980 resultados para Professional Associations


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• Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of trainees’ interpersonal behavior on work involvement (WI) and compared their social behavior within professional and private relationships as well as between different psychotherapeutic orientations. • Methods: The interpersonal scales of the Intrex short-form questionnaire and the Work Involvement Scale (WIS) were used to evaluate two samples of German psychotherapy trainees in psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and cognitive behavioral therapy training. Trainees from Sample 1 (N = 184) were asked to describe their interpersonal behavior in relation to their patients when filling out the Intrex, whereas trainees from Sample 2 (N = 135) were asked to describe the private relationship with a significant other. • Results: Interpersonal affiliation in professional relationships significantly predicted the level of healing involvement, while stress involvement was predicted by interpersonal affiliation and interdependence in trainees’ relationships with their patients. Social behavior within professional relationships provided higher correlations with WI than private interpersonal behavior. Significant differences were found between private and professional relation settings in trainees’ interpersonal behavior with higher levels of affiliation and interdependence with significant others. Differences between therapeutic orientation and social behavior could only be found when comparing trainees’ level of interdependence with the particular relationship setting. • Conclusion: Trainees’ interpersonal level of affiliation in professional relationships is a predictor for a successful psychotherapeutic development. Vice versa, controlling behavior in professional settings can be understood as a risk factor against psychotherapeutic growth. Both results strengthen an evidence-based approach for competence development during psychotherapy training.


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L'autor fa un repàs a la història de l'orientació professional al llarg del segle XX i analitza les diverses causes econòmiques polítiques i socials


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This paper analyzes the structure and functions of suppliers' associations (kyoryokukai) in the automobile industry in Japan. The bilateral assembler-supplier relationship has received much attention recently as a source of Japanese industrial competitiveness. However, this paper argues that the hitherto neglected area of inter-supplier coordination in technology diffusion is at least as important as the bilateral assembler-supplier relationship in accounting for the overall performance of the Japanese automotive industry. On the basis of company visits and a largescale survey of first-tier suppliers conducted by the author, the paper analyzes the reasons why suppliers' associations were established, why they continue to exist today, and their effects on economic performance.


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Seguint amb l’objectiu que titulats a l’Escola Politècnica Superior expliquin detalls de la seva inserció laboral i del seu perfil professional, en aquest segon número de la revista entrevistem el Sr. Albert Pijuan Vila. En aquest cas no es tracta d’un titulat recent, ja que l’Albert va finalitzar els estudis l’any 1988. Recordem que, si bé al 1988 ja disposàvem de d’actual edifici P-I de l’EPS, l’escola encara estava vinculada a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. El principal interès que ens ha mogut a entrevistar l’Albert ha estat el fet de poder presentar les característiques d’un tipus de lloc de treball que pot ser adient per a alguns dels titulats actuals de l’EPS, especialment d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial, especialitat Electrònica Industrial i Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes. L’entrevista també vol explorar quins són els tipus de coneixements i les competències que haurien d’adquirir els estudiants per adequar-se millor a aquest tipus de sortida professional


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Anàlisi de la figura de l'educador/a social en processos de desenvolupament comunitari a partir d'experiències diverses a Catalunya