61 resultados para Pseudococcus longispinus


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The longtailed mealybug Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni Tozzetti, 1867) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) has been reported attacking coffee crops causing fruit fall in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The knowledge of the population dynamic of this pest is then necessary to implement control measures. Its development was studied at temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C, determining the thermal requirements. The insects were confined inside a Petri dish containing a foliar disc of 4 cm diameter of Coffea arabica L., cultivar 'Acaiá Cerrado'. The temperature affected the P. longispinus development and survival. Few insects survived at temperatures of 15 and 30°C, and 100% of mortality was obtained at 35°C. The duration of the nymphal stage was reduced when the temperature was increased from 20 to 25°C, with a survival rate of 80% at both temperatures. The thermal parameters varied according to the development stage of the mealybug and the base temperature was fixed at 8.0 °C for the nymphal stage of females, a thermal constant of 422.1 day degrees and number of generations increased with rising temperature. The optimal temperature for the insect development was 25°C.


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Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) causes the Cacao swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD) and significantly reduces production in West African cacao. This study characterised the current status of the disease in the major cacao growing States in Nigeria and attempted a clarification on the manner of CSSV transmission. Two separate field surveys and sample collections were conducted in Nigeria in summer 2012 and spring 2013. PCR-based screening of cacao leaf samples and subsequent DNA sequencing showed that the disease continues to persist in Ondo and Oyo States and in new cacao sites in Abia, Akwa Ibom, Cross River and Edo States. Mealybug samples collected were identified using a robust approach involving environmental scanning electron microscopy, histology and DNA barcoding, which highlighted the importance of integrative taxonomy in the study. The results show that the genus Planococcus (Planococcus citri (Risso) and/or Planococcus minor (Maskell)) was the most abundant vector (73.5%) at the sites examined followed by Formicococcus njalensis (Laing) (19.0 %). In a laboratory study, the feeding behaviour of Pl. citri, Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni-Tozzetti) and Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) on cacao were investigated using electrical penetration graph (EPG) analysis. EPG waveforms reflecting intercellular stylet penetration (C), extracellular salivation (E1e), salivation in sieve elements (E1), phloem ingestion (E2), derailed stylet mechanics (F), xylem ingestion (G) and non-probing phase (Np) were analysed. Individual mealybugs exhibited marked variation within species and significantly differed (p ≤ .05) between species for E1e and E1. PCR-based assessments of the retention time for CSSV in viruliferous Pl. citri, Ps. longispinus and Ps. viburni fed on a non-cacao diet showed that CSSV was still detectable after 144 hours. These unusually long durations for a pathogen currently classified as a semi-persistent virus have implications for the design of non-malvaceous barrier crops currently being considered for the protection of new cacao plantings.


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本论文包括两部分的内容,第一部分是秦岭苔类植物的区系研究,第二部分是中国剪叶苔属Herbertus的分类学修订。 秦岭位于我国的中部,东经104º30´~112º52´,北纬32º50´~34º45´N,约76 500 km2。它主要位于陕西省的南部地区,并包括了河南、甘肃和湖北的部分县、市。秦岭的最高峰是太白山,海拔3 767米。秦岭是长江和黄河的分水岭,也是我国温带和亚热带气候的过渡地带。 本研究包含了对自19世纪开始对秦岭苔藓植物的主要采集活动的回顾,和截止2008年以来对秦岭苔类和角苔类植物报道的总结和分析,且首次给出了一份秦岭地区详细的苔类植物的名录,并包括了各个种在秦岭地区的详细分布。根据目前的研究,现已知秦岭的苔类植物有226种(包括种下单位,以下同),其中角苔纲1科3属6种,苔纲30科59属220种;提出了1个新异名:Radula constricta Steph.被处理为Radula lindenbergiana Gottsche var. atypa Massalongo的异名;并提出了1个新组合Metzgeria pubescens var. kinabaluensis (Kuwah) F.X. Li & Y. Jia;发现秦岭新分布的苔类有78种。根据种数,秦岭地区苔类的优势科为光萼苔科(34种),其次为耳叶苔科(23种),裂叶苔科(23种)和羽苔科(19种)。 通过对这些种地理成分的统计,发现秦岭苔类的地理成分以北温带成分为主,占35.05%;其次是东亚成分占到31.78%,这两种地理成分在秦岭占了很大比例,高达66.83%。热带成分相对较少,有22种,占到10.29%。对于苔类来说,中国特有成分在秦岭地区较多,已知有34种,占到15.89%。说明秦岭地区苔类地理成分以温带为主,热带成分占少量比例,且秦岭地区的特有性也比较高。 文章第二部分是对中国剪叶苔属Herbertus S. Gray的分类学修订。剪叶苔属隶属于剪叶苔科,是一个古老而自然的类群,广泛分布于热带和南北温带地区。剪叶苔属植物由于其叶横生或近于横生,侧叶2裂,腹叶2裂或部分不对称3裂,并具假肋,叶细胞具大的三角体而明显区别于苔类的其它属。虽然这个属的概念比较清楚,但在属内种间的划分上存在较大的问题,是苔类中分类较混乱的一个类群。剪叶苔属种的概念多基于叶片形态,包括裂瓣的顶端细胞和假肋的形态及叶基盘边缘附属物的形态。但这些形态特征具很大的可塑性,性状不稳定,造成该属种的概念很模糊。目前全世界剪叶苔属约100余种。中国剪叶苔属的种类尚不确定,《中国苔藓志》中报道了中国有25种l亚种,但Juslen在2006年对亚洲剪叶苔属的修订中,提到中国分布的仅有6种。二者的研究中都存在有一些疏漏和不足之处,对有些种还有争议;且他们的研究中引证的标本都很少,不能全面反映中国剪叶苔属的种类和分布情况。 本研究着手于中国的剪叶苔属,从模式标本入手,从模式标本入手,结合对前人文献中引证标本的查阅,并检视了全国各大标本馆收藏的大量该属的普通标本,对于分类归并上有争议的种,采用扫描电镜和分子生物学的手段进行实验性的研究,对中国的剪叶苔属进行一个全面系统的分类学修订。期望通过本研究,明确中国剪叶苔属的种类和分布情况,为东亚乃至世界剪叶苔属的分类修订提供一份翔实的资料。共查阅了剪叶苔属26个种的模式标本,并检视了中科院北京植物研究所、华南植物园和深圳仙湖植物园馆藏的大量该属植物标本,约600余份。 通过本研究,提出2个新异名:将H. buchii Juslén和H. longispinus var calvs Massalongo处理为H. dicranus (Taylor) Trevis.;将樱井剪叶苔H. sakuraii (Warnst.) S. Hatt.(原并入H. dicranus)和H. minimus Horik.(原并入H. dicranus)重新提出;发现1个中国新分布:H. setigerus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.;确认中国的剪叶苔属17种1亚种:剪叶苔H. aduncus (Dicks.) Gray,剪叶苔纤细亚种H. aduncus subsp. tenuis (A. Evans) H. A. Mill.et E. B. Bohrer,H. armitanus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,南亚剪叶苔H. ceylanicus (Steph.) Abeyw.,长角剪叶苔H. dicranus (Taylor) Trevis.,高氏剪叶苔H. gaochienii Fu,广东剪叶苔H. guangdongii P.J. Lin & Piippo,卵叶剪叶苔H. herpocladioides Scott. et. Miller,红枝剪叶苔H. huerlimannii Miller,细指剪叶苔H. kurzii (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,长肋剪叶苔H. longifissus Steph.,长刺剪叶苔H. longispinus Jack et Steph.,H. minimus Horik.,长茎剪叶苔H. parisii (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,多枝剪叶苔H. ramosus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,樱井剪叶苔H. sakuraii (Warnst.) S. Hatt.,短叶剪叶苔H. sendtneri (Nees) Lindb.和H. setigerus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.。本研究还在扫描电镜下观察了H. armitanus、长角剪叶苔H. dicranus和多枝剪叶苔H. ramosus的孢子形态。对于剪叶苔属的修订,还需要更多模式标本的借阅,随着研究深入,剪叶苔属的种类可能会有大量的减少,中国剪叶苔属的种类也将会有一定的减少。


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本文选取卷叶象甲科昆虫为研究对象,以形态分类学为基础,辅之以分子生 物学手段,对中国特有的茸卷象属(Euscelophilus)进行了系统发育学的研究。 并在此基础上,对该属昆虫进行了亚显微结构的研究,该研究不仅对其分类学观 点进行了验证,对属内分种的有效形态学性状进行了补充,而且从感受器亚显微 形态的角度讨论了卷象与寄主植物的化学识别机制,明晰了其结构基础。最后, 本文首次从力学角度对卷象与其寄主植物的物理识别机制进行了探讨。 在分类学研究中,本文首先整理了中国卷叶象甲鉴定科、亚科、族、属的检 索表,同时对其中的18 个常见属的分种检索表进行了整理,并对其中中国特有 属Euscelophilus 进行了深入的分类学研究。将Euscelophilidius、Cureuscelophilus 两属和Euscelophiloides 亚属定义为Euscelophilus 的新异名,并提供了该属物种 检索表,同时为该属新增三个物种,分别是Euselophilus longispinus Xie & Liang, sp. n.,Euselophilus gaoligongensis Xie & Liang, sp. n.和Euselophilus caperratus Xie & Liang, sp. n.,并对两物种E. denticulatus 和 E. gibbicollis 的雄性外生殖器 进行了描绘。 分子生物学研究以该属内9 种和4 个外群种共23 个个体为材料,对其COII 基因进行了扩增,并对所得的核苷酸序列使用PAUP 和贝叶斯两种方法构建分子 系统发育树。结果表明,中国茸卷象属是一个单系群,其内部可分为三支,分别 以E. niger,E. gibbicollis 和E. rugolosus 为代表,建议将该属分为三个亚属,对 于该属有争议的物种T. (E.) qinni,依照本研究获得的数据,建议将其移回 Euscelophilus 属。亚显微结构研究选取本属内8 个物种作为研究对象,分别对其头部、胸部、 腹部及前足的形态性状,使用扫描电子显微镜进行了观察拍照。同时,选取了复 眼、触角、下唇须、外颚叶、腹部、跗节等部位分布的各种感受器进行了亚显微 结构的研究。结果表明,形态相似的近缘物种在亚显微结构上可显示出更大的形 状差异,同时,首次证明额的形态特征可作为该属内分种的有效依据。感受器结 构研究表明卷象识别寄主植物的主要感受器为毛状、锥状、乳突状化学感受器, 其次为刺状、毛状的听觉(物理)感受器以及六棱形小眼组成的视觉感受器(复 眼)。 力学研究部分选取Apoderus 属一种卷象及其寄主植物马桑(Coriaria nepalensis Wall.)为研究对象,首先以人工模拟卷叶的形式对卷象卷叶所需的力 进行了分析,其次以纳米压痕手段对卷象上颚和马桑叶片的硬度和弹性模量分别 进行了研究。结果表明,先切叶后卷叶是更省力更进化的卷叶模式,同时卷象选 择寄主植物的机制中,两者的物理性能呈一定的相关性。


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The biostratigraphic distribution and abundance of middle Miocene to Pleistocene silicoflagellates is documented from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 138 Holes 844B, 847B, 848B, 849B, 850B, 85 IB, 852B, and 854B from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The silicoflagellates were generally abundant and well preserved and frequently exhibited an unusually large range of variation. The upper Miocene of near-equatorial sites includes an assemblage of Bachmannocena diodon nodosa, which includes a bridge across the width of the basal ring. Stratigraphically below this, at sites within 5° of the equator is a lengthy interval of specimens of Distephanus speculum tenuis, which have a fragile apical structure. Both the intervals of Bachmannocena diodon nodosa plexus and Distephanus speculum tenuis are biostratigraphically useful within 5° of the equator, but are less useful beyond that. An unusual range of variation also is observed for Dictyocha in the Pliocene sediments at about the point where D. perlaevis and D. messanensis appear in the geologic record. This variation may be explained by hybridization between diverging species.


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The Paleocene/Eocene boundary was recovered for the first time in diatom-bearing sediments at Broken Ridge, Site 752. Diatom assemblages are documented throughout the 180-m-thick sequence of upper Paleocene to lower Eocene sediments. Age control available from magnetostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils, and planktonic foraminifers allows calibration of diatom datum levels to absolute time. A partly new/partly revised diatom zonation is proposed for the Paleocene/early Eocene based on the results of Site 752 and consideration of other studies. The diatom zones are defined as follows (from the youngest to the oldest): Pyxilla gracilis Zone (first occurrence of Craspedodiscus undulatus to first occurrence Pyxilla gracilis); Hemiaulus incurvus Zone (first occurrence Pyxilla gracilis to first occurrence Hemiaulus incurvus); Hemiaulus peripterus Zone (first occurrence Hemiaulus incurvus to first occurrence Hemiaulus peripterus var. peripterus). Three new taxa are described: Anaulus fennerae n. sp., Stictodiscus bipolaris n. sp., and Hemiaulus peripterus var. longispinus n. var.


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The biostratigraphic distribution and abundance of lower Oligocene and Miocene to Pleistocene silicoflagellates are documented from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 Holes 1138A and 1140A, on the Kerguelen Plateau. The Distephanus speculum speculum forma pseudofibula plexus is found in the upper Miocene in Hole 1138A, but other important biostratigraphic markers are not available. Diversity and abundance of silicoflagellates vary considerably in Hole 1138A, with silicoflagellates more abundant in the Pliocene and Pleistocene and some intervals of the Miocene barren of silicoflagellates or containing only limited numbers of specimens. The silicoflagellates of Hole 1140A include a new skeletal morphology, described here as Distephanus speculum speculum forma cylindrus. Silicoflagellates were generally abundant throughout the lower and middle Miocene in Hole 1140A.