35 resultados para PPARG


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Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma 2 (PPARG2) is a nuclear hormone receptor of ligand-dependent ranscription factor involved in adipogenesis and a molecular target of the insulin sensitizers thiazolidinediones. We addressed the question of whether the 3 variants (-1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His) in the PPARG2 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its related traits in a South Indian population. The study subjects (1000 type 2 diabetes mellitus and 1000 normal glucose-tolerant subjects) were chosen randomly from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The variants were screened by single-stranded conformational variant, direct sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Linkage disequilibrium was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. The -1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His variants of the PPARG2 gene were not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the 2-loci analyses showed that, in the presence of Pro/Pro genotype of the Pro12Ala variant, the -1279G/A promoter variant showed increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 2.092; 95% confidence interval, 1.22-3.59; P = .008), whereas in the presence of 12Ala allele, the -1279G/A showed a protective effect against type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 0.270; 95% confidence interval, 0.15-0.49; P < .0001). The 3-loci haplotype analysis showed that the A-Ala-T (-1279G/A-Pro12Ala-His478His) haplotype was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (P < .0001). Although our data indicate that the PPARG2 gene variants, independently, have no association with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the 2-loci genotype analysis involving -1279G/A and Pro12Ala variants and the 3-loci haplotype analysis have shown a significant association with type 2 diabetes mellitus in this South Indian population. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Les cellules T CD4+ humaines sont hétérogènes du point de vue de la permissivité à l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1). Notre laboratoire a préalablement démontré que les cellules Th1 à phénotype CXCR3+CCR6- sont relativement résistantes à l’infection par le VIH-1 alors que les cellules Th1Th17 à phénotype CXCR3+CCR6+ y sont hautement permissives. La réplication du VIH dépend de plusieurs facteurs cellulaires de restriction ou de permissivité agissant à différentes étapes du cycle viral. Toutefois, malgré plusieurs avancées, la compréhension des voies de signalisation cellulaire impliquées dans la régulation de la réplication du VIH est encore limitée. L’objectif majeur de ce projet de maîtrise est de caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires de la permissivité et de la résistance au VIH respectivement dans les cellules Th1Th17 et Th1. Ce mémoire est divisé en quatre parties qui visent: (i) l’identification des voies canoniques et des fonctions biologiques différemment régulées dans les cellules Th1Th17 versus Th1 par l’analyse de leur transcriptome au niveau du génome entier; (ii) la validation de l’expression différentielle des gènes d’intérêt identifiés par biopuces au niveau des transcrits et des protéines; (iii) la caractérisation du rôle fonctionnel de certains de ces facteurs (i.e., PPARG, AhR) sur la réplication du VIH dans les cellules Th1Th17 versus Th1; et (iv) l’identification du niveau auquel ces facteurs interfèrent avec le cycle de réplication du VIH. Nos résultats d’analyse du transcriptome du génome entier par Gene Set Enrichment Analysis et Ingenuity Pathway Analysis indiquent que les cellules à profil Th1Th17 sont plus susceptibles à l’activation cellulaire et à l’apoptose, favorisent plus l’inflammation et expriment moins fortement les gènes liés à la dégradation protéosomale comparé aux cellules à profil Th1. Ces différences dans la régulation de diverses voies et fonctions biologiques permettent en partie d’expliquer la susceptibilité à l’infection par le VIH dans ces cellules. Nous avons ensuite confirmé l’expression différentielle de certains gènes d’intérêt dans les cellules Th1Th17 (CXCR6, PPARG, ARNTL, CTSH, PTPN13, MAP3K4) versus Th1 (SERPINB6, PTK2) au niveau de l’ARNm et des protéines. Finalement, nous avons démontré le rôle des facteurs de transcription PPARG et AhR dans la régulation de la réplication du VIH. L’activation de la voie PPARG par la rosiglitazone induit la diminution importante de la réplication du VIH dans les cellules T CD4+, alors que l’activation de la voie AhR par les ligands exogènes TCDD et FICZ augmente de façon significative la réplication virale. Nous proposons que la voie PPARG agit comme un régulateur négatif de la réplication du VIH dans ces cellules, en interférant avec la polarisation Th17 et probablement en inhibant l’activité transcriptionnelle du facteur NF-kB. Les rôles des formes nucléaires versus cytoplasmiques du récepteur Ahr semblent être diamétralement opposés, dans la mesure où l’interférence ARN contre AhR s’associe également à l’augmentation de la réplication virale. Il est ainsi possible que la forme cytoplasmique d’AhR, connue par son activité E3 ligase, participe à la dégradation protéosomale des particules virales. Le mécanisme par lequel le AhR nucléaire versus cytoplasmique interfère avec la réplication virale est en cours d’étude au laboratoire. Cette étude représente la première caractérisation de l’expression différentielle de gènes au niveau du génome entier de sous-populations T CD4+ permissives versus résistantes à l’infection par le VIH. Nos résultats identifient de nouvelles cibles moléculaires pour de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques visant à limiter la réplication du VIH dans les lymphocytes T CD4+ primaires.


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The PPARγ2 gene SNP Pro12Ala has shown variable association with metabolic syndrome traits in healthy subjects. We investigated the effect of interaction between genotype and the ratio of polyunsaturated:saturated (P:S) fatty acid intake on plasma lipids in 367 White subjects aged 30-70 y at increased cardiometabolic risk, in the RISCK study. Interaction was determined after habitual diet at recruitment, at baseline after a 4-week high-SFA (HS) diet and after 24-week reference (HS), high-MUFA (HM) and low-fat (LF) diets. At recruitment, there were no significant associations between genotype and plasma lipids, however, P:S x genotype interaction influenced plasma total cholesterol (TC) (P=0.02), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) (P=0.002) and triglyceride (TG) (P=0.02) concentrations. At P:S ratio ≤0.33, mean TC and LDL-C concentrations in Ala12 allele carriers were significantly higher than in non-carriers (respectively P=0.003; P=0.0001). Significant trends in reduction of plasma TC (P=0.02) and TG (P=0.002) concentrations occurred with increasing P:S (respectively ≤0.33 to >0.65 and 0.34 to >0.65) in Ala12 allele carriers. There were no significant differences between carriers and non-carriers after the 4-week HS diet or 24-week interventions. Plasma TC and TG concentrations in PPARG Ala12 allele carriers decrease as P:S increases, but are not dependent on a reduction in SFA intake.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma2 (PPARG2) is a nuclear hormone receptor of ligand-dependent transcription factor involved in adipogenesis and a molecular target of the insulin sensitizers thiazolidinediones. We addressed the question of whether the 3 variants (-1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His) in the PPARG2 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its related traits in a South Indian population. The study subjects (1000 type 2 diabetes mellitus and 1000 normal-glucose-tolerant subjects) were chosen randomly from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The variants were screened by single-stranded conformational variant, direct sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Linkage disequilibrium was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. The -1279G/A, Pro12Ala, and His478His variants of the PPARG2 gene were not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the 2-loci analyses showed that, in the presence of Pro/Pro genotype of the Pro12Ala variant, the -1279G/A promoter variant showed increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 2.092; 95% confidence interval, 1.22-3.59; P = .008), whereas in the presence of 12Ala allele, the -1279G/A showed a protective effect against type 2 diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, 0.270; 95% confidence interval, 0.15-0.49; P < .0001). The 3-loci haplotype analysis showed that the A-Ala-T (-1279G/A-Pro12Ala-His478His) haplotype was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (P < .0001). Although our data indicate that the PPARG2 gene variants, independently, have no association with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the 2-loci genotype analysis involving -1279G/A and Pro12Ala variants and the 3-loci haplotype analysis have shown a significant association with type 2 diabetes mellitus in this South Indian population.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of PPARG coactivator1 alpha (PPARGC1A), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARG), and uncoupling protein1 (UCP1) gene polymorphisms with the metabolic syndrome (MS) in an Asian Indian population. Nine common polymorphisms were genotyped via polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism and direct sequencing in 950 normal glucose-tolerant subjects and 550 type 2 diabetic subjects, chosen randomly from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiological Study, an ongoing population based study in Southern India. Among the 9 polymorphisms examined, only the Thr394Thr variant of the PPARGC1A gene was significantly associated with diabetes and obesity. The genotype frequency of GA of Thr394Thr variant was 16% (138/887) in the nonMS group and 22% (136/613) in the MS group, and this genotype frequency was significantly higher with MS both in males (p = 0.01) and females (p = 0.05), compared to the without-MS group. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratio for MS for the susceptible genotype GA of Thr394Thr was 1.411 [95% CI: 1.03-1.84, p = 0.012]. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, however, there was no association of this polymorphism as an independent factor with MS. Hence, the study shows that the polymorphisms in the PPARGC1A, PPARG and UCP1 genes are not associated with MS in Asian Indians.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Steatosis is a prominent feature of hepatitis C, especially in patients infected with genotype 3. The analysis of genetic polymorphisms influencing steatosis in chronic hepatitis C has been limited by the studies' small sample size, and important single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), such as those in the patatin-like phospholipase family 3 protein (PNPLA3), were never evaluated.


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Fatty acids, fibre, carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to glucose metabolism in subjects at high risk for type 2 diabetes a cross-sectional analysis Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disorder of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, resulting from genetics, environmental influences and interactions between these. The disease is characterized by insulin resistance, β-cell dysfunction, hepatic glucose overproduction and disordered fat mobilization and storage. The literature on associations between dietary factors and glucose metabolism is inconsistent. One factor behind the discrepant results may be genetic heterogeneity of study populations. Data on nutrient-gene interactions in relation to glucose metabolism are scarce. Thus, investigating high-risk populations and exploring nutrient-gene interactions are essential for improving the understanding of T2D aetiology. Ideally, this information could help to develop prevention programmes that take into account the genetic predisposition to the disease. In this study, associations between measures of glucose metabolism predicting T2D and fatty acids, antioxidative nutrients and fibre were examined in a high-risk population, i.e., in non-diabetic relatives of affected patients. Interactions between the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism and fatty acids on glucose metabolism were taken into consideration. This common polymorphism plays an important role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. The inverse associations observed between dietary fibre and insulin resistance are consistent with the prevailing recommendations urging increased intake of fibre to prevent T2D. Beneficial associations observed between the intake of carotenoids and glucose levels stress that a high consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries rich in carotenoids might also play a role in the prevention of T2D. Whether tocopherols have an independent association with glucose metabolism remains questionable. Observed interactions between fatty acids and glucose metabolism suggest that a high intake of palmitic acid is associated with high fasting glucose levels mainly in female Ala allele carriers. Furthermore, the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphism may modify the metabolic response to dietary marine fat. The beneficial associations of high intake of marine n 3 fatty acids with insulin resistance and glucose levels may be restricted to carriers of the Ala allele. The findings pertain to subjects with a family history of T2D, and the cross-sectional nature of the study precludes inferences about causality. Results nevertheless show that associations of dietary factors with glucose metabolism may be modulated by the genetic makeup of an individual. Additional research is warranted to elucidate the role of probably numerous nutrient-gene interactions, some of which may be sex-specific, in the aetiology of T2D.


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All protein-encoding genes in eukaryotes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) by RNA Polymerase II (RNAP II), whose activity therefore needs to be tightly controlled. An important and only partially understood level of regulation is the multiple phosphorylations of RNAP II large subunit C-terminal domain (CTD). Sequential phosphorylations regulate transcription initiation and elongation, and recruit factors involved in co-transcriptional processing of mRNA. Based largely on studies in yeast models and in vitro, the kinase activity responsible for the phosphorylation of the serine-5 (Ser5) residues of RNAP II CTD has been attributed to the Mat1/Cdk7/CycH trimer as part of Transcription Factor IIH. However, due to the lack of good mammalian genetic models, the roles of both RNAP II Ser5 phosphorylation as well as TFIIH kinase in transcription have provided ambiguous results and the in vivo kinase of Ser5 has remained elusive. The primary objective of this study was to elucidate the role of mammalian TFIIH, and specifically the Mat1 subunit in CTD phosphorylation and general RNAP II-mediated transcription. The approach utilized the Cre-LoxP system to conditionally delete murine Mat1 in cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes in vivo and and in cell culture models. The results identify the TFIIH kinase as the major mammalian Ser5 kinase and demonstrate its requirement for general transcription, noted by the use of nascent mRNA labeling. Also a role for Mat1 in regulating general mRNA turnover was identified, providing a possible rationale for earlier negative findings. A secondary objective was to identify potential gene- and tissue-specific roles of Mat1 and the TFIIH kinase through the use of tissue-specific Mat1 deletion. Mat1 was found to be required for the transcriptional function of PGC-1 in cardiomyocytes. Transriptional activation of lipogenic SREBP1 target genes following Mat1 deletion in hepatocytes revealed a repressive role for Mat1apparently mediated via co-repressor DMAP1 and the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. Finally, Mat1 and Cdk7 were also identified as a negative regulators of adipocyte differentiation through the inhibitory phosphorylation of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ. Together, these results demonstrate gene- and tissue-specific roles for the Mat1 subunit of TFIIH and open up new therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of diseases such as type II diabetes, hepatosteatosis and obesity.


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BACKGROUND:Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and compromised bone structure, heritable traits that contribute to fracture risk. There have been no genome-wide association and linkage studies for these traits using high-density genotyping platforms.METHODS:We used the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip marker set in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) to examine genetic associations with ten primary quantitative traits: bone mineral density (BMD), calcaneal ultrasound, and geometric indices of the hip. To test associations with multivariable-adjusted residual trait values, we used additive generalized estimating equation (GEE) and family-based association tests (FBAT) models within each sex as well as sexes combined. We evaluated 70,987 autosomal SNPs with genotypic call rates [greater than or equal to]80%, HWE p [greater than or equal to] 0.001, and MAF [greater than or equal to]10% in up to 1141 phenotyped individuals (495 men and 646 women, mean age 62.5 yrs). Variance component linkage analysis was performed using 11,200 markers.RESULTS:Heritability estimates for all bone phenotypes were 30-66%. LOD scores [greater than or equal to]3.0 were found on chromosomes 15 (1.5 LOD confidence interval: 51,336,679-58,934,236 bp) and 22 (35,890,398-48,603,847 bp) for femoral shaft section modulus. The ten primary phenotypes had 12 associations with 100K SNPs in GEE models at p < 0.000001 and 2 associations in FBAT models at p < 0.000001. The 25 most significant p-values for GEE and FBAT were all less than 3.5 x 10-6 and 2.5 x 10-5, respectively. Of the 40 top SNPs with the greatest numbers of significantly associated BMD traits (including femoral neck, trochanter, and lumbar spine), one half to two-thirds were in or near genes that have not previously been studied for osteoporosis. Notably, pleiotropic associations between BMD and bone geometric traits were uncommon. Evidence for association (FBAT or GEE p < 0.05) was observed for several SNPs in candidate genes for osteoporosis, such as rs1801133 in MTHFR; rs1884052 and rs3778099 in ESR1; rs4988300 in LRP5; rs2189480 in VDR; rs2075555 in COLIA1; rs10519297 and rs2008691 in CYP19, as well as SNPs in PPARG (rs10510418 and rs2938392) and ANKH (rs2454873 and rs379016). All GEE, FBAT and linkage results are provided as an open-access results resource at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?id=phs000007.CONCLUSION:The FHS 100K SNP project offers an unbiased genome-wide strategy to identify new candidate loci and to replicate previously suggested candidate genes for osteoporosis.


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Developmental signals in metazoans play critical roles in inducing cell differentiation from multipotent progenitors. The existing paradigm posits that the signals operate directly through their downstream transcription factors to activate expression of cell type-specific genes, which are the hallmark of cell identity. We have investigated the mechanism through which Wnt signaling induces osteoblast differentiation in an osteoblast-adipocyte bipotent progenitor cell line. Unexpectedly, Wnt3a acutely suppresses the expression of a large number of genes while inducing osteoblast differentiation. The suppressed genes include Pparg and Cebpa, which encode adipocyte-specifying transcription factors and suppression of which is sufficient to induce osteoblast differentiation. The large scale gene suppression induced by Wnt3a corresponds to a global decrease in histone acetylation, an epigenetic modification that is associated with gene activation. Mechanistically, Wnt3a does not alter histone acetyltransferase or deacetylase activities but, rather, decreases the level of acetyl-CoA in the nucleus. The Wnt-induced decrease in histone acetylation is independent of β-catenin signaling but, rather, correlates with suppression of glucose metabolism in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Functionally, preventing histone deacetylation by increasing nucleocytoplasmic acetyl-CoA levels impairs Wnt3a-induced osteoblast differentiation. Thus, Wnt signaling induces osteoblast differentiation in part through histone deacetylation and epigenetic suppression of an alternative cell fate.


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Type 2 diabetes is a disease fast approaching epidemic proportions throughout the world. From insulin sensitizers to PPARg agonists, the lecture will outline the successful medicinal chem. and biol. strategy underpinning the discovery and selection of Avandia, an innovative new medicine for this disease.


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Despite excellent first year outcomes in kidney transplantation, there remain significant long-term complications related to new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT). The purpose of this study was to validate the findings of previous investigations of candidate gene variants in patients undergoing a protocolised, contemporary immunosuppression regimen, using detailed serial biochemical testing to identify NODAT development.

One hundred twelve live and deceased donor renal transplant recipients were prospectively followed-up for NODAT onset, biochemical testing at days 7, 90, and 365 after transplantation. Sixty-eight patients were included after exclusion for non-white ethnicity and pre-transplant diabetes. Literature review to identify candidate gene variants was undertaken as described previously.

Over 25% of patients developed NODAT. In an adjusted model for age, sex, BMI, and BMI change over 12 months, five out of the studied 37 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were significantly associated with NODAT: rs16936667:PRDM14 OR 10.57;95% CI 1.8–63.0;p = 0.01, rs1801282:PPARG OR 8.5; 95% CI 1.4–52.7; p = 0.02, rs8192678:PPARGC1A OR 0.26; 95% CI 0.08–0.91; p = 0.03, rs2144908:HNF4A OR 7.0; 95% CI 1.1–45.0;p = 0.04 and rs2340721:ATF6 OR 0.21; 95%CI 0.04–1.0; p = 0.05.

This study represents a replication study of candidate SNPs associated with developing NODAT and implicates mTOR as the central regulator via altered insulin sensitivity, pancreatic β cell, and mitochondrial survival and dysfunction as evidenced by the five SNPs.

General significance
1) Highlights the importance of careful biochemical phenotyping with oral glucose tolerance tests to diagnose NODAT in reducing time to diagnosis and missed cases.
2)This alters potential genotype:phenotype association.
3)The replication study generates the hypothesis that mTOR signalling pathway may be involved in NODAT development.