973 resultados para PPAR-gama Agonistas


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Fresh cut cassava is an alternative to prolong roots commercialization period, adding value to the raw material and assisting the consumer's needs that seeks for products of easy preparation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of fresh cut cassava subjected to gamma radiation. For processing cassava roots (IAC - 567-70) were used, after preparation were packed in expanded polystyrene (EPS) trays, covered by low density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic film, being subjected to gamma radiation in the doses 0 (control), 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 KGy. Another treatment was also carried out in which roots were vacuum packed in nylon + polyethylene. Packed roots of all treatments were stored under refrigeration (5 +/- 1 degrees C) and evaluations were made after 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. Evaluated analyses were: titrable acidity, pH, firmness, coloration, polyphenoloxidase activity, cooking time and roots hydration percentage. Evaluations just proceeded until the nine storage day, because after this period the roots already presented visually detectable physiologic and microbiological alterations. For titrable acidity, the vacuum packed roots had the lowest values, followed by the control packed in trays. For the other treatments, values of acidity increased and influenced the pH values. For the other appraised parameters there was no significant difference among treatments, but alterations were observed with the storage. The firmness decreased with the storage. Brightness values and yellow color component decreased with the storage and the b * (green) color values increased. Polyphenoloxidase activity was maximum in the day of elaboration of the product and it decreased with the storage. Cooking time and roots hydration percentage decreased with the roots storage.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido no laboratrio de Frutas e Hortalias do Departamento de Gesto e Tecnologia Agroindustrial da Faculdade de Cincias Agronmicas - UNESP - Cmpus de Botucatu, tendo como objetivo principal a caracterizao do comportamento da radiao gama, na conservao ps-colheita da nectarina cv. Sunred. Os frutos foram colhidos no incio do estdio de maturao, selecionados, limpos, pr-resfriados (4ºC por 12 horas) e submetidos a diferentes doses de radiao gama, constituindo assim os tratamentos: 1 0,0 kGy, 2 - 0,2 kGy, 3 - 0,4 kGy, 4 - 0,6 kGy, 5 - 0,8 kGy, sendo aps armazenados em cmara fria com temperaturas de 0ºC e 90-95% de UR, por 28 dias. As anlises foram realizadas a cada sete dias, determinando-se o aspecto visual dos frutos, a perda de massa fresca, a firmeza de polpa, a acidez total titulvel (ATT), os slidos solveis totais (STT) e a razo STT/ATT. Aps 28 dias de armazenamento, verificou-se que os frutos submetidos dose de 0,4 kGy apresentaram o melhor aspecto visual, as menores perdas de massa fresca, e a maior firmeza de polpa, no ocorrendo, entretanto, variaes significativas nos teores de acidez total titulvel, slidos solveis totais e nos valores da razo SST/ATT.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Em 2005, foi constatada em dois campos comerciais de tomate no Estado de So Paulo, a ocorrncia da queima bacteriana, causada por Pseudomonas cichorii. em vista disso, foram desenvolvidos estudos visando a determinao da gama de hospedeiros de isolados de Pseudomonas cichorii (IBSBF 2309 e IBSBF 2323), obtidos de tomateiro, provenientes de campos comerciais localizados nos municpios de Bragana Paulista e Mogi Gua, SP. Plantas de abobrinha, alface, beldroega, berinjela, beterraba, cenoura, couvebrcolo, datura, fumo, girassol, jil, melo, pepino, petnia, pimento, rabanete, repolho, rcula, salsa e tomateiro foram inoculadas por pulverizao, separadamente, com os dois isolados de P. cichorii de tomateiro e um isolado de girassol (GIR-1). Os isolados IBSBF 2309 e IBSBF 2323 foram patognicos beldroega, datura, girassol, pimento e tomate; GIR-1 foi patognico apenas beldroega, datura e girassol, no sendo patognico ao pimento e ao tomateiro. No Brasil no se conhecem fontes de resistncia dentro do gnero Lycopersicon ou a reao de cultivares de tomateiros a esta bactria. Vinte e oito gentipos de tomateiro provenientes do Banco de Germoplasma da empresa Sakata Seed Sudamerica Ltda., foram avaliados quanto a reao aos isolados IBSBF 2309 e IBSBF 2323 de P. cichorii, pelo mtodo de inoculao nas folhas. Os maiores nveis de resistncia foram observados em AF 11768, AF 2521, AF 11766, AF 11772, AF 229, AF 5719-1 e AF 8162. O gentipo AF 5719-1, que possui o gene Pto, que confere resistncia a P. syringae pv. tomato, apresentou um bom nvel de resistncia a P. cichorii. A identificao de gentipos que apresentem bons nveis de resistncia a este patgeno importante para utilizao em programas de melhoramento gentico do tomateiro, visando a incorporao de genes de resistncia a P. cichorii.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Antibody fluorescent tests were carried out with serum and blood eluates from mice inoculated with different doses of irradiated (90 krad) and non irradiated T. cruzi culture forms. Non irradiated culture forms were more efficient immunogens than the irradiated ones. About 75% of the animals inoculated with non irradiated forms showed titers equal or higher than 1/16, the highest one reaching 1/64.


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The purpose of this investigation was to make a systematic review of the medical literature in order to compare the efficacy of GnRH antagonists and agonists for poor responders to ovarian stimulation. According to the data collected, the use of GnRH antagonist protocols showed better results in comparison to long protocols with a GnRH agonist regarding the following aspects: lower cycle cancellation rate due to poor ovarian response; higher number of oocytes retrieved; higher clinical pregnancy rate per initiated cycle. Nevertheless, these results were not observed when the flare-up protocols of GnRH agonists were used. Moreover the number of oocytes retrieved with GnRH agonist was significantly higher in relation to the GnRH antagonist.


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The purpose of this review was to assess the efficacy of recombinant LH (r-LH) supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in recombinant FSH (r-FSH) and GnRH-agonist (GnRH-a) protocol for IVF/ICSI cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. Four trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria (Lisi et al. 2002, Humaidan et al. 2004, Marrs et al. 2004, Tarlatzis et al. 2006). When the review was carried out advantages were observed for the r-LH supplementation protocol with respect to a fewer days of stimulation, a fewer total amount of r-FSH administered and a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration. However, these differences were not observed in number of oocyte retrieved, number of mature oocytes, clinical pregnancy per oocyte retrieval, implantation and miscarriage rates. Nevertheless, more randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations regarding exogenous r-LH supplementation in ovarian stimulation protocols with r-FSH and GnRH-a for assisted reproduction treatment can be provided.


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Excessive and chronic alcohol intake leads to a lower hepatic vitamin A status by interfering with vitamin A metabolism. Dietary provitamin A carotenoids can be converted into vitamin A mainly by carotenoid 15,15-monooxygenase 1 (CMO1) and, to a lesser degree, carotenoid 910-monooxygenase 2 (CMO2). CMO1 has been shown to be regulated by several transcription factors, such as the PPAR, retinoid X receptor, and thyroid receptor (TR). The regulation of CMO2 has yet to be identified. The impact of chronic alcohol intake on hepatic expressions of CMO1 and CMO2 and their related transcription factors are unknown. In this study, Fischer 344 rats were pair-fed either a liquid ethanol Lieber-DeCarli diet (n = 10) or a control diet (n = 10) for 11 wk. Hepatic retinoid concentration and expressions of CMO1, CMO2, PPAR, PPAR, and TR as well as plasma thyroid hormones levels were analyzed. We observed that administering alcohol decreased hepatic retinoid levels but increased mRNA concentrations of CMO1, CMO2, PPAR, PPAR, and TR and upregulated protein levels of CMO2, PPAR, and PPAR. There was a positive correlation of PPAR with CMO1(r = 0.89; P<0.0001) and both PPAR and PPAR with CMO2 (r = 0.72, P< 0.001 and r = 0.62, P< 0.01, respectively). Plasma thyroid hormone concentrations did not differ between the control rats and alcohol-fed rats. This study suggests that chronic alcohol intake significantly upregulates hepatic expression of CMO1 and, to a much lesser extent, CMO2. This process may be due to alcohol-induced PPAR expression and lower vitamin A status in the liver. 2010 American Society for Nutrition.


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The agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were introduced in ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization to avoid a premature surge of luteinizing hormone. Although they are accompanied by some disadvantages, GnRH agonists have become well accepted in clinical practice, and their use is associated with increased rates of pregnancy. The development of GnRH antagonists capable of blocking the pituitary immediately offered a therapeutic option. Comparative studies between the two analogs have suggested that the use of antagonists is associated with a shorter duration of ovulatory stimulus and a decreased incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, while the type of GnRH analogues used show no significant effects on the rates of pregnancy and live birth. However, GnRH agonists have other applications in assisted reproductive technology cycles than the pituitary downregulation.