174 resultados para Phonetics


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Mon sujet de recherche traite sur la prononciation de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère chez les élèves québécois, sur leurs difficultés concrètes et lignes de correction qui peuvent leur être attribuées. Dans une première partie plus générale, nous traiterons sur l'enseignement de la prononciation, de la place qu'elle occupe dans l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère. Nous croyons que la prononciation est un aspect de la langue qui a été mis de côté pour mettre en valeur la communication. Si une "mauvaise" prononciation n'entrave pas à la compréhension ou à la communication, elle n'est pas corrigée ni travaillée. Nous pouvons donc nous retrouver avec des étudiants ayant un haut niveau d'espagnol mais dont la prononciation connaît certaines lacunes. Nous déterminerons également ce que nous entendons par "meilleure" ou "mauvaise" prononciation, nous nous interrogerons également sur la pertinence de l'enseignement de la phonétique. Nous nous poserons aussi la question sur la place de la prononciation selon la méthodologie didactique utilisée, et analyserons la quantité et qualité des exercices de prononciation présents ou pas dans les manuels scolaires, et s'ils correspondent aux exigences des documents officiels tels le Cadre commun européenne de référence, ou le Plan curricular de l'institut Cervantès. Dans une deuxième partie nous nous questionnons sur les facteurs qui conditionnent l'apprentissage d'une langue et le perfectionnement de la prononciation dans une langue étrangère, car nous croyons que peut importe l'âge de l'étudiant, il y a toujours place à l'amélioration dans la prononciation. Nous nous interrogeons ensuite sur les tendances générales des francophones lors de leur prononciation de l'espagnol, nous ferons une étude contrastive des phonèmes espagnols et français, puis nous étudierons plus en détail les tendances des élèves québécois, car nous croyons que ces derniers sont dotés de certains atouts en comparaison à d'autres francophones. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons des exercices visant à améliorer la prononciation chez nos élèves, et afin de vérifier l'efficacité de ces exercices, nous enregistrerons des étudiants ayant bénéficié de ces exercices, et d'autres qui n'y auront pas eu droit. Cette étude comparative cherche à prouver que ces exercices aident réellement et qu'ils, ou d'autres exercices de ce genre, devraient être inclus dans l'enseignement. Le questionnaire dont il s'agit s'attarde principalement au phénomène du [r], que nous croyons être un, ou le son le plus difficile à prononcer en espagnol (autant la vibrante simple comme multiple). Bien entendu, une partie de ce chapitre sera consacrée à l'analyse de résultats.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L'ensenyament de la llengua oral ha anat guanyat pes en els darrers anys en els currículums de l'ensenyament obligatori (Decret 95/1992, de 28 d'abril, pel qual s'estableix l'ordenacio curricular de l'educació primària (DOGC 1593, de 13 de maig de 1992) i Decret 142/2007, de 26 de juny, pel qual s'estableix l'ordenació dels ensenyaments de l'educació primària (DOGC 4915, de 29 de juny de 2007)). Aquest canvi en la concepció de l'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la llengua ha estat impulsat per les teories pedagògiques que promouen un aprenentatge significatiu i comunicatiu (o funcional), en contrast amb l’aprenentatge de la gramàtica predominant fins a les dècades de 1960 i 1970. Entre els primers treballs en aquesta línia destaquen aportacions de la sociolingüística (Hymes 1971, amb la introducció del concepte de competència comunicativa; o Widdowson 1978 sobre la dimensió comunicativa de l’ensenyament de la llengua) i de l’aprenentatge de segones llengues (Jonhson 1981; Van Ek 1975, 1986, 1990; Richterich 1972; Richterich i Chancerel 1977, 1978; o els cursos com Follow me –per a l’ensenymanet de l’anglès– o Digui, digui…–per al catala– impulsats Consell d’Europa)


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La evolución de Lj latina hacia el fonema /x/ del español actual ha sido descrita con gran detalle en la bibliografía especializada en diacronía. Sin embargo, en ella no se aportan razones fonéticas que permitan entender el porqué de este cambio. Por este motivo, en el presente trabajo se ha acudido a las obras de Lindblom, Ohala o Blevins (entre otros), quienes defienden que el estudio de la variación fonética sincrónica permite una extrapolación a los datos antiguos y, por lo tanto, una aproximación y posible explicación de los procesos históricos. Así pues, con el objetivo de dar cuenta tanto de las razones del cambio como de su difusión, se ha partido del análisis fonético experimental del habla y de los datos obtenidos del estudio dialectal de /l/ y /ʎ/. Los resultados obtenidos permiten comprender cómo pudo producirse la evolución que ha llevado a la aparición del fonema /x/.


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Williams syndrome (WS) is characterized by apparent relative strengths in language, facial processing and social cognition but by profound impairment in spatial cognition, planning and problem solving. Following recent research which suggests that individuals with WS may be less linguistically able than was once thought, in this paper we begin to investigate why and how they may give the impression of linguistic proficiency despite poor standardized test results. This case study of Brendan, a 12-year-old boy with WS, who presents with a considerable lack of linguistic ability, suggests that impressions of linguistic competence may to some extent be the result of conversational strategies which enable him to compensate for various cognitive and linguistic deficits with a considerable degree of success. These conversational strengths are not predicted by his standardized language test results, and provide compelling support for the use of approaches such as Conversation Analysis in the assessment of individuals with communication impairments.


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Despite ample research into the language skills of children with specific reading disorder no studies so far have investigated whether there may be a difference between expressive and receptive language skills in this population. Yet, neuro-anatomical models would predict that children who have specific reading disorder which is not associated with movement or attention difficulties, would have lower receptive language skills than expressive. This study investigates the difference between expressive and receptive language skills in a sample of 17 children with specific reading difficulty aged between 7 and 12 years. They were administered a battery of two receptive and two expressive language measures. The results showed that as the neuro-anatomical model would predict, the children scored significantly lower on tests of receptive than on tests of expressive language skills.


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Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disorder resulting from a deletion on chromosome 7. A number of studies have shown that individuals with WS have a superior linguistic profile compared to their non-verbal abilities, however the evidence has been inconclusive, as many studies have disputed such a profile. The vast majority of studies on WS have assumed a single, homogeneous WS linguistic profile in order to support various theoretical viewpoints. The present study investigated the linguistic profiles of 5 individuals with WS on a number of standardized verbal measures and in conversational settings. The results indicated substantially variable performance in all aspects of the verbal domain, which supports the view that WS, linguistically, is a rather heterogeneous condition and this should be taken into consideration when referring to it in theoretical accounts of language acquisition and debates on modularity.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate expressive affect in children with Williams syndrome ( WS) in comparison to typically developing children in an experimental task and in spontaneous speech. Fourteen children with WS, 14 typically developing children matched to the WS group for receptive language ( LA) and 15 typically developing children matched to the WS groups for chronological age ( CA) were recruited. Affect was investigated using an experimental Output Affect task from the Profiling Elements of Prosodic Systems-Child version ( PEPS-C) battery, and by measuring pitch range and vowel durations from a spontaneous speech task. The children were also rated for level of emotional involvement by phonetically naive listeners. The WS group performed similarly to the LA and CA groups on the Output Affect task. With regard to vowel durations, the WS group was no different from the LA group; however both the WS and the LA groups were found to use significantly longer vowels than the CA group. The WS group differed significantly from both control groups on their range of pitch range and was perceived as being significantly more emotionally involved than the two control groups.


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The comparison of cognitive and linguistic skills in individuals with developmental disorders is fraught with methodological and psychometric difficulties. In this paper, we illustrate some of these issues by comparing the receptive vocabulary knowledge and non-verbal reasoning abilities of 41 children with Williams syndrome, a genetic disorder in which language abilities are often claimed to be relatively strong. Data from this group were compared with data from typically developing children, children with Down syndrome, and children with non-specific learning difficulties using a number of approaches including comparison of age-equivalent scores, matching, analysis of covariance, and regression-based standardization. Across these analyses children with Williams syndrome consistently demonstrated relatively good receptive vocabulary knowledge, although this effect appeared strongest in the oldest children.


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The aim of the article is to provide preliminary data on the use of auxiliaries and clitics in Serbian-speaking children with developmental language impairment. Two groups of children (a group of 30 children with developmental language impairment and a group of 30 typically developing children) aged between 48 and 83 months and matched on IQ took part in the study. They were asked to tell a story from a series of four pictures. The results showed that the children with language impairment omitted significantly more auxiliary verbs and clitics than the controls. In addition, the rate of omission of auxiliaries and clitics did not decrease with increasing chronological age. We conclude that, as in other languages, auxiliary verbs and clitics are particularly difficult for Serbian-speaking children with language impairment.


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Apraxia of speech (AOS) is typically described as a motor-speech disorder with clinically well-defined symptoms, but without a clear understanding of the underlying problems in motor control. A number of studies have compared the speech of subjects with AOS to the fluent speech of controls, but only a few have included speech movement data and if so, this was primarily restricted to the study of single articulators. If AOS reflects a basic neuromotor dysfunction, this should somehow be evident in the production of both dysfluent and perceptually fluent speech. The current study compared motor control strategies for the production of perceptually fluent speech between a young woman with apraxia of speech (AOS) and Broca’s aphasia and a group of age-matched control speakers using concepts and tools from articulation-based theories. In addition, to examine the potential role of specific movement variables on gestural coordination, a second part of this study involved a comparison of fluent and dysfluent speech samples from the speaker with AOS. Movement data from the lips, jaw and tongue were acquired using the AG-100 EMMA system during the reiterated production of multisyllabic nonwords. The findings indicated that although in general kinematic parameters of fluent speech were similar in the subject with AOS and Broca’s aphasia to those of the age-matched controls, speech task-related differences were observed in upper lip movements and lip coordination. The comparison between fluent and dysfluent speech characteristics suggested that fluent speech was achieved through the use of specific motor control strategies, highlighting the potential association between the stability of coordinative patterns and movement range, as described in Coordination Dynamics theory.


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