% of diving and surfing clubs. In contrast, approximately one-third of sports clubs had a smoke-free policy, with 36% of tennis, 28% of country football and 28% of men's cricket clubs having policy. Moreover, 34% of clubs overall had established sun protection policy, whereas clubs competing outside during summer months, [diving (86%) and life-saving (81%)] were most likely to have a written sun protection policy. Injury prevention policies were established in 30% of sports clubs, and were most common among football (56%), diving (43%) and life-saving (41%). This study suggests that policy development for health promotion can be achieved in sports clubs when it is well supported by health agencies and consideration is given to the appropriateness of the specific behaviours to be encouraged for a given sport. Communication between associations and clubs needs to be monitored by health agencies to ensure support and resources for policy development to reach the club level.


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A trial installing shade sails at secondary schools found increased students' use of newly shaded areas, but relatively low use overall. We examined site features and weather related to use of these shaded areas. Tables with seats and temperatures ≥27 °C increased student use of shaded areas, presence of grass decreased use. Focus groups at eight schools suggest students were unaware of changes to their habitual use of favoured locations. Results infer careful selection of locations for built-shade and provision of tables with seats will assist in maximising student use and investments in shade sails.