865 resultados para Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms


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La tesi de Crous (2009) descriu les característiques de les estructures gramaticals del català i del mandinga que expressen malalties, signes i símptomes, trets físics i psíquics, etc. (com ser diabètic, estar refredat, tenir febre, tenir un bony (a la cama), tenir mal de panxa o tenir mal a la panxa, venir un atac de tos, agafar febre o fer mal el cap). La tesi demostra que la conceptualització i la categorització dels estats patològics, la manera com els parlants perceben alguns aspectes dels estats (com la temporalitat, l'abast corporal, la causalitat o el grau d'afectació) i les relacions entre aquests estats i els altres dos participants de la situació d'afectació (una persona i les seves parts del cos), no només es posa de manifest en els mots d'una llengua sinó que també intervé en la construcció i en la distribució dels diferents participants dins d'una oració.


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Atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation is an important component of the terrestrial energy budget; since it is strongly related with the greenhouse effect, it remarkably affects the climate. In this study, I evaluate the estimation of the downwelling longwave irradiance at the terrestrial surface for cloudless and overcast conditions using a one-dimensional radiative transfer model (RTM), specifically the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART). The calculations performed by using this model were compared with pyrgeometer measurements at three different European places: Girona (NE of the Iberian Peninsula), Payerne (in the East of Switzerland), and Heselbach (in the Black Forest, Germany). Several studies of sensitivity based on the radiative transfer model have shown that special attention on the input of temperature and water content profiles must be held for cloudless sky conditions; for overcast conditions, similar sensitivity studies have shown that, besides the atmospheric profiles, the cloud base height is very relevant, at least for optically thick clouds. Also, the estimation of DLR in places where radiosoundings are not available is explored, either by using the atmospheric profiles spatially interpolated from the gridded analysis data provided by European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), or by applying a real radiosounding of a nearby site. Calculations have been compared with measurements at all sites. During cloudless sky conditions, when radiosoundings were available, calculations show differences with measurements of -2.7 ± 3.4 Wm-2 (Payerne). While no in situ radiosoundings are available, differences between modeling and measurements were about 0.3 ± 9.4 Wm-2 (Girona). During overcast sky conditions, when in situ radiosoundings and cloud properties (derived from an algorithm that uses spectral infrared and microwave ground based measurements) were available (Black Forest), calculations show differences with measurements of -0.28 ± 2.52 Wm2. When using atmospheric profiles from the ECMWF and fixed values of liquid water path and droplet effective radius (Girona) calculations show differences with measurements of 4.0 ± 2.5 Wm2. For all analyzed sky conditions, it has been confirmed that estimations from radiative transfer modeling are remarkably better than those obtained by simple parameterizations of atmospheric emissivity.


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Gut microflora-mucosal interactions may be involved in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). To investigate the efficacy of a novel prebiotic trans-galactooligosaccharide in changing the colonic microflora and improve the symptoms in IBS sufferers. In all, 44 patients with Rome II positive IBS completed a 12-week single centre parallel crossover controlled clinical trial. Patients were randomized to receive either 3.5 g/d prebiotic, 7 g/d prebiotic or 7 g/d placebo. IBS symptoms were monitored weekly and scored according to a 7-point Likert scale. Changes in faecal microflora, stool frequency and form (Bristol stool scale) subjective global assessment (SGA), anxiety and depression and QOL scores were also monitored. The prebiotic significantly enhanced faecal bifidobacteria (3.5 g/d P < 0.005; 7 g/d P < 0.001). Placebo was without effect on the clinical parameters monitored, while the prebiotic at 3.5 g/d significantly changed stool consistency (P < 0.05), improved flatulence (P < 0.05) bloating (P < 0.05), composite score of symptoms (P < 0.05) and SGA (P < 0.05). The prebiotic at 7 g/d significantly improved SGA (P < 0.05) and anxiety scores (P < 0.05). The galactooligosaccharide acted as a prebiotic in specifically stimulating gut bifidobacteria in IBS patients and is effective in alleviating symptoms. These findings suggest that the prebiotic has potential as a therapeutic agent in IBS.


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Research on smoking cessation has found consistencies and similarities during abstinence, but also that the specific signs and symptoms and their intensity vary greatly from individual to individual. One possible source of this variation is the cognitions associated with quitting. We investigated the experiences and associated cognitions in normal cessation by asking quitting smokers to rate their experiences on a questionnaire and to indicate the most likely reason for each experience. Statistical analyses confirmed that attributions to abstinence were significantly higher for increased negative experiences, and there were significantly more reattributions than would be found by chance for items associated with smoking abstinence. Significantly more attributions to abstinence were made by clinic attendees and significantly more attributions of negative experiences to abstinence were made by unaided quitters using self-help materials. These results can be interpreted in the context of attribution theory; quitters may use the cognitions available to them to attribute their negative experiences to quitting. Consequently, counsellors could use cognitive therapy to alter their clients' expectations and explanations of their experiences, and emphasise the positive outcomes of cessation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The peroxisomal proliferating-activated receptors (PPARs) are lipid-sensing transcription factors that have a role in embryonic development, but are primarily known for modulating energy metabolism, lipid storage, and transport, as well as inflammation and wound healing. Currently, there is no consensus as to the overall combined function of PPARs and why they evolved. We hypothesize that the PPARs had to evolve to integrate lipid storage and burning with the ability to reduce oxidative stress, as energy storage is essential for survival and resistance to injury/infection, but the latter increases oxidative stress and may reduce median survival (functional longevity). In a sense, PPARs may be an evolutionary solution to something we call the 'hypoxia-lipid' conundrum, where the ability to store and burn fat is essential for survival, but is a 'double-edged sword', as fats are potentially highly toxic. Ways in which PPARs may reduce oxidative stress involve modulation of mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP) expression (thus reducing reactive oxygen species, ROS), optimising forkhead box class O factor (FOXO) activity (by improving whole body insulin sensitivity) and suppressing NFkB (at the transcriptional level). In light of this, we therefore postulate that inflammation-induced PPAR downregulation engenders many of the signs and symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, which shares many features with the acute phase response (APR) and is the opposite of the phenotype associated with calorie restriction and high FOXO activity. In genetically susceptible individuals (displaying the naturally mildly insulin resistant 'thrifty genotype'), suboptimal PPAR activity may follow an exaggerated but natural adipose tissue-related inflammatory signal induced by excessive calories and reduced physical activity, which normally couples energy storage with the ability to mount an immune response. This is further worsened when pancreatic decompensation occurs, resulting in gluco-oxidative stress and lipotoxicity, increased inflammatory insulin resistance and oxidative stress. Reactivating PPARs may restore a metabolic balance and help to adapt the phenotype to a modern lifestyle.


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Background/Aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the epidemiology, treatment, and complications of zygomatico-orbital complex (ZOC) and/or zygomatic arch (ZA) fractures either associated with other facial fractures or not over a 71-month period. Material and methods: This survey was performed in three hospitals of Ribeirao Preto in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from August 2002 to July 2008. The records of 1575 patients with facial trauma were reviewed. There were 140 cases of ZOC and ZA fractures either associated with other facial fractures or not. Data regarding gender, age, race, addictions, day of trauma, etiology, signs and symptoms, oral hygiene condition, day of initial evaluation, hospital admission, day of surgery, surgery approach, pattern of fractures, treatment performed, post-operative antibiotic therapy, day of hospital discharge, and post-operative complications were collected. The data were subjected to descriptive statistical analyses. Results: The most frequent fractures affected Caucasian men and occurred during the fourth decade of life. The most frequent etiology was traffic accident, and symptoms and signs included pain and edema. Type I fractures were the main injury observed, and the treatment of choice was always rigid internal fixation. Post-operative antibiotic therapy was solely employed when there was an indication. Complications were observed in 13.1% of the cases. Conclusions: The treatment protocol yielded suitable post-operative results and also showed success rates comparable to published data around the world.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to trial and evaluate the effect that a discharge Continence Education Package (CEP) had on patients' continence awareness and management preferences.
DESIGN: An exploratory descriptive design was used.
SETTINGS AND SUBJECTS: A total of 631 participants were included in the study: 352 females (55.8%) and 279 males (44.2%) from 4 rural and regional settings in Victoria, Australia.
INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS: A specifically designed questionnaire was used to assess participants' knowledge of incontinence and its management and also to investigate their treatment preferences and intentions if they experienced this type of problem. Data were collected at 2 time periods. Specifically, patients were interviewed before discharge from acute and subacute settings identified as Time 1 (T1). Then the participants were given the CEP and asked to complete a similar questionnaire.
RESULTS: The findings revealed that fewer than 25% of participants had received information on continence before the study being conducted, yet the majority had indicated that they had experienced continence symptoms. The majority of participants found the CEP easy to understand (98.2%) and helpful (95.3%). Most participants said it provided them with information about types of actions to take and/or treatment options for incontinence problems. It also raised their awareness of the signs and symptoms associated with incontinence and provided them with a useful self-administered gauge with which to assess their continence status.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the CEP may be a useful educational tool for use in the general population.


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Very little is known about cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women and their specific needs throughout their recovery process. This study aimed to explore the experiences and adjustments of women following their first AMI. Naturalistic inquiry was used and six women were interviewed post their first AMI. Two major themes were identified: (1) 'the initial experience/event' which identifies events and emotions leading up to, and during, the hospital admission; and (2) 'support: for who and how' exploring the importance of support throughout the recovery process.

The women in this study did not see themselves at risk of an AMI regardless of their lifestyles and when it did occur they adopted a variety of coping mechanisms in order to adjust to their trauma. The findings highlight the need for an increase in community awareness and education surrounding the risk factors of heart disease and its signs and symptoms, to minimize delayed hospital presentations.